Individual Details

Robert Clark

(1611 - Bef 21 Jul 1664)

Surveyor General

Robert Clark, Gent. immigrated to Maryland in 1636 (Patents AB&H:132, Gibb) Before 1654, "Mr. Robert Clark" married Winifred, widow of Thomas Green, Esq. (Patents AB&H:403, Skordas) and by 1658, "Mr. Robert Clark" had married Joan Cousine (Colsin, Causin), widow of Nicholas (Patents Qo:264, Gibb). His son, Robert, married Sarah Combe, daughter of Abraham (See Combs &c.'s Abraham Combe (of Old Rappahannock County, Virginia and St. Mary's and Charles Counties, Maryland) and Combs &c. of St. Mary's County, Maryland for more on this family)

Clarke, Robert, 14th July, 1664; 21st July, 1664.
To son Robert (now 12 yrs. of age), and to son Thomas (now 10 yrs. of age), personalty.
To dau. Mary, personalty. [NJL note: Given as under 18.]
Eld. son John, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Thos. Mathews, Geo. Goodricke. 1. 208.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1995 Vol 36 Number 1; References to Sons and Daughters in the Provincial Court Records 1637 ; 1683 R Edward Wright
Clarke, Robert. Gives a cow to his son John Clarke and a heifer to his dau. Mary Clarke. 6 Nov 1647. (Arch. Of MD, v. IV, p.341).

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0041, Page 54-55; Court and Testamentary Business, 1647.; Liber A, p. 97
1651-Deposition of Mary the wife of John Greenway taken in open court the 20th day of March 1651 saith that upon or about the 17th day of February last Mr. Robert Clarke being in the house where the desponent (the home of John and Mary Greenway) liveth in at Inner Room of the said house and having left a Pistol upon the table in the outward Room where this desponent was about her occasions where in removing the Said pistol off the table the same went off in this deponents hands unawares. and this desponent thereupon going out of the room upon her return thither again found the said Mr. Clarke in the room where the said pistol so went off, who this deponent answered She did not know that she shot the same off, and the said Mr. Clarke thereupon asked her whether she cocked the pistol whereupon she relied no or to that effect and said Mr. Clarke not long after Charged the said pistol again putting a paper doubled into the panne, and being so charged laid the same again upon the table whereupon Philip Arther was afterwards killed with the said pistol by James Langworth unawares as she verily believeth. His lords Attorney General this day declared by the way of indictment Against Mr. Robert Clarke and James Langworth thereby showing unto this court that Philip Arther late of St Mary's County deceased being upon or about the 17th day of February last in the house of New town in the County afores where John Greenway and the said Langworth then dwelt, was there by the said Robert Clarke or James Langworth or one of them or by their or one of their means default or carelessness shot into the head or otherwise discharging of a pistol of the said Mr. Clarke's that he suddenly thereupon died, the same pistol having been the same day in the same house but a small time before unwittingly discharged by the wife of the said John Greenway in taking the same in her hand to her great affright and amazement. Depositions were given by all persons present in the house that day including the deposition of Robert Clarke which was taken on the 18th day of February 1651 (Mr. Robert Clarke and Mr. Langworth) James Langworth gave his age as 22 years old on the 18th day of February 1651. Upon the verdict of this court after some debate of the matter thought fitt and doth hereby acquit the said Robert Clarke in every respect touching the Philip Arther's death and doth fine James Langworth 500 pounds of tobacco and Cask to the lord proprietary, and doth order him to pay all court charges, dated 1 April 1653. c.html
Clarke, Robert, m. by 1654, Winifred, late wife of Thomas Greene (MDPL ABH:403).
Clarke, (N), m. by 26 July 1658, Jane, relict of Nicholas Cawsine, and mother of Mary Adams and Jane Cockshutt (ARMD 41:171).

Clearke, Jane, aet 46. Deposition on 31 May 1658. Said that Benjamin Gill, dec'd, lay sick at her house at Portobacco about a month before he died. He said that he wanted to make a will and have Mr. Gerard and her son in law Henry Adams be exrs. He died at her house on 22 Nov 1655. Reference to her husband, Nicholas Cawsine and her dau. Mary Adams and her dau. Jane Cockshott, her son Ignatius Cawsine. (Arch. of MD, v. XLI, p.169, 172).

