Individual Details


( - 1742)

CURD Family GenForum. Jeff Whittaker 9 May 2000
The name of Edward Curd's first wife and mother of the children is unknown. He married 2nd Elizabeth Branch who had no children by him. She was the daughter of Thomas Branch and Elizabeth Archer. Elizabeth had married 1st Robert Goode, 2nd Page Punch, and 3rd Edward Curd.
His first record is the purchase of 600 acres in Oct 1704 on the N side of James River; he is on the 1705 quit rent roll for this land.
Edward Curd was elected vestryman on 17 Jun 1735 at Henrico Parish, Curls Neck Church.

VA Patent Bk 10; p.307 31 Oct 1716 Edward Curd. 531A Henrico Co, N side James R, W side N branch of BeaverDam Creek.
VA Patent Bk 12, p. 130 22 Feb 1724 Edward Curd. 1200A Henrico Co, Castle branch, adj. Cock's line. and 341A, N side James R on Horsepen Crk of BeaverDam, adj John Burke.
VA Patent Bk 12, p.238 17 Aug 1725 Edward Curd. 400A Henrico N side James R on branches of Beaverdam Crk, begin Castle Branch.

The above land grants became part of Goochland Co.
6 Jun 1726 deeded to son John part of the 531 acres on Beaver Dam Creek
7 Nov 1726 deeded to daughter Mary McBride lands on north side of James River
16 Jul 1733 deeded 200 acres in Goochland to each daughter, Mary Richardson and Elizabeth Williams
20 Nov 1733 deeded 650 acres in Goochland to son Richard

17 Oct 1734. Henrico Co, Deeds, Wills, 1725-1737. p.519. Settlement of the estate of Mr. Hugh Ballentine dec'd included cash received from Edward Curd.

Vestry book of the Henrico Parish Church: 17 Jun 1735 Edward Curd, John Williamson, James Cocke, John Povall & Robt Moss were elected to join attending vestrymen, Wm. Randolph, Esq., Richard Randolph, Bowler Cocke, & James Powell Cocke on the vestry to make up the number twelve.

26 Jul 1743. Beverly Randolph took oath as vestryman in place of Edward Curd, deceased, as chosen 2 Oct 1742.

Henrico DB 1750-1774
p.719 9 Oct 1742. Bond of Edward Watkins to James Cocke Gent. for 500£ and to end a suit for settling a divisional line. James Cocke 2 years since commenced a chancery suit against Edward Watkins to run a divisional line pursuant to agreement and deed made to the said James Cocke by William & James Watkins. Said line now determed in begin at black shrub oak between Edward Watkins and Daniel Price, each side the main stream of Deep Run and up Chickahominay Swamp, adj. Edward Curd & Daniel Price to include Cocke's land purchased of William and James Watkins. Signed; Edward [E] Watkins. Wit: Andrew Barclay, Samuel Thompson. Rec 5 Apr 1762 [20 years later]

The Henrico Co December Court, 1742, appointed John Williamson, Thomas Watkins, Daniel Price and James Young to appriase the estate of Edward Curd, deceased.

Colonial Wills of Henrico Co., VA - Part Two (1737-1781)
Abstracted and Compiled by Benjamin B. Weisiger II
Page 1177
Executors: wife Elizabeth and son Edward
To wife for life, any dwelling house and all belingings and land, only son Edward to have half, and after wife's death, all of it; also negroes to both.
To son Edward, all my land in Goochland County.
To son John, 2 negroes.
To son Richard, 2 negroes.
To Mary Mackbride, 1 negroe, and at her death to her son Edward Mackbride.
To daughter-in-law Mary Punch, 1 negro, 1 colt, 3 pounds, & items. [stepdaughter]
To grandson, John Curd, 1 negro.
To granddaughter, Jane Mackbride, 100 acres in Goochland.
To daughter Mary Richardson, 1 shilling.
To daughter Elizabeth Williams, 1 shilling.
Not dated
Wit: James Young, John Gunn, Joseph Satchawell
Recorded December 1742
CURD GenForum 21 Jul 2000

