Individual Details

Unity Croshaw

( - )

The Croshaw and West family were neighbors:
CAVALIERS, Vol 1, p.152 19 Oct 1643 Joseph Croshawe, 350 acres, South end of the Indian Field, parallel with his own land until it meets with the land of Capt Jno. West

Unity and John West married about 1667. She was the daughter of Maj. Joseph Croshaw of York County, and a granddaughter of Captain Rawleigh Croshaw, "Ancient Planter" of Virginia.


SpouseJohn West II (1632 - 1691)
ChildJohn WEST III ( - )
ChildCapt Thomas WEST (1670 - 1714)
ChildCapt Nathaniel WEST (1675 - 1723)
ChildAnn West ( - )
FatherMaj. Joseph Croshaw ( - )
SiblingRachel Croshaw ( - )
SiblingMary Croshaw ( - )