Individual Details

Isaiah Watkins

( - )

Isaiah Watkins served on a jury in Albemarle Co in 1746 with David Watkins. An Isaiah Watkins is found later in Halifax/Pittsylvania Co VA near Joyce and her husband William Thomas. Likely this is the same man.

Halifax Co VA Deed Book 5 1764-1765
15 ___ 1764 Bethunia Perkins of Halifax to Isaiah Watkins of sd County. For £100. 254 acres lying & being on both sides Cascake Crk. ...crossing the creek George Russells dividing line and along his ...a corner pine on a hill near the sd Russells field. Signed: Bethunia Perkins. Wit: John Perkins, Evans Stokes, Jno Wimbish. Ack by Bethunia Perkins 19 Apr 1764.

First List of Tithables of Pittsylvania Co in THE HISTORY OF PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY by Maud Carter Clement, dated 1767, includes: Isiah Watkins & Edward Lester [Miller]

Pittsylvania Co VA Court Records Book 1 1767-1772
24 Jul 1767 Watkins Examination
Isaiah Watkins was led to the Barr in custody of Benjamin Lankford, Gent. Sherif of this County, to whose Custody he was committed on suspicion of his having stolen a Horse, and it being demanded of the said Isaiah Watkins whether guilty or not guilty of the fact wherewith he stands charged, answered not guilty. Whereupon divers Witnesses were produced, sworn, and examined as well on behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King as the prisoner at the Barr who was fully heard on his own defense, on consideration whereof the Court is of the opinion that the said Isaiah Watkins in not guilty of the fact wherewith he is accused, Therefore it is Ordered that he be acquitted and discharged out of Custody.
27 Nov 1767 Levy Laid
To the Sherif for attending two call'd Courts on the Examination of Isiah Watkins.
27 May 1768 Terry vs. Watkins Judg.
Nathaniel Terry, Plaintive agst Isaiah Watkins, Def. on a Petition. The D confessing that he owes Plaintive 1.11.4. Judgment granted P for the same with costs.
28 May 1768 Watkins vs Jones Dism'd
Isaiah Watkins P. ag John Jones D. On a Petition and Trover
This day came the parties by their Attorneys and on hearing Evidence and Arguments on both sides, this Petition is dismissed. And it is considered by the Court that the P. pay to the D. his Costs.
Also on 28 May 1768 Cox vs Watkins Judg
Francis Cox P. ag Isaiah Watkins D. In Trespass on the Case
This day came the parties and their attorneys, and thereupon came into Court also a Jury to wit: Thomas Hutchings, John Morton, William Short, Edward Polley, Joseph Terry, John Kendrick, William Roberts, William Cook, Thomas Bollings, William Hays, Joseph Farguson and John Bizwell who being Sworn, on their Oath do say that the D. is guilty in manner and form as the P. hath alleged, and do assign damages of D. besides his Costs to Ten pounds. Therefore it is considered by the Court that P recover against the D. his damages by the Jurors aforesaid assessed, together with the Costs.
Farguson for Attendance
On the Motion of William Farguson, a witness for Francis Cox in his Suit against Watkins, it is Ordered that the said Francis pay him for three days attendance and twice coming and returning twenty-five miles.
Wilson for Attendance
On the Motion of John Wilson, a witness for Isaiah Watkins at the Suit of Francis Cox, it is Ordered that the said Jsaiah pay him for two days attendance according to Law.
Perkins for Attendance
On the Motion of Peter Perkins, a witness for Isaiah Watkins at the Suit of Francis Cox, it is Ordered that the said Josiah pay him for two days attendance according to Law.
Marr for Attendance
On the Motion of Gideon Marr, a witness for Francis Cox in his Suit against Watkins, it is Ordered that the said Francis pay him for two days attendance according to Law

