Individual Details

Jane Hicks

(1612 - 1662)
Pre-1750 Charles County MD Familes: Wills, Court, Church, Land, Inventories & Accounts; Entries: 15815 Updated: Sat Feb 28 22:27:13 2004 Contact: Michael Marshall,
ID: I02526
Name: Jane Hicks
Sex: F
Birth: 1612 in England
Death: 1662 in Charles Co. MD
Robert Hicks 1635-1739 VA Frances ? Landowner

Jane Hicks (Cockshoot) (Causine) Clarke died in 1662. two years before Robert Clarke the Surveyor.
October 1, 1655 Robert Clarke makes a Bond to Henry Adams of Maryland. Robert Clarke shall after marriage contracted between him
and Mrs. Jane Causine Widow, permit unto such persons, as she shall thereto appoint from time to time the propriety & possessions of all
the Estate left her, by late husband Nicholas Cawsine deceased, without interruption or molestation, then this bond to be void, but
else to stand in full force . sealed and delivered in possession of Locus Sigilli and Robert Clarke
1655 (sometime after 1 October 1655 and before 7 January 1656 - Robert Clarke marries 3rd wife Jane Hicks (who was born 1612 in
England) who had been married 1st to John Cockshoot. 3 children from her first marriage they are: John Cockshoot, Mary Cockshoot age 23 in 1658 , and Jane Cockshoot age 17 in 1658.

Jane Hicks Cockshoot married 2nd to Nicholas Causine. she has two sons from 2nd marriage they are: Nicholas Causine, and Ignatius
Causine. It was Jane Hicks (Cockshoot) (Causine) Clarke whose daughter Mary was born about 1638 and married Henry Adams )

7 January 1656 Henry Adams & Thomas Mathews for the use of Jane Clarke, the late relict of Nicholas Cawsine deceased: to have & to
hold unto the said Henry Adams & Thomas Mathews to & for the sole benefit & use of the Said Jane Clarke & her Heirs forever & in
witness where of I set my hand this 7th day of January 1656. William Mitchell.

Nicholas Causine's will was probated in 1656.
Page 50 ( Page 120 in entry) of Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume 1 Mrs. Jane Clarke demands warrant against Mr. Thomas Lomax and Humphrey Attwicks; debt
1658- 16 August the deposition of Jane Clarke aged 46 years or thereabouts Sworn & examined this 16th of August 1658. Her daughter
Jane Cockshoot was given as age 17 years or Therabouts her answer to the fores Interrogatories, upon oath & Examination, dated 1758.

She again in another documented occasion Jane Cockshute as it's spelled in this document" age 17 years sworne & examined sayeth, that
she was present at Mr. Gills sickness & death, her mother Jane Clarke on May 31 1658 aged 46 years or thereabouts sworne & examined sayeth That Mr. Benjamin Gill late of this Province Deceased dyed at her house at Portback the 22th of November in the year 1655.....

Mary Cockshoot married Henry Adams and gives her date of birth as Follows:

Mary Adams of this Province age 21 years or Thereabouts Sworn and Examined sayeth she was at portoback at her Mothers house at the time Benjamin Gill Dyed...

So if Jane Hicks(Cockshoot) (Cuasine) Clarke was 46 in 1658 she was born 1612.

16 August 1658 the deposition of Mary Adams aged 21 years old or thearabouts sworn & Examined this 16th day of August 1658. mentions
step father Nicholas Cuasine and sister Jane Cockshoot, & her brother Ignatius & Nicholas Cuasine. (Mary Cockshoot married Henry Adams) (Jane Cockshoot the daughter married Thomas Mathews.)

at this time Jane Cockshoot was not married yet.
Here is some info out of a book called "Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume 1 (Page 120 of entry but page 50 in this book. the date appears to be 1660) Mrs. Jane Clarke demands warrant against Mr. Thomas Lomax and Humphrey Atticks: debt Page 2 in book Page 3 in entry: Thomas Gerrard, Esq., summons Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Adams, and Jane Cockshoot,Mrs. Ursula Goodericke( date is 31 May 1658
same page further down:
Mrs. Jane Cockshoot enters her mark of Hogs and cattle. at County Court , 4 June 1658 held at Humphrey Atwikes, Present of
the Council: Josias Fendall,Esq., Phillip Calvert, Esq. Robert Clarke Esq. Commissioners Present: Mr. James Linsey, Henrie Addames, James Waker, Edward Pakes.

Jane Hicks(Cockshoot)(Causine) Clarke died about 1662.

23 Sept. 1676; indenture from John Offaine of Port tobacco, Planter to Benjamin Rozer of Port tobacco; for 8,000 # Tobacco; a parcel of
land called Patrick's on the west side of the fresh of St. Thomases Creek; bounding Jane Clarke's, Ignatius Causine near the main branch
of St. Nicholas' Runn; containing 300 acres; another parcel called Sping Plaine on the west side of the main fresh of Port tobacco or
St. Thomas Creek; bounded by James Lindsey, Garrat Sinnett; containing 50 acres;/s/ John OFaine; wit. John Lamaire, John Hamilton.
Mr Clarks Bond. These pents wittness tht I Robert Clarke of Maryland Gentn doe acknowledge my selfe to stand indebted to
Henry Adams of Maryland Plantr the somme of Ten Thowsand pownds of good Tob. wth cask to bee payd by me, my heyres, Ex
equutoes, Admistratores, or Assignes, to him his heyres. Exequutoes, Admistratoes or Assignes uppon demand. Wittnes my hand & Seale
this first day of Octobr 1656. The Condicon of this Obligaan is such, That if the aboue bownden Robert Clarke shall after marriage
contracted betweene him & Mrs Jane Causine Widdow, permitt unto such persons, as shee shall thereunto appoynt from time to time the
propriety & possesn of all the Estate left unto her, by her late husband Nicholas Cawsine deceased, wthout any interruption or moles
taon, then this Bond to bee voyd, but else to stand in full force & uertue Locus X Sigilli Sealed & Deliuered in [presence] of. . . Robert Clarke

