Individual Details

Leonard FURR

(1756 - 10 Aug 1835)

For many years, this Leonard Furr was thought to be the son of Heinrich Furrer of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, who wrote his will in 1769. However in-depth Y-DNA testing proves this is not correct.


Y-DNA results (see below) from direct male descendants do not support Leonard Furr as a son of Heinrich Furrer of North Carolina. As the DNA tree below shows, the direct male descendants of four of Heinrich Furrer’s sons, John, Paul, Henry, and Jacob, share the same DNA profile. However the DNA results of two direct male descendants of Leonard Furr have a different DNA profile. Leonard is definitely related to John, Paul, Henry, and Jacob, but he is not their brother.

It is likely that Leonard Furr is related to the Joseph Furr in the 1790 Moore County census. However, there are no primary source documents connecting them, and Joseph Furr’s descendants have not been documented.

1790 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 163
Joseph Furr
(16+) 1M
(0-16) 4M

1790 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 155
Leonard Furrow
(16+) 1M
(0-16) 4M


There are no primary source documents that establish a relationship between Leonard Furrer and Heinrich Furrer. The connection appears to be based on the following tenuous connections.

In a letter from Rev. William T. Albright (undated but about 1955) to Clyde M. Furr, Rev. Albright states, "The evidence of the connection [Leonard to Heinrich Furrer] is the statement by Paul Bryan whose mother was Juliann Furr a daughter of Paul Furr who was a son of Leonard Furr, that this Paul Furr was named after and (sic) uncle on his Fathers side which makes Leonard a brother to Paul Furr I son of Henry Furr I."

It is 1956 book, Reverend Albright states, “I list Leonard Furr as a son of Henry Furr I for the following reasons: Paul Bryan, a great-grandson of Leonard Furr and a grandson of Leonard’s son Paul and a son of Juliann Furr (who married Benjamin Bryan) says his grandfather Paul Furr (born 1786) was named for an uncle on his father’s side, which makes Leonard Furr and Paul Furr (born 1754) brothers, and makes Leonard a son of Henry Furr I. It is also significant that Paul Furr (born 1754) named a son Leonard; Leonard named one child Henry, one Paul, one Jacob, one Mary (Mary was the name of the wife of Paul, (born 1754), one Elizabeth -- all names common in the Furr family. Mary was also the name of a daughter of Henry I, and so was sister to Paul and Leonard.”
Rev. William Thomas Albright, Supplement to the History of the Furr Family (Greensboro, North Carolina: privately published, 1956)

Note: Leonard Furr was not included in the original book, Rev. William Thomas Albright, History of the Widenhouse, Furr, Dry, Stallings, Teeter, and Tucker Families (Greensboro, North Carolina: privately published, 1950)

There are numerous primary sources that document the fact that Leonard Furr lived in Moore County while Heinrich Furr and his children lived in Cabarrus and Rowan counties.


… --> Cottray line
… I-Y31070
…… --> Spory line
…… I-Y132512
……… --> Roeschley line
……… I-Y94948
………… --> David Forry’s line of Fridi Furrer b. 1579
………… I-FT134304 (Kägi line)
…………… --> Charles Kaegi’s line of Hans Kägi
…………… I-FT133457 (Kägi line)
……………… --> Benjamin Howison’s line of Heini Kaegy b. 1540
……………… --> Michael Kagay’s line of Hans Kägi b.1692
………… I-FTB20387 (Hans Jacob Furrer b. 1597)
…………… --> Johannes Forrer’s Furrer line
……………… I-Y132496 (Furr line)
………………… --> William Upshur Furr’s line of Leonard Furr b. 1756/1758
………………… --> another private Furr’s line of Leonard Furr b. 1756/1758
……………… I-FTB11536 (Furr line)
………………… --> John David Furr’s line of Jacob Furr b. 1763
………………… --> William Frazier Furr’s line of Henry Furr b. 1762
………………… --> Carson Ray Turner’s line of Paul Furr b. 1754
………………… --> Kenneth Ray Furr’s line of John Furr b. 1752

According to a DNA expert:

“As you can see the Furrer/Forry/Furr line and Kägi/Kaegi/Kagay line commences with a common ancestor that was I-Y94948 who lived around 750 +/- years ago.

The Kägi line split off with I-FT134304 ancestor while the Furrer/Furr line split off with two lines. One line is that of David Forry from Fridi Furrer and the other line was I-FTB20387 that appears to be the line from Hans Jacob Furrer.

