Individual Details
JOHN Watkins
( - Bef May 1744)
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF QUAKER GENEALOGY, 1750-1930; Vol VI, Henrico Monthly Meeting
1719, 9th mo, 12th day. John Watkins name first appeared when he signed a certificate of marriage in Curles Meeting House.
1720, 2nd mo, 4th, day. John Watkins marriage to Sarah Butler
[When I first saw this, and I had seen this marriage in other places, I thought perhaps it was a different John Watkins. However, it's perfectly plausible that John Watkins married (1) Sarah Butler, and (2) the Elizabeth who is in his will. As far as I can determine, the earliest mention of Elizabeth as the wife of John was in the will of Michael Sullivan in 1736. This, of course, means that there is a excellent possibility not all the children named in the will are the children of Elizabeth.]
1720/21, 11th mo, 7th day. John Watkins and Edward Mosby settled their misunderstanding.
[Edward being his stepfather. Too bad it doesn't tell us more!]
1725, 5th month, 3rd day John Heaforth being apointed to treet with Wm Porter concerning what was layde to his charge as walking Disorderly contrarey to his profession and sayes his charges was ___ their upon this meeting thinks proper. That John Watkins should come to nete Mo. Meeting in Inform the Meeting what he knowes of the Matter.
1730, 10th mo, 5th day. John Watkins censored for misconduct; placed on probation
[There are no more notes that could be this John in this book. Possibly whatever took place here caused him to leave the Quakers, or he was dismissed and that fact not noted.]
The first record of John Watkins in the Henrico Co deeds is dated 1 May 1732 when Henry Stokes bought land near John Watkins' Mill. Land at the mouth of Beacham Run and touching Ufnams Brook. Henry Stokes would later witness John Watkins' Will.
When John Watkins bequeaths this land to his son John he speaks of it as the 100 acres that he purchased of Richard Parker and 50 adjoining acres which he received in a grant in 1733 on the N side Ufnam Brook, adj Beacham's Branch.
VA Land Patent; Book 15, p.63-64
20 Jun 1733 John Watkins, 50 Acres Henrico Co, N side Ufnam Brook. His own line, small branch of Beacham's branch and its meanders to its mouth at Beacham's branch.
HENRICO CO VIRGINIA DEEDS 1706-1737, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1985
11 Oct 1737 John Watkins, son of Henry Watkins, late of Henrico Co, planter, to John Pleasants of same, merchant for £40, land at Malborn [Malvern] Hills, adjoining where Stephen Woodson now lives, being land where Henry father of said John, and Henry Watkins, grandfather of said John dwelt the last part of their lives, 100 acres. Signed: John Watkins. Wit: Wm Frogmorton, John (X) Woodcock, John (X) Boze, Edw'd Bennet. Rec. 1st Mon Dec 1737.
[This is pretty plain to me! Not only does it say John's father was Henry Watkins, but his grandfather was also Henry Watkins. Notice that the acerage is 100 - exactly half of the 200 given to John's father Henry & Thomas, Henry's brother, on Three Runs. Not to mention that it's next door to a Woodson - Stephen is a first cousin of Obadiah.]
11 Oct 1737 John Watkins, eldest son and heir of Henry Watkins late of Henrico Co, planter, to James Cocke of same for £5, land on Chickahominy Swamp that said Watkins might have as heir at law of his grandfather Henry Watkins, adj said James Cocke and the land of Edward Watkins. Wit: John Pleasants, James Hatcher, William Hatcher, Edward Bennet. Signed: John Watkins.
[Not sure what's going on here! "might have" may indicate an inheritance not yet received or that the estate has never been settled.]
Here are earlier Patent that reference "Mamburne Hills" - likely Malvern Hills, home of the Watkins.
VA Patent Book 1, p.707 10 Mar 1639. Richard Cocke, Gent. 2000A Henrico Co. 300 acres at Bremo, E&S upon Turkie Island, SbyW upon the fiver. Wby N upon Curles. 1700A upon head of Turkey Island Crk called Mamburne Hills. Land of Mrs. Hallom. Granted sd Cocke by patent 8 Mar 1636; 1000A surrendered to Ann Hallom, widow of Robert Hallom. 2000A dued by order of Ct 1 Dec 1639, trans. 40 persons.
VA Patent Bk 5; p.304 22 Jan 1663 Major Wm Harris. 450A Henrico N side James R. Ewdly side of Poplar Crk, run called Slashes of 4 Mile Cr; bounded S by Dan'l Lewellin, E by Maborne hills, SW by Brian Smith.
Honour Sullivant that also witnessed the will of John Watkins was a niece of his wife Elizabeth. In 1738 the Brunswick Co Court directed all estate left by will to Michael Sullivent's sons John & Michael & daughter Honour, should be delivered to John Watkins by Michael Sullivent's widow who had remarried to William Reynolds.
In 1739 John Watkins was a processioner for Henrico Parish of lands between Chickahominy Swamp and Upland Brook.
In 1743 he obtained a grant of 400 acres in Goochland Co which would he would bequeath to son Nathaniel. VA Land Patent, Book 21, p.394-5
30 Jun 1743 John Watkins, 400 acres in Goochland on lower side of Green Creek of the Appomattox. Thomas Tabb's corner, his line, on Thomas Walker, on Joel Chandler, on William Randolph, Esq.
Will dated 28 Jul 1743, Henrico Co VA. Signed with his mark and probated 1st Monday in May, 1744. Named four sons: David, Isaiah, John & Nathaniel. The 1st two received only a sterling shilling so had probably already received their share. John received 150 acres in Henrico, the family home, and carpenter's and cooper's tools. Nathaniel recieved 400 acres in Goochland Co on Green Creek, joining Squire Randolph's line. Named daughters: Lucy Perkins, Constant Woodson, Elizabeth & Joyce Watkins. Married daughters received 1shilling; the two unmarried daughters received feather beds. Wife Elizabeth and son John to be executors. Wit: Henry Stokes, Ann Stokes, Honour Sullavent.
Spouse | ELIZABETH [Watkins] ( - ) |
Child | David Watkins ( - ) |
Child | Isaiah Watkins ( - ) |
Child | John Watkins ( - ) |
Child | Nathaniel Watkins ( - ) |
Child | Lucy Watkins ( - ) |
Child | Constant Watkins ( - 1773) |
Child | Elizabeth Watkins ( - ) |
Child | JOYCE Watkins (1730 - 1829) |
Father | Henry Watkins ( - 1715) |
Mother | Mary ?Crisp ( - ) |
Sibling | Benjamin Watkins ( - 1753) |
Sibling | Henry Watkins ( - ) |
Sibling | Joseph Watkins ( - ) |
Sibling | Stephen Watkins (1682 - 1758) |
1. John Hale Stutesman, "John Watkins of Henrico County, 1743", Tidewater Virginia Families, Vol 4, No. 4, Feb/Mar 1996, pp.223-226.
2. John Hale Stutesman, "John Watkins of Henrico County, 1743", Tidewater Virginia Families, Vol 4, No. 4, Feb/Mar 1996, pp.223-226.