Individual Details
(Jun 20, 1793 - Jun 9, 1869)
BIOGRAPHY: Daniel enlisted in the Maryland Militia of Montgomery Count y, Maryla nd on August 3, 1814. On August 24th of that year, the mili tia joined 6,000 ot her troops at Bladensburg, Maryland in a futile at tempt to stop the invading Br itish (The Battle of Bladensburg). Th e battle was a route and Daniel Query, wi th brother-in-law David Spoh n, retreated through Washington City (now Washingto n DC). Accordin g to the obituary of David Spohn, as they walked up one of the hills s urrounding Washington, they looked back to see the nation's capitol i n f lames. Daniel Query was discharged November 10, 1814, 30 miles fr om home. His pension record indicates that he was 6' 2" tall, dark c omplexion and had a red spot on his cheek. Source: War of 1812 Servi ce Records. Roll Box: 170, Roll E xct: 602, Surname: Query, Given Name : Daniel, Company: CRAMER'S DETACHMENT, MAR YLAND MILITIA. Daniel o r David Query, as he was known, traveled with his siste r Sarah in Apr il 1820 from West Union, Ohio to Rush County, Indiana. According t o the Original Rush County Landowners Company by Maurice Homes, Danie l bought a tract of land there on November 2, 1820. In 1822, along w ith Brother-in-Law John Wood, they built a mill and distillery on Fla t Rock, and by means of wate rpower, operated it for several years. I n 1845 he moved to Cynthiana in nearby Shelby County, Indiana. He an d wife Delila are buried there in the Blue Ridge Cemetery. Source: T he Shelby County History, 1887 Edition, page 692. BURIA L: The grave s of Daniel and his wife Delilah are located at the Blue Ridge Ceme te ry in Shelby County.
Birth | Jun 20, 1793 | Montgomery County, Maryland | | | |
Marriage | Nov 11, 1827 | Rush County, Indiana - Delilah Shopelle | | | |
Death | Jun 9, 1869 | Shelby County, Indiana | | | |
Burial | | Blue Ridge Cemetery, Shelby County, Indiana | | | |