There are then two documented lines descended from the I-FTB20387 ancestor. One line is that of Johannes Forrer while the second line is that of the I-Y132496 Furr line. This I-Y132496 Furr ancestor may well have been Heinrich Furr/Furrer but it is more likely that he was an ancestor of both Heinrich and Leonard Furr.

Given that John David Furr, William Frazier Furr, Kenneth Ray Furr and Carson Ray Turner are the descendants from each of the four sons of Heinrich Furr and all are I-FTB11536, I feel that Heinrich Furr was the founder of I-FTB11536 and that Leonard Furr was possibly a cousin or the son of a brother of Heinrich (thereby a cousin of John, Paul, Henry and Jacob).”

Morgan Jackson (, June 18, 2022) writes:

I agree with your assessment on Leonard likely not being a son of Heinrich. It is clear that they were closely related but seems that Leonard is a much younger brother of Heinrich, nephew or close cousin. The fly in the ointment is the marriages of Leonard and Paul to sisters, Elizabeth and Mary Stutts. Heinrich was in Cabarrus (old Anson) by 1758 and we know Jacob Stutts was in Moore County by 1767 while the first record of Leonard in Moore is in 1779. If Paul married Mary Stutts around 1774 after Jacob was located in Moore, it would indicate that these families must have stayed in contact with each other, maybe gathering for religious ceremonies or trading with each other. The questions that I would love to figure out is when did Leonard actually arrive in Moore and from where (Cabarrus, GA or SC)?

Same question is applicable to Jacob Stutts. Stutts researchers believe he was the son of Ulrich Stutz and immigrated to GA with his parents in 1741. Did Jacob migrate to Coldwater Creek or Orangeburg before coming to Moore? I readily admit that I haven't delved into the research of the early Swiss families in GA/SC and therefore haven't listed parents of Jacob Stutts or Heinrich Furrer on my website. Too many unknowns.

He purchased land in Moore County and farmed it. His seven children were named: Elizabeth, Jacob, Paul, Henry, Christian, Isham, and Mary. Paul left North Carolina for Georgia, and the rest of the children moved to Mississippi. In 1830, Leonard I moved to Mississippi where he died at the age of 77. He was buried in Copiah County near Allen, Mississippi.

Lina Boyd writes, "I sat down this afternoon to try to work out the families of the earlier Furrs to see how many children are missing. Based on the 1790 census of North Carolina Fayette Dist. Moore County, Leonard Furrow (Furr) had 4 sons under age 16 making them born between 1774 and 1790. He had 4 daughters (no age is given for the girls in this census.) So there were 8 children listed in this census alone.

Then you have listed the 1810 census for Moore County. There were nine children listed in this census, but some of these overlap the ones born before 1790. Here is what I came up with.

Sons born before 1790 or in 1790. (will list the over laps too.)
1. Leonard (you list as 1771, I have as 1777)
2. Jacob 1785
3. Paul 1786-7
4. D. Henry 1790 (still at home in 1810

Girls born before 1790
5. Elizabeth Jane 1778
6. Mary Jane 1778
7. Catherine 1787 (still at home in 1810)
8. Girl born before 1790 We don't know

Children in house in 1810 not listed in 1790
9. Son age 16-26 (1784-1894 Christian born 1792
10. Daughter born between 1784-1894 We don't know
11. Daughter born between 1784-1894 We don't know
12. Son born 1794-1800 Isham born 1794
13. Son born after 1800 We don't know
14. Son born after 1800 We don't know
15. Son born after 1800 We don't know

So there are six children in this family not accounted for."

1790 census (Moore Co): Listed.

1810 census (Moore Co): 1 male over 45, 1 female over 45, 3 males under 10, 1 male 10-16, 2 males 16-26, 3 females 10 to 16-26.

1820 Lawrence, MS Federal Census
Pg# Ln# Last Name First Name
58 1 Furr Charles
62 40 Furr Henry
75 1 Furr Isham
62 42 Furr Jacob

1830 census (Copiah Co): listed as living with his son Isham.

