Individual Details

William Heard

(1674 - Bef 3 Jan 1733)

Heard, William, St Mary's Co., 18th April, 1732; 3rd Jan., 1732/33.
To dau. Mary and her husband Francis Hopewell, 150 A. of "Thirds," as already divided to them, during life; 40 A. thereof, being where sd. Hopewell has built, is bequeathed to granddau. Susannah Hopewell and hrs.; she dying without issue, sd. 40 A. with the other to return to son Marke and hrs.
To son Marke and hrs.,. 275 A. of "Thirds"; he dying without issue, sd. land to fall with that of Mr. Francis Hopewell's after their decease to son Mathew and hrs.; and personalty.
" son Mathew and hrs., 115 A. "William Heard's Purchase" and 150 A. of dwell, plan, to be laid out bet bro. John's and John Norris' land; sd. son dying without issue, to fall to son Luke and hrs.; and personalty.
" son Luke and hrs., residue of real estate after decease of wife; and personalty.
" daus. Susannah, Prisilla, Elioner, Elizabeth Wiseman and Mary Hopewell, personalty.
" wife Elizabeth, extx., certain personalty during life, at her decease to be divided among 3 sons and their hrs.; also produce of 3 hhds. Tobacco in England, and 1/2 residue of personalty, the other 1/2 to be equally divided bet 3 sons afsd. and 3 daus. Susanna, Prisilla and Elioner and their hrs., to be pd. them at marriage or when they go to housekeeping.
Overseer: Bro. Edward Cole.
Test: John Heard, Ignatius Heard, James Thompson. 20, 546.

Mr. William Heard 17.98 SM £361.8.8 Feb 3 1732 Apr 18 1733
Appraisers: A. Thompson, John Greenwell.
Creditors: Richard Shirley, Jr., George Boyd.
Next of kin: Mark Heard, John Heard.
Administratrix/Executrix: Elisabeth Heard.

William Heard 12.447 A SM £361.8.8 £31.9.9 Jun 11 1734
Sureties: John Heard, John Norres.
Received from: Thomas Clarke, Capt. John Leigh, Mr. William Cumming, Col. Richard Hopwell, Mr. Michael Macenemara, Thomas Tolly, John Baker, Capt. George Clarke.
Payments to: David Mackgill, George Gordon, Frances Hopewell, Capt. John Hicks, Richard Shirley, Charles Gaugott, Philip Clarke, Catharine Leake, Samuel Abell, Thomas Trueman Greenfield, Gilbert Ireland.
Executrix: Elisabeth Heard.

William Heard St Mary's County, MD wills dated Apr 1732 PC 1 p. 360
the Last Will of In the name of God amen. I William Heard William Heard of St Marys County in the province of Maryland being weake of body but of sound and perfect memory & knowing the uncertainty of this transitory life I do think it well and convenient to settle things in order for a ____ first and principally I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ by whose victorious death & passion I hope to enjoy Enternal Life and body to the earth to be buried as my executors herafter nominated shall think fitt & convenient, and for what worldy Estate it has pleased God of his goodness to send me. I give & bestow in manner & form following, and do appoint this to be my last will and testament renouncing revoaking & making void, all other will or wills by me heretofore made either verbal or in writing and so allow this to be my whole & sole last will & testament.
First. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Hopewell & her husband Mr. Francis Hopewell, during their natural lives, one hundred & fifty acres of land out of a greater tract of land called Thirds according as it is already devided to them and forty acres of said hundred & fifty being that wheron ___ Hopewell has built his houses. I give after their death as aforesaid, unto my grandaughter Susanna Hopewell & her issue lawfully begotten forever, but for want of such issue as aforsd the said forty acres of land with the other to return to my son Mark Heard and his lawfull issue forever.
Item I give unto my son Mark Heard the remainder of the land called thirds being two hundred seventy and five acres of land unto him the sd Mark Heard and his lawfull issue forever but for want of such issue to fall with that of Mr. Francis Hopewell after their decease, unto my son Mathew Heard, one hundred & fiftyacres of land called William Heard's purchase unto him the sd Mathew Heard and his lawfull issue forever, and also one hundred & fifty acres of land part of this wheron I now live to be laid out for him between my brother John Heards, and John Norrises land to him and his lawfull issue forever, but for want of such issue all to fall to my son Luke Heard and his lawfull issue forever, and also one negro girl called Anne to him & his lawfull issue & for want of issue to fall to my son Luke Heard of his lawfull heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath unto my son Luke Heard all the remainder or part of my land unto him and his lawfull issue forever after my beloved wifes decease she having her life in my plantation, which after decease with all my lands not before given unto him the said Luke Heard & his issue lawfully begotten, & for want of such lawfull issue all his land and negro to be equally devided amongst my daughters & their heirs forever.
Item: I give & bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Heard one negro woman called ---- unto & her heirs lawfully begotton & for want of such issue heirs all her right of negroes to fall to her sister Elenor Heard, one negro man called Peter mto her and her lawful issue & for want of such to be devided to my daughter Elizabeth Wiseman one cow & Calfe.
Item: I give unto my daughter Mary Hopewell one shilling st.
Lastly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard one negro called John and one negroe woman called Margaret, for and during her natural, but after decease the sd John & Margaret with their increase to be equally devided amongst my three sons & their heirs forever. And also I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard the prodece of my three hhgd of tobacco in England and what ready money is in our house be it more or less and all the rest of my Estate, not already in this will before mentioned as well as (?) one half therof unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard, and the other half to be equally devided between my three sons before named & my three daughters Susanna Heard, Priscilla Heard, & Elinor Heard and their heirs as afsd to paid upon day of marriage or when they shall go to housekeeping which shall first happen.
For the fulfilling of true performing of this my last will & Testament, I appoint and ordain my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard whole & Sole Executrix and desire my Brother in law Edward Cole to be her advisor & assistant.
As witness my hand, & seal this Eighteenth Day of April Anno Domini one Thousand seven
hundred thirty & Two Signed sealed & delivered In the presence of John Heard Ignatius Heard James Thompson.
January the 3rd 1732 then came John Heard, Ignatius Heard of John Heard, James Thompson the three subscibing witnesses to the foregoing will, and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty Godthat they saw the testator William Heard sign and seale and heard him publish and declare the same as his last will & Testament, and that at the time of his doing he was to the best of their knowledge and apprehension of sound and disposing mind & memory, and that they the aforesaid John Heard, Ignatius Heard, and James Thompson as witnesses did subscibe the aforesaid will in the presence of the said testator. Sworn to before me Thomas Aisquith Deputy Commissioner of St Mary's County
The deceased's widow abides by the will

