Individual Details

John Shircliffe

(5 Aug 1618 - Bef 26 Mar 1663)

In Donnelly, "Colonial Settlers, St.Clement's Bay" (p.214), she
"John Shircliffe must have returned to England, or maybe this was a different Shircliffe." Her problem is reconciling a source that has him
being transported by Mary Throughton on 11/22/1638 (no source given) and then a 1646 patent (citing Patents AB&H:8) demanding 100 acres for immigrating himself. I suppose one could reconcile the two as the same person in at least three ways; (1) he finished his servitude in 1646 (but then he would have only been entitled to 50 acres); (2) he left the province to, say Virginia, and then reentered with a companion; (3) he lied in 1646.

p. 29, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Horton Hays. 150. 0.6.0. Surveyed May 16, 1650 for John Shertcliff on the west side Britt.s Bay. This tract and one of the same that was surveyed Nov 4, 1650, whereby said Shertcliff on Aug 30, 1658 resurveyed into 1 tract and called Ferny Hill, containing, in the whole, 300 acres. Possessor: Francis Spink.
14. .:.:3 ½. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahany & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
10. .:.:2 ½. Francis Knott from William Shercliffe, Jun 4, 1723.

p. 31, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linstead. 100. .0.2.0. Surveyed Sep 2, 1653 for Henry Spink on the East side the main Fresh at the head of St Clements Bay. Possessor: Francis Spink.
20. 0.0.5. Walter Davis from Francis Spink, Dec 6, 1710.
16. 0.0.4. Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred from Francis Spink & wife Eliz, Mar 1, 1711.
36. 0.0.9. William Thomas & Peter Shercliffe [no grantor given], May 7, 1712.
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
20. 0.0.5. Cornelius Wildman from Walter Davis & wife Ann, May 6, 1712.
16. 0.0.4. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

p. 41, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linsteads Addition. 100. 0.4.0. Surveyed Mar 31, 1682 for Hen: Spinke, a bd tree of Linstead. Possessor: Francis Spink.
50. 0.2.0. Tecla Shercliffe from Francis Spink, May 7, 1712 .
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 85; Liber P. C. R. p. 50:
Gerard v. Mitchell, Vid. Mitchels Oath and order 29 December 1657: The Deposn of John Shirtcliffe aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne before Robert Slye Jan: 4th 1657/58. Jurat Corae Robt Slye. John $ Shirtcliffe

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661-62. Page 590; Liber P. C. R. p. 1121; At a Cort held att New Towne for the County of St Marys the 5th of August 1662, John Sheirtcliff aged 44 yeares sworne and Exam.. . . Cort. . & further sayth not John Sheirtcliffe

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 24
Shirtcliffe, John, St Mary's Co, 2d Dec,1661; 26th Mar., 1663.
To wife Anne, execx, plantation on Bretton's Bay.
" eld. son John, land on n. w. side Bretton's Bay.
" young. son William, land on St Clement's Bay.
"eld. dau. Mary, land.
"dau. Anne, land.
"cous. Thomas Spalding, land.
In event of death of all child. without issue, estate to pass to Roman Catholic Church.
Overseers: Brother-in-law Henry Spinke and friend Peter Mills.
Test: Edward Clarke, Edmond Smith, Leonard Green.1. 172.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1648. Page 462;
Decembr 19th [1648]; John Shirtliffe enterd his mark of his cattle & hogs. Viz the Right eare Crop'd, & a square peice taken out from under the eare. The left eare Slitt.
Mary the Daughter of John Shirtliffs mark. Viz The Left eare Crop'd & a hole therein, the Right eare overkeeld & slitt.
Henry Spinke entred his mark. Viz the Right eare crop'd, & a hole therein the left care overkeeld & slitt.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649. Page 483;
These prsents witnesseth that I John Nunne for lawfull consideracon have given and delivered a Cowe Calfe unto Mary Sheircliffe, which is for the paynes and care that her mother tooke with mee when I was Sicke and could not help myself, the couler of it is blacke and white As witnes my hand this 19th day of Aprill 1649 And doe warrant this against any just Cause in lawe. John Nunne. Witnessed by us David Prichard. Edmond Smith.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50. Page 122; Liber B. p. 251:
8th January 1651/52: John Shertcliff this day entreth upon Record, one black Cow Calfe about eight Months old Crop't upon the left Ear and a piece Cut away Square underneath, and the right Ear over keel'd and Slitt, And is for the use of Anne the Daughter of the Said John Shertcliff by the Gift of Ann the now wife of Lieut Wm Evans.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1650-53. Page 265; Liber B. p. 446:
Memorandum that I Richard Spanne doe by these prsence acknowledge to have Given unto John Shurtcliffs youngest Child one Cowe calfe Cropt on both Eares and Slitt in the Right being Coloured black pyede with a Starr in the forehead, but if the Said Child doe Chance to dye before it Come to age then John Shurtcliffe his wife is to have the Said Calfe and his increase for Ever as Wittness my hand the two and twenty day of January Anno Dni 1651 Wittness the Marke of Richard x Spanne Willm Evans Charles Maynard [recorded about Aprill 16th 1653.]

