Individual Details

Clyde A Query Sr.

(Mar 17, 1898 - Apr 21, 1967)

Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. Obituary: Owen Leader, April 27, 1967: Clyd e A. Query S r., 69 years old, a retired farmer of Owen County, Spence r R.R. 4, died Friday April 21 at the Donna Nursing Home. He was bor n at Saline City, March 17, 1898 , a son of Nathaniel Query and Melis a Bowes Query. The deceased was married to Miss Flona Everly, who su rvives. Other survivors include eight sons and three daughters; Walt er W. of Indianapolis, Clyde Jr. of Coal City, Jackie and Marv in, bo th of Indianapolis, Orah of Bloomington; Paul Max of Spencer, and Lela nd and Donald Ray at home. The daughters are Mrs. Frances Wollard o f Vincennes; M rs. Virginia Tucker of Spencer, and Miss Patricia Quer y at home. Mr. Query als o leaves one brother, Harold Query of Poland , and six sisters, Mrs. Ethel Cook and Mrs. Letha Schopmeyer, both o f Poland, Mrs. Nellie Phillips of Camby; Mrs. Bessie Weddle of Clayton ; Mrs. Mable Bandy of Indianapolis; and Mrs. Ruby Grace of Fort Wayne . Other survivors include 19 grandchildren. The body was brough t t o the West & Sons Funeral home where final rites were planned by the w ife an d children. Funeral rites were held Monday afternoon at two o' clock at the Wes t & Son Funeral Home, Rev. J.W. Paul officiating. Int ernment was made at Maced onia Cemetery.


BirthMar 17, 1898Saline City, Owen County, Indiana
MarriageNov 10, 1924Flona Everly
DeathApr 21, 1967Owen County, Indiana, USA
Title (Nobility)Sr.
BurialMacedonia Cemetery, Lafayette Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseFlona Everly (1907 - )
ChildLiving Query ( - )
ChildLiving Query ( - )
ChildClyde A Query Jr. ( - )
ChildWalter William Query (1925 - 1995)
ChildFrancis Esther Query (1926 - )
ChildVirginia Mae Query (1930 - 1985)
ChildJackie Eugene Query (1933 - 1974)
ChildDonald Ray Query (1937 - 1999)
ChildPaul Max Query (1942 - 1969)
ChildSteven Richard Query (1943 - 1943)
FatherNathaniel William Query (1869 - 1943)
MotherMelissa Emiline Boes (1870 - 1962)
SiblingRoy Argiel Query (1892 - 1962)
SiblingCora Ethel Query (1893 - )
SiblingLethia G Query (1896 - 1943)
SiblingNellie Marie Query (1899 - 1973)
SiblingBessie Query (1901 - 1975)
SiblingJohn William Query (1904 - 1938)
SiblingHarold Oran Query (1907 - 1997)
SiblingMable P Query (1909 - 1993)
SiblingRuby Query (1919 - 1995)
