Individual Details

Joseph Brown

(1 Jan 1731 - 15 Oct 1815)

Joseph Brown married on 3 Aug 1756 in Rowan Co to Mary Porter born 26 Jul in 1737. She is said to have been born in Ireland but her brother Rees was born in Lancaster or Chester Co PA in 1744. Mary died 12 Feb 1824 at the home of her daughter Mary "Polly" Duff who may have already been deceased; it's likely Mary was living there helping care for Polly's children.

Mary Porter was a sister to Reese Porter that married Joseph's sister Jane, and a duaghter of Hugh & Violet Mackey Porter.

Joseph Brown was a tailor and made clothes for the Revolution. He was crippled and never served as per Violet Brown Reed's affadavit in her sister-in-law's widow's pension [Jemima Brown, wife of Joseph Jr.]
A family letter states that Joseph had gone from Guilford to Winchester VA on business. He walked in his sleep and fell out of an upper story window on a pointed eave and then to the pavement. It was many months before he could be brought to Carolina. [No time frame is given for this accident.]
During the early years of the Revolution, the family resided about eight miles from Guilford Court House.
Joseph moved from Guilford to Washington Co NC [East TN] on the Nolichucky River. NC Grants in TN show #80 for 459 acres in 1782, #635 for 200 acres in 1784 on Gipson Brandh and #640 for 200 acres again on the Nolichucky in 1784.

Guilford Co NC DB 1, p.442
[faded] Joseph Brown of Guilford to Andrew Donnell. Signed: Joseph Brown, Mary (X) Brown. On waters of N Buffalo.

Guilford Co NC DB 2, p.20
13 Nov 1779 Joseph Brown received NC Grant #208 for 300 acres both sides of the North Buffalo; corner to his deeded land, John Donnall's line.
17 May 1780 Joseph Brown of Washington Co NC to Andrew Donnel of Guilford Co for 600£. Land both sides N Buffalo, John Donnel's line. 300 acres. Signed: Joseph Brown by James Brown. Wit: Alexr Caldwell. Ack by James Brown, Esqr, Attorney for Jos. Brown May Court 1780.

About 1784 Joseph Brown moved to South Carolina on the Broadmouth Creek near Belton, now Anderson Co. This is where he was living when he took in the children of his brother James that had been delivered from Indian captivity; it was several months before their mother arrived.

Plat Book A, p.102 [Abbeville?] has Joseph Brown Sr, Citizen [Citizen's grants were for those who had not fought in the Revolution], 400 acres on Broadmouth Creek, 23 Aug 1784. On p.104 of the Plat Book are Citizens Grants of 200 acres each on Broadmouth for Hugh, for William adj to Joseph Sr, and for Joseph Jr, his sons.

Joseph Brown's will was written 17 Jan 1810; He stated he was of Broad Mouth Creek in the District of Pendleton, planter, aged 78 years.

Joseph and his wife Mary are buried in Sally Reed Burying Ground near Belton within a rock wall enclosure.

Their children: William married Violet Dunlap, Hugh married Anna Broyles, Joseph married Jemima Broyles, James married Nancy Burdine, Margaret married Benjamin Starrett, Violet married William Reed, Elizabeth married James Reese, David married Mary Anderson, Mary "Polly" married James Duff, Jane married John Hall, George A. married Mary Bell, Frances married Moses Lester.

[I have copies of Revolutionary pension file of son Joseph - see file on Browns, sent by Larry Brown]

1800 Census of Pendleton states that Hugh Brown was in Pendleton 19 Jun 1789 when he witnessed a deed between William Reed [his bro-in-law] & Isaac Brock for land on the Saluda R. in what is now Pickens Co. Hugh Brown sold to David Spears on 19 Nov 1792, land on 16-Mile Creek. Hugh Brown was enumerated in the 1790 census and again in 1800, in the Oconee Co area. In 1800 Hugh Brown was age 26-45, probably a spouse of the same age, a boy and girl under 10, 1 boy, 2 girls between 10-16, 1 girl 16-26.


Birth1 Jan 1731
Marriage3 Aug 1756Mary Porter
Death15 Oct 1815Anderson County, South Carolina


SpouseMary Porter (1737 - )
ChildWilliam Brown (1757 - )
ChildHugh Brown (1758 - )
ChildJoseph Brown Jr. (1760 - 1800)
ChildJames Brown (1763 - 1830)
ChildMargaret Brown (1766 - )
ChildViolet Brown (1768 - )
ChildElizabeth Brown (1770 - )
ChildDavid Brown (1772 - )
ChildMary Brown (1774 - )
ChildJean Brown (1776 - )
ChildGeorge A. Brown (1779 - )
ChildFanny Brown (1781 - )
ChildJacob Brown (1786 - )
FatherWilliam Brown (1687 - 1757)
MotherMargaret "Peggy" Fleming (1701 - 1801)
SiblingFrances "Fanny" Brown ( - )
SiblingDavid Brown (1727 - )
SiblingWilliam Brown ( - 1815)
SiblingJames Brown (1738 - 1788)
SiblingElizabeth Brown (1740 - 1832)
SiblingJane Brown (1745 - 1806)