In Pittsylvania Co DB 6 there are also some Court records. I found the following there:
26 Jul 1767
Isaiah Watkins was led to the Barr in Custody of Benjamin Lankford Gent. Sheriff of this County to whose Custody he was Committed on Suspicion of Horse Stealing and it being demanded of the said Watkins wither he is guilty of the Fact wherewith he stands charged or not guilty. Answered that he is in no wise guilty. Whereupon the Court Proceeded to Examine divers Witnesses as well on behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King as the said Prisoner at the Barr. On Consideration Whereof it is the Courts Opinion that the said Watkins out not to be sent down for further Examination. Therefore he is discharged out of Custody.
28 Aug 1767
On the Petition of Isaiah Watkins for Liberty to build a Water Grist Mill on Cascade Creek. It is ordered that the Sheriff summon a jury of Twelve Freeholders of the Vicinage to meet on the said Land who being first sworn before a Magistrate of this Couty or the said Sheriff ….Shall diligently View and Examine the Lands on both sides the said Creek which may be affected or laid under Water by building said Mill. Together with the Timber and other Conveyances thereon and make report thereof of the True Value of said Damages to the Creek.

Aug 3, 1770. Isaiah Watkins entered 400 acres beg. on Donelson's South line, corner where it leaves Harriss's line. [probably the entry for the following grant]:

Entry Record Book 1770-1796 [Present Counties of Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin & Patrick); Abstracted by Marian Dodson Chiarito, 1996 - The following entries were unexplainedly not indexed:
p.3 3 Aug 1770 Isaiah Watkins - 400 acres begin on Donelson's South line corner where it leaves Harris's line. [Would seem that he did go ahead and patent this 400 acres - see Patent of 1770 and Pittsylvania Co deed of May, 1775.]
p.57 19 Dec 1785 Isaiah Watkins - 400 acres begin on John Browns line lincluding the vacant land adj Col. Perkins Warrant. [A new entry? Or a different Isaiah?]

VA Land Grant - Patent Book 39, p.299
16 Feb 1771
Isaiah Watkins 40sh 400 acres in Pittsylvania Co, N side Cascade Creek.

Pittsylvania Co VA
DB 2, p.87
29 Mar 1770 William THOMAS to John East ...for 105#'s ..all that Tract of land on Straitstone Creek containing 400 A. Begin at Collin's corner ...crossing a bold branch ...crossing said creek. Signed: William THOMAS. Wit: Peter Perkins, Isaiah WATKINS, John STAMPS. Rec. 28 Mar 1771
DB 2, p.200
28 Jun 1771 Isaiah WATKINS to William THOMAS ...300#'s ..Land on Caskaid Creek together with 23 head of cattle, 10 Horses, & 100 head of Hoggs. Signed: Isaiah WATKINS Wit: Haynes Morgain, G. Marr. Rec. 28 Jun 1771. Alice, wife of Isaiah, relinquished dower.

20 Jan 1775 Pittsy DB 4, p.99 Isaiah Watkins to John Brown for £50, tract in Pittsylvania on branches of Cascade Crk, containing about 134 acres bounded by Watkins. Signed: Isaiah Watkins. Wit: Absalom Bostick, John Harris, John Rice. Rec. 26 Jan 1775.

18 Apr 1781
Pittsylvania DB 5, p.539
Willliam Thomas & Isaiah Watkins of Pittsy Co to Lemuel Smith for £1700 ...254 Acres both side Cascade Crk "begin at a hicory Saplin" adj George Russell. Also 400 Acres patented by Isaiah Watkins 16 Feb 1772 on North side Cascade Crk ..adj Harris & Jno Russell. There being 134 acres of the last tract, the property of John Brown. This was formerly the property of Isaiah Watkins conveyed to sd William Thomas, they being the lands whereon sd Lemuel Smith now lives. Signed: Wm Thomas, Isaiah Watkins. Rec. 9 Feb 1782.
[The 254 acres bought from Bethunia Perkins in 1764 & sold to William Thomas, Pittsy DB 2, p.200. The 400 acre tract was actually patented 16 Feb 1771. How nice when the bought and sold comes out right! I thought at first he was moving on, but Isaiah continues to have records in Pittsylvania.]