(Henrico Co., Va., unindexed records, Vol. IV, 1650 to 1807, p. 1177)
"In the name of God amen I Edward Curd being in perfect memory make this as my last will and Testament which I Desire to be taken of before or after my Decease and no alteration to be made more than what is herein mentioned. I Do hereby make my Loving wife Elizabeth Curd and my Son Edward Curd to be Executors of this my last will and Testament --
ITEM. I give unto my Loving wife During life my Dwelling house and all belonging thereunto as household goods furniture hogs Cattle and all belonging to the sd. plantation like wise the Land thereunto adjoyning only I Desrire that my Son Edward Curd may have the half of everything and of produce thereunto belonging During my sd. wife's life and after her Decease I give the whole which my sd. wife has been possessed with to my belov'd son Edward Curd and his heirs Forever.
ITEM. I also gifve unto my belov'd wife During life four negroes Jemimy, Seager, Bess, Sarah being Besses child, During her life and after her Decease to return to my beloved Son Edward Curd.
ITEM. I also give unto my beloved Son Edw'd Curd Eight negroes Phill Will Moll Great Joe For? Tom Young Jack and Nancy being Moll's children.
ITEM. I also give unto my Son Edward Curd all the Land I now stand possest with in Goochland County.
ITEM. I give unto my son John Curd two negroes Pompy and Dinah.
ITEM. I give unto my son Richard Curd two Negroes old Pompy and Judea.
ITEM. I give to Mary Mackbride one negroe named Jack, during life and after her Decease to whence her son Edward Mackbride.
ITEM. I give to my daughter in law [step daughter] Mary Punch one negroe named ___ also the Colt that came of the new York mare, also Eight Pound Sterling likewise Feather Bed and Furniture ___ Stands above Stairs in the new house.
ITEM. I give to my Grandson John Curd one negroe named Agie.
ITEM. I give unto my Granddaughter Jane Mackbride one hundred acres of Land lying in Goochland County which I have Doctor Hopkins bond for.
ITEM. I give to my Daughter Mary Richardson one shilling.
ITEM. I give to Elizabeth Williams my Daughter one shilling.
Which is same being my last will and Testament I desire the within mentioned after my Decease to be fullfilled.
In Witness thereof I have hereunto Set my hand
Edward Curd
Dated Feb. 4, 1739/40
James Young
John Gunn
Joseph Tschessely?
At a Court held for Henrico County the first Monday in Dec. 1742 this Will was presented by the Executors therein Named upon oath and it being proved by the Oath of John Gun and James Young two of the witnesses thereto was ordered to be Recorded.
Bowler Cocke, clerk.

Edward's first wife, the mother of his children is not known. He married second, Elizabeth Branch, daughter of Thomas Branch & Elizabeth Archer who was the widow first of Robert Goode [m. 1710] who died 1718, and widow second of Page Punch who died 1726/27. Elizabeth died 30 Nov 1766.

Henrico Record Books 1767-1774, p.138, 24 May 1749. John Curd and Elizabeth his wife acknowledge they had received their full share of the estate of Edward Curd, dec'd. On p.139, 20 May 1749, John Richardson & Mary his wife made the same acknowledgement. 24 May 1749, Richard Curd and Sarah made the same acknowledgement. Page 140, 3 Jun 1749, Samuel Allen and Elizabeth his wife made similar acknowledgement. All recorded 5 Jun 1769.


Death1742Henrico County, Virginia
MarriageElizabeth Branch


Spouse[Curd] ( - )
ChildEdward Curd ( - )
ChildJohn Curd ( - 1752)
ChildRichard Curd ( - 1778)
ChildMary Curd ( - )
ChildMary Curd ( - 1791)
ChildELIZABETH Curd ( - 1786)
SpouseElizabeth Branch ( - 1766)
