Individual Details

Nicholas Causine

(Abt 1608 - Aft 26 Feb 1652/53)

Causin, Nicholas, m. ca. 1649, Jane, widow of John Cockshot (Maryland Patent Liber ABH:22).

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 421; Court and Testamentary Business, 1648.; Liber A.; p. 188
June 13th 1648
Octobr 6th Nicolas Cawsine aged upwards 40 yeares, sayth uppon his oath, tht Edw: Commins of the lie of Kent, being att St Maries a Shallop, not long afore Ingle his raysing of the rebellion in this province, & being to returne againe for Kent he the sd Edward bought of this dept as much Bacon, as by agreemt he was to pay 150 £ Tob & cask, for the yeare following: & further he deposeth not Jurat. Coram Govr
June 13th 1648
The Depn of Jane Hopewell aged 20 yeares or thereabouts taken att St Maries afore Thomas Greene Esqr Govr This Dept sayth, tht some 2 or 3 months afore Rich: Ingle came into this province last, & raysed rebeln heere; shee heard one John Water servt to Nic Cawsine, say & acknowledge in his sd Mrs howse, tht he had from tht time six yeares to serve the Nic: Cawsine his Master; But tht hee would nevr serve out the sd time & further shee sayth not.
June 13th 1648.
Jane Hopewell sayth uppon her oath, tht some time of the summer in the yeare 1646, shee heard Richard White say & acknowledge, tht hee did owe & stand indebted unto Nic: Cawsine 200 L Tob: & tht att the Crop he would honestly pay it, And further she sayth not. Jurat Cora Govr Copie Eodem

Causine, Nicholas. His will, written 26 Feb 1653, mentions his wife Jane Cawsine, and sons Ignatius (when he shall come to the age of nineteen, being aged (.) years 14 July next; and Nicholas Cawsine (being seven years old the sixth of this month). [This will is not recorded in Baldwin's Calendar of Wills.] (Arch. Of MD, v. 41, p.54).

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658; Page 54-55; Liber P.P.C.R., p. 19 Re Causine's Estate [Note Memorandu Baldwin's Calendar]
April 19 The last Will & Testamt of Mr Nicholas Causine, being in perfect sence & memory made the Twenty sixth of February 1653.
That I Nicolas Cawsine doe make my dearely beloved Wffe Jane Cawsine my sole & lawfull Exequutresse of all my personall Estate whatsoeve to dispose of the same according to my directions following. I doe likewise constitute & make my true & faythfull freinds Thomas Mathews, Raph Crouch, Henry Adams the Overseers of this my Will, & to bee Assistants to my Wife in the true performance of this my Will.
1. As for my Land. It is my Will tht it be equally diuided betweene my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Cawsine
2 My howse & Plantaon allready cleared att Portobacco it is my will tht my Wffe Jane Cawsine shall freely enioy during her tearme of lffe
3. I doe freely give my sd Wffe the third part of my Estate wch it shall bee lawfull for her to dispose of, as shee pleaseth as any time.
4 My howsehold goods, Debts, Servants, Cattle hoggs, or any thing else, tht eyther now is, or shall hereafter belong to my Estate. It is my Will, tht my Wffe shall enioy & use the same for her owne & my childrens maintenance & to the best advantage of the estate, till my sonne Ignatius Cawsine (being aged... yeares the fowrteenth of July next) shall come to the yeares of Nineteene... then... both wth his halfe part of Land, & the one part of my Estate tht shall appeare exstant & the other part to remaine in her hand, if shee be lyving, till my sonne Nicholas (being seaven yearees old the Sixth of this month) shall come to the age of Nineteene, & then hee to bee possessed his halfe of Land, & second part of the Estate extant.
5. It is my will tht my sonne Ignatius Causine when hee commeth to enioy his Estate shall pay out of my Whole Estate, a Steere to each of my Overseers.
6. I do give unto Mr Starchy, att my Death a Steere, as being a faythfull Christian, & desyring the prayers of the Church.
(page break here: #7 not included.)
8. If it shall soe happen, tht my Wffe Jane Cawsine dye, before my Two Sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine come to yeares. Then it is my will, That my Overseers take care of them, together their Estates, & to manage the same, for the best advantage thereof, till they come to their yeares abovesd
9. And further it is my Will That my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine for Two yeares after the time exspyred of enioying their Estate, shall not dispose of any of their Estate, eyther in bargayning or selling, or otherwise to diminish it, wthout the consent of their Mother, if shee bee then lyving, & of the Overseers of this my Will.
In wittness wherof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare above written
The Seale
Nicholas Causine
Signed & Sealed in pence of
Thomas Carpender
Mary Coksute.

