Individual Details
Ora Kenneth Querry
(Jul 6, 1902 - Apr 29, 1983)
Also Known As:<_AKA> Query BIOGRAPHY: At the time of his death i n Broward Coun ty, Florida, his residence was listed as Margate Mano r Retirement Home, 1189 We st River Drive, Apartment 112, Margate, Flo rida. Source: Florida Death Certifi cate Number 83-033531. No writte n records exist for Ora's stay at Margate Mano r, all such records wou ld have been destroyed seven years after his death. One of the emplo yees of Margate Manor, remembers Ora as being a "very private pers on" . BURIAL: According to his Florida death certificate, his remains wer e cr emated by Gold Coast Crematory, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The dea th certificate is signed by Ernest G. Cougan III of Forest Lawn Funer al Home South, 2401 SW 6 th Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Shiloh C hristian Church confirms that the tombstone still does not bear the Or a's date of death, which leads us to believ e that his cremated remian s were never sent to Indiana from Florida. Neither t he funeral hom e nor the crematory could locate any written records that state w ha t happened to the remains.
Birth | Jul 6, 1902 | Owen County, Indiana, USA | |||
Marriage | Aug 12, 1928 | Tippecanoe County, Indiana - Goldie V Brandt | |||
Death | Apr 29, 1983 | Margate General Hospital, Margate, Broward County, Florida |
Spouse | Goldie V Brandt (1900 - 1955) |
Father | James Garfield Querry (1880 - 1926) |
Mother | Minnie Christenberry (1884 - 1926) |
Sibling | Arthur Querry (1905 - 1941) |
Sibling | Nina Querry (1909 - 1932) |
Sibling | Lenna Francis Querry (1911 - 1912) |
Sibling | James Harlan Querry (1914 - 1996) |
Sibling | Beulah Delores Querry (1916 - 1997) |
Sibling | Male Child Querry (1918 - ) |
1. Indiana Births, 1880-1920, Owen County, Book H-5, Page 34.
2. Social Security Administration, SSN: 308-26-4695.
3. Indiana Marriages, Tippecanoe County, Book M-42, Page 481.
4. Death Certificate, Broward County Florida, Death Certificate number 33531.