Maryland Archives

Volume 41 page 169

Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 169

The plf produceth a Bill, & an account of Thomas Greene Esqr Liber P.C.R deceased, Whereby (as it appeareth) the sd Greene was indebted to Major Thomas Cely of Virginia Mercht in the summe of Two Thow- True v. Henry Adams sand seauen hundd pownds of Tob, And desyreth that Henry Adams ffeoffee in trust to the sd W Greene may make answere thereto. The deft demandeth of the plf, to shew by what power hee sueth, Who thereuppon produced his Ire of Attorney, Vppon sight whereof alleaging that he is as yett ignorant concerning tht debt, as allso the other ffeoffee Mr James Langworth; & motion tht this Cause be sent downe to the County Court in Charles County, by wch time they may ueiw the accounts of the sd Mr Greene, & the better informe them selues concerning the sd Claime, & be there heard & determined, was graunted & Ordered accordingly.
Maryland Archives

Volume 41 page 169

Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 169

The plf produceth a Bill, & an account of Thomas Greene Esqr Liber P.C.R deceased, Whereby (as it appeareth) the sd Greene was indebted to Major Thomas Cely of Virginia Mercht in the summe of Two Thow- True v. Henry Adams sand seauen hundd pownds of Tob, And desyreth that Henry Adams ffeoffee in trust to the sd W Greene may make answere thereto. The deft demandeth of the plf, to shew by what power hee sueth, Who thereuppon produced his Ire of Attorney, Vppon sight whereof alleaging that he is as yett ignorant concerning tht debt, as allso the other ffeoffee Mr James Langworth; & motion tht this Cause be sent downe to the County Court in Charles County, by wch time they may ueiw the accounts of the sd Mr Greene, & the better informe them selues concerning the sd Claime, & be there heard & determined, was graunted & Ordered accordingly.
Eod die.
Jane Cocksute aged 17 yeares sworne & examined Sayth, That shee was present att Mr Gills sicknes & death, & That shee heard him
often say that Mr Gerard & her Brother Adams were his Exequutoes,
And further sayth not.
Jurat, oes Coram Robert Clearke.

May 31th 1658.
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill late of this Prouince De
ceased dyed att her howse att Portoback the of Nouembr in the yeare 1655, And a little before his death, shee asked him if hee had a
Will & he tould her noe, nor euer made any in his lffe, But when bee Maryland Archives Volume 41 page 170

170 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.

Liber lay sick att W Gerards, W Gerard & his Wffe urged him to make P. C. R. a Will, But he made none, And the reason was, as the sd Gill tould this Depont, because they would haue him make Robt Cole his heyre, But he sayd hee would not, ffor the sd Cole did not deserue it att his hands, And tht shee neuer did see any Will amongst his writings, And further Sayth not. Robert Cole his Jnterrogatories proposed to Mrs Jane Clearke, Mrs Mary Adams, Mrs Jane Cockshott, Concerning Mr Benjamin Gill his last Will & Testamt, wth their answers thereunto uppon Oath & Examinaon July 26th 1658.
ffirst Doe you remember att what time Mr Benjamin Gill deceased did speake concerning making his Will, or appownting Executoes.
2ly Can you testify tht Beniarnin Gill, did of purpose call or desyre any peson or pesons as wittnesses: or were to tht purpose
requyred by him to take notice of any words spoken by him to tht purpose, When, Where & in whose pence, was any such by
the sd Benjamin Gill. p. 128 3ly Was the sd Benjamin Gill perswaded to appoynt Exequutoes, & such as hee did seeme unwilling to appoynt. Were any pesons hindred to come to him uppon his request to tht intent, or any to committ his Will to writing.
4ly Are any the Witnesses of his appoyntmt of Exequutors soe neare of kinne to the Exequutors or Exequutor, That they may
probably peties to the Exequutors cause. 5ly Were not some of the Witnesses or all of them to receiue some benefitt, or Legacies, by such his nuncupative Will. 61y Can you sweare tht the sd Beniamin Gill, was of perfect memory, when hee made choice of the pretended Exequutors Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or thereabouts, her answere to the abouesd Interrogatories uppon oath & Examinaon ut supra.
To the ffirst. That it was a little before hee dyed, hee spoke it before this Deponent & her husband Cawsine, & her Daughter

Volume 41 page 171

Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 171

To the second. That hee called in this Deponts husband Nicholas Liber Cawsine, her selfe & Daughter Adams, & desyred Willm Harper her P. C. R. sonne Adams his man to write his Will, And to tht intent, pen, inke,
& paper was brought. But the sayd Willm Harper not knowing the
forme of a Will, desyred bee would deferre it, till his Master came
home. Vppon wch bee desyred us present (Viz) her husband, her
selfe, & Daughter Adams to take notice of his Verball Will.
To the third. That for the Exequutors they were of his owne
choyce & motion not knowing any, tht peswaded him to them, And
that bee desyred to speake wth Mr ffitzherbert, & Mr Gerard, but it
could not possibly bee effected.
To the ffowrth. That shee was Mother in Law to one whom bee
did appoynt his Exequutor & that her Daughter Adams, who is a
wittnes, was then & is still Wffe of One of the sd Exequutors
To the ffifth. That her Daughter who was a Wittnes had not
any Legacy left, But to her selfe & her husband was Legacies left
who were wittnesses.
To the Sixth. That to the best of her iudgmt, hee was in perfect
sence & memory, when hee made choyce of his Exequutors, & con
tinued in the same, to his last breath.
Sworne before mee the day & yeare aboue written Job Chandler.

Mary Adams aged 21 yeares or thereabouts her answere to the
foresd Jnterrogatories uppon Oath & Examinaon.
To the ffirst. That the uery day of his death he nominated &
appoynted Mr Thomas Gerard & this Deponts husband to bee his
To the Second. That a little before Mr Gills departure this
Depont lyuing then in her ffather in Law Cawsines howse, was called p. 129
into the roome, where bee dyed by her mother, And hee desyred all
there pent, were her ffather in Law her mother, & her selfe to take
notice that was his Will.
To the Third. That the first day Mr Gill came to this Deponts
mothers howse, he nominated W Thomas Gerard, & her husband
to bee his Exequutors, & did not att any time after heare him mention
any else, & to the best of her knowledge he was not perswaded to
make choyce of any Exequutors.
To the ffowrth. That shee was Wffe to one of the Exequutors, &
that shee was a wittnes but noe Legatee.
To the ffifth That all but her selfe were.
That to the best of her knowledge he was, ffor he spoake senceably,
& knew us all there present.
Sworne Eod die Coram me Job. Chandler.