1840 Lawrence, Mississippi Federal Census
Pg # Ln # Last Name First Name
50 1 Furr Henry
50 2 Furr Anderson
50 3 Furr Christian
50 4 Furr Jacob
64 25 Furr G. W.
64 26 Furr Leonard

Per Debi Baugh, there is much confusion about Leonard's birth date. She shows him married in 1770 which would have made him 12 if he were born in 1758. He would have been 18 if born in 1752 but that would have made him older than Paul Furr who is shown as Heinrich Furrer's second son. The 1810 census shows him over 45 which would mean he was born before 1764. An 1800 North Carolina tax list gives his age as 48.

Vol. 7, # 1, August 1983 Family Trails of Mississippi

5917 Holbrook Dr.
Jackson, Mississippi, 39206
9 May 1983

Jackie Ratcliffe
Family Trails\618 Avalon Road
Jackson, Mississippi 39206

Dear Ms Ratcliffe:

I read with interest your FURR GENEALOGY published in Vol 7 # 3 Family Trails, February 1983.( Jackie's husband died and then Jackie got sick and didn't publish any thing for a long time. When she began again, every thing was Vol 7-BF) I am a Furr descendant and have studied and researched the Furr genealogy for a number of years. During the same time period in which I have been working at this other Furr researchers have also unraveled the information and come up with the same findings. I believe I could do a great service to your readers and others who may come upon this information in years to come if you would publish these corrections and findings.

You are correct that it would be unlikely for Leonard Furr's father to have been age 64 at the time of Leonard's birth. IF the father was born in 1691. I am enclosing information showing that his father, Heinrich Furrer was born 8 July 1731, at Zell, Lucerne, Switzerland, the son of Bernhard Furrer and Babelji Zuppinger.

I believe I have some additional information to add to what was printed. Leonard Furr was born in 1752, as an 1800 North Carolina tax list gives his age as 48. Leonard Furr married Elizabeth Stutts.

Mr Jim Smith of Lafayette, Ga., states that Leonard Furr's daughter Elizabeth Furr, born ca 1780, married Isaac Smith, son of Everitt and Elizabeth Furr Smith. Thus, Leonard's daughter Elizabeth and her spouse Isaac Smith were both grand children of Heinrich Furrer, b. 1731.

My descendant is thru Henry Furr, II (called "fighting Henry" because of his valiant service in the revolutionary war) and his wife Catherine Wiser. Their daughter Rachel Furr married Henry Meisenheimer and they migrated to Illinois where she died in 1870.

I hope the enclosed information will be helpful to you, to your readers and to other members of the Furr family. Although much of it is still incomplete this may enable others to make additions and corrections. I have listed my sources, especially for new information.

Patricia Olmstead

From Morgan Jackson (
1783 -- Tax List, Cumberland County, NC, Captain John Cox's District
Leonard Furr listed as paying $10
1783, Nov 1 -- Land Grant #2063, Cumberland County, NC
John Cox received a 100 acre land grant located on Flag Creek including Lenoard Furr’s improvement where he formerly lived

1785, Nov -- Will Book A, List of Marriage Licenses Granted, Moore County, NC Page 382
Leonard Furr is listed as the surety for the marriage of John Spivey to Susanna Smith and the marriage of John Stutts to Bathaney Spivey

1786, Apr 4 -- Land Grant #117, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 50 acre land grant located on the Buffalo Creek including his own improvement

1786, Nov 14 -- Land Grant #142, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on Joseph Cockman’s 50 acre land grant located on Buffalo Creek

1787, May 21 & 23 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 152 & 157
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1788, May 23 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 198
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1788, Aug 19 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 201
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1788, Nov 18 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 211
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1789, Feb 21 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 226
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty
1789, Mar 3 -- Land Grant #1595, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 50 acre land grant located on the head of Long Meadow Branch.

1789, May 18 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 228
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1790 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 155
Leonard Furrow
(16+) 1M
(0-16) 4M

1790 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 163
Joseph Furr
(16+) 1M
(0-16) 4M

1790, Feb 16 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 256
Leonard Furr appointed overseer of road in place of Joseph McGee [no location given]

1790, Feb 18 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 263
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1790, May 17 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 266
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1790, Nov 18 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 296
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1791, Feb 19 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 298
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1791, Oct 6 -- Land Grant #401, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on John Spivey’s 60 acre land grant located on Buffalo Creek

1792, May 22 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 348
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1793, Feb 19 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 376
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1793, May 21 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 397
Joseph Furr listed as being exempt from Poll Tax in 1792 [generally indicates advanced age]
1793, Nov 21 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 433
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1793, Feb 18-20 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 437,441 & 445
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1793, Aug 20 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 479
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1793, Nov 17 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 482
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty
1794, May 20 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 524
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty
1794, Aug 14 -- Land Grant #847, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor and Leonard Furr and Jacob Furr are listed as chain carriers on David Allison’s 245 acre land grant located South of Bear Creek.

