Individual Details
(1805 - Nov 23, 1873)
BIOGRAPHY: Sourcee - Haltom Family History: Joel Haltom was born ca.18 05 in Mon tgomery County, North Carolina, to Joseph and Mary (Randle ) Haltom. According t o family tradition, Joel eloped to Georgia wit h Lucinda Morris, daughter of Jam es Morris, born August 21, 1807 in N orth Carolina. Joel lived for a few years a fter his marriage in the s tate of Georgia. He lived in Habersham County. Joel m oved his famil y to Owen County, Indiana, where he is first found in the records o f the Circuit Court in April 1836. He was fined $1.00 for gambling. O n Octobe r 28, 1836, he patented 80 acres in Section 19 in Morgan town ship of Owen Count y, Indiana. On May 30, 1837 Joel added 40 acres. Jo el Haltom served on the Owen County grand jury in May 1838 and Februa ry 1839. Joel Haltom had his problems with the law, being taken to c ourt on a charge of perjury in a counterfeiting case and for a fight w here his eye was gouged out. A much more serious case cam e in late 18 54 involving the question of who tore down the home of Mrs. May Hed ge r and her son Clinton, on August 29th of that year. The background o n this s tory is that a family named Hedger had "squatted" on some lan d owned by Joel Ha ltom and at some point, Joel had the house torn dow n to evict them. The Hedgers , who were then homeless and had to liv e under an oak tree, suffered greatly ac cording to a grand jury, in p articular Clinton, who had a lingering illness. He died on Septembe r 11, 1854, due to living outside. In November 1854 Joel Halt om an d his son James were indicated on a charge of Murder in the 2nd Degree . Wa rrants issued for their arrest were not served by the sheriff o f Clay County, w here they apparently were living. Joel and James Halt om appeared in court in No vember 1854 and their bail of $5,000 was me t by seven men, including Joels brot her James W. Haltom. In May 185 5 the bail was revoked due to a clerical error and a new bail of $5,00 0 each was set. Nine men met this bail. The trial was he ld in Novembe r 1855 with the Haltoms being represented by a Mr. Neff. The jury foun d them innocent of the charge. That same month Joel was indicted by th e gra nd jury for perjury for his testimony November 23, 1854 that h e did not know wh o tore the house down. Its unknown how that charge w as resolved. In the 1850 A gricultural Census for Owen County, Joel H altom had 40 acres of improved land a nd 40 acres of unimproved land . He had 2 horses, 3 cows, 17 sheep and 30 swine. In the previous yea r he produced 52 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian co rn, 20 bus hels of oat, 25 lbs., wool, 2 bushels of peas or beans, 104 lbs of b u tter and 2 tons of hay. By the time of his death, Joel had 25 acre s tilled, 20 acres in meadow or orchard, 5 acres in forest. He ha d 3 horses, 3 milk cows, 3 calves, 7 sheep and 9 swine. Joel also ha d an apple and peach orchard. He was living in Morgan township 1840- 60 and owned a $1500 farm in Jackson township i n 1870. Joel reportedl y died on November 23, 1873. His son John P. Haltom admin istered th e estate. After debts were paid, $29.29 remained. Their home place w a s a 40-acre plot located in the SE o of the NW o of Section 9 in Jac kson townsh ip near Buckskin. Lucinda sold this last bit of land on Ja nuary 20, 1887. Lucin da is said to have died on July 4, 1887 in Owe n County. Neither Joel or Lucinda Haltoms grave has been found so far .
Birth | 1805 | Montgomery County, North Carolina | | | |
Death | Nov 23, 1873 | Owen County, Indiana, USA | | | |
Marriage | | Georgia - Lucinda Morris | | | |