Volume 41 page 172

172 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.

Liber P. C. R.
Jane Cockshott aged 17 yeares or thereabout her answere to the
foresd Interrogatories, uppon Oath & Examinaon.

To the ffirst That the first day W Gill came to this Deponts
mothers howse, being the time he there dyed, bee spake of making
his Will & tht bee did nominate Mr Gerard & her Brother Adams to
bee his Exequutors & tht he desyred it seuerall times in his sicknes.

To the Second. That the same day Mr Gill dyed this Depont
Sayth, Shee was her sister Adams called into the roome by her
mother, where Mr Gill was, her ffather in Law Cawsine being pres
ent, Where Mr Gill desyred them to take notice tht this was his Will,
And tht Willm Harper being called in to write his Will desyred to
bee excused not knowing the forme.
To the Third. That shee knows not That Mr Gill was peswaded
by any to make choyce of his Exequutors, or tht bee was hindred of
any persons to come to him, That bee desyred.
To the ffowrth. That shee was sister in Law to One of the
Exequutors, but further knows not.
To the ffifth. That shee was not present, fully to heare W Gills
Will, therfore knows nothing concerning Legacies, & tht shee doth
not remember any part of it (Except) That bee desyred all his
cattle should be brought to her mothers howse & there to remaine
for three yeares: & the nominating his Exequutors, wch were those
aboue mentioned.
To the Sixth. That to the best of her Judgmt he was, for he was
sencible, & knew all that were there present.
Sworne Eod die Coram me

p. 130 The Deposn of Mrs Jane Clearke aged 46 yeares or thereabouts
Sworne & examind this 16th of August 1658.
Sayth, That Beniamin Gill deceased after nominating & appoynt
ing his Exequutors wch were Mr Thomas Gerard, & this Deponts
sonne in Law Henry Adams, did dispose of his wordly goods as
Impe That one Thowsand pownds of Tob, or thereabout, wch
was in Mr Thomas Gerard & MR Robert Slyes hands should be gyuen
to the Church to bee prayed for.
21y That hee gaue to this Depont in consideraon of her paines &
charges all his moueable goods, Excepting his Chayres & Stooles &
Table, wch were att Widdow Lewis her howse, The wch Chayres,
Stooles & Table, hee gaue to this Deponents Daughter Jane Cockshott
It. Hee gaue to this Deponts husband Nicholas Cawsine fiue
hundd pownds of Tob: & fiue hundd pownds of Tob more to this
Depont, And to this Deponts Daughter Jane Cockshott, & her sonne
Jgnatius, & Nicholas Cawsine to each of them bee gaue fiue hundd
pownds of Tob.

Marriage 1 Nicholas Causine
Ignatius Sr. Causine b: 14 JUL 1644 in St. Mary's Co. MD
Nicholas Causine b: 6 FEB 1646/47
Mary Causine b: 9 MAR 1630/31 in St. Mary's County Maryland

Marriage 2 John Cockshutt b: 1609 in England
Married: ABT 1629 in England
Jane Cockshutt b: 1632 in England
Mary Cockshutt b: 1637 in Charles Co. MD

Marriage 3 Robert Surveyor Sr. Clarke b: 1611 in England
Married: 1656 in St. Marys County, Md
John Sr. Clarke b: 1642 in St. Mary's Co. MD
Mary Clarke b: ABT 1646 in Charles Co. MD
Robert Jr. Clarke b: MAR 1652/53 in St. Mary's Co. MD
Thomas Sr. Clarke b: 25 DEC 1654 in St. Mary's Co. MD

SOURCE: Marc Wheat,

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 169-70; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. p. 126-7
May 31th 1658
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts...

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. Page 72; Liber Z; p. 109
Cecilius &c. To Dame Jane Cockshott widdow greeting. we doe hereby committ vnto you the adinraon of all the rights debts goods & chattells within this Province wch were yor late husbands John Cockshott at the time of his death; Charging you by vertue of yor oath made vnto vs in this behalfe. that you make or cause to be made a true & perfect Inventary of all the said rights debts goods & chattells in the pnce & by the discretion of two Credrs of yor said late husbands, or if such may not be conveniently had then of two other honest & indrent men sworne to make true appraismt & that you will cause so many of the said goods & chattells as shall come to yor hands to be appraised by the said sworne men; and that the Inventary wth the appraisemt as aforesaid you deliver or cause to be delivered to vs or or Secretary, for the time being afore the ffeast of all Saints next coming, vnles further time be given: by vs or or said Secretary and that you keepe & make a true & faithfull accompt of your said admraon, & the same deliver likewise to vs or Or said Secretary at some time before the ifeast of the annunciation of Or B. Lady next coming, vnlesse likewise further time be given. Given at St maries this 13th Oct 1642. witnesse John Lewgr Esq. our Secretary &c of eod. the said Jane Cockshott made oath to the purpose abovesaid, & acknowledged herselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietary twelve thousand wt of tob in case she shall not pforme all the contents of her oath above said recognit coram me John Lewger

Cecilius &c. To Or trusty & beloved George Binks gent Licentiate in physick, greeting. we doe hereby authorise you to administer an oath to Tho: Greene gent and Nathan Pope planter or to any other psons that shalbe appointed to appraise the goods of John Cockshott deceased, in these words [you shall sweare to appraise & estimate in tobacco the goods of John Cockshott deceased wch shalbe referred to yor appraisernt truely & iustly according to the pnt value thereof in yor conscience so neare as you may; So helpe you God]. and what ou shall doe herein, certifie to vs or our Secretary vnder yor hand before the first of novemb ext. Given at St maries 15. octob 1642. witnesse John Lewger &c
Octob 21. 1642
I have administred the oath above mentioned to the above named pties according to this Commission George Binx.

