Individual Details


(ABT 1728 - ABT 1788)

It is known, and documented, that Henry ELLER Sr. arrived into this country aboard the "Neptune" on October 25, 1746 in Philadelphia. Henry took his oath of allegiance the same day. (List 111 C) At the Court House at Philadelphia, 25: of October 1746.
Present: William ATTWOOD, Thomas LAWRENCE,
William ALLEN, Robert STRETTRELL,Esquires
The Foreigners whose names are underwritten, imported in the Neptune, Tho WILINSON, Master, from Rotterdam, but last from England, did take this day the foregoing Oaths to the Government.

"Henry (H) ELLER"
Henry ELLER and his wife, Elizabeth BIGLER ELLER were baptized April 14, 1754 by Elder Michael FRANZ of the Conalico Congregation of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Concalico District. Henry was a member of the German Brethren Baptist, which was also called Dunkard.
In a book of genealogy by James HOOK, and his wife Virginia Eller HOOK, it tells of the churches built near the ELLER farm where HENRY ELLER SR. and his family lived: "...the original Dunkard migration to America in 1719, and in 1725, they had formed their first church in Germantown, Pennsylvania. By 1729 there was a church at Constiga, some 15 miles south of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania where HENRY ELLER SR. and his wife were baptized on April 14, 1753. Later still the Piper Creek Church was formed at Union Bridge in Carrol County, Maryland; 2 miles N.E. of the ELLER farm; and the Beaver Dam Congregation of Piper Creek, which was 2 1/2 miles from HENRY ELLER'S farm."
Jacoby and Catherine FLORA sold 90 acres, a part of Hammond Strife, to HENRY ELLER on June 6, 1767. The transaction and signatures were witnessed by Thomas and Elizabeth WOOD. This piece of land was between Uniontown and New Windsor in the Piper Creek Dunker District... source: Deed Liber K, Folio 1284; Frederick County, Maryland.....

June 14, 1771 HENRY and ELIZABETH ELLER sold the above mentioned land... source: Ibid, Liber B-O, Folio 3....
June 13, 1772 HENRY bought 110 acres in the Beaver Dam Branch of the Little Piper Creek of the Beaver Dam District... source: Ibid, Liber WR-6, Folio 4... "Whereas a certain Henry ELLER of Washington County, deceased, the father of Joesph ELER (sic), Salome ELER (sic), Ester ELER ( sic), Daniel ELLER, Elizabeth ELLER, Rebecca ELLER, Henry ELLER, Jacob ELER (sic), Sarah ELLER, Magdelena ELER (sic), Peter ELER (sic), and at the same time of his death was seized in fee two tracts of Land the one called Walling Such and the other called Adventure lying and being in Washington County and containing One Hundred and Ninety acres of Land..."

Deed to Joseph ELLER by Heirs Christian and Elizabeth HERTER, Christian and Rebecca GERBER, Henry and Fronica ELLER, Jacob and Magdelena GERBER, on December 24, 1793, all of Washington County, Maryland... source: Washington County, Maryland, Deed Liber H-4, Folio 657...

"To my daughter Elizabeth wife of Henry ELLER the sum of six pounds lawful money of the State of Maryland." Known as Dunker of the Piper Creek Congregation... Source: from the written will of Mark quoted in the book The Mark Bigler Family...

sources: The Eller Family Chronicles...
Gale HONEYMAN, genealogist...
A Family History and Genealogy by James Hook and Virginia Eller Hook...

George Michael Eller and Descendants of His In America by James W. Hook...
Montgomery County History, Section III, page 56...
Names of German, Swiss and Other Immigrants, 1746...
A History Of The Brethren by Martin 312...

In records found in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland: references are made to Henry ELLER Sr..
An estate settlement is recorded in Frederick, Maryland... Estate Settlement-Henry ELLER... 1788. (Bond) Joesph Eller and Christian Harter.. Book A2/321 Appraisal Personal Property... A7 Sale of Personal Property... 1/249 Accounts settlement...
The administrators were Daniel ELLER and Nicholas GARRET. Signatures of persons receiving their distributive share were: Mary Magdeline ELLER, Widow an children Mary ELLER, Henry ELLER, Katherine ELLER, and Elizabeth ELLER. This Peter ELLER may be the youngest son of Henry ELLER Sr.; if so, Daniel ELLER might be his older brother.
Joesph ELLER, brother of Henry ELLER Jr.; had a deed recorded: Washington County, Maryland Deeds--Liber H, Folios 657-660.

