Individual Details

Isaac Lawson

( - Aug 1821)

I believe this is likely this Isaac Lawson since Robert Lawson & family were also found here:
Tax records in Mount Joy Township, York County [now Adams County].
Series 3, Vol. XXI of the PA Archives.
1779: Lawson, David, Robert & Isaac. Only Robert was taxed for 1 horse, 1 cow.

Isaac first appeared in Rockbridge Co in 1782 with 57 acres of land. He seems to be some years younger than the Robert Lawson who joined him there a few years later, but not quite enough younger to be his son. Their close association indicates a familial relationship but what that might have been is not known.

Both Isaac and Robert were Presbyterians. A BRIEF SKETCH OF NEW MONMOUTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, c. 1912, p.25-26, states that Isaac Lawson subscribed to the Rev. Wm Graham's salary [no date] and to the building of a new Meeting House in 1788. Robert Lawson was subscribed a seat in this church in 1790. On, 5 Apr 1796, though, Isaac was a Trustee of the Ebenezer Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, when he received a deed for an acre of land for the House Mountain Meeting Church. As early as 1790, one of Isaac's children was married by Rev. John Cree who was pastor of Ebenezer. These churches were different branches of the Scottish Presbyterian Church.

Virginia Grant Book 36, p. 97
Grant to Isaac Lawson by virtue of a Treasury Warrant, #22223 issued 24 Dec 1783, 97 acres by Survey dated 2 Apr 1794, lying in the county of Rockbridge adjoining lands of Hugh Paul, his own lands, Blakely Brush and Robert Bains. Begin line of said Pauls land; with his own line, corner of said Brushs land and with his, Robert Baines line. 7 Sep 1796.

19 Sep 1786 Subscribers at Hall's Meeting House when the Rev. Moses Hoge was called to serve the Old Monmouth Church includes Robert Lawson and Isaac Lawson. In 1788, the church agreed to build a new place of worship and their names were included. In August 1800, a subscription list was taken to raise funds to lathe, plaster & finish the church - this list does not include the Lawson.
In and Around Rockbridge, Rockbridge Baths, VA, Vol 2, No. 4., Fall 1995. Samuel Miller was on all three lists - likely the father of the Samuel Miller who married a daughter of Issac.

Rockbridge Chancerry Court
Robert Banev. James Allen
28 Jul 1788 Isaac Lawson was a witness in the suit in Chancery, Robert Baine v. Jas. Allen. Isaac had been in company with Blakely Brush in the spring of 1786 when Brush told him if Baine had 235 acres, he was claiming more than he had a right to; there was vacant land unclaimed.
On 14 Feb 1791, Isaac Lawson stated that it appeared plainly to him that there was vacant land outside the patent lines. Brush had sworn him to secrecy.
18 Mar 1791 Isaac Lawson again testified in the Chancery Court Case of Robert Bane vs. James Allen. He showed to the commissioners, David Lawson, William Crawford & Charles Kilpatrick, the land in dispute - they valued it as 80#'s.

Beginning in 1798, Isaac was taxed on both the tract of 57 acres and the one of 97 acres. In 1812, he added 71 acres on Kerr's Creek adjacent his other land. This was a total of 225 acres. In 1818, the 71 acres tract was reduced to 61.13 acres; there is a deed in 1817 when Isaac sold a small parcel, just over 9 acres. His heirs paid tax on the three tracts in 1823 and then in 1824, they paid on 215.13 acres - the total amount. This agrees with a deed in 1824 when his daughter Jane deeded 215 acres to her brother Isaac [Jr].

Isaac lived next to Joshua Hicks' family - that's a very good reason to think he is the father of Robert who married Margaret Hicks.
Virginia Grant Book 62, p.232. To Issac Lawson. For two Warrants - one an Exchange land office Treasurey Warrant, #1813 issued on 15 Jan 1806 for 50 acres, and the other for 21 acres, a Land office treasury warrant #4474 issued 24 Jun 1808. A total of 71 acres surveyed on 16 Feb 1810, in the county of Rockbridge. Bounded beginning at corner to John Simonds' heirs, with their line to another corner of John Simonds' heirs, Joshua Hicks, and the said Lawson, thence with Lawson's line; another corner of Lawson and John Campbell, then with lines of a late survey of Lawson's; corner of said late survey and Robert McCampbell and with his line, corner of McCampbell and Richard Simonds and with Simonds line to the beginning. Granted 21 Oct 1811.