24. March 1642
further time for accompt given till 1st may.
apr. 17. further time till 1st June
1. June time given till advice were had out of EngI. touching a debt of Mr Herne.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.; Page 96-99; Liber Z; p. 144
The Inventary of mr John Cockshott's goods, made in the pnce of mr ffenwick (attorny of Capt Cornwaleys) and mt Geo: Binks; & appraised by mr Tho: Greene & Nathan: Pope delivered the 28th October 1642. by Jane Cockshott widd.
(given in) L tob
a paire of tables 0080.
1. p new shoes 0020
2. p of old boots, 1 p old shoes, & 1. p spurrs 0030
about 50 L of pewter dishes, at 5 L p pound 0250
1 2. plate-trenchers & 11. sawcers 0035
14. porrengers & cawdle-cupp 0056
2. basons & 4. litle butter dishes 0030
3. chamber potts 0040
4. pewter candlesticks 0040
2. flagons & a tankard oo8o
a saitsellar oooô
a brasse morter & pestle 0020
a brasse slice & spoone 0010
3. brasse kettles 0250
2. brasse skilletts 0025
a brasse skimmer 0020
a book-rest0005
a p of brasse andirons 0200
2. p tongs, 2 fireshovells, & a firefork 0080
4. of potthooks, 2. p of pottracks, a gridiron & a tosting iron 0050
a jack, a p of spitt-racks, 3 spitts, a Jackweight, & chaine 02 30
3. gunnes 0350
a warming pan, a of bellowes, a bundle of curtaine rodds, & a chimney bar 0168
a parcell of old iron0010
3. thousand of nailes 01 20
3. thousand of reparation nailes 0030
9. cupbord locks0040
12. p of dufftaels 0012
3. doore spring locks 0060
2. narrow axes & a broad axe 0040
5. latches 0017
a pcell of old iron 0020
6. p of hinges & i.odd one0040
1. -p of SS & a stock lock0012
2 trowells0017
transported from the other side 2493 L
3 froes 0030
an apple-roster, & a meat-heater 0006
a bondle of twine & a pcell of glew 0012
6. bed-ropes and 3. fishing lines 0050
a reap hookooo6
a mincing knife ooo6
a heape of tooles o8oo
4. old hoes0008
2. marking irons 0012
2 sawes 0060
a cleaver0012
a quantity of small nailes 0004
8. old bands & a capp0016
a pcell of old red cloth 0050
a bundle of silk fringe 0040
3. remmants of very old black cloth 0003
an old wastcoat 0010
a black suit & coate0400
a scarlett cap & a p silk garters 0060
a suit & cloak 0300
a suit 2000
a suit & cloak 0800
a suit & cloak 01 20
a suite 0080
a browne cloake 080
1 3. p of irish stockins oo66
a black stuff cloake0050
a carpett & 2 window curtaines0050
a turkie-work carpett080
a feather bedd, bolster, pillow, 2. blanketts, & 1. rugg 0450
a featberbedd, bolster, 2 pillowes, 2 blanketts & a large redd rugg 8
a great chest 0050
6. old hatts & a capp0070
a black suit & a leather doublett 060
a close stoole 0050
a maid servant 0700
a parcell of English books 0150
6. framed pictures 0300
a framed table 0030
an old rapier, a sword, & a lether belt 0050
transported from the other side 7904 L
1. p holland sheets & pillowbers 0120
1. p flexen sheets & pillowbers 0100
1. p holland sheets & pillowbers 0110
1. p hempen sheets & pillowbers 0050
1. p flexen sheets & pillowbers 0060
an old p of hempen sheets 0030
an old p of hempen sheets 0040
1. -p holland sheets oo8o
1. p old hempen sheets 0040
i. p old flexen sheets 0040
1. -p new hempen sheets 0070
1.dozen of flaxen napkins 0070
a course flaxen tablecloth 0020
an old table & a dozen of old napkins 0040
4. old tableclothes 0040
3. cupboard clothes 0050
3. servants shirts 0030
a holland shirt 0040
6. towells 0030
3. iron potts 0120
a litle iron kettle 0020
2. old dripping pannes 0020
a litle glew kettle 0010
a very old quilt & pillow, 2 overworne blanketts & a coverlett 0030
a spade & a shovell 0020
a frying panne 0020
a feud of corne, by estimate 30. barrells 0750
6. old servants shirts 0018
a dwelling house & a plantation 1800
2 L of beaver due to the estate at 40 80
5 L 6 d nailes, & 1 L of 20d nailes due to the estate 0020
25 poultry 0120
a barrow 0150
one sow & 5 shotes in the woods 80
debts due to the estate, one wth another valued at 2000

a note of such goods as doth belong to the estate of Mr Adams, being at the plantation.
2. full bottles of gunpowder, wch bottles conteine a quart or thereabouts, and more
in 2. small baggs, swan shott
3. looking glasses
1. -p old stockins
1 testament
1. small book of presidents
2. small books in french
1. book of dispute concerning religion
1. old gitterne
1. small box wth lutestrings
1. p spurr lethers
1. old sattin suit
some trading fishooks in a small lether bagg
a periwig
7. p of scissors
some small skeynes of coloured thread
2. musk-rat-skins
1. case & bagg wth salt
3. trading axes
1. felling axe
1. powdring tubb
1. old chest
Tho: dobbs.:Some part of the powder above written I made use of therefore I wil be accomptable for the whole, all being foure pound & a halfe, and twelve pound of swan shott. me Tho: Dobbs
1. hand cuffs
1. old sword
1. case wth some nailes
1. peice of new cloth about the bignes of a towell
240 L of tob cask due to the estate of Mr Adams upon Thomas Bradnox
a note of such things as were in the shallopp, and at Tho: Butlers house belonging unto mr Tho: adams, deceased the 6th of ffebr: 1641.
1. shallopp, wth an old saile
1. wherry
1. meale tubb
12. hogsheads of tobacco
1. old sattin doublett wth silver buttons
10. yards of blew truck cloth
1. bearskin
1. flockbed a fether bolster
7. dagger blades
1. hatchett
.1 axe
1. case, & in it, a prayer book, a counting book, a powder-box, some papers, & an old beaver hatt
ifranc Rabnett