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 6
Cadle, Joseph, 11th Dec., 1651; 9th March, 1652.
To Anne, youngest dau. of John Shercliffe, and to son (unnamed) of said John, personalty.
Lieut. Richard Banks, ex. and residuary legatee of estate.
Test: Thomas Allen, John Wade. 1. 36.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 11
Thimbellby, Thimbellbee, John, 2nd Dec, 1659; 19th Dec, 1659.
To the Roman Catholic Church, to John Brown, Margaret Brown, wife of William Brown, John Bryan's child. John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne and sons John and William Shertcliffe, and godson Robert Call, personalty.
To goddau. Mary Brown, all land in MD.
Exs.: Wm. Brown, John Shertcliffe.
Test: Jennet Frissell, Jean Giraugh. 1. 80.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-4. Page 160; Liber B B [p. 215]:
Anne Shirtcliffe Admistiix to the Estate of John Shirtcliffe Deceased, Having brought into the Secretaries office a True Inventory of the sd Estate, & hath aliso payd the Debts as far forth as the Estate did amount unto, shee doth desyre a quiett discharge, & If any body hath any thing to alleage to the Contrary Lett them under write. ffeb. 9th 1663-4. Underwritt as followeth.
I am not payd my Debt of Phisition to the sd John Shirtcliffe alithough due by Order of Court. L Barbier.
ffor a hundd & odde being due to mee Tho: Bennett

In 1657 Mary and Anne were transported into the Province of Maryland (Patents 4:29). Thomas Spalding was transported into the Province of Maryland in 1657 by John Shircliffe. The father of Thomas Spalding was given as Thomas Spalding [Unpatented Certificate #459]. Most sources give the birth of Thomas Spalding, the emigrant, as around 1640 in Suffolk, England. On his arrival in Maryland, Thomas Spalding was an indentured servant and a relative of John Shircliffe. He completed his agreed term of servitude under Ann Shircliffe, the widow of John Shircliffe (Patents 4:29). ['Colonial Settlers St Clement's Bay, 1634 - 1780 St Mary's County, Maryland', by Mary Louise Donnelly.]

John Shircliffe born abt 1618 in Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, died bef March 26, 1663 in St Mary's Co. MD.
22 Nov 1638 Immigrated from England, sailed from Isle of Wight, sailed on ship "Unity", transported by the widow Mary Throughton.
John Shircliffe was transported in 1638, but was also listed as an immigrant in 1646 and demanded 100 acres for immigrating into the Province (Patents AB&H:8)
He married first Ann Spinke, sister of Henry Spinke, by 1647; and second, Ann Goldsborough by 1651.
Anne & Mary Shercliffe, his daughters, were transported in 1651.
Thomas Spalding was a servant of John Shircliff. John's will called Thomas his "cusin". Thomas Spalding of McIntosh Chree, 1657 was the progenitor of the Spaldings in America.

John was the youngest of four sons of the Shercliffe family of Whitly Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, b. c1618. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship "Unity", bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651, John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger. It is believed, but not certain that John & Ann, his first wife, married in England.