"Deed Book K page 391 Jan 4, 1817 Isaac Lawson and wife Nancy sold 9 acres and 147 poles lying on waters of Kerr's Creek to John Miller for #30.00 adjacent to Lawson's holdings, John Miller lands and Robert Beans [sic - Bane's] lands"

1810 Census: Although no Isaac Lawson Jr appears in this census, he is listed as Isaac Lawson, Sr, indicating there was a younger Isaac. There were two young males, 16-26, and Isaac over age 45. Also two young females age 10-16 and an apparent spouse also over age 45 [probably his wife Agnes]. In this census Isaac is listed several pages away from the family of Robert Lawson - Robert, David, & James but Robert Bane is found near Isaac - Bane appears in Isaac's deeds as a neighbor. Isaac also lived closer to the Robert Jr found some distance away from the other Lawson families.

1 Feb 1813 Lawsuit
William Gilmore, plaintiff, against David Lawson, Isaac Lawson, Andrew Walkup, Joshua Hicks and John McCampbell.
Motion for award of execute on a Delivery Bond
The defendants had legal notice of this action and were called but came not. The Court decreed that the Plaintiff recover $144.60, the penalty of the said bond to be discharged by payment of $22.33 with interest from Nov 10th, 1812, until payment and his costs expended to be awarded. Court Orders, Bk 1813-1815, p.7
One wonders why so many were involved. Although this Lawsuit does not state which David, because of the presence of Isaac Lawson and Joshua Hicks, I suspect it is the David, son of Isaac.

1820 Census: Isaac and a spouse both over age 45, with a single daughter still at home, age 16-26. His will would indicate this was the daughter Jane who inherited his land.

Isaac Lawson wrote his will 5 Aug 1820. It was probated 6 Aug 1821; WB 5, p.131-132. He disappeared from the tax rolls after 1822. His heirs paid the tax in 1823 and 1824, after which time the tax payer was listed as Isaac "Jr".
The provisions of his will are:
wife Agnes to receive one third part which was to go to daughter Jane R. Lawson after Agnes' death
He gave $2 to each of his other children as follows:
son Robert [believed by most researchers to be the Robert in Shelby Co KY, but I believe it to be Robert who married Margaret Hicks and went to Tennessee]
daughter Isabella, now Isabella McKeeman
daughter Elizabeth, now Elizabeth Murphy
son David
daughter Agnes, now Agnes Miller
son Isaac
son James
daughter Rebekka now Rebekka Hatton
son Andrew K. Lawson
then he stated that daughter Jane R. Lawson was to inherit all the rest of his estate
Executors to be friend William Wilson, store keeper in Lexington [VA] and Isaac's wife Agnes

George Diehl, archivist of Rockbridge Co, furnished a bit of additional information concerning the will of Isaac. Diehl stated William Miller, not Wilson, was the name of the Executor, and that Miller refused to serve - Andrew Walkup being appointed in his place. He also furnished the dates of the will and the probate. The appraisal was presented in court on 1 Oct 1821 by John A. Douglas, James Lecky, William Hutton, and Andrew Walkup. WB 5, p.160.

There is another page in Will book 5 page 199
In presence of an order from the ... Rockbridge county court December term. The undersigned met on the plantation of Isaac Lawson decd on Saturday the 2 of February last and proceeded to lay off Agnes Lawson her dower by the following 'metes and bounds'. Commencing at the south west corner of the meadow as the adjoining with the partition from between the meadows as the adjoining fields 44 poles" ...the rest is a description of the land in letter and numbers and degrees. The land borders on Rebecca Simonds, Millers, and Baines. Signed John A. Douglas and Jas Lecky.
At Rockbridge County court February 4th 1822 This report of the commissioners appointed to assign Agnes Lawson her Dower in the lands of Isaac Lawson decd being returned was ordered to be recorded Teste.

That Isaac also was well acquainted with some of the McCampbell family is evident from the following Will of Robert McCampbell written 3 July 1815 and probated 4 Sep 1815. He gave gave to his son James and daughter Betsey the plantation where he was living and two other tracks adjoining it. One of these adjoined the lands of Rebecca Symonds. He gave another plantation known by the name of "Lawsons" joining Samuel Miller to his son Andrew who was under age. [The description of Agnes' dower lands mentions the Simonds and the Millers.] Other children named in the will were daughters Juley, Sally, and Nancy Harper. Robert McCampbell's wife had predeceased him as daughter Betsey was named one of the executors. Witnesses to the will were Isaac Lawson, John Miller, and Samuel Miller who proved the will in Court.

The following deed is ambiguous. DB N, p.445
3 Mar 1823 John Tribut and Elisebith his wife and George Egnar and Susanah his wife, of Rickbridge to Matthew White. Undivided interest in 1/6 tract of headwaters of Kerrs Creek, adjoining Samuel Miller and tract sold by Robert Lawson and others. Sold by John Hostetter and wife to Frederick Siders, 15 Apr 1814 - the above Elizabeth & Susannah were sSiders heirs. Signed: John Tribbett, Elisibith Tribit, George (x) Agner, Susanah (x) Agner.