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 226-27; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. Vid. fol. 263, p. 184; Adams & Mathews v. Mitchell's Estate Bee it knowne unto all men by these pents tht I Willm Mitchell Esqr doe assigne all my right tytle & interest of a blackish browne horse wth a white face unto Henry adams & Thomas Mathewes for the use of Jane Clearke, the late Relict of Nicholas Cawsine deceased; To have & to hould unto the sd Henry adams & Thomas Mathewes to & for the sole benefitt & use of the sd Jane Clearke & her heyres for ever & in wittness whereof I sett my hand this 7th of January 1656. Willm Mitchell Signed & Deliuered in pence of Giles Sadler
These pents wittnes tht I the aboue named Willm Mitchell doe engage my selfe my heyres, Executors & admistrators uppon or before the last of aprill next comming to deliuer to the aboue named Henry adams & Thomas Mathews for the use abouesd a mare betweene fowre & fiue yeares old, uisibly sownd wind & limb, uppon. the Receipt of Eight hundd pownds of good sownd merchble leafe Tob & cask as wittnes my hand this 7th of January 1656 Willm Mitchell.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 127; Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.; Liber P. R.; p. 37;
October 15th vacat ista Re cognttio: Nov. 16. Randoll Revell assigned all his interest in 5000# tob owing from Walter Beanie, and 1500wt from mrs Cockshott, & 3000 wt owing among the ffree men of St Clements hundred to mr Lewger for his security to save him harmlesse for being his security for his answering all demands entred vpon record agst at this pnt. mark of RR Randoll Revell 15th Octob 1642

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 145; Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.; Liber P. R.; p. 51;
November 15
Eod: Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of William Asiter foure hundred & fifteene pounds of tob due vpon accompt for goods. attachmt return 1st dec next.
Eod. Jane Cockshott widd demandeth of John hollis eight hundred and sixteene pounds of tobacco, wherof 490 l due wth cask to the estate of her late husband, and the rest to her selfe for goods. attachmt return 1st dec next
Eod. Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of ffrancis Posie three hundred twenty foure pounds of tob due to the estate of her late husband, with cask. attachmt retorn dec next.

p. 53 Novemb 19
Eod Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of ffrancis Posic 654 l of tob; wherof 324. wth cask for debt due to the estate of her late husband, & 330. by assignmt from William hardige attachmt in forma consuet retorn 1st dec. next

p. 56 November 29th
Eod. Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs maid servt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt & deteineth from her to the damage of the plf. to the value of 100 l tob.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 169-70; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. p. 126-7
May 31th 1658
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill deceased lay sick, att her howse att Portoback about a month before hee dyed, and tht often times in that month, shee heard him speake of making his will, & that his desyre was tht Mr Gerard & her sonne adams should bee his Executors When bee drew neare his end hee desyred her to tell Not in Mr Gerard & her Sonne adams his Executors, That they should Baldwin dispose of his Estate, as hee had told her, & further sayth not Jurat, oes Coram Robert ClearkeMay 31th 1658.
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill late of this Province Deceased dyed att her howse att Portoback the of Nouembr in the yeare 1655, and a little before his death, shee asked him if hee had a Will & he tould her noe, nor ever made any in his lffe, But when hee lay sick att W Gerards, W Gerard & his Wffe urged him to make a Will, But he made none, and the reason was, as the sd Gill tould this Depont, because they would have him make Robt Cole his heyre, But he sayd hee would not, ffor the sd Cole did not deserue it att his hands, and tht shee never did see any Will amongst his writings, and further Sayth not.
Eod. die.
Mary adams of this Province aged 21 yeares, or thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth, Shee was att Portoback att her Mothers howse att the time when Mr Beniamin Gill dyed, That neyther then nor before, shee never saw any written Will, & further sayth not.
Eod. die
Jane Cocksuite of this Province aged 17 yeares or thereabouts deposeth idem quod her Sister Mary adams ut supra.Jurat Oes Coram Robt Clearke.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 73, Page 210-211; LAND-HOLDER'S ASSISTANT.
29th of November 1642.
Jane Cockshott, widow, prayeth to have a patent in the name of the freehold lately granted by patent to Randall Revel, and by him surrendered into his lordship's hands for the use of the said Jane.
New Patent-Cecilius, &c.
Know ye that we, for and in consideration thatt Randall Revel, being seized in fee of a certain freehold, part of the manor of West St Maries, by vertue of a grant to him the said Randall from us by patent under our great seal, bearing date 17th October 1740, hath surrendered into our hands the said grant to the use of Jane Cockshott, widow, Doe therefore hereby give, grant and confirm unto the said Jane, all that neck of land called Green's Point, &c. ut in Revel's patent.3/4 Given 29th November 1642.
Liber No. 1, fol. 24. c.html
Clarke, Robert, m. by 1654, Winifred, late wife of Thomas Greene (MDPL aBH:403).
Clarke, (N), m. by 26 July 1658, Jane, relict of Nicholas Cawsine, and mother of Mary adams and Jane Cockshutt (aRMD 41:171).

p. 2 Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Liber A, Page 3; 31 May 1658; Thomas Gerrard, Esq., summons Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. addames, Ms. Jane Cockshoote, Mrs. Ursula Goodericke
Commissioner Jobe Chandler to take depositions of Henrie addames, Mrs. Marie addames, his wife, Mrs. Jane Clarke, Mrs. Ursula Goodericke & Mrs. Jane Cockshoote [Margin: 1_64 Cobb Neck-lands of Capt. James Neale.....]
4 Jun 1658; Mrs. Jane Cockshoote enters her mark of hogs and cattle

Clearke, Jane, aet 46. Deposition on 31 May 1658. Said that Benjamin Gill, dec'd, lay sick at her house at Portobacco about a month before he died. He said that he wanted to make a will and have Mr. Gerard and her son in law Henry adams be exrs. He died at her house on 22 Nov 1655. Reference to her husband, Nicholas Cawsine and her dau. Mary adams and her dau. Jane Cockshott, her son Ignatius Cawsine. (arch. of MD, v. XLI, p.169, 172).

