Individual Details

Elizabeth Stamps

(Abt 1735 - Abt 1791)

Elizabeth married William Tacket, born about 1722 to Lewis and Mary/Sarah Tackett. She appears to have been a second wife. In 1747, William was granted 142 1/2 acres of the original Reno-Tacett Grantt of 1711 in Prince William Co VA, as the surviving son of his father. William's will was probated 8 Apr 1783; his Inventory is in Will Book G, p.253.
Sarah Waters was born c 1722 . She married William Tacquett before 1744 and both were witnesses to the will of Philemon Waters I and were the ones who presented the Waters will into court in June 1753. Sarah died in November 1756. She and William had 3 children who lived to be grown.
1. Elizabeth Tackett born c 1744. She married Lewis Reno.
2. William Tackett, Jr. born c 1746. He married Fanny Reno.
3. Mary Tackett born c 1748. She married Mr. Hodges.

William Tackett, Sr. married 2. Elizabeth Stamps. They had one child Lewis Tackett born c 1768. Below is the will of William Tackett, Sr. Sarah Waters Tackett left a will when she died in November 1756, but it was among the many papers lost or destroyed in Prince William County.

Will Book G, Page 197---Prince William County, Virginia-- 30 June 1782
In the name of God Amen. I, William Tackett of Pr. Wm. County & Parish of Dettingen being in perfect health of body & perfect mind and memory Thanks be given to God calling into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed once to die and after that the judgement, do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament. First of all I desire & commend my soul to the care & protection of the Almighty God my worldly goods as follows.
Item---I desire that my wife Elizabeth Tackett have one half of the house I now live in. The third of my land and orchard, one feather bed and furniture, one sorrell mare, one cow and two ewes, one pot, one large chest & large table during her life & after her death to belong to my son Lewis Tackett.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Lewis Tackett all my land after my wife has the third of it & half the house I now live in, one negro girl named Pat, one feather bed & furniture, one bay mare and colt, one cow & calf, fore sheep, one sow & pigs, one ____, one desk & six plates to be delivered to my son Lewis when he arrives to the age of Eighteen years & my desire is that my son Lewis Tackett shall have a --(Affrica?) boy by the name of Joseph Buchanan to his own use at my death--further my desire is that I leave one negro woman named Mary and as the rest of my estate except one heafer, one gel ( gelding ?) & ewe I give to my Grandaughter Mildred Reno for the maintance of my wife & my son Lewis Tackett and at the death of my wife the whole to fall to my son Lewis Tackett & the whole I have left him to him & his heirs forever & if he dies without heirs lawfully begotten of his body to be equally divided between my son Wm. Tackett, Mary Hodges & Elizabeth Reno. I further devise that the part of the estate of Thos. Stamps dec'd due me at the death of Mary Stamps his wife I having some part be properly settled by my executors & his and the balance due me to be equally divided between my fore (4) children Wm. Tackett, Lewis Tackett, Mary Hodges & Elizabeth Reno & I likewise ordain, constitute and appoint William Tackett, Jr. & Lewis Reno my sole executors of this my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this thirtyeth day of June one thousand seven hundred eighty two.
William Tackett
Witness: John Leewright, Jr, Peter Garrat, Bobby Leeright.
At a court continued & held for Pr. Wm. County the 8th day of April 1783 the above will was proved.
In 1786 Elizabeth Tackett's Dower was set aside. It appears that young Lewis Tackett had reached 18 years old at this time. The final settlement of the Tackett estate was in 1791, so it is assumed that Elizabeth died at this time.


BirthAbt 1735
DeathAbt 1791


FatherTHOMAS Stamps (1700 - 1763)
MotherMARY Rose (1704 - )
SiblingThomas Stamps (1728 - 1756)
SiblingTimothy Stamps (1728 - 1801)
SiblingMary Stamps (1740 - )
SiblingGeorge Stamps (1741 - 1797)
SiblingWilliam Stamps (1741 - 1772)
SiblingJOHN Stamps (1746 - 1812)