John first came to VA ca. 1638 on the ship "Unity" from the Isle of Wight, transported by Mrs. Mary Throughton. No land patent for his transportation was found in VA for either John or Mary Throughton. Two entries, however, in "The Early Settlers of Maryland, Gust Skordas, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968" reveal Mrs. Mary Throughton, widow, immigrated to St Mary's Co, MD. in 1638, the same year John Shercllifee was transported.
On Oct 14, 1651, John Lewger demanded land for transporting various persons including Ann Goldsborough, Shercliffe's wife.
In 1657, John demanded land for transporting a servant which Robert Cole had assigned to Shircliffe's daughters.
John witnessed will of John Greenwell of New Town Hundred on March 27, 1658.
Deposition dated 1658 stated he was 40 years old.
In 1659, John Thimbelby named John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne, and sons John & William Shercliffe as legatees of his estate.
Four children were listed in John's will: John Jr, William, Mary and Ann Shercliffe.

John was the youngest of 4 sons of a Yorkshire family. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship Unity, bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651 John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger.

John Shircliffe was transported to MD 22 November 1638 by Mrs. Mary Throughton. He was a Tailor by trade. From Peter Mills & Mary Shirtcliffe of St Mary's County, MD. Also demanded land for transporting Thomas Spalding, his servant, referred to as "cusin" in John's Will.

Book-Early Settlers-Page 414

Thomas SHIRCLIFFE of Whitley, York, England; Gentleman,
G 189, p. 550 Report. His delinquency that he was in arms against the Parliament and petitioned here June 18, 1646; he took the Covenant and Oath before the Country Committee Sept. 24, 1646; he was seized in lands in Ecclesfield of the yearly value of 20 li; there is to remain to him after the decease of Mrs. Mary SHIRCLIFFE his mother other lands in Ecclesfield of the value of 30 li; no personal estate.
2 Oct. 1646 - Jerom Alexander. D. Watkins.
Fine set is 100 li, 17 Oct. 1646 (G3, p. 263)
G 189, p. 553. Petition. That your petitioner was in arms against the Parliament but was along time in actual service and took arms for the Parliament till the beginning of may 1643; that he was taken prisoner by the lord of Newcastle's forces in the town of Rotheram and to regain his liberty accepted of a commission for raising a foot company; he never raised any but kept himself at home, howbeit he has been sequesteredd.
Juen 18, 1646 - I Robert GREENE undertake that the petitioner shall submit to such fine as shall be imposed on him.
G 189, p. 554. Particular of Estate (as in the Report)
This was responsible for process by which royalists paid ('compounded') with the new regime for the continued ownership of their estates.
("Yorkshire Royalist Composition Papers or the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents During the Commonwealth, Vol. III," Record Series Vol. XX, 1896, p. 83 )
Burial: 14 June 1661, England
iv. WILLIAM SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1606.
v. ANNE SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1609; m. THOMAS WRIGHT: Could she have been the wife of Lt. William Evans?
vi. MARY SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. 1612; m. WILLIAM SAVAGE, 13 October 1631; b. Abt. 1601. Marriage: 13 October 1631
vii. MARGARET SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. August 1614, England8; d. Dsp.
viii. JOHN SHIRCLIFFE, b. 05 August 1618, Shirecliff, Yorkshire, England; d. Bef. 26 March 1663, St. Mary's Co., MD. Baptism: St.Michael-le-Blafy, Ecclesfield, York, England

Land Patents index:
NAME Shercliffe, John 1649
TRACT Broad Neck; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber 3 Folio 438
Patent 100 " " 3 " 474
NAME Shercliff, John, 1650
TRACT:Fearney Hill; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 150 Acres Liber 3 Folio 3
Patent 150 " " 3 " 82
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 42
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 52
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 109
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1653
TRACT Horton Hays; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 366
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 404
NAME Shercliffe, John 1653
TRACT Shertcliffe; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 307
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 308
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1658
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary's
Certificate 300 Acres Liber Q Folio 175
Patent 300 " " Q " 175
NAME Shertcliffe, John; 1663
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary' 8
Certificate 200 Acres liber 4 Folio 610
Patent 200 " " 5 " 115

An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 1 Oct 2007. Thomas can be contacted at


-- MERGED NOTE ------------

p. 29, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Horton Hays. 150. 0.6.0. Surveyed May 16, 1650 for John Shertcliff on the west side Britt.s Bay. This tract and one of the same that was surveyed Nov 4, 1650, whereby said Shertcliff on Aug 30, 1658 resurveyed into 1 tract and called Ferny Hill, containing, in the whole, 300 acres. Possessor: Francis Spink.
14. .:.:3 1/2. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahany & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
10. .:.:2 1/2. Francis Knott from William Shercliffe, Jun 4, 1723.

