Individual Details

Richard Curd

( - 1778)

Henrico Deeds 1767-1774
p.139 24 May 1749 Receipt of Richard Curd & Sarah his wife, having received of the executors of Edward Curd, dec'd their full share of his estate. Signed: Richard Curd. Wit: John Curd. Rec. 5 Jun 1769.

Will dated 22 Jun 1778, proved 19 Oct 1778. Named wife Sarah and nine children.
Ann Redford, Edmund Curd, Mary Perkins, Sary Bowles, Elizabeth Underwood, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Suzanna Pollock, and Ann Williams Curd.
Goochland Deed & Will Book 12, p.194
Will of Richard Curd.
Whole of my Negroes by equally divided among my nine children: Ann Redford, Edmund Curd, Mary Perkins, Sary Bowles, Elizabeth Underwood, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Susanna Pollock and Ann Williams Curd at the decease of my wife Sarah Curd
To wife Sarah Curd, half the tract of land I now live on including the house & plantation with all the stock & household furniture during her natural life of widowhood. The other part of land to son Edmund Curd. At the decease of my wife, her half of said Tract called the Piney Woods Tract, to be equally divided between daughters Mary Perkins, Sarah Bowles, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd, Susanna Pollock & Ann Williams Curd
All my Stock & household furniture to be divided between all my children at the decease of my wife
Daughter Susanna Pollock feather bed & furniture, cow & calf, 25 £ to buy a horse & saddle
Daughter Ann William Curd, feather bed, cow & calf, 25£ to buy horse & side saddle
Son Edmund all my shop tools, one ?bore gun
Wife to have my Still during her life and be equally divided
Son Edmund Curd & George Underwood, Executors.
22 Jun 1778 Signed: Richard Curd
Wit: Thomas Hatcher, John Curd, William Thuston
19 Oct 1778 proved by Witnesses.

p.223 Inventory of Estate of Richard Curd dec'd. Total 6170£.
16 Feb 1779 John Shelton, John Curd, Richard Sampson
16 Feb 1779 Presented in Court

10 Nov 1778.
Edward Redford, Edmund Curd, Benjn Perkins, Knight Bowles, George Underwood, Thomas Pollock, Lucy Watkins, Frances Curd & Thomas Hatcher Guardian to Ann William Curd. Joint legatees to several negroes lent by John Downer to Richard Curd & Sarah his wife during their natural lives and after their decease given equally to us do hereby agree that if Mrs. Sarah Curd will now divide the said slaves equally & allow us possession thereof, we will not during her natural life claim & deman any of the Negroes left us by the deceased Richd Curd or any of the household furniture, stock of any sort, crops or Plantation utensils, etc. After her decease to be divided agreeable to the Will of Richd Curd. Signed: Edward Redford, Edmund Curd, Benj Perkins, Knight Bowles, Geo Underwood, Thomas Pollock, Lucy Watkins, fanny Curd, Thomas Hatcher, guardian for A.C.
Wit: John Shelton, Thomas Underwood, John Curd, Jos. Rawlins junr.

p.226 Negroes left by Mr. John Downer to my dec'd husband Richard Curd. We have come to an agreement between themselves for Division of them. I do hereby Agree. The following: Judah, James, Jenny, George Gilbert, Tom, Jeffery, Boss, Dinah, Tabb, Selvie, Dolly, Sam & Ruben.
10 Oct 1778 Signed: Sarah Curd
Wit: John Shelton, Thomas Underwood, Jos. Rawlins Junr.
16 Feb 1779 Proved in Court

Goochland DB 13
p.22 19 Feb 1780
John Shelton, Thomas Hatcher & Thomas Underwood allot to Mrs. Sarah Curd her part of the land left her by her dec'd husband. Begin corner red oak Ronald's line….corner Hickory, ridge near an orchard, near a branch, on said Ronald's line to the beginning together with a small cornfield lying to the South of the plantation over the road called Paynes road; also the use of a tobacco house near said Cornfield, all which we think her entitled to.
21 Feb 1780 - presented in court and ordered recorded

Goochland DB 14
p.444 21 Aug 1787 John Curd Minor and wife Ann Williams of Fayette Co [Kentucky] to George Underwood of Goochland.…45 £. 43 and 1/3 acres. Part of tract of 260 acres known by the name of the Piney Woods tract and was willed to Ann Williams by her dec'd father Rich'd Curd by his last Will. Land is bounded by land of Colo. John Curd, Edward McBride, Archr Payne & George Underwood. Signed: John Curd, Ann W. Curd
21 Aug 1787 Deed presented in Court & acknowledged by John Curd; wife examined & relinquished.

p.445 16 Aug 1784 Benjamin Perkins and Mary his wife, Thos. Hatcher and Lucy his wife, Thos. Pollock & Susannah his wife, Frances Curd to George Underwood 150£. 173 acres and 1/3 part of an acre being part of a larger tract of land - Piney Woods Tract. Land given by Richd Curd in his will to Mary Perkins, Lucy Walker now Lucy Hatcher, Susanna Pollock and Frances Curd, all daughters of the sd Richd. Curd. Adjoining land of Colo. John Curd, Edward McBride, Archer Payne & George Underwood.
The only wife who signed was Susannah Pollock…
Wit: James George, Francis Underwood, Ezekiel Perkins
20 Sep 1784. Acknowledged by Perkins, Hatcher, Pollock & Curd to be their acts. 21 Aug 1787 Susanna, wife of Thomas Pollock & Lucy wife of Thomas Hatcher were examined & relinquished their right.