Was this an error? notice difference between name and signature. Yes! per the Archives of Maryland, this was from Robert Clarke to his wife Jane.
p. 92, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
Liber A, Page 215
512. Deed of Gift: from Thomas Clarke to his wife Jane Clarke, a black mare; 2 Jul 1662; /s/ Rob Clarke; wit. George Thompson, Richard Row (mark)
Page 216
513. Jane Clarke enters her mark of hogs and cattle
Archives of Maryland, Volume 0053, Page 0221 - Proceedings of the County Court of Charles County, 1658-1666
Liber A, p. 215; Know all men by thees Presants that I Robert Clarke of Charleses County in the Province of Mariland Esq doe for divers good Considerations mee hearunto Moveing freely give from mee my heirs Executors Administrators or Assignes unto my dear beloved wife Jane Clarke to her and her heirs Executors Administrators for ever one blacke Mare of too years old and the advantage with her whol increase boath Mayle and femail for ever, & doe further hearby bind my self my heirs and Assignes to warrant and defend the sayd Mare against all Claime or Claimes whatsoever in the law the sayd Mare beeing marked with a Crope on the Right Eare and a peece taken out one the upper part of the left Eare in the forme of a halfe Moone in truth hearof witnes this my hand this second of July Aoq 1662 Rob Clarke Witnes George Thompson Richard R his marke Row
Jane Clarke entereth her marke of hogs and Cattell videlicet cropt [p. 216] on the Right Eare and a peece taken out one the upper part of the left Eare in the forme of a halfe moone

p. 167, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
2 Nov 1663
Robert Clarke, Esq, enters his brand mark for himself and his family
Mr. John Clarke enters his mark of hogs and cattle

Will of Robert Clarke:
MSA No. S538
Prerogative Court (Wills)
Robert Clarke
Volume 1 Pages 217-218
In the name of God Amen
The last Will and Testament of Robert Clarke being in perfect sence and memory though infirme of body is as followeth -
first I do Constitute and appoint my Eldest son John Clarke my sole executor and heir after my decease to possess and Enjoy all my whole Estate whatsoever and I do now in the presence of the witnesses of this my last will make null and voyd all former wills whatsoever and that this stand only in full force & virtue.
Secondly I do give unto my son John Clarke all my goods - whatsoever either household goods or otherwise, moveable or inmoveables and all the Cattle male and female and all the horses and mares excepting what I do now hereafter except and also all the servants I do give unto him.
Thirdly I do appoint my son John Clarke to give unto my son Robert Clarke when he is eighteen years of age being now twelve years old last March one able man servant - one filly foale and three cowes and one steer four years old and a good flock bed and bolster and rugg and if in case that Robert dye afore he comes to Enjoy this Estate that then the one halfe of this be given to Thomas Clarke my sonn.
Fourthly I do appoint my sonn John Clarke to give unto my son Thomas Clarke when he is eighteen years of age being now tenn years old last Christmas one able man servant one filly foale and three cowes and one steer four years old and a flock bed and bolster and rugg and if in case that Thomas dye afore he comes to enjoy this Estate that then the one halfe of this be given to my sonn Robt. Clarke.
Fifthly I do appoint my son John Clarke to give unto my daughter Mary Clarke when she is eighteen years old two yearling heifers and a filly foale four years hence and when I am dead to sell my stone house and to give half the value of house to the church and the other half to my daughter Mary Clarke.
Sixthly I do require my son John Clarke to take care to the bringing up of my two sons Robert and Thomas as to writing and casting of acct. and that he bread them to worke and give them a just account of the bennefit of their own labours and that it be laid out the best of their profitt this I charge you on my blessing that you do faithfully performe.
Lastly I do order you to pay my just debts in the first place and then to performe those legacies.
Furthermore I do give unto my sonn John Clark all my land tenements & heriditaments whatsoever and also all my rights and interest entered upon records within this province unto my title or land unto him the said John Clarke and his heirs forever.
Unto this my last will and testamt. I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 14th of July 1664 Robert Clarke (Seale)
Signed in the presence of Thomas Mathews George Goodricke
This will was on the 21st day of July 1664 in common form proved by Thomas Mathews one of the witnesses to the said will and that it was in his presence signed sealed and delivered as the act and deed of the dec'd Robert Clarke for his last will and testament revoaking all former wills whatsoever. before me Charles Calvert.
This will was on the 10th Day of August 1664 by Commission directed unto me in common forme proved by George Goodricke one of the witnesses to the said Will and that it was in his presence signed sealed and delivered as the act and deed of the dec'd Robert Clarke for his last Will and Testament revoaking all former wills whatsoever. Sworne before me Henry Adams

