Individual Details

Henry ELLER Jr.

(ABT 1760 - 1832)

Notes for HENRY ELLER:
HENRY ELLER JR. and his family lived in Washington County, Maryland according o the 1790 census which states the following in the household: Males under 16 years old--1, males over 16 years old--1, females in the household--4...

HENRY ELLER JR. and his family lived in Allegheny Township, Huntington (now Blair) County, in 1810. The Census listed him as "H. ELLER."

On July 8, 1815 Abraham and Elizabeth (Rench) DEEDER sold to HENRY ELLER the Northeast 1/4 section 17 in Randolph Township, Montgomery County, Ohio; 160 acres...
source: Deed Book D-1, page 97; Montgomery County, Ohio...

On August 4, 1813 HENRY AND FRANNY ELLER sold the above mentioned land to John STUDYBAKER...
source: Deed Book O, page 201, Montgomery County, Ohio...

HENRY ELLER'S will in January 1832 and was filed on September 22, 1832..source Will Book B, page 194; Montgomery County, Ohio...

FRONICA ELLER is mentioned in a will written by her father, Peter CRABILL/GRABILL. The will dated March 11, 1811, Proved November 2, 1812 states: " Peter CRABILL, a widower. His children's names' are Peter, John, Elizabeth, FRONICA, and Joseph. In administrations accounts 1812-1817, dated April 26, 1813, distribution as made to the sons and their sisters Elizabeth (wife of Joseph ELLER) and FRANNY (wife of HENRY ELLER) of Montgomery County, Ohio. "...source: Liber RB-1. Folio 327; Montgomery County, Ohio....

Administration Accounts of 1812-1813, page 192-193... From Will Book B,

Page 194, Case #1127:

"In the name of God, Amen; I Henry ELLER of Montgomery County and the state of Ohio being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind, memory, and understanding, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth to wit vir. First I do give and commend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial. And as touching this worldly estate I give and dispose of the following manner. First I do that my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid out of my estate, and further is my will that all the money now in my hands at my decese shall remain in the hands of my beloved wife as long as she remains my widow and after her decease the whole of my estate shall be equally divided among all my children., and further those of all my children that have given their receipt for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars as part advance of my estate for which they have engaged themselves to pay interest for that amount yearly. Now it is my will after my decease, and after the decease of my beloved wife those interest shall cease and the prinipal shall be accounted for with each part of share of said Estate. And if any shall neglect to pay interest by the said receipts back or such part as those that have neglected to pay, so much they shall have before an equal division is made, and lastly I constitute and appoint my son Daniel ELLER and my son in law Jacob ALBAUGH to be he Executors of This my last will and testament ratify in this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness where I have herein to set my hand and seal this fifth day of January Anoro Domini 1832. his Henry x
ELLER mark Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said testor as his last will and testament in the presents of each other who have here unto
subscribed our names as

"ELLERS came into Randolph Township about 1806....Robert and James EWING, John and Abraham McCLINTOCK came from Kentucky in 1805. David and William SKEETS came from North Carolina in 1806. About this time settlements sprang from every part of the township. Jacob SMITH settled on the Northeast quarter of section 19; David KINSEY on the Northeast quarter of section 32; Daniel FETTERS on section 29, Peter FETTERS on section 21, both in 1806. The ELLERS and the FOUTS came about the same year. In 1811, there was a heavy immigration from Pennsylvania. RASORS, WARNERS, and BRAUNBAUGHS, with others came and all of them opened clearings for themselves...." (note: WARNERS and BRAUNBAUGHSs were to become cousin families through marriage with ELLERS in this and other generations.)

Found in Hagertown, Maryland: H/657 Deed...pertains to the settlement of the estate of Henry ELLER (Jr.), deceased, recorded April 21, 1794, naming his children....

Found in Washington County, Maryland: Land Record M 12, pages 462 and 463, recorded April 25, 1800... finally received the forty pounds due him from the estate, as he is now of lawful age. (The youngest son of Henry-Peter ELLER).


BirthABT 1760Maryland
MarriageABT 1783Frederick Co., MD - Fronica GRABILL
Death1832Randolph Twp., Montgomery Co., OH


SpouseFronica GRABILL (1765 - 1838)
Child(First child of Fronica and Henry ELLER) ELLER (1784 - 1784)
ChildDaniel ELLER (1785 - 1863)
ChildMary ELLER (1788 - 1876)
Child(Fourth child of Fronica and Henry ELLER) ELLER (1790 - 1800)
ChildChristina/Christiana ELLER (1790 - 1872)
ChildAbraham ELLER (1793 - 1845)
ChildFrances ELLER (1796 - 1877)
ChildHenry ELLER (1797 - 1833)
ChildSarah ELLER (1799 - 1871)
ChildElizabeth ELLER (1802 - 1860)
ChildAnna ELLER (1805 - 1868)
ChildJoseph ELLER (1808 - 1864)
FatherHenry ELLER (1728 - 1788)
MotherElizabeth BIGLER (1735 - )
SiblingJoseph ELLER ( - )
SiblingMaria Elizabetha ELLER (1752 - 1827)
SiblingRebecca ELLER ( - )
SiblingJacob ELLER ( - )
SiblingEsther ELLER ( - )
SiblingSarah ELLER ( - )
SiblingSalome ELLER ( - )
SiblingMaria ELLER (1754 - 1816)
SiblingDaniel ELLER (1769 - 1850)
SiblingMary Magdalene ELLER (1775 - )
SiblingPeter ELLER (1779 - 1843)