1786 Pittsylvania Land Tax: Isaiah Watkins with 223 acres.

Pittsylvania DB 7
p.423 1 Jan 1785 Thomas Stephens and Sarah his wife to George Jones. 60#'s Lower end of tract patented by Henry Lansford dec'd and sold to Charles Oakes & Oakes sold the same to Stephens. Begin Lansfords lower corner where joined by Southerland, crossing Cascade Creek, Joyning David Stephens. 100 acres taken out of the survey formerly granted to Henry Lansford now dec'd of 404 acres and sold to Charles Oakes, after to sd Stephens. Signed: Thomas (X) Stephens, Sarah (X) Stephens
Wit: Isaiah Watkins, Henry Lansford, David (X) Stephens, Isham Lansford.
18 Apr 1785 Proved by three of witnesses.
p.494 I John Watson of Pittsy appoint my trusty friends Isaiah Watkins & Alice his wife to be my attorneys to recover from the publick or from any officer appointed by the publick to pay or deliver such Negroe or Cash promised me by his Honour the Governor of South Carolina by his proclamation for ten months service as soldier in General Sumters Brigade and under the command of Col. Wade Hampton.. 20 Sep 1785. signed: John Watson.
19 Sep 1785. Ack by John Watson
p.495 Isaiah Watkins of Pittsy county, blacksmith appointing my trusty friend John Johnson ?? of County of Bedford lawful attorney to recover from any person indebted to me by virtue of letter of power of attorney granted to me by Anne Miller, Widow of John Laws, Blacksmith of Wilks Co NC being entered in the records of Pittsylvania County, in the County of Bedford. Especially to recover all the estate of John Miller dec'd in Bedford belonging to me by a purchase made of the above Ann Miller and John Laws and transferd by them to me. My said attorney is impowered to sell the above 127 acres lying on Magotty Creek in Bedford Co which appears to be their equal two third parts of that tract of 196 acres, together with their third parts of the moveable estate. 19 Sep 1785. Signed: Isaiah Watkins
19 Sep 1785. Ack by said Isaiah Watkins.
p.496 Isaiah Watkins, blacksmith, appoint trusty friend Col. Henry Hampton of South Carolina, Camden District my attorney to recover everything relative to a sale of land intended to be made in Camden Dist SC. Appoint and impower my Attorney to sell this land and Mill according to Deed granted me by James Smith and Ester his wife, the sd land on Little Cedar Creek. 20 Sep 1785. Signed: Isaiah Watkins
19 Sep 1785 Pof A from Isaiah Watkins to Henry Hampton ack by Watkins

Pittsylvania DB 8.
John Lewis and Ann Miller of Wilkes Co, NC have appointed our trusty friend Isaiah Wadkins of Pittsylvania. Co VA our lawful attorney to receive from any persons in Bedford Co any goods chattel, lands or money. Estate of John Miller deceased.
Signed: John Lewis, Ann (X) Miller 15 May 1785
Wit: Adam Poor, Nathaniel (T) Poor, Lydell (X) Wadkins
At court for Pittsylvania Co the 16th day of May 178?, Power of attorney was acknowledged by the said Ann to be her act & deed. Teste: Will Tunstall

Isaiah Watkins continued to appear on the Land Tax Lists of Pittsylvania Co with 223 acres until 1797 after which time the acreage appeared under his name with the "Holland paid tax". In 1802, 223 acres appeared under the name Jonas M. Holland with [Wadkins) in parentheses.


FatherJOHN Watkins ( - 1744)
MotherELIZABETH [Watkins] ( - )
SiblingDavid Watkins ( - )
SiblingJohn Watkins ( - )
SiblingNathaniel Watkins ( - )
SiblingLucy Watkins ( - )
SiblingConstant Watkins ( - 1773)
SiblingElizabeth Watkins ( - )
SiblingJOYCE Watkins (1730 - 1829)