Mr Clarks Bond. These pents wittness tht I Robert Clarke of Maryland Gentn doe acknowledge my selfe to stand indebted to Henry Adams of Maryland Plantr the somme of Ten Thowsand pownds of good Tob. wth cask to bee payd by me, my heyres, Exequutoes, Admistratores, or Assignes, to him his heyres. Exequutoes, Admistratoes or Assignes uppon demand. Wittnes my hand & Seale this first day of Octobr 1656. The Condicon of this Obligaan is such, That if the above bownden Robert Clarke shall after marriage contracted betweene him & Mrs Jane Causine Widdow, permitt unto such persons, as shee shall thereunto appoynt from time to time the propriety & possesn of all the Estate left unto her, by her late husband Nicholas Cawsine deceased, wthout any interruption or molestaon, then this Bond to bee voyd, but else to stand in full force & vertue Locus I Sigilli
Sealed & Delivered in [presence] of... Robert Clarke

during the War of the American Revolution, 1775-83, page 275
,, Enlisted, Discharged.
6th Compy.
Causins, Peter, 1779, 4 October, killed

This is about a John Causine. Notice "Elk Rivr" and the mention of "Elk River" in relation with Giles Blizzard.
Cousine, John, Elk River, Cecil Co., 10th Feb., 1707; 24th March 1709.
To sons Richard and George, jointly, land bought of Peter Clawson.
" wife ---, extx., dwelling plantation during widowhood.
Test: Francis Smith, Jno. Bristow, Thos. Johnson. 12. 286.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0017, Page 0356 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681 85/6, Lib. R. R. R.-p. 205
The Information of Robert Kembie of Cecill County concerning the Escape of Coll George Talbott was produced and read to this board and sworne to by the said Kemble being as foll (vizt) Robt Kemble Informaconc: Coll Talbott &c. Martis 40 1684 Bee it knowne that I Robert Kemble of Back Creeke in Elk River Planter, doe this prsent fourth day of March declare, and shall at any time verifye upon my oath that upon the 19th day of ffebruary 1684: I saw the person of Coll George Talbott in disguise at George Oldfields house in Elk River aforesaid, where was prsent Mrs Talbott, wife of the said Coll Philim Murry, and one ffahy Brother to one ifahy who was Depty Survr to the sd Coll Talbott, together with the said Oldfieldes wife and ffamily and dureing the time of this Informants being there, the sd Coll Talbotts Shallop was busking and turning before the said Oldfields Landing, for the space of several houres,) That this Informant was desired by Mrs Talbott wife of the said Coll Talbott the murderer of Mr Christopher Rousby to repaire to the said Oldfields house, the day and yeare aforesaid, where being accordingly come, he is well assured for the reasons before and after expressed that at the time and place aforesaid the said Coll George Talbott was then and there in the house aforesaid, for this Informant was well acquainted with him, and knew him to be subject to a cough which he heard the sd peroon often times to doe in the night time of the day aforesd in the next roome in Oldfields house, separate onely by Clapboards from the place where this Informant lay, and the rather for that Mrs Talbott had as before desired the Informant to come and receive ordr for a debt due from Coll Talbott, which she then said, he partly or in greate measure denied, by saying there was not soe much due, and also for that the wife of John Causine of Elk River aforesaid told this Informant, he the said Coll Talbott lay at her Sisters beds head in the said Oldfields house the night before the 19th Day of ffebruary. And further the Informant sayes that since the said Talbotts Escape for the murder afore said to his & Oldfields house in Elk River aforesaid, noe vessell Sloope or Boate has come into the sd River, but notice & advice has been immediately upon such approach sent to the place and psons aforesaid, which this Informant has scene by frequent dispatches made for that purpose. And further sayth that the said Coll Talbott had a short grey perruke or grey locks on his head, and had ordered a new dwelling house to be made upon his plantation there, and ground cleared for the planting of Corne, as this Informt was informed by one Charles an Irish man Servant to the said Coll Talbott both which was goeing forward; all wch is well knowne to the neighbourhood, but noe power was there (as I heard of) to take him the sd Coll: Talbott, though it was within the Province and power of Maryland. p. 206 And lastly this Informt sayeth, that besides what he hath already affirmed to be true, It is true also the said murderer, hath been for the greatest part of the time since he made his Escape, in his owne house, or in or about the houses or places aforesaid, and there hath done and now does by assistance of his Confederates keepe watch and ward at the places and Avenues leading to his house. And that although this Informant is owner of a ffrontire plantation, and had in that respect armes belonging to the County, which were delivered to this Informant by the said Coll Talbott, as heretofore haveing command undr his Lsp: The said Armes, that is to say a Carabine was demanded of this Examint by one Garrett, Couzen or Servant to the sd Talbott, or to leave it at Mr Oldfields house at the day and place aforesaid, and the sd Garrett did at the same time desire this Informant to acquaint Edward Johnson another Inhabitant also of a ffrontire plantation to bring in his Carabine to the place and at the time aforesaid which Coll Talbott had formerly delivered to him March 5th 1684: This Information was sworne to in Councill by the Informant J.Cullen Clk Assistant Consil