p. 31, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linstead. 100. .0.2.0. Surveyed Sep 2, 1653 for Henry Spink on the East side the main Fresh at the head of St Clements Bay. Possessor: Francis Spink.
20. 0.0.5. Walter Davis from Francis Spink, Dec 6, 1710.
16. 0.0.4. Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred from Francis Spink & wife Eliz, Mar 1, 1711.
36. 0.0.9. William Thomas & Peter Shercliffe [no grantor given], May 7, 1712.
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
20. 0.0.5. Cornelius Wildman from Walter Davis & wife Ann, May 6, 1712.
16. 0.0.4. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

p. 41, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linsteads Addition. 100. 0.4.0. Surveyed Mar 31, 1682 for Hen: Spinke, a bd tree of Linstead. Possessor: Francis Spink.
50. 0.2.0. Tecla Shercliffe from Francis Spink, May 7, 1712 .
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 85; Liber P. C. R. p. 50:
Gerard v. Mitchell, Vid. Mitchels Oath and order 29 December 1657: The Deposn of John Shirtcliffe aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne before Robert Slye Jan: 4th 1657/58. Jurat Corae Robt Slye. John $ Shirtcliffe

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661-62. Page 590; Liber P. C. R. p. 1121; At a Cort held att New Towne for the County of St Marys the 5th of August 1662, John Sheirtcliff aged 44 yeares sworne and Exam.. . . Cort. . & further sayth not John Sheirtcliffe

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 24
Shirtcliffe, John, St Mary's Co, 2d Dec,1661; 26th Mar., 1663.
To wife Anne, execx, plantation on Bretton's Bay.
" eld. son John, land on n. w. side Bretton's Bay.
" young. son William, land on St Clement's Bay.
"eld. dau. Mary, land.
"dau. Anne, land.
"cous. Thomas Spalding, land.
In event of death of all child. without issue, estate to pass to Roman Catholic Church.
Overseers: Brother-in-law Henry Spinke and friend Peter Mills.
Test: Edward Clarke, Edmond Smith, Leonard Green.1. 172.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1648. Page 462;
Decembr 19th [1648]; John Shirtliffe enterd his mark of his cattle & hogs. Viz the Right eare Crop'd, & a square peice taken out from under the eare. The left eare Slitt.
Mary the Daughter of John Shirtliffs mark. Viz The Left eare Crop'd & a hole therein, the Right eare overkeeld & slitt.
Henry Spinke entred his mark. Viz the Right eare crop'd, & a hole therein the left care overkeeld & slitt.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649. Page 483;
These prsents witnesseth that I John Nunne for lawfull consideracon have given and delivered a Cowe Calfe unto Mary Sheircliffe, which is for the paynes and care that her mother tooke with mee when I was Sicke and could not help myself, the couler of it is blacke and white As witnes my hand this 19th day of Aprill 1649 And doe warrant this against any just Cause in lawe. John Nunne. Witnessed by us David Prichard. Edmond Smith.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50. Page 122; Liber B. p. 251:
8th January 1651/52: John Shertcliff this day entreth upon Record, one black Cow Calfe about eight Months old Crop't upon the left Ear and a piece Cut away Square underneath, and the right Ear over keel'd and Slitt, And is for the use of Anne the Daughter of the Said John Shertcliff by the Gift of Ann the now wife of Lieut Wm Evans.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1650-53. Page 265; Liber B. p. 446:
Memorandum that I Richard Spanne doe by these prsence acknowledge to have Given unto John Shurtcliffs youngest Child one Cowe calfe Cropt on both Eares and Slitt in the Right being Coloured black pyede with a Starr in the forehead, but if the Said Child doe Chance to dye before it Come to age then John Shurtcliffe his wife is to have the Said Calfe and his increase for Ever as Wittness my hand the two and twenty day of January Anno Dni 1651 Wittness the Marke of Richard x Spanne Willm Evans Charles Maynard [recorded about Aprill 16th 1653.]