1794, Nov 11 -- Land Grant #634, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on David Allison’s 320 acre land grant located on the drains of Flag Creek.

1794, Nov 14 -- Land Grant #549, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on David Allison’s 602 acre land grant located on Buffalo Creek

1794, Dec 10 -- Land Grant #658, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on David Allison’s 529 acre land grant located East of Horse Creek

1795, Mar 25 -- Land Grant #1178, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 50 acre land grant located West of Flag Creek

1795, Aug 18 -- 1784-1795 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 528
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty
1795, Dec 26 -- Land Grant #881, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on Christopher Stutts’ 150 acre land grant located East of Bear Creek

1797, Mar 14 -- Land Grant #1372, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on George Cagle’s 30 acre land grant located between Cabin Creek and Bear Creek

1797, May 10 (written)/1797, Aug (probated) -- Will Book A, Page 192-193, Moore County, NC
Will of George Williams
Ann Williams and Leonard Furr are listed as executors

1797, Sep 20 -- Land Grant #1076, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on Beyhue Sowell’s 50 acre land grant located on Buffalo Creek.

1797, Nov 23 -- Land Grant #1269, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 50 acre land grant located on the both sides of Buffalo Creek

1797, Nov 29 -- Land Grant #1423, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on Everet Smith’s 100 acre land grant located on North of Cabin Creek

1797, Nov 29 -- Land Grant #1424, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on Levy Deaton’s 100 acre land grant located on both sides of Cabin Creek

1797, Dec 4 -- Land Grant #1903, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 100 acre land grant located North of Bear Creek. Leonard Furr is listed as chain carriers.

1798, Nov 20 -- Land Grant #1436, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 125 acre land grant located on Flag Creek. Jacob Furr and Leonard Furr are listed as chain carriers.

1800 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 48
Leonard Furr
(45+) 1M 1F
(16-26) 2M 1F
(10-16) 1M 1F
(0-10) 3M 1F

1800, Jun 18 -- Land Grant #1688, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on John McAulay’s 50 acre land grant located on both sides of Bear Creek

1803, Aug 30 -- Land Grant #1848, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr, Junr. received a 100 acre land grant located on both sides of Flag Creek. Leonard Furr, Senr. and Jacob Furr are listed as chain carriers. Jacob Furr is also listed as a neighbor.

1803, Sep 18 -- Land Grant #1850, Moore County, NC
Jacob Furr received a 100 acre land grant located East of Flag Creek. Leonard Furr, Senr. and Leonard Furr, Junr. are listed as chain carriers. Leonard Furr is also listed as a neighbor.

1805, Feb -- 1798-1808 Trial and Appearance Docket, Moore County, NC Page 10
1805, Feb -- 1785-1868 Index to Trial Docket, Moore County, NC Page 36
Charles Furr v. Jsiah & John Lawhon

1805, Oct 31 -- Land Grant #1904, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr, Junr. is listed as a chain carrier on Charles Sowell’s 50 acre land grant located on Flag Creek

1806, Jan 27 -- 1796-1841 County Accounts, Moore County, NC Page 38
Charles Furr appears on a list of uncollected county debts

1808, Feb-Feb 1810 -- 1798-1808 Trial and Appearance Docket, Moore County, NC
Robert Wilson v. Charles Furr

1809, Feb-Feb 1810 -- 1798-1808 Trial and Appearance Docket, Moore County, NC
1810, Feb -- 1785-1868 Index to Trial Docket, Moore County, NC Page 27
Fanning Moore v. Charles Furr

1810 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 599
Lenard Furr
(45+) 1M
(26-45) 1F
(16-26) 3M 1F
(10-16) 1M 1F

1810 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 611
Lenard Furr
(26-45) 1M 1F
(0-10) 1M

1810 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 611
Jacob Furr
(16-25) 1M 1F
(0-10) 1M 2F

1810 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 618
Charles Furr
(26-45) 1M
(16-26) 1F
(0-10) 4F

1810, Aug 23 -- Land Grant #2034, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr. is listed as a neighbor on Charles Sowell’s 50 acre land grant located on Flag Creek

1811, May 13 -- Deed Book 95 Page 25, Moore County, NC
William Williams deeded Leonard Furr 50 acres located on Flag Creek. Leonard Furr is also listed as a neighbor.