-- MERGED NOTE ------------
Pre-1750 Charles County MD Familes: Wills, Court, Church, Land, Inventories & Accounts; Entries: 15815 Updated: Sat Feb 28 22:27:13 2004 Contact: Michael Marshall,
ID: I02988
Name: Nicholas Causine
Sex: M
Death: FEB 1652/53 in St. Mary's Co. MD
Volume 41 page 54

April 19 The last Will & Testamt of Mr Nicholas Causine,
Re Causine's Estate

being in perfect sence & memory made the Twenty sixth of February 1653.

[Not Memorandu That I Nicolas Cawsine doe make my dearely beloued Wffe Jane Cawsine my sole & lawful! Exequutresse of all my personall Estate whatsoeue to dispose of the same according to my directions following. I doe likewise constitute & make my true & faythfull freinds Thomas Mathews, Raph Crouch, Henry Adams the Ouerseers of this my Will, & to bee Assistants to my Wffe in the true performance of this my Will.
1. As for my Land. It is my Will tht it be equally diuided betweene my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Cawsine
2 My howse & Plantation allready cleared att Portobacco it is my will that my Wffe Jane Cawsine shall freely enioy during her tearme of liffe
3. I doe freely giue my sd Wffe the third part of my Estate wch it shall bee lawfull for her to dispose of, as shee pleaseth as any time.
4 My howsehold goods, Debts, Seruants, Cattle hoggs, or anything else, tht eyther now is, or shall hereafter belong to my Estate. It is my Will, tht my Wffe shall enioy & use the same for her owne & my childrens maintenance & to the bestadvantage of the estate, till p. 19 my sonne Ignatius Cawsine (being aged . . . yeares the fowrteenth of July next) shall come to the yeares of Nineteene. . . then. . . both wth his half e part of Land, & the one part of my Estate tht shall appeare exstant & the other part to remaine in her hand, if shee be lyuing, till my sonne Nicholas (being seauen yarees old the Sixth of this month) shall come to the age of Nineteene, & then hee to bee possessed his halfe of Land, & second part of the Estate extant.
5. It is my will tht my sonne Ignatius Causine when hee commeth to enioy his Estate shall pay out of my Whole Estate, a Steere to each of my Ouerseers.
6. I do giue unto Mr Starchy, att my Death a Steere, as being a faythfull Christian, & desyring the prayers of the Church.