Adams, Henry, Portobacco, Chas. Co, 13th Oct, 1684; 9th July, 1686.
To dau. Jane Mathews, and hrs,, 200 a. on e. side Potomac R.
" brother Ignatiits Causeene, personalty.
" sons and daus. of Thomas Mathews, Ignatius Williams, and An---, personalty.
Exs.: Leonard, Robert, and Francis Greene.
Dec 'd died a Roman Catholic.
Test: Meneral Hulse, Robt. Thomas, Jas. Turner. 4. 204.

Early Settlers of Maryland by Gust Skordas
page 96
Cockshot, Jane ABH 59 Wife of John. Immigrated 1641. In the next year she appears a widow, married Nicholas Causen prior to 1648. (ABH, to]. 22).
Cockshot, Jane 2 506-507 Widow of John. Married Nicholas Cawsin.
page 97
Cockshot, Jane ABH 22, 59 Transported 1641. Probably daughter of John.
Cockshot, John ABH 22, 59 Immigrated 1641. (ABH fol.207).
Cockshot, Mary ABH 22, 59 Transported 1641. Daughter of John.
Cockshott, Jane 1 24 Transported 1641. Wife of John.
Cockshott, John 1 24 Immigrated 1641 with wife and others. Deceased 1642.
Cockshott, Mary 1 24 Transported 1641.
_. . WC2 277, 278, 11 1680. c.html
Clarke, Robert, m. by 1654, Winifred, late wife of Thomas Greene (MDPL ABH:403).
Clarke, (N), m. by 26 July 1658, Jane, relict of Nicholas Cawsine, and mother of Mary Adams and Jane Cockshutt (ARMD 41:171).

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 169-70; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. p. 126-7
May 31th 1658
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts...

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1642. Page 72; Liber Z; p. 109
Cecilius &c. To Dame Jane Cockshott widdow greeting. we doe hereby committ vnto you the adinraon of all the rights debts goods & chattells within this Province wch were yor late husbands John Cockshott at the time of his death; Charging you by vertue of yor oath made vnto vs in this behalfe. that you make or cause to be made a true & perfect Inventary of all the said rights debts goods & chattells in the pnce & by the discretion of two Credrs of yor said late husbands, or if such may not be conveniently had then of two other honest & indrent men sworne to make true appraismt & that you will cause so many of the said goods & chattells as shall come to yor hands to be appraised by the said sworne men; and that the Inventary wth the appraisemt as aforesaid you deliver or cause to be delivered to vs or or Secretary, for the time being afore the ffeast of all Saints next coming, vnles further time be given: by vs or or said Secretary and that you keepe & make a true & faithfull accompt of your said admraon, & the same deliver likewise to vs or Or said Secretary at some time before the ifeast of the annunciation of Or B. Lady next coming, vnlesse likewise further time be given. Given at St maries this 13th Oct 1642. witnesse John Lewgr Esq. our Secretary &c of eod. the said Jane Cockshott made oath to the purpose abovesaid, & acknowledged herselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietary twelve thousand wt of tob in case she shall not pforme all the contents of her oath above said recognit coram me John Lewger

Cecilius &c. To Or trusty & beloved George Binks gent Licentiate in physick, greeting. we doe hereby authorise you to administer an oath to Tho: Greene gent and Nathan Pope planter or to any other psons that shalbe appointed to appraise the goods of John Cockshott deceased, in these words [you shall sweare to appraise & estimate in tobacco the goods of John Cockshott deceased wch shalbe referred to yor appraisernt truely & iustly according to the pnt value thereof in yor conscience so neare as you may; So helpe you God]. and what ou shall doe herein, certifie to vs or our Secretary vnder yor hand before the first of novemb ext. Given at St maries 15. octob 1642. witnesse John Lewger &c
Octob 21. 1642
I have administred the oath above mentioned to the above named pties according to this Commission George Binx.

24. March 1642
further time for accompt given till 1st may.
apr. 17. further time till 1st June
1. June time given till advice were had out of EngI. touching a debt of Mr Herne.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.; Page 96-99; Liber Z; p. 144
The Inventary of mr John Cockshott's goods, made in the pnce of mr ffenwick (attorny of Capt Cornwaleys) and mt Geo: Binks; & appraised by mr Tho: Greene & Nathan: Pope delivered the 28th October 1642. by Jane Cockshott widd.
(given in) L tob
a paire of tables 0080.
1. p new shoes 0020
2. p of old boots, 1 p old shoes, & 1. p spurrs 0030
about 50 L of pewter dishes, at 5 L p pound 0250
1 2. plate-trenchers & 11. sawcers 0035
14. porrengers & cawdle-cupp 0056
2. basons & 4. litle butter dishes 0030
3. chamber potts 0040
4. pewter candlesticks 0040
2. flagons & a tankard oo8o
a saitsellar oooô
a brasse morter & pestle 0020
a brasse slice & spoone 0010
3. brasse kettles 0250
2. brasse skilletts 0025
a brasse skimmer 0020
a book-rest0005
a p of brasse andirons 0200
2. p tongs, 2 fireshovells, & a firefork 0080
4. of potthooks, 2. p of pottracks, a gridiron & a tosting iron 0050
a jack, a p of spitt-racks, 3 spitts, a Jackweight, & chaine 02 30
3. gunnes 0350
a warming pan, a of bellowes, a bundle of curtaine rodds, & a chimney bar 0168
a parcell of old iron0010
3. thousand of nailes 01 20
3. thousand of reparation nailes 0030
9. cupbord locks0040
12. p of dufftaels 0012
3. doore spring locks 0060
2. narrow axes & a broad axe 0040
5. latches 0017
a pcell of old iron 0020
6. p of hinges & i.odd one0040
1. -p of SS & a stock lock0012
2 trowells0017
transported from the other side 2493 L
3 froes 0030
an apple-roster, & a meat-heater 0006
a bondle of twine & a pcell of glew 0012
6. bed-ropes and 3. fishing lines 0050
a reap hookooo6
a mincing knife ooo6
a heape of tooles o8oo
4. old hoes0008
2. marking irons 0012
2 sawes 0060
a cleaver0012
a quantity of small nailes 0004
8. old bands & a capp0016
a pcell of old red cloth 0050
a bundle of silk fringe 0040
3. remmants of very old black cloth 0003
an old wastcoat 0010
a black suit & coate0400
a scarlett cap & a p silk garters 0060
a suit & cloak 0300
a suit 2000
a suit & cloak 0800
a suit & cloak 01 20
a suite 0080
a browne cloake 080
1 3. p of irish stockins oo66
a black stuff cloake0050
a carpett & 2 window curtaines0050
a turkie-work carpett080
a feather bedd, bolster, pillow, 2. blanketts, & 1. rugg 0450
a featberbedd, bolster, 2 pillowes, 2 blanketts & a large redd rugg 8
a great chest 0050
6. old hatts & a capp0070
a black suit & a leather doublett 060
a close stoole 0050
a maid servant 0700
a parcell of English books 0150
6. framed pictures 0300
a framed table 0030
an old rapier, a sword, & a lether belt 0050
transported from the other side 7904 L
1. p holland sheets & pillowbers 0120
1. p flexen sheets & pillowbers 0100
1. p holland sheets & pillowbers 0110
1. p hempen sheets & pillowbers 0050
1. p flexen sheets & pillowbers 0060
an old p of hempen sheets 0030
an old p of hempen sheets 0040
1. -p holland sheets oo8o
1. p old hempen sheets 0040
i. p old flexen sheets 0040
1. -p new hempen sheets 0070
1.dozen of flaxen napkins 0070
a course flaxen tablecloth 0020
an old table & a dozen of old napkins 0040
4. old tableclothes 0040
3. cupboard clothes 0050
3. servants shirts 0030
a holland shirt 0040
6. towells 0030
3. iron potts 0120
a litle iron kettle 0020
2. old dripping pannes 0020
a litle glew kettle 0010
a very old quilt & pillow, 2 overworne blanketts & a coverlett 0030
a spade & a shovell 0020
a frying panne 0020
a feud of corne, by estimate 30. barrells 0750
6. old servants shirts 0018
a dwelling house & a plantation 1800
2 L of beaver due to the estate at 40 80
5 L 6 d nailes, & 1 L of 20d nailes due to the estate 0020
25 poultry 0120
a barrow 0150
one sow & 5 shotes in the woods 80
debts due to the estate, one wth another valued at 2000

