Individual Details

Mary [Chamberlain]

( - Bef 1754)

Mary was the mother of all the children. She married as his third wife, Dr. Roger Toothaker, who died 9 March 1745/6.

Billerica, March ye 6, 1754
Then received our full share out of our Honored mother Mary Toothacre's movable estate and the Twenty Pounds which our Honored father Clement Chamberlin ordered our brother William Chamberlin deceased [he died 1738] to pay to us and do hearby discharge our sd Brother William Chamberlin's Heirs in full of all Dues or Demands as witness our hands.
Joseph Kemp
Elizabeth (x) Kemp

FamilySearch has appropriated at birth of 14 Apr 1760, for a Mary Allin, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Parents as Lewis and Sarah Allin. Without a marriage record or will of Lewis Allen, this appears to be simply an asumption.


MarriageAbt 1692CLEMENT Chamberlain
DeathBef 1754


SpouseCLEMENT Chamberlain (1669 - 1741)
ChildMary Chamberlain (1692 - 1775)
ChildLt. Clement Chamberlain (1694 - 1754)
ChildJOSEPH Chamberlain (1696 - 1765)
ChildJohn Chamberlain (1699 - 1716)
ChildPeg Chamberlain (1702 - )
ChildWilliam Chamberlain (1703 - 1738)
ChildRebecca Chamberlain (1705 - 1772)
ChildAnna Chamberlain (1708 - )