Individual Details

Sir Thomas West

(1535 - 1602)

I have also seen Sir Thomas as born 1555 in Halnaker, Gussex, England.

William West, father of Thomas, was knighted in 1568 at Hampton Court by Queen Elizabeth for valor at the seige of St. Quentin at Picardy. She conferred upon him the title of Sir William West, Lord De La Warr. He died in 1575 at Wherwell, Hampshire, England, the family home for many years.

One of William's earlier ancestors inherited the title of Lord De La Warr from his maternal side in 1427 or 28 and was also Lord West from his paternal family - he chose to use only the De La Warr title.

Thomas became the second Lord De La Warr after his father's death. He was 40 years old. He was knighted in 1588. In 1596, Sir Thomas petitioned the Queen for restoration to the places and precedence formerly held by the West family and was granted his request.

Thomas and Anne had numerous children; four of their sons were prominent in the affairs of the settlement of Virginia.


Marriage19 Nov 1571Wherwell, Hampshire, England - Anne Knollys


SpouseAnne Knollys (1556 - )
ChildThomas WEST (1577 - 1618)
ChildFrancis WEST (1586 - 1634)
ChildCol. John West (1590 - 1659)
ChildCapt. Nathaniel WEST (1592 - 1623)