Deed Book O page 87 Jane R. Lawson for $1.00 sold Isaac Lawson Jr. the tract of land on which their father, Isaac Lawson, Sr. resided; it had been willed to her by her father. 215 acres on Kerr's Creek Adjoining lands of James Lackey and John Simonds heirs. He took it subject to the payment of all the debts of Isaac Lawson Sr. Deceased for which it is legally bound by deeds of trust on otherwise. Recorded May 3, 1824 [day made]
Isaac's wife Agnes is also apparently deceased - one third of the land had been left to her with the provision for it to descend to daughter Jane. Since 215 acres is the total of the land Isaac owned, she has died as well.

At Rockbridge County court October 6th 1834
This settlement of Andrew Walkup admin of Isaac Lawson decd made by James Gold and William Gilmore commissioners was extended and ordered to be until the next court.
And at said county court February 20th 1835 This settlement of the accounts of Andrew Walkup admin of Isaac Lawson decd having been hereto fore returned has confirmed and ordered to be recorded [If the date on this last is correct, it would seem Walkup was a bit negligent in wrapping up settlement. He is listed in Rockbridge in 1830, age 70-80.]

There are some indications that Isaac's children are listed in approximate order of their births in his Will.
1799 - Elizabeth Lawson married John Murphy
1800 - Robert Lawson married Margaret Hicks
A Robert Jr had appeared on the tax rolls in 1799 as over 16, just prior to this marriage
1801 - Isabella Lawson married Daniel McKamon
1807 - a David Jr appears on the tax rolls as over 16, a bit too old to be a son of David who married Hannah Dale
1808 - Nancy Lawson married Samuel Miller
1810 - An Isaac Jr appears on the tax rolls as over 16 - he lived in a different tax district near the above Robert who married Margaret Hicks
1811 - A James Jr appears only one time in the tax rolls of Rockbridge, in 1811, as a single male over 16.
1817 - Andrew K. Lawson married Rebecca Dale
Andrew appears on the tax rolls beginning 1818, continuing through 1821
1817 - Rebecca Lawson married William Hatton
Two things to note here.
1. When a young man appeared as over age 16, on his own, that was not necessarily the year he turned 17 - generally it was the year he left his father's household to be on his own. It's important to notice when the father's household first increased by a male over 16 to determine approximate age, not when the household is reduced by one.
2. The term Junior in this time frame simply meant there was a man of the same name who was older and lived in the same community. It was a designation to avoid confusion and add little to do with actual kinship. In all the cases above - Robert, David, Isaac, and James - there is adequate proof that there was indeed an older Lawson of the same name living in the immediate neighborhood.

In 1793, the personal property tax rolls indicated for the first time that Isaac had a son over age 16. We believe the Robert who married Margaret Hicks was born in 1776 - it would seem this is that Robert. Isaac continued to declare an extra grown male off and on until 1799 - the year prior to Robert's marriage to Margaret. The elder Robert Lawson's household was not altered at these times. By 1802, Isaac again has a male over 16 in his household, possibly David, placing his birth at approximately 1785, and then in 1806 his household increased to 3 over age 16 including himself. Possibly Isaac Jr has now turned 16, so Isaac Jr was born about 1789. In 1807, Isaac's household reduces by one adult male, and David Jr appears on the tax rolls for the first time - I believe this is David moving out on his own and although named as David Jr, the Jr is because he had a relative of the same name living nearby. By 1810, Isaac again had two sons over 16 - the census shows that, too - they would likely be the two youngest, James and Andrew. And the tax records show that an Isaac Jr was now over 16 [born about 1789] - they also show that he lived in a different district - nearer the Robert who married Margaret Hicks, again showing they could well have been brothers. The very next year, 1811, another son leaves the household and a James Jr over 16 is listed on the tax rolls for only a single year - that would seem to be Isaac's James called Jr because he had an older relative named James in the neighborhood. Isaac continued to have an extra male over 16 until 1818 - Andrew had married in 1817 and was now counted by himself in that year. These additions and deletions to Isaac's household are quite consistent with the list of children in his will and provide some very good indications of the ages of his sons.


DeathAug 1821Rockbridge County, Virginia
MarriageAgnes "Nancy" [surname unknown]


SpouseAgnes "Nancy" [surname unknown] ( - 1823)
ChildROBERT Lawson Jr (1776 - 1850)
ChildIsabella Lawson (1780 - )
ChildElizabeth Lawson ( - )
ChildDavid Lawson (1785 - )
ChildAgnes "Nancy" Lawson ( - )
ChildIsaac Lawson (1789 - )
ChildJames Lawson (1790 - )
ChildRebecca Lawson ( - )
ChildAndrew K. Lawson (1795 - )
ChildJane R. Lawson ( - )
SiblingRobert Lawson ( - 1812)