a note of such goods as doth belong to the estate of Mr Adams, being at the plantation.
2. full bottles of gunpowder, wch bottles conteine a quart or thereabouts, and more
in 2. small baggs, swan shott
3. looking glasses
1. -p old stockins
1 testament
1. small book of presidents
2. small books in french
1. book of dispute concerning religion
1. old gitterne
1. small box wth lutestrings
1. p spurr lethers
1. old sattin suit
some trading fishooks in a small lether bagg
a periwig
7. p of scissors
some small skeynes of coloured thread
2. musk-rat-skins
1. case & bagg wth salt
3. trading axes
1. felling axe
1. powdring tubb
1. old chest
Tho: dobbs.:Some part of the powder above written I made use of therefore I wil be accomptable for the whole, all being foure pound & a halfe, and twelve pound of swan shott. me Tho: Dobbs
1. hand cuffs
1. old sword
1. case wth some nailes
1. peice of new cloth about the bignes of a towell
240 L of tob cask due to the estate of Mr Adams upon Thomas Bradnox
a note of such things as were in the shallopp, and at Tho: Butlers house belonging unto mr Tho: adams, deceased the 6th of ffebr: 1641.
1. shallopp, wth an old saile
1. wherry
1. meale tubb
12. hogsheads of tobacco
1. old sattin doublett wth silver buttons
10. yards of blew truck cloth
1. bearskin
1. flockbed a fether bolster
7. dagger blades
1. hatchett
.1 axe
1. case, & in it, a prayer book, a counting book, a powder-box, some papers, & an old beaver hatt
ifranc Rabnett

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 226-27; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. Vid. fol. 263, p. 184; Adams & Mathews v. Mitchell's Estate Bee it knowne unto all men by these pents tht I Willm Mitchell Esqr doe assigne all my right tytle & interest of a blackish browne horse wth a white face unto Henry adams & Thomas Mathewes for the use of Jane Clearke, the late Relict of Nicholas Cawsine deceased; To have & to hould unto the sd Henry adams & Thomas Mathewes to & for the sole benefitt & use of the sd Jane Clearke & her heyres for ever & in wittness whereof I sett my hand this 7th of January 1656. Willm Mitchell Signed & Deliuered in pence of Giles Sadler
These pents wittnes tht I the aboue named Willm Mitchell doe engage my selfe my heyres, Executors & admistrators uppon or before the last of aprill next comming to deliuer to the aboue named Henry adams & Thomas Mathews for the use abouesd a mare betweene fowre & fiue yeares old, uisibly sownd wind & limb, uppon. the Receipt of Eight hundd pownds of good sownd merchble leafe Tob & cask as wittnes my hand this 7th of January 1656 Willm Mitchell.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 127; Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.; Liber P. R.; p. 37;
October 15th vacat ista Re cognttio: Nov. 16. Randoll Revell assigned all his interest in 5000# tob owing from Walter Beanie, and 1500wt from mrs Cockshott, & 3000 wt owing among the ffree men of St Clements hundred to mr Lewger for his security to save him harmlesse for being his security for his answering all demands entred vpon record agst at this pnt. mark of RR Randoll Revell 15th Octob 1642

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 145; Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.; Liber P. R.; p. 51;
November 15
Eod: Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of William Asiter foure hundred & fifteene pounds of tob due vpon accompt for goods. attachmt return 1st dec next.
Eod. Jane Cockshott widd demandeth of John hollis eight hundred and sixteene pounds of tobacco, wherof 490 l due wth cask to the estate of her late husband, and the rest to her selfe for goods. attachmt return 1st dec next
Eod. Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of ffrancis Posie three hundred twenty foure pounds of tob due to the estate of her late husband, with cask. attachmt retorn dec next.