(the spelling, ect. are as appearing in document)...
Exd. and dd. to John FOUTS At the request of Joesph ELLER the following Deed was recorded 21st April 1794 to wit This Indenture made on the fourth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety three Between Joesph ELLER -- and his wife [blank space] Christian HERTER and his Wife Elizabeth, Christian GERBER and his wife Rebecca, Henry ELLER his Wife Froncia Jacob ELLER and his Marareth Easter ELLER Daniel ELLER and his Wife Hannah Sarah ELLER Jacob GERBER and his Wife Magdalena of Washington County and State of Maryland, Whereas a cartin [certain] Henry ELLER of Washington County deceased the father Joesph ELLER Elizabeth ELLER Rebecca ELLER, Henry ELLER [Jacob ELLER, name crossed out] Jacob ELER Ester Eller Daniel ELLER, Sarah ELLER Magdalena ELLER [Anna, name crossed out] Maria ELER, Salome ELER Peter ELER and at the time of his death was seized in fee of two tracts of Land the one called Wallings Luck and being in Washington County and the other tract called part of the Adventure lying Lying and being in Washington County and containing One hundred and Ninety six and One half acre of Land and to the intent and purpose that perfect Settlement may be had or made Between of all and singular the Land and premises aforesaid And that Joesph ELLER him his heirs or assigns from henceforth Hold and enjoy the aforesaid One hundred and Ninety six and One half acres of Lands and tenements without any let impeachment or disturbens And by their own mutual consent and agreement and by these present and agreement and by these presents do aforesaid Lands Land and premises--Now This Indenture Witnesseth that Christian HERTER and his wife Elizabeth Christain GERBER and his Wife Rebecca Henry ELLER and his Wife Fronica Jacob ELLER and his Wife [blank space] Ester ELER Daniel ELLER and his Wife Hannah Sarah ELLER, Jacob GERBER and his Wife Magdalena for and in consideration of the sum of forty pounds Current Money to each and every one of them in hand paid before the ensealing thereof the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do jointly and severally discharge Joesph ELLER his heirs Executors Administrators or [and, word crossed out] assigns forever by these presents and for other good causes and considerations them moving home [or have] granted bargained sold enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents for them and there heirs do jointly and severally do give grant, bargain and sell and confirm unto the said Joesph ELLER his heirs or assigns forever all rgeire two tracts of Land before mentioned, Together with all houses buildings and improvements whatsoever to the said two tracts of Land belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have and to Hold the said two tracts of Land herebefore described and all other the premises with the appurtenances unto the said Joesph ELLER his heirs or assigns forever and to the only proper use and behoof of the said Joesph ELLER his heirs or assigns forever and they the said Christian HERTER and his Wife Elizabeth, Christian GERBER and his Wife Rebecca Henry ELLER and his Wife Fronica Jacob ELLER and his Wife Margareth Ester ELER Daniel ELLER and his Wife Hannah Sarah ELLER Jacob GERBER and his Wife Magdalena every of them and their heirs shall and Will Warnt [warrant] And do hereby joyntly and severally Grant to warrend [warrant] and forever defend by these presents to the said Joesph ELLER his heirs or assigns the afresaid two tracts of Land and premises with the appurtenances and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever that shall from time to time here ever afther Lawfully lay any right title interest clame or domant [demand] to an part or percel [parce] thereof by from or and them or any heirs whatsoever In Witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year above written-- signed sealed and delievered / in the presents [presence] >
A CLAGETT Adam OTT / Jacob ELLER seal Marget ELLER x her mark seal
Christain HERTER* seal
Elizabeth HERTER x her mark seal
Christain GARBER* seal
Rebekah GARBER x her mark seal
Easter ELLER x his mark seal
Sarah ELLER x her mark seal
Daniel ELLER* seal
Hanah ELLER x her mark seal
Fanny ELLER x her mark seal
Jacob GARBER seal
Matleaner GARBER x her mark

on the back of the foregoing Deed were the following endordts. towit Received the 24th day of December 1793 of Joesph ELLER each of us the sum of Forty pounds Current Money being the consideration mentioned in the within Deed
Adam OTT

Jacob ELLER Margret ELLER x her mark
Easter ELLER x her mark
Henry ELLER x his mark
Sarah ELLER x his mark
Jacob GARBER Christian GARBER*
Matleaner GARBER x her mark
Rebekah GARBER x her mark
Fanny ELLER x her mark
Daniel ELLER
Hannah ELLER x her mark
Christian HARTER*
Elizabeth HARTER x her mark
Washington County
December 24th 1793.
Came the within named, persons before us two of the Justices of the peace for said County and Acknowledged the within Istrument of writing to be their Act and Deed and the mentioned Land to be the right and Estate of the within mentioned Joseph ELLER his heirs and assigns forever At the same time came Elizabeth Wife to the deceased Henry ELLER and relinquished her right of Dower to within mentioned Land

"the transcriber has preserved, as faithfully as possible, the original document's grammar, spelling, capitalization, putuation, and deletions. All editing notations have be enclosed in brackets. Signatures bearing an asterisk (*) were written in German script. In the second set of signatures, the genders of Easter and Sarah ELLER seem to have been mistakenly switched. The land mentioned is also mentioned in previous pages of Henry ELLER Jr..." [Jim ELLER, Eller Family Web Page, January 2001]


BirthABT 1728Germany (Palatinate)
MarriageABT 1750Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA - Elizabeth BIGLER
DeathABT 1788Frederick Co., MD


SpouseElizabeth BIGLER (1735 - )
ChildJoseph ELLER ( - )
ChildMaria Elizabetha ELLER (1752 - 1827)
ChildRebecca ELLER ( - )
ChildJacob ELLER ( - )
ChildEsther ELLER ( - )
ChildSarah ELLER ( - )
ChildSalome ELLER ( - )
ChildMaria ELLER (1754 - 1816)
ChildHenry ELLER Jr. (1760 - 1832)
ChildDaniel ELLER (1769 - 1850)
ChildMary Magdalene ELLER (1775 - )
ChildPeter ELLER (1779 - 1843)