1811, Aug 1 -- Land Grant #2137, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 300 acre land grant located South of Cabin Creek.

1811, Aug 2 -- Land Grant #2145, Moore County, NC
Jacob Furr received a 150 acre land grant located on the Pond Branch of Flag Creek. Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor.

1811, Aug 14 -- Land Grant #2128, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr Junior received a 25 acre land grant located on both sides of Flag Creek. Jacob Furr is listed as a chain carrier.

1811, Nov 9 -- Land Grant #2153, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 40 acre land grant located on both sides of Cabin Creek

1812, Dec 14 -- Land Grant #2196, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on David Kennedy’s 200 acre land grant located on Bear Creek

1815 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC
Charles Furr listed 270 acres valued at $200
Jacob Furr listed 137 acres valued at $137 and 313 acres valued at $313
Leonard Furr listed 235 acres valued at $175.85 and 50 acres valued at $37.50

1818-1823 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr listed 285 acres valued at $400
Jacob Fur listed 375 acres valued at $400

1819, Aug -- 1796-1841 County Accounts, Moore County, NC Page 27
Fine collected from Charles Furr

1819, Sep 18 -- Land Grant #2569, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor on William Williams’ 40 acre land grant located on Flag Creek.

1820 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 305
Lenard Furr
(16-26) 1F
(16-18) 1M
(0-10) 1M 1F

1820, Nov -- 1796-1841 County Accounts, Moore County, NC Page 41
State v. C. Furr

1823, Dec 3 -- Deed Book 95 Page 20, Moore County, NC
William Williams deeded George Davis 40 acres located on Flag Creek. Leonard Furr is listed as a neighbor.

1824 -- Mississippi State Census, Lawrence County, MS
Leonard Furr
Lists 1 person over 70 years of age

1824, Nov 16 -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 58
Leonard Furr ordered to serve jury duty next court session

1825, Feb 21 -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 61
Leonard Furr served Jury Duty

1825, Sep 2 -- Land Grant #2739, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 44 acre land grant located on both sides of Flag Creek

1825, May 17 -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 79
Leonard Furr ordered to serve jury duty next court session

1827, Feb -- 1785-1868 Index to Trial Docket, Moore County, NC Page 60
Charles Furr v. A. Sowell

1827, Aug 27 -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 181
Upshur Furr served on road improvement committee on road from Kennedys Mill to old road at Solomon Brewers

1828, Aug 19 -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 181
Upshur Furr served on road improvement committee on road from Kennedys Mill to old road at Solomon Brewers

1829,Feb -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 259
Leonard Furr was a witness on the partition of Alexander Kennedy, decd.’s land for widow Susannah Kennedy

1830 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 447
Leonard Furr
(40-50) 1M 1F
(20-30) 1M

1830 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 456
Charles Furr
(40-50) 1M 1F
(15-20) 1M 1F
(10-15) 1M 1F
(5-10) 1M 1F
(0-5) 1M 1F

1830, Aug 19 -- 1823-1831 County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC Page 321
1830, Aug -- 1785-1868 Index to Trial Docket, Moore County, NC Page 65
State v. Charles Furr

1831, Feb 22 -- County Court Minutes, Moore County, NC
Jesse T. Muse v. Joseph Furr
Charles Furr listed as security

1837, Spring -- State Docket County Court, Moore County, NC
1837, Mar 4 -- Superior Court Minute Docket, Moore County, NC
State v. Enich Wallace & Nancy Furr

1837, Aug -- County Accounts, Moore County, NC
State v. E. Wallis, N. Furr & D. Mews
State v. E. Wallis, N. Furr & J. Melton
State v. E. Wallis, N. Furr & Miles Mews

1838, May 18 -- Deed Book 95 Page 24, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr deeded George Davis 50 acres located on Flag Creek

1838, Jul 27 -- Deed Book 42 Page 591, Moore County, NC
Duncan M. Kennedy deeded Upshur Furr 13 acres located on Horse Creek

1840 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 135
Upshur Furr
(20-30) 1M 1F
(0-5) 1F

1840 -- Census, Dallas County, AL Page 90
C. Furr
(50-60) 1M
(30-40) 1F
(10-15) 1M 1F
(5-10) 1M 1F
(0-5) 2M