p. 53 Novemb 19
Eod Jane Cockshott widd: demandeth of ffrancis Posic 654 l of tob; wherof 324. wth cask for debt due to the estate of her late husband, & 330. by assignmt from William hardige attachmt in forma consuet retorn 1st dec. next

p. 56 November 29th
Eod. Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs maid servt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt & deteineth from her to the damage of the plf. to the value of 100 l tob.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Page 169-70; Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Liber P. C. R.. p. 126-7
May 31th 1658
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill deceased lay sick, att her howse att Portoback about a month before hee dyed, and tht often times in that month, shee heard him speake of making his will, & that his desyre was tht Mr Gerard & her sonne adams should bee his Executors When bee drew neare his end hee desyred her to tell Not in Mr Gerard & her Sonne adams his Executors, That they should Baldwin dispose of his Estate, as hee had told her, & further sayth not Jurat, oes Coram Robert ClearkeMay 31th 1658.
Jane Clearke aged fowrty six yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined Sayth, That Mr Beniamin Gill late of this Province Deceased dyed att her howse att Portoback the of Nouembr in the yeare 1655, and a little before his death, shee asked him if hee had a Will & he tould her noe, nor ever made any in his lffe, But when hee lay sick att W Gerards, W Gerard & his Wffe urged him to make a Will, But he made none, and the reason was, as the sd Gill tould this Depont, because they would have him make Robt Cole his heyre, But he sayd hee would not, ffor the sd Cole did not deserue it att his hands, and tht shee never did see any Will amongst his writings, and further Sayth not.
Eod. die.
Mary adams of this Province aged 21 yeares, or thereabouts sworne & Examined Sayth, Shee was att Portoback att her Mothers howse att the time when Mr Beniamin Gill dyed, That neyther then nor before, shee never saw any written Will, & further sayth not.
Eod. die
Jane Cocksuite of this Province aged 17 yeares or thereabouts deposeth idem quod her Sister Mary adams ut supra.Jurat Oes Coram Robt Clearke.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 73, Page 210-211; LAND-HOLDER'S ASSISTANT.
29th of November 1642.
Jane Cockshott, widow, prayeth to have a patent in the name of the freehold lately granted by patent to Randall Revel, and by him surrendered into his lordship's hands for the use of the said Jane.
New Patent-Cecilius, &c.
Know ye that we, for and in consideration thatt Randall Revel, being seized in fee of a certain freehold, part of the manor of West St Maries, by vertue of a grant to him the said Randall from us by patent under our great seal, bearing date 17th October 1740, hath surrendered into our hands the said grant to the use of Jane Cockshott, widow, Doe therefore hereby give, grant and confirm unto the said Jane, all that neck of land called Green's Point, &c. ut in Revel's patent.3/4 Given 29th November 1642.
Liber No. 1, fol. 24. c.html
Clarke, Robert, m. by 1654, Winifred, late wife of Thomas Greene (MDPL aBH:403).
Clarke, (N), m. by 26 July 1658, Jane, relict of Nicholas Cawsine, and mother of Mary adams and Jane Cockshutt (aRMD 41:171).

p. 2 Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Liber A, Page 3; 31 May 1658; Thomas Gerrard, Esq., summons Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. addames, Ms. Jane Cockshoote, Mrs. Ursula Goodericke
Commissioner Jobe Chandler to take depositions of Henrie addames, Mrs. Marie addames, his wife, Mrs. Jane Clarke, Mrs. Ursula Goodericke & Mrs. Jane Cockshoote [Margin: 1_64 Cobb Neck-lands of Capt. James Neale.....]
4 Jun 1658; Mrs. Jane Cockshoote enters her mark of hogs and cattle

Clearke, Jane, aet 46. Deposition on 31 May 1658. Said that Benjamin Gill, dec'd, lay sick at her house at Portobacco about a month before he died. He said that he wanted to make a will and have Mr. Gerard and her son in law Henry adams be exrs. He died at her house on 22 Nov 1655. Reference to her husband, Nicholas Cawsine and her dau. Mary adams and her dau. Jane Cockshott, her son Ignatius Cawsine. (arch. of MD, v. XLI, p.169, 172).

Adams, Henry, Portobacco, Chas. Co, 13th Oct, 1684; 9th July, 1686.
To dau. Jane Mathews, and hrs,, 200 a. on e. side Potomac R.
" brother Ignatiits Causeene, personalty.
" sons and daus. of Thomas Mathews, Ignatius Williams, and An---, personalty.
Exs.: Leonard, Robert, and Francis Greene.
Dec 'd died a Roman Catholic.
Test: Meneral Hulse, Robt. Thomas, Jas. Turner. 4. 204.

Early Settlers of Maryland by Gust Skordas
page 96
Cockshot, Jane ABH 59 Wife of John. Immigrated 1641. In the next year she appears a widow, married Nicholas Causen prior to 1648. (ABH, to]. 22).
Cockshot, Jane 2 506-507 Widow of John. Married Nicholas Cawsin.
page 97
Cockshot, Jane ABH 22, 59 Transported 1641. Probably daughter of John.
Cockshot, John ABH 22, 59 Immigrated 1641. (ABH fol.207).
Cockshot, Mary ABH 22, 59 Transported 1641. Daughter of John.
Cockshott, Jane 1 24 Transported 1641. Wife of John.
Cockshott, John 1 24 Immigrated 1641 with wife and others. Deceased 1642.
Cockshott, Mary 1 24 Transported 1641.
_. . WC2 277, 278, 11 1680. c.html
Clarke, Robert, m. by 1654, Winifred, late wife of Thomas Greene (MDPL ABH:403).
Clarke, (N), m. by 26 July 1658, Jane, relict of Nicholas Cawsine, and mother of Mary Adams and Jane Cockshutt (ARMD 41:171).


MarriageAbt 1630John Cockshutt
Marriage1642Charles County, MD - Nicholas Causine
MarriageBef 1 Oct 1656Charles County, MD - Robert Clark
MarriageNicholas Causine


SpouseJohn Cockshutt (1609 - 1642)
ChildJane Cockshutt (1632 - 1693)
SpouseRobert Clark (1611 - 1664)
SpouseJohn Cockshutt (1609 - 1642)
ChildMary Cockshutt (1637 - )
ChildJane Cockshutt (1632 - 1693)
SpouseNicholas Causine (1608 - 1654)
ChildMary Causine (1631 - 1694)
ChildIgnatius Causine (1643 - 1695)
ChildNicholas Causine (1645 - )