Individual Details
(Abt, 1759 - Dec 24, 1825)
BIOGRAPHY: Joseph Haltom Sr. was born ca. 1759 in Anson County, Nort h Carolina, possibly to John and Mary Haltom. Married April 25, 178 0 in Montgomery County, North Carolina to Mary Randle, born ca.1764 i n North Carolina. They were marri ed by Peter Cotton, Justice of the P eace. During the American Revolution, Josep h enlisted in 1777 in a re giment of Montgomery County North Carolina militia, c ommanded by Col . Childs, serving until 1783. Joseph appears in the census of Mo ntgom ery County taken on July 3, 1787. He had apparently one son and one da ught er at that time and no slaves. The first record of Joseph Halto m in North Caro lina comes on April 8, 1785 when he served as chain be arer for land surveyed fo r William Holtom Sr. in Montgomery County. J oseph served in that same capacity on November 29, 1789, when land gra nted to Spencer Holtom on Bishops Creek was surveyed. On June 15, 1794 , Joseph Haltom is recorded as entering 50 acres on t he northwest sid e of Bushops (Bishops) Creek, land bordering Spencer Haltom. He is li sted in the 1800-1810 censuses of Montgomery County. He lived here unt il he died, on December 24, 1825. Daughters Sarah and Rachel moved t o Owen Co. Ind iana in 1826. In 1827 or so, Josephs brother William a nd his sons left Montgom ery County for Jackson township of Owen Count y, Indiana. Mary Haltom and her ch ildren joined them in Owen County i n 1831. In 1840, Mary Haltom was living with her son Spencer Haltom . Mary attempted to get a widows pension for her husband s military se rvice in 1851. On February 3, 1851 Mary Haltom, aged 86 years, app ear ed before her son James W. Haltom, who, in his capacity as a Justice o f the Peace, took her deposition. Mary stated that she was the wido w of Joseph Halto m, deceased, who was a private in the company comman ded by Capt. Joseph Parsons in the regiment commanded by Col. Child s in the army of the Revolution, having enlisted sometime in the yea r 1777. Others who gave testimony to James W. Halt om were William Hal tom, age 86, a brother of Joseph. He remembered Joseph servi ng severa l tours of duty both before and after the marriage to Mary Randle. W i lliam Haltom made another affidavit on August 24, 1852 stating tha t Joseph Halt om served at least three years in tours of three and si x months. He stated that he "recollects very distinctly that at the t ime of the destruction of Petersbu rgh and Richmond (Note: The Britis h took possession of Petersburg, Va. in May 1 781) said Mary Haltom wa s then married to said Joseph Haltom and that her said husband was abs ent with the light horse troops, and that she expressed a great deal o f uneasiness about him at the time of both these events. He also recol lec ts that the first news he heard of the surrender of Cornwallis h e heard at the house of said Joseph Haltom, and that said Mary Halto m was a that time the moth er of one child which was not born for cons iderably over one year after their m arriage. He continues to say tha t Mary has resided in Owen County about twenty years" Also giving a n affidavit on August 24th was Peter Luther, age 86, who s tated he bo arded with the Joseph Haltom family in Montgomery County from 1782-1 7 90. When he began living with the family in the summer of 1782, Mary H altom wa s the mother of two children. Mary Haltom lived with her so n Spencer from befo re 1840 to her death, which occurred sometime befo re September 9, 1853 in Owen County. She would have been approximatel y 88 years old. She left a legacy to he r children Joel, Spencer, Amy , Mary, Rachel and William Haltom. Daughter Sarah was not mentioned. S hortly after her death, her children Spencer, Sarah and Rac hel left O wen County by a covered wagon and single team, for Iowa, in 1853.
Birth | Abt, 1759 | Anson County, North Carolina | | | |
Marriage | Apr 25, 1780 | Montgomery County, North Carolina - Mary Randel | | | |
Death | Dec 24, 1825 | Montgomery County, North Carolina | | | |
Unknown | | Revolutionary War - Montgomery County, North Carolina | | | |
Event (I) | | Revolutionary War - Montgomery County, North Carolina | | | |