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Heard, William, St Mary's Co., 18th April, 1732; 3rd Jan., 1732/33.
To dau. Mary and her husband Francis Hopewell, 150 A. of "Thirds," as already divided to them, during life; 40 A. thereof, being where sd. Hopewell has built, is bequeathed to granddau. Susannah Hopewell and hrs.; she dying without issue, sd. 40 A. with the other to return to son Marke and hrs.
To son Marke and hrs.,. 275 A. of "Thirds"; he dying without issue, sd. land to fall with that of Mr. Francis Hopewell's after their decease to son Mathew and hrs.; and personalty.
" son Mathew and hrs., 115 A. "William Heard's Purchase" and 150 A. of dwell, plan, to be laid out bet bro. John's and John Norris' land; sd. son dying without issue, to fall to son Luke and hrs.; and personalty.
" son Luke and hrs., residue of real estate after decease of wife; and personalty.
" daus. Susannah, Prisilla, Elioner, Elizabeth Wiseman and Mary Hopewell, personalty.
" wife Elizabeth, extx., certain personalty during life, at her decease to be divided among 3 sons and their hrs.; also produce of 3 hhds. Tobacco in England, and ½ residue of personalty, the other ½ to be equally divided bet 3 sons afsd. and 3 daus. Susanna, Prisilla and Elioner and their hrs., to be pd. them at marriage or when they go to housekeeping.
Overseer: Bro. Edward Cole.
Test: John Heard, Ignatius Heard, James Thompson. 20, 546.

Mr. William Heard 17.98 SM £361.8.8 Feb 3 1732 Apr 18 1733
Appraisers: A. Thompson, John Greenwell.
Creditors: Richard Shirley, Jr., George Boyd.
Next of kin: Mark Heard, John Heard.
Administratrix/Executrix: Elisabeth Heard.

William Heard 12.447 A SM £361.8.8 £31.9.9 Jun 11 1734
Sureties: John Heard, John Norres.
Received from: Thomas Clarke, Capt. John Leigh, Mr. William Cumming, Col. Richard Hopwell, Mr. Michael Macenemara, Thomas Tolly, John Baker, Capt. George Clarke.
Payments to: David Mackgill, George Gordon, Frances Hopewell, Capt. John Hicks, Richard Shirley, Charles Gaugott, Philip Clarke, Catharine Leake, Samuel Abell, Thomas Trueman Greenfield, Gilbert Ireland.
Executrix: Elisabeth Heard.