8. If it shall soe happen, tht my Wffe Jane Cawsine dye, before Liber my Two Sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine come to yeares. Then P. C. R. it is my will, That my Ouerseers take care of them, together their Estates, & to manage the same, for the best advantage thereof, till they come to their yeares abovesd
9. And further it is my Will That my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine for Two yeares after the time exspyred of enioying their Estate, shall not dispose of any of their Estate, eyther in bargayning or selling, or otherwise to diminish it, wthout the consent of their Mother, if shee bee then lyuing, & of the Ouerseers of this my Will.

In wittness wherof I haue hereunto sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare aboue written The Seale

Nicholas Causine

Test: Thomas Carpender, Mary Coksute.

Marriage 1 Jane Hicks b: 1612 in England
Ignatius Sr. Causine b: 14 JUL 1644 in St. Mary's Co. MD
Nicholas Causine b: 6 FEB 1646/47
Mary Causine b: 9 MAR 1630/31 in St. Mary's County Maryland

SOURCE: Marc Wheat,

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Causin, Nicholas, m. ca. 1649, Jane, widow of John Cockshot (Maryland Patent Liber ABH:22).

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Page 421; Court and Testamentary Business, 1648.; Liber A.; p. 188
June 13th 1648
Octobr 6th Nicolas Cawsine aged upwards 40 yeares, sayth uppon his oath, tht Edw: Commins of the lie of Kent, being att St Maries a Shallop, not long afore Ingle his raysing of the rebellion in this province, & being to returne againe for Kent he the sd Edward bought of this dept as much Bacon, as by agreemt he was to pay 150 £ Tob & cask, for the yeare following: & further he deposeth not Jurat. Coram Govr
June 13th 1648
The Depn of Jane Hopewell aged 20 yeares or thereabouts taken att St Maries afore Thomas Greene Esqr Govr This Dept sayth, tht some 2 or 3 months afore Rich: Ingle came into this province last, & raysed rebeln heere; shee heard one John Water servt to Nic Cawsine, say & acknowledge in his sd Mrs howse, tht he had from tht time six yeares to serve the Nic: Cawsine his Master; But tht hee would nevr serve out the sd time & further shee sayth not.
June 13th 1648.
Jane Hopewell sayth uppon her oath, tht some time of the summer in the yeare 1646, shee heard Richard White say & acknowledge, tht hee did owe & stand indebted unto Nic: Cawsine 200 L Tob: & tht att the Crop he would honestly pay it, And further she sayth not. Jurat Cora Govr Copie Eodem

Causine, Nicholas. His will, written 26 Feb 1653, mentions his wife Jane Cawsine, and sons Ignatius (when he shall come to the age of nineteen, being aged (.) years 14 July next; and Nicholas Cawsine (being seven years old the sixth of this month). [This will is not recorded in Baldwin's Calendar of Wills.] (Arch. Of MD, v. 41, p.54).