Note: George Underwood was married to Elizabeth Curd, another daughter of Richard's. Daughter Sarah, who married Knight Bowles, and was to receive part of this legacy is missing. Possibly deceased.

Goochland Co VA, DB 16
14 Sep 1794 Appraisers appointed to audit and settle accounts of Edmund Curd as Executor of Richard Curd dec'd. Examined 21 Oct 1794. Ret. 15 Dec 1794

20 Oct 1793 Edmund Curd, heir of Richard Curd, dec'd to John Curd. 1000£. 300 acres being overplus of Land allotted to Richard Curd dec'd by Edward Curd dec'd and inherited by the aforesaid Edmund Curd from his dec'd father who held it under a deed from the said Edward Curd dec'd bearing date ____. Land lies on waters of Castle branch in Goochland and only part of tract thus conveyed. The other part the said Edmund hath held and enjoyed several years and lately sold to Thomas Hatcher.
Signed: Edmund Curd
Wit: Francis Underwood, Joseph Perkins, Jos. Lewis Jr
17 Mar 1794 Francis & Jos Perkins proved. 5 Dec 1794 Joseph Lewis Jr further proved & ordered recorded.

Edmund Curd of Goochland am firmly bound unto Jno Curd for 1000£ to be paid to said John Curd. 25 Oct 1793. Edmund Curd heir & devisee of Richard Curd dec'd held & enjoyed under his deceased fathers will 350 acres on Castle Branch which he the said Edmund Curd hath lately sold Thomas Hatcher. Said Edmund may probably claim 300 acres which the aforesaid Richard Curd dec'd held and enjoyed under a special agreement bet said Richard and his brother Edward Curd which land is commonly called Piney Woods tract and was given by said Richard Curd unto his seven deaughters: Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Lucy, Fanny, Susanna & Ann Williams Curd. Had been conveyed to and is in possession of George Underwood. Richard Curd dec'd was entitled under the Will to 650 acres on Casle branch, part of a large tract, the overplus whereof was given to Edward Curd dec'd and by special agreement by said Ri'd and Ewd the land which Richard was intitled to was allotted to hiam, 350 acres which Edmund hath lately sold to Thomas Hatcher and 300 which George Underwood now holds. As it may be doubtful whether Edmund Curd is not entitled to the whole 650 acres left by the father of Richard Curd to him the said Richard ….to the sd Edmund Curt. The said Edmd for himself & his heirs agree with the said John Curd & his heirs that he will abide by, stand by, and be contented never to claim or demand any other part of land which he inherited from his father than those 650 acres in two parcels.
Bond signed by Edmund Curd
Wit: Francis Underwood, Joseph Perkins, Jos. Lewis Jr. Proved as previous deed

Richard Curd's estate could not be divided until after the death of his wife:
Goochland DB 16
Division of estate of Richard Curd dec'd among his Legatees [slaves & cash - each rec'd from 110 to 120 £ in value]
Lot 1 to Edward Redford & wife [Ann]
Lot 2 to George Underwood & wife [Elizabeth]
Lot 3 to John Curd & wife [Nancy - Ann Williams]
Lot 4 to Knight Bowles & wife [Sarah]
Lot 5 To Thos. Pollock & Susanna his wife
Lot 6 to Elisha Leak & wife [Frances]
Lot 7 to Benjamin Perkins & Wife [Mary]
Lot 8 to Edmond Curd
Lot 9 to Thomas Hatcher and wife [Lucy]
Presented to Court, dated, 21 Dec 1795 15 Feb 1796 Ordered recorded


Death1778Goochland County, Virginia
MarriageSarah Downer


SpouseSarah Downer ( - 1795)
ChildAnn Curd ( - )
ChildEdmund Curd ( - 1814)
ChildMary Curd ( - )
ChildSarah Curd ( - )
ChildElizabeth Curd ( - )
ChildLucy Curd ( - )
ChildFrances "Fanny" Curd ( - )
ChildSuzanna Curd ( - )
ChildAnn Williams "Nancy" Curd (1762 - 1846)
FatherEDWARD Curd ( - 1742)
Mother[Curd] ( - )
SiblingEdward Curd ( - )
SiblingJohn Curd ( - 1752)
SiblingMary Curd ( - )
SiblingMary Curd ( - 1791)
SiblingELIZABETH Curd ( - 1786)