William Heard St Mary's County, MD wills dated Apr 1732 PC 1 p. 360
the Last Will of In the name of God amen. I William Heard William Heard of St Marys County in the province of Maryland being weake of body but of sound and perfect memory & knowing the uncertainty of this transitory life I do think it well and convenient to settle things in order for a ____ first and principally I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ by whose victorious death & passion I hope to enjoy Enternal Life and body to the earth to be buried as my executors herafter nominated shall think fitt & convenient, and for what worldy Estate it has pleased God of his goodness to send me. I give & bestow in manner & form following, and do appoint this to be my last will and testament renouncing revoaking & making void, all other will or wills by me heretofore made either verbal or in writing and so allow this to be my whole & sole last will & testament.
First. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Hopewell & her husband Mr. Francis Hopewell, during their natural lives, one hundred & fifty acres of land out of a greater tract of land called Thirds according as it is already devided to them and forty acres of said hundred & fifty being that wheron ___ Hopewell has built his houses. I give after their death as aforesaid, unto my grandaughter Susanna Hopewell & her issue lawfully begotten forever, but for want of such issue as aforsd the said forty acres of land with the other to return to my son Mark Heard and his lawfull issue forever.
Item I give unto my son Mark Heard the remainder of the land called thirds being two hundred seventy and five acres of land unto him the sd Mark Heard and his lawfull issue forever but for want of such issue to fall with that of Mr. Francis Hopewell after their decease, unto my son Mathew Heard, one hundred & fiftyacres of land called William Heard's purchase unto him the sd Mathew Heard and his lawfull issue forever, and also one hundred & fifty acres of land part of this wheron I now live to be laid out for him between my brother John Heards, and John Norrises land to him and his lawfull issue forever, but for want of such issue all to fall to my son Luke Heard and his lawfull issue forever, and also one negro girl called Anne to him & his lawfull issue & for want of issue to fall to my son Luke Heard of his lawfull heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath unto my son Luke Heard all the remainder or part of my land unto him and his lawfull issue forever after my beloved wifes decease she having her life in my plantation, which after decease with all my lands not before given unto him the said Luke Heard & his issue lawfully begotten, & for want of such lawfull issue all his land and negro to be equally devided amongst my daughters & their heirs forever.
Item: I give & bequeath unto my daughter Susanna Heard one negro woman called ---- unto & her heirs lawfully begotton & for want of such issue heirs all her right of negroes to fall to her sister Elenor Heard, one negro man called Peter mto her and her lawful issue & for want of such to be devided to my daughter Elizabeth Wiseman one cow & Calfe.
Item: I give unto my daughter Mary Hopewell one shilling st.
Lastly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard one negro called John and one negroe woman called Margaret, for and during her natural, but after decease the sd John & Margaret with their increase to be equally devided amongst my three sons & their heirs forever. And also I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard the prodece of my three hhgd of tobacco in England and what ready money is in our house be it more or less and all the rest of my Estate, not already in this will before mentioned as well as (?) one half therof unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard, and the other half to be equally devided between my three sons before named & my three daughters Susanna Heard, Priscilla Heard, & Elinor Heard and their heirs as afsd to paid upon day of marriage or when they shall go to housekeeping which shall first happen.
For the fulfilling of true performing of this my last will & Testament, I appoint and ordain my beloved wife Elizabeth Heard whole & Sole Executrix and desire my Brother in law Edward Cole to be her advisor & assistant.
As witness my hand, & seal this Eighteenth Day of April Anno Domini one Thousand seven
hundred thirty & Two Signed sealed & delivered In the presence of John Heard Ignatius Heard James Thompson.
January the 3rd 1732 then came John Heard, Ignatius Heard of John Heard, James Thompson the three subscibing witnesses to the foregoing will, and made oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty Godthat they saw the testator William Heard sign and seale and heard him publish and declare the same as his last will & Testament, and that at the time of his doing he was to the best of their knowledge and apprehension of sound and disposing mind & memory, and that they the aforesaid John Heard, Ignatius Heard, and James Thompson as witnesses did subscibe the aforesaid will in the presence of the said testator. Sworn to before me Thomas Aisquith Deputy Commissioner of St Mary's County
The deceased's widow abides by the will

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An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 10 Mar 2009. Thomas can be contacted at

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Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With


Birth1674St Mary's, Maryland
DeathBef 3 Jan 1733St Mary's County, Md


SpouseElizabeth Cole (1684 - 1750)
ChildMark Heard (1710 - 1771)
ChildMary Heard (1711 - 1751)
ChildElizabeth Heard (1712 - 1763)
ChildMatthew Heard (1714 - 1766)
ChildPriscilla Heard (1716 - 1767)
ChildLuke Heard (1718 - 1786)
ChildSusanna Heard (1720 - )
ChildEleanor Heard (1720 - 1785)
FatherJohn Heard (1643 - 1696)
MotherSusanna Hudson (1635 - 1707)
SiblingElizabeth Heard (1670 - 1728)
SiblingMary Heard (1685 - 1726)
SiblingSusanna Heard ( - 1707)
SiblingJohn Heard (1681 - 1747)