1844 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Leonard Furr listed 2 black polls and 100 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $80

1844 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 1 white poll, 2 black polls and 650 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $744

1844, Apr 10 -- Land Grant #3233, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr received a 30 acre land grant located on Cabin Creek. Upshur Furr is listed as a chain carrier

1844, Apr 18 -- Land Grant #3231, Moore County, NC
Leonard Furr is listed as a chain carrier on Thomas Brown’s 23 acre land grant located on both sides of Cabin Creek

1845, July -- 1785-1868 Index to Trial Docket, Moore County, NC
Nancy Furr Ex Parte [Probably petitioning the court for Widow's Allowance]

1845, Jul 10 -- Record of Estates Book E, Page 85-88, 110, Moore County, NC
Estate of Leonard Furr, decd., L. W. Lawhon, administrator.
Upshur Furr and Nancy Furr purchased several items

1846, Jan 31 -- Deed Book 95 Page 21, Moore County, NC
Upshur Furr deeded George Davis 59 acres located on Flag Creek. Jacob Furr is listed as a neighbor.

1850 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 232
Upshur Furr 42 M, Farmer, $600 Real Estate, Born in NC
Rebecca Furr 33 F, Born in NC
Lundy J. Furr 11 F, Born in NC
Emily A. Furr 9 F, Born in NC
Sarah M. Furr 6 F, Born in NC
John R. Furr 4 M, Born in NC
William B. Furr 3 M, Born in NC
Mary E. Furr 1 F, Born in NC

1850 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 232-B
Nancy Furr 65 F, Born in NC

1850, Nov 13 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 240
Nancy Furr 60 F, Born in NC
Leonard Furr 20 M, Born in NC
Emberline Wallis 19 F, Born in NC

1852 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 1 white poll, 5 black polls and 777 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $856
Upshur Furr listed 21 acres on Flag Creek valued at $60

1853 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 1 white poll, 4 black polls and 818 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $881

1853, Jan 28 -- Deed Book 5 Page 139, Moore County, NC
Levi Deaton deeded Upshur Furr 100 acres located on Flag Creek. Upshur Furr is also listed as a neighbor.

1854 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 1 white poll, 4 black polls and 818 acres valued at $881

1855 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 4 black polls and 812 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $1000

1856 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 812 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $100

1857 -- Tax List, Moore County, NC, District 6
Upshur Furr listed 3 black polls and 812 acres located on Flag Creek valued at $1000

1857, Dec 27 -- Land Grant #4320, Moore County, NC
Upshur Furr is listed as a neighbor on Duncan M. Kennedy’s 13 acre land grant located East of Horse Creek

1860 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 204, Gold Region Post Office
Emeline Sowell 40 F, Famer, $350 Personal Property, Born in NC
Jospeh P. Sowell 16 M, Born in NC
James W. Sowell 12 M, Born in NC
John B. L. Sowell 10 M, Born in NC
Nancy Furr 70 F, Born in NC

1870 -- Census, Moore County, NC Page 577, Ritters Township, Carters Mill Post Office
Sampson Cockman 51 M, Farmer, $250 Real Estate, $250 Personal Property, Born in NC
Elizabeth Cockman 45 F, Housekeeper, Born in NC
Louiza Cockman 11 F, Born in NC
James A. Cockman 8 M, Born in NC
Susannah A. Cockman 6 F, Born in NC
William T. S. Cockman 4 M, Born in NC
Nancy Furr 79 F, Born in NC

1874, Jun 11 -- The Eagle Newspaper, Fayetteville, NC
Died -- In Moore County, 18th May, at the home of Mrs. Emalina Seawell, Mrs. Nancy Jure, age 91.


Birth1756Anson County, NC
Marriage1777Moore County, NC - Elizabeth STUTTS
Death10 Aug 1835Copiah County, MS
BurialSmith Family Cemetery, Lincoln County, MS


SpouseElizabeth STUTTS (1753 - 1845)
ChildLeonard FURR Jr. (1777 - 1845)
ChildElizabeth Jane FURR (1778 - 1827)
ChildJacob FURR (1785 - 1870)
ChildPaul M. FURR (1786 - 1867)
ChildCatherine FURR (1787 - )
ChildD. Henry FURR (1790 - 1880)
ChildChristian Jacob FURR (1792 - 1850)
ChildIsham FURR (1794 - 1837)