MSA No. S538
Robert Clarke
Volume 1 pp. 207-208
In the name of God Amen The last Will and Testament of Robert Clarke being of perfect sence and memory though infirme of body is as followeth:
First I do Constitute and appoint my Eldest son John Clarke my sole Executor and heir after my decease to possess and Enjoy all my whole Estate whatsoever, and I do now in the presence of the witnesses of this my last will make null and voyd all former wills whatsoever and that this last and only in full force & virtue.
Secondly I do give unto my son John Clarke all my goods-whatsoever either household goods or otherwise, moveable or inmoveables and all the Cattle male and female and all the horses and mares excepting what I do now hereafter except and also all the servants I do give unto him.
Thirdly I do appoint my son John Clarke to give unto my son Robert Clarke when he is eighteen years of age being now twelve years old last March, one able man servant-one filly foale and three cowes and one steer four years old and a good flock bed and bolster and rugg and if in case that Robert Clarke dye before he comes to Enjoy this Estate that then the one halfe of this be given to Thomas Clarke my sonn.
Fourthly I do appoint my sonn John Clarke to give unto my son Thomas Clarke when he is eighteen years of age being now tenn years old last Christmas one able servant one filly foale and three cowes and one steer four years old and a good flock bed and bolster and rugg and if in case that Thomas dye before he comes to enjoy this Estate that then the one halfe of this be given to my sonn Robt. Clarke.
Fifthly I do appoint my son John Clarke to give unto my daughter Mary Clarke when she is eighteen years of age two yearling heifers and a filly foale four years hence and when I am dead to sell my stone house and to give half the value of house to the church and the other half to my daughter Mary Clarke.
Sixthly I do require my son John Clarke to take care to the bringing up of my two sons Robert and Thomas as to writing and casting of account. and that he brood them to worke and give them a just account of the bennefit of their own labours and that it be laid out the best for their profitts this I charge you on my blessing that you do faithfully performe.
Lastly I do order you to pay my just debts in the first place and then to performe. those legacies.
Furthermore I do give unto my sonn John Clarke all my lands tenements and herediments whatsoever and also all my right title & interest entered upon record within this province unto any title or right of land unto him the said John Clarke and his heirs forever.
Unto this my last will and testament I have hereunto set my hand and seale, this 14th of July 1664 Robert Clarke (Locus Siguli)
Signed in the presence of
Thomas Mathews George Goodricke
This will was on the 21st day of July 1664 in common form proved by Thomas Mathews one of the witnesses to the said will and that it was in his presence signed sealed and delivered as the act and deed of the dec'd Robert Clarke for his last will and testament revoaking all former wills whatsoever, before me Charles Calvert. 21 July 1664. Commission to Henry Adams and William Marshall for either of whom to take the oath of George Goodrick. a witness in the aforesaid will (his inability not suffering him to travel so farr as the office) and the same to returned into the secretaries office with convenient speed.


MarriageAbt 1642Md - Eleanor
Event11 Aug 1648
MarriageBef 1655Winifred Seybourne
MarriageBef 1 Oct 1656Charles County, MD - Jane Hicks
DeathBef 21 Jul 1664St Mary's County, Md
Death21 Jul 1664Charles County, Maryland
Alt nameRobert Clarke
OccupationGentleman; surveyor


SpouseJane Hicks (1612 - 1662)
SpouseEleanor ( - )
ChildJohn Clarke (1642 - )
ChildMary Clarke (1646 - 1713)
SpouseWinifred Seybourne (1615 - 1678)
ChildJohn Clarke (1646 - )
ChildMary Clark (1646 - )
ChildRobert Clark (1652 - 1721)
ChildThomas Clarke (1654 - 1733)
FatherWalter Clark ( - )
SiblingEdward Clark (1630 - 1676)
