Individual Details

James Terry

(Abt 1665 - 1744)

Researcher Margie Brown has found proof that James, Champness & Joseph were brothers. Benjamin & Daniel were also likely brothers. All five of these men were from Caroline County and were contemprories, born about 1695-1705. No proof that they are sons or grandsons of James Terry but it does seem possible that could be the case. I have them here as they are found in most databases although it's not a proved connection, and the naming of children in the families of Benjamin & Joseph do not support an ancestor named James.

There is no proof cited for Mary Royal as the wife of James Terry. He is said to have been born in Lunenburg, but this is not possible as the area known as Lunenburg was not created until 1746 and there were no settlers in that area in 1665. He is said to be the son of a William Terry, b. 1649 in England - again with no proof. The Will of Capt James Terry was presented for probate on 13 Jul 1744 in Caroline Co VA Court. I find no provisions of this will, but perhaps it lists the following sons which are given as children of James: Stephen, James, Champness, Benjamin, and Joseph.

James Terry is said to have received land in Caroline Co VA in 1701 - this is again not possible since Caroline was not created until 1728. There was a James Terry early in King William which was a parent county of Caroline. One online database gives a number of citations concerning a James Terry who was in Halifax Co in the 1750's-1760's - obviously not this James who was dead in 1744, but perhaps his son of the same name, or a grandson.

25 Apr 1701 James Terry, 418 acres in Pamunkey Neck of King & Queen Co [this would become King William Co] in St. John's Parish adj Thomas Carr & Macon's Line. For import of 9 persons. PB 9, p.356
25 Apr 1701 Stephen Terry, 335 acres in Pamunkey Neck, King & Queen Co, among brs. of Aquiton Swp, begin at mouth of Hobday's Branch. Import of 7 persons. PB 9, p.349
20 Oct 1704 James Monroe & James Terry. 1000 acres Upper parts of New Kent Co in St. Peter's Parish, S side Pamunkey River, adj lands late of Thomas Bray, Transport of 20 persons. PB 9, p.631
16 Jun 1714 James Terry, 400 acres New Land in King Wm Co, below the Falls, N side of Pamunkey River, against lower end of an island. Import of 8 persons. PB 10, p.143
16 Jun 1714 Thomas Terry, 500 acres New Land, King Wm Co, St. John's Parish. Fork of the Woodyard Swp, N side Ridge Road. Import of 4 persons. PB 10, p.158
17 Aug 1720 William Fleming & James Terry 200 acres New Land, King Wm Co, St. John's Parish, adj John Holloday. PB 11, p.25
20 Feb 1723 Matthew Creed, 200 acres New Land, King Wm Co, St. John's Parish, both sides the Beverdam Swp on N side NorthAnna Riv. On Mr. James Terry & Mr. Wm Flemon's land. PB 11, p.331.
9 Jul 1724 Thomas Ware, 150 acres New Land, King Wm in St. John's Parish, brs. of Beverdam Crk. Adj Cornelius Keith, Capt James Terry, Thomas Thommason, John Holloday & Matthew Creed. Import of 3 persons. PB 12, p.51
31 Oct 1726 Capt James Terry, Gent. 400 acres New Land, King Wm Co, St. John's Parish, N side Northanna R, brs of Beaverdam. Adj. his own land, John Holloday, Edward Green, Thomas Tomason, Cornelius Keith. N side Long Crk & John Hopkins' line. PB 13, p.28
13 Oct 1727 Capt Thomas Terry, 1500 acres, Old & New Land. King Wm Co, St. Margaret's Parish. adj his old patent, Wm Winston & Peter Mason, S side the Ridge Road, Mr. Inglish's line, Edwd. Claybrook, James Terry, Richard Davis at head of Licking Hole Swp & on Col. Thomas Jones' line. 500 acres granted sd Terry on 16 Jun 1714; 1000 acres granted by order 29 Apr 1725. PB 13, p.286
25 Jan 1731 John Sandland, 400 acres New Land, Caroline Co in St. Margaret's Par on branches of Long Cr & Beverdam Swp adj Cornelius Keith, John Holloday, S side of Toppin Castle Road, Thomas Ware, Capt James Terry, W sid path to New Market Mill. PB 14, p.373

The will of Captain James Terry was presented for probate July 13, 1744 in Caroline Co. Virginia Court.


BirthAbt 1665
Death1744Caroline County, Virginia
MarriageMary Diane Royal


SpouseMary Diane Royal ( - )
ChildStephen Terry ( - )
ChildJames Terry ( - )
ChildChampness Terry ( - 1758)
ChildBenjamin Terry (1700 - 1771)
ChildJoseph Terry ( - 1785)