Individual Details
Col. John Wishard
(3 Jun 1792 - 8 Sep 1878)
John was probably the last of the children born in Pennsylvania.
Name sometimes seen as "John Oliver" which I believe is incorrect. Listed as "Col." by Bunny Stiles file. Laura Milton's dob was 23 Jun. Bunny Stiles gives location as Carlisle, KY
A Sketch in "Prominent Citizens of Indianapolis" found online (no longer exists)
Written about 1877.
The article stated Col. John was born at the Red Stone Fort in Jun of 1792. In 1793 the family moved down the Ohio River by flatboat settling on a farm on the Licking River, near Park's Ferry, Nicholas Co KY. Col. John took charge of the homestead after the death of his father in 1814 and lived there until 1825 when he moved ot Johnson Co IN. Between 1810 and 1820, he made several trips to New Orleans, walking home through various tribes of Indians. In April of 1815 he married Miss Agnes H. Oliver, who was born near Lexington KY - her parents having emigrated from Virginia in 1782. In the spring of 1825, Col Wishard came to Indiana on horseback bringing gear for the purpose of clearing land. He cleared a small field, then returned to KY for his family, arriving at the wilderness home in October. At that time he had four sons, one daughter. In 1832, Col. Wishard raised a company for the Black Hawk War and was with the regiment known as the "bloody three hundred". In 1849, Mr. Wishard's wife died and he has since remained single. He resides with his daughter Mrs. T. B. Noble at Greenwood. In his 86th year he is hale and hearty. His whol family is now composed of four sons, two daughters, all members of the Presbyterian church. His eldest son, Dr. William H. Wishard, is the coroner of Marion Co and a resident of this city.
1820 Census - Fleming County, KY
2m under 10 [William Henry & James], 1m age 26-45 [John age 28]
1f under 10 [Martha], 1f 26-45 [Nancy]
1825 - migrated to Indiana; settled in Johnson County, 10 south of Indianapolis\.
1830 Census, Johnson Co IN
2m under 5 [Joseph & Samuel], 2m 5-10 [Andrew & John Oliver], 2m 10-15 [William & James]. 1m age 30-40 [John age 38]
1f age 10-15 [Martha]. 1 f age 30-40 [wife, Nancy]
LDS #1302920 Marion Co IN DB C
26 Oct 1832 William Hooker of Marion Co to John Wishard of Johnson Co for $300. West half of SE quarter of S10, T14, Range 3 and NE quarter of S15, same Twp, sorrel horse & mare wagon, etc. Mortgage Deed
Ack 26 Oct 1832 Rec. 3 Nov 1832
Colonel of the 57th Indiana State Militia; duty at the time of the Black Hawk War
Note: Land warrants issued for Bounty land state that John Wishard was a Captain during the Black Hawk War. I have found one warrant, #64051 for 120 acres, which was assigned to his son William H. Wishard and located in Carroll Co, Iowa. Another Warrant, #53224 for 40 acres was assigned to James Harvey Wishard, 20 Sep 1862 and located in Benton Co, Iowa [this may be an young grandson who father of the same name had died in 1851].
1840 Census, Johnson Co IN
2m age 10-15 [Joseph & Samuel], 2m age 15-20 [Andrew & John] 1m male age 40-50 [John] The two young boys age 5-10 - Robert & Thomas - were omitted.
1f under 5 [Agnes], 1f 5-10 [Margaret], 1f age 20-30 [Martha], 1f age 40-50 [wife Nancy]
1850 Johnson Co IN Census. Wife Agnes deceased. John, farmer born in PA with real estate value of $4,700. Living at home with him are Joseph, John, Margaret, and Jane. John is 29 born in KY with his own real estate value of $800.
Son James Wishard lived next door, age 30, born KY. Wife Susannah.
1860 Census. Johnson Co IN, White River
John Wishard age 68, b. KY.
Susan age 34, b. KY. James H. age 9, b. IN. [Susan was the widow of John's son James, James Harvey, their son.]
John Turner age 55, Farmer b. PA
Indiana Courtney, age 18, Domestic, b. IN
1870 Census. Johnson Co IN, Pleasant Twp.
Thomas B. Noble, age 43, Physician, b. KY. Margaret age 40.
Louisa 13, Agnes 10, Margaret 8, Martha 5, Thomas 3, and Mary 1
John Wishard age 78, Ret. Farmer, b. Pennsylvania. Both mother and father foreign born.
