Individual Details

Benjamin JOHNSON

( - )

Goochland DB 8, p.66
21 Aug 1759 Anne Mitchel & Nathaniel Massie of New Kent, executrix & executor of David Massie dec'd & Benjamin Mitchell of Goochland who has married sd Anne. To William Parrish. 400 acres BENJAMIN JOHNSON"s corner, line of Mr. Abrham Venable, branches of Byrd Crk. Granted to Charles Massie Junr by patent 12 Mar 1739. Signed: Nathl. Massie, Benj Mitchel. Wit: George Payne Junr, John Moseley, Wm Perkins, Ack. 19 Feb 1760; Ann relinquished dower.
[Only James the Elder is known to have had land that bordered Abrahm Venable on branches of the Byrd in what is now Fluvanna Co]
Goochland DB 9, p.220
19 Jun 1769 James Johnson the Elder for love & affection to son Benjamin. Tract on Genetoe granted me 12 Jul 1718. Adj land of son Isham to whom I have formerly given same. Adj. David Johnson, Joseph Watkins, James Cocke. Signed: James Johson.
Wit: Isham Johnson, David Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Wm (W) Woodall, Bartholemew (X) Turner. Ack by James Johnson 21 Aug 1769.
Goochland DB 10, p.87
14 Feb 1770 Benjamin Watkins to Thomas Watkins. 75 acres on Geneto Creek. Joseph Watkins line. Wit: Isham Johnson, David Johnson, Benjamin JOhnson. Ack 17 Dec 1770.

1784 Benjamin Johnson sold to Joseph Watkins, 131 acres exepting the burying ground in Goochland Co on branches of Genetoe Creek.

Benjamin was the last living sibling and the only one still living when Isham's estate was settled in 1801. There was a Benjamin Johnson who died in Goochland in 1813. Benjamin married Martha Hughes in 1766. Their children were Thomas, Jean, Mary, Frances Anderson, Benjamin, Isham, and Charity.


FatherJames JOHNSON the Elder (1697 - 1787)
SiblingIsham JOHNSON ( - 1794)
SiblingDrury JOHNSON ( - 1783)
SiblingSarah JOHNSON ( - )
SiblingDavid JOHNSON ( - 1799)
SiblingMary JOHNSON ( - )
SiblingAgnes JOHNSON ( - 1799)
SiblingJames Johnson ( - )