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658; Page 54-55; Liber P.P.C.R., p. 19 Re Causine's Estate [Note Memorandu Baldwin's Calendar]
April 19 The last Will & Testamt of Mr Nicholas Causine, being in perfect sence & memory made the Twenty sixth of February 1653.
That I Nicolas Cawsine doe make my dearely beloved Wffe Jane Cawsine my sole & lawfull Exequutresse of all my personall Estate whatsoeve to dispose of the same according to my directions following. I doe likewise constitute & make my true & faythfull freinds Thomas Mathews, Raph Crouch, Henry Adams the Overseers of this my Will, & to bee Assistants to my Wife in the true performance of this my Will.
1. As for my Land. It is my Will tht it be equally diuided betweene my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Cawsine
2 My howse & Plantaon allready cleared att Portobacco it is my will tht my Wffe Jane Cawsine shall freely enioy during her tearme of lffe
3. I doe freely give my sd Wffe the third part of my Estate wch it shall bee lawfull for her to dispose of, as shee pleaseth as any time.
4 My howsehold goods, Debts, Servants, Cattle hoggs, or any thing else, tht eyther now is, or shall hereafter belong to my Estate. It is my Will, tht my Wffe shall enioy & use the same for her owne & my childrens maintenance & to the best advantage of the estate, till my sonne Ignatius Cawsine (being aged... yeares the fowrteenth of July next) shall come to the yeares of Nineteene... then... both wth his halfe part of Land, & the one part of my Estate tht shall appeare exstant & the other part to remaine in her hand, if shee be lyving, till my sonne Nicholas (being seaven yearees old the Sixth of this month) shall come to the age of Nineteene, & then hee to bee possessed his halfe of Land, & second part of the Estate extant.
5. It is my will tht my sonne Ignatius Causine when hee commeth to enioy his Estate shall pay out of my Whole Estate, a Steere to each of my Overseers.
6. I do give unto Mr Starchy, att my Death a Steere, as being a faythfull Christian, & desyring the prayers of the Church.
(page break here: #7 not included.)
8. If it shall soe happen, tht my Wffe Jane Cawsine dye, before my Two Sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine come to yeares. Then it is my will, That my Overseers take care of them, together their Estates, & to manage the same, for the best advantage thereof, till they come to their yeares abovesd
9. And further it is my Will That my Two sonnes Ignatius & Nicholas Causine for Two yeares after the time exspyred of enioying their Estate, shall not dispose of any of their Estate, eyther in bargayning or selling, or otherwise to diminish it, wthout the consent of their Mother, if shee bee then lyving, & of the Overseers of this my Will.
In wittness wherof I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale the day & yeare above written
The Seale
Nicholas Causine
Signed & Sealed in pence of
Thomas Carpender
Mary Coksute.

Mr Clarks Bond. These pents wittness tht I Robert Clarke of Maryland Gentn doe acknowledge my selfe to stand indebted to Henry Adams of Maryland Plantr the somme of Ten Thowsand pownds of good Tob. wth cask to bee payd by me, my heyres, Exequutoes, Admistratores, or Assignes, to him his heyres. Exequutoes, Admistratoes or Assignes uppon demand. Wittnes my hand & Seale this first day of Octobr 1656. The Condicon of this Obligaan is such, That if the above bownden Robert Clarke shall after marriage contracted betweene him & Mrs Jane Causine Widdow, permitt unto such persons, as shee shall thereunto appoynt from time to time the propriety & possesn of all the Estate left unto her, by her late husband Nicholas Cawsine deceased, wthout any interruption or molestaon, then this Bond to bee voyd, but else to stand in full force & vertue Locus I Sigilli
Sealed & Delivered in [presence] of... Robert Clarke

during the War of the American Revolution, 1775-83, page 275
,, Enlisted, Discharged.
6th Compy.
Causins, Peter, 1779, 4 October, killed