John is buried Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Greenwood, Johnson Co IN
Obituary posted on Ancestry, said to be from Indianapolis Journal, Monday, 9 Sep 1878.
Colonel John Wishard, a well-known citizen of Johnson county, died at Greenwood, yesterday morning at half past 7 o'clock. Colonel Wishard was in his 87th year. He was born at "Red Stone Fort" now Brownsville, Pennsylvania, in June, 1792. His father was a Scotch-Irishman, who came to this country about 1770 and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In 1793, Colonel Wishard's father removed his family, by way of the Ohio river, to Nicholas county, Kentucky, settling on the Licking river. It was her Mr. Wishard's youth was spent ....In 1825 he came to this State and settled in Johnson county, ten miles south of the city, on the Bluff road. ...He purchased a large tract of land ...something over six hundred acres, and there spent the first thirty years of his life in Indiana. Colonel Wishard was married in 1815 to Miss. Agnes H. Oliver, who died in 1849. ....He was a commander in the Black Hawk war. ....He was the father of a large family, six of whom are now living and was the antecedent of over eighty persons. Dr. Wishard of this city, and Rev. D. R. Wishard, of Chicago, [this was actually Rev. Samuel Ellis Wishard] being among his sons. He was an active member of the Presbyterian church. ...Col. Wishard left Kentucky and came to this State because of his dislike of slavery. ...When he came to this State he was accompanied by Archibald Glenn and Robert Lyons, both of whom were born the same year that he was and came from the same neighborhood. ...The funeral of Mr. Wishard will take place at Greenwood at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Persons wishing to go from this city can leave at 7:45 am and return at 5 o'clock in the evening.
Indianapolis News, 9 Sep 1878, p.3
Col. John Wishard, father of Coroner Wishard of this city, died at Greenwood yesterday morning at 7:30 o'clock, in his eighty-seventh year. He was born at "Red Stone Fort" Pennsylvania, in 1792, his father, a revolutionary soldier, being a Scotch-Irishman who came to this country in 1770. Col. Wishard came to this state and settled in Johnson county, ten miles south of this city in 1824, where he lived until his death.
Spouse | Agnes Henderson "Nancy" Oliver (1792 - 1849) |
Child | Dr. William Henry Wishard (1816 - 1913) |
Child | Martha Jane Wishard (1817 - 1902) |
Child | James Harvey Wishard (1819 - 1851) |
Child | John Oliver Wishard (1821 - 1906) |
Child | Andrew Wishard (1823 - 1851) |
Child | Rev. Samuel Ellis Wishard (1825 - 1915) |
Child | Dr. Joseph Milton Wishard (1828 - 1905) |
Child | Margaret Ann Wishard (1830 - 1913) |
Child | Robert Courtney Wishard (1833 - 1833) |
Child | Thomas Wishard (1834 - 1834) |
Child | Agnes Jane Wishard (1836 - 1851) |
Father | WILLIAM WISHARD (1729 - 1814) |
Mother | SUSANNAH LYTLE (1753 - 1795) |
Sibling | William Wishard (1772 - 1830) |
Sibling | Samuel Wishard (1774 - 1858) |
Sibling | Annis Wishard (1775 - 1848) |
Sibling | Jane Stuart Wishard (1777 - 1854) |
Sibling | ABRAHAM "ABRAM" WISHARD (1779 - 1843) |
Sibling | Henry Wishard (1780 - 1819) |
Sibling | Nancy Agnes Wishard (1781 - 1876) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Wishard (1783 - 1844) |
Sibling | Joseph Wishard (1785 - 1811) |
Sibling | Susannah\Susan Wishard (1787 - 1814) |
Sibling | Ellis Wishard (1789 - 1809) |
Sibling | James Lytle Wishard (1794 - 1884) |
1. Mary and Charles Burton, Susannah and William and Nancy and John, Pioneers. (Self published; c1971; LDS Microfilm #1321386; Item 28), p.2.
2. Marjorie A. Beals, GEDCOM, Wishard Family
3. Laura Lavinia Wishard Milton, "Family of R. T. Wishard". Manuscript compiled in 1970's..
4. Family Tree Maker CD-ROM, WFT- Volume 5.
5. Find A Grave, Jim Tipton, Founder, online [], , Memorial# 16177799.