Individual Details


(1819 - 23 Jul 1885)

Land Entry Book in Jackson Co Land Office
William Been entered 125 acres on Blackburns Fork of Roaring River. NW corner of 100 acre survey of Aaron Beans; E to David R. Beens spring branch; West with David R. Beens line to James Been corner; conditional line between John Been, deceased, to the Crk. 15 Nov 1841.

Here are other surveys & record to Beans mentioned above:
James Bean enters 100 acres on Dry Crk of Blackburn's Fork on Jas. Brewington's line; West to Watsons line, with Watsons line to Garland Andersons line. 20 Mar 1835
Jno Bean enters 250 acres on Blackburns Fork of Roaring River; NE corner of Montgomery Keinard Jr's 300 acres tract on which his mother Polly Keinard lives, running West to Robert Lawson's line. 3 Jun 1836.
James Bean enters 100 acres on N side Blackburns Fork begin on post SE corner of Nat Kuykendalls 320 acre tract; South to Martin Dowells line; to Aron Browns line; to Willy Knights 100 acre tract, N to Will Knights 150 acre tract. 16 Jul 1844.
Ranger Book 1817-1860; Copied under WPA by Mrs. Maude McGlasson, Jun 1936
Taken up by John Been. 1 light bay colored Mare about 3 years old, 14 hands high, left hind foot white, small saddle bump on her bakc. Valued $30. 6 Apr 1844
Taken up by Rutha Been. 1 Mare, 14 hand high. Chenut sorel, blase face, both hind feet white, flax mane & tale, about 11 years old. Dist. 10. 21 Dec 1846. Value $20.

"North Carolina and Tennessee, Early Land Records, 1753-1931"
Mountain District Land Grants:
State of Tennessee No. 9651. For Entry No. 2757, 15 Nov 1841. Granted to William Bean, 28 acres and twelve perches surveyed 18 Jan 1847. In Jackson County, District 10 on Blackburn's Fork of Roaring River. South bank of the Creek, north west corner of a 100 acre survey in name of Aaron Bean; south with Aaron Bean's West boundary line; East with Aaron Bean's South boundary line; dogwood near David R. Bean's Spring branch; line of 50 acres suvey of Aaron Bean; corner of 150 acre survey of David R. Bean; 50 acre survey in name of James Bean. The entry on which this survey is founded called for 125 acres, 96 acres, three rods and 28 perches already taken by prior interfering claims. Signed at Nashville, 22 Jul 1848. N. S. Brown.

Found in 1850 Census as William Been, age 31. Elen, age 30, and children John 9, Mary 5, and Sarah 3.
William born in Tennessee; Ellen in North Carolina.

This family was not good with either names or ages, as both are inconsistent in the following censuses.

1860 Census. District 1, Putnam Co, TN Hh 108
William Bean, age 38, b. TN, farmer
Ellender, age 37, b. NC [I suspect her name was Eleanor]
John 18, Mary 16, Prudence 14 [Sarah in 1850], Margaret 12, Martha 10, and James age 8.

1870 Census. District 1 [listed in Dist 9, by Ancestry but District 1 is clearly written at the top of the page], Putnam Co, TN P.O Cookvville, Hh 43 [Indexed as "Beron"]
William Bean, age 52, b. TN
Ellender, age 50, b. AL
Almeda, age 15 ....Sarah?, Prudence?, Margaret?
Aaron, age 13 .....was this James?
Minda, age 8
Next door was J. L. Bean, the eldest son John, and his wife Sarah.

Said to have lived until 1885. In 1880, a William Bean was still in Putnam Co, the 1st Civil District, now age 62. He was born in TN, father born TN, mother born VA. Wife was now given as Sarah, age 60, born in TN, father b. TN, mother b. NC - was this a second wife? Martha, a daughter age 26, lived with them. They also had a boarder, working on the farm, Pleasant Lafeete, or Lafute, age 15. [Since wife Elender is said to have lived until 1921, the wife's name is curious - was she Sarah Eleanor? I have not been able to find Elender after the 1870 census - did she really live that long? And Martha should have been about 30 - and where was she in 1870?] I suspect William Bean died earlier and this is a very different person.


Death23 Jul 1885


SpouseELLENDA BURRIS (1820 - 1921)
ChildJohn Lansden Bean (1842 - 1917)
ChildMARY ANN BEAN (1845 - 1921)
ChildSarah Prudence Bean (1847 - 1876)
ChildMargaret BEAN (1848 - )
ChildMartha BEAN (1850 - )
ChildJames Aaron Bean (1857 - 1944)
ChildMinda BEAN (1862 - )
FatherAaron Bean (1770 - 1840)
MotherMary Barbara Nigh (1775 - 1840)
SiblingJohn Bean (1800 - 1841)
SiblingJames Madison Bean (1802 - 1866)
SiblingMargaret "Peggy" Bean (1809 - 1873)
SiblingSarah "Sally" Bean (1813 - 1890)
SiblingDavid Richie Bean (1814 - )
SiblingMary C. "Polly" Bean (1825 - 1887)