This is about a John Causine. Notice "Elk Rivr" and the mention of "Elk River" in relation with Giles Blizzard.
Cousine, John, Elk River, Cecil Co., 10th Feb., 1707; 24th March 1709.
To sons Richard and George, jointly, land bought of Peter Clawson.
" wife ---, extx., dwelling plantation during widowhood.
Test: Francis Smith, Jno. Bristow, Thos. Johnson. 12. 286.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0017, Page 0356 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681 85/6, Lib. R. R. R.-p. 205
The Information of Robert Kembie of Cecill County concerning the Escape of Coll George Talbott was produced and read to this board and sworne to by the said Kemble being as foll (vizt) Robt Kemble Informaconc: Coll Talbott &c. Martis 40 1684 Bee it knowne that I Robert Kemble of Back Creeke in Elk River Planter, doe this prsent fourth day of March declare, and shall at any time verifye upon my oath that upon the 19th day of ffebruary 1684: I saw the person of Coll George Talbott in disguise at George Oldfields house in Elk River aforesaid, where was prsent Mrs Talbott, wife of the said Coll Philim Murry, and one ffahy Brother to one ifahy who was Depty Survr to the sd Coll Talbott, together with the said Oldfieldes wife and ffamily and dureing the time of this Informants being there, the sd Coll Talbotts Shallop was busking and turning before the said Oldfields Landing, for the space of several houres,) That this Informant was desired by Mrs Talbott wife of the said Coll Talbott the murderer of Mr Christopher Rousby to repaire to the said Oldfields house, the day and yeare aforesaid, where being accordingly come, he is well assured for the reasons before and after expressed that at the time and place aforesaid the said Coll George Talbott was then and there in the house aforesaid, for this Informant was well acquainted with him, and knew him to be subject to a cough which he heard the sd peroon often times to doe in the night time of the day aforesd in the next roome in Oldfields house, separate onely by Clapboards from the place where this Informant lay, and the rather for that Mrs Talbott had as before desired the Informant to come and receive ordr for a debt due from Coll Talbott, which she then said, he partly or in greate measure denied, by saying there was not soe much due, and also for that the wife of John Causine of Elk River aforesaid told this Informant, he the said Coll Talbott lay at her Sisters beds head in the said Oldfields house the night before the 19th Day of ffebruary. And further the Informant sayes that since the said Talbotts Escape for the murder afore said to his & Oldfields house in Elk River aforesaid, noe vessell Sloope or Boate has come into the sd River, but notice & advice has been immediately upon such approach sent to the place and psons aforesaid, which this Informant has scene by frequent dispatches made for that purpose. And further sayth that the said Coll Talbott had a short grey perruke or grey locks on his head, and had ordered a new dwelling house to be made upon his plantation there, and ground cleared for the planting of Corne, as this Informt was informed by one Charles an Irish man Servant to the said Coll Talbott both which was goeing forward; all wch is well knowne to the neighbourhood, but noe power was there (as I heard of) to take him the sd Coll: Talbott, though it was within the Province and power of Maryland. p. 206 And lastly this Informt sayeth, that besides what he hath already affirmed to be true, It is true also the said murderer, hath been for the greatest part of the time since he made his Escape, in his owne house, or in or about the houses or places aforesaid, and there hath done and now does by assistance of his Confederates keepe watch and ward at the places and Avenues leading to his house. And that although this Informant is owner of a ffrontire plantation, and had in that respect armes belonging to the County, which were delivered to this Informant by the said Coll Talbott, as heretofore haveing command undr his Lsp: The said Armes, that is to say a Carabine was demanded of this Examint by one Garrett, Couzen or Servant to the sd Talbott, or to leave it at Mr Oldfields house at the day and place aforesaid, and the sd Garrett did at the same time desire this Informant to acquaint Edward Johnson another Inhabitant also of a ffrontire plantation to bring in his Carabine to the place and at the time aforesaid which Coll Talbott had formerly delivered to him March 5th 1684: This Information was sworne to in Councill by the Informant J.Cullen Clk Assistant Consil


BirthAbt 1608France
Marriage1642Charles County, MD - Jane Hicks
DeathAft 26 Feb 1652/53Charles County, MD
Death26 Feb 1654Maryland
MarriageJane Hicks


SpouseJane Hicks (1612 - 1662)
ChildMary Causine (1631 - 1694)
ChildIgnatius Causine (1643 - 1695)
ChildNicholas Causine (1645 - )