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 6
Cadle, Joseph, 11th Dec., 1651; 9th March, 1652.
To Anne, youngest dau. of John Shercliffe, and to son (unnamed) of said John, personalty.
Lieut. Richard Banks, ex. and residuary legatee of estate.
Test: Thomas Allen, John Wade. 1. 36.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 11
Thimbellby, Thimbellbee, John, 2nd Dec, 1659; 19th Dec, 1659.
To the Roman Catholic Church, to John Brown, Margaret Brown, wife of William Brown, John Bryan's child. John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne and sons John and William Shertcliffe, and godson Robert Call, personalty.
To goddau. Mary Brown, all land in MD.
Exs.: Wm. Brown, John Shertcliffe.
Test: Jennet Frissell, Jean Giraugh. 1. 80.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-4. Page 160; Liber B B [p. 215]:
Anne Shirtcliffe Admistiix to the Estate of John Shirtcliffe Deceased, Having brought into the Secretaries office a True Inventory of the sd Estate, & hath aliso payd the Debts as far forth as the Estate did amount unto, shee doth desyre a quiett discharge, & If any body hath any thing to alleage to the Contrary Lett them under write. ffeb. 9th 1663-4. Underwritt as followeth.
I am not payd my Debt of Phisition to the sd John Shirtcliffe alithough due by Order of Court. L Barbier.
ffor a hundd & odde being due to mee Tho: Bennett

In 1657 Mary and Anne were transported into the Province of Maryland (Patents 4:29). Thomas Spalding was transported into the Province of Maryland in 1657 by John Shircliffe. The father of Thomas Spalding was given as Thomas Spalding [Unpatented Certificate #459]. Most sources give the birth of Thomas Spalding, the emigrant, as around 1640 in Suffolk, England. On his arrival in Maryland, Thomas Spalding was an indentured servant and a relative of John Shircliffe. He completed his agreed term of servitude under Ann Shircliffe, the widow of John Shircliffe (Patents 4:29). ['Colonial Settlers St Clement's Bay, 1634 - 1780 St Mary's County, Maryland', by Mary Louise Donnelly.]

John Shircliffe born abt 1618 in Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, died bef March 26, 1663 in St Mary's Co. MD.
22 Nov 1638 Immigrated from England, sailed from Isle of Wight, sailed on ship "Unity", transported by the widow Mary Throughton.
John Shircliffe was transported in 1638, but was also listed as an immigrant in 1646 and demanded 100 acres for immigrating into the Province (Patents AB&H:8)
He married first Ann Spinke, sister of Henry Spinke, by 1647; and second, Ann Goldsborough by 1651.
Anne & Mary Shercliffe, his daughters, were transported in 1651.
Thomas Spalding was a servant of John Shircliff. John's will called Thomas his "cusin". Thomas Spalding of McIntosh Chree, 1657 was the progenitor of the Spaldings in America.

John was the youngest of four sons of the Shercliffe family of Whitly Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, b. c1618. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship "Unity", bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651, John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger. It is believed, but not certain that John & Ann, his first wife, married in England.

John first came to VA ca. 1638 on the ship "Unity" from the Isle of Wight, transported by Mrs. Mary Throughton. No land patent for his transportation was found in VA for either John or Mary Throughton. Two entries, however, in "The Early Settlers of Maryland, Gust Skordas, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968" reveal Mrs. Mary Throughton, widow, immigrated to St Mary's Co, MD. in 1638, the same year John Shercllifee was transported.
On Oct 14, 1651, John Lewger demanded land for transporting various persons including Ann Goldsborough, Shercliffe's wife.
In 1657, John demanded land for transporting a servant which Robert Cole had assigned to Shircliffe's daughters.
John witnessed will of John Greenwell of New Town Hundred on March 27, 1658.
Deposition dated 1658 stated he was 40 years old.
In 1659, John Thimbelby named John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne, and sons John & William Shercliffe as legatees of his estate.
Four children were listed in John's will: John Jr, William, Mary and Ann Shercliffe.

John was the youngest of 4 sons of a Yorkshire family. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship Unity, bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651 John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger.

John Shircliffe was transported to MD 22 November 1638 by Mrs. Mary Throughton. He was a Tailor by trade. From Peter Mills & Mary Shirtcliffe of St Mary's County, MD. Also demanded land for transporting Thomas Spalding, his servant, referred to as "cusin" in John's Will.

Book-Early Settlers-Page 414

Thomas SHIRCLIFFE of Whitley, York, England; Gentleman,
G 189, p. 550 Report. His delinquency that he was in arms against the Parliament and petitioned here June 18, 1646; he took the Covenant and Oath before the Country Committee Sept. 24, 1646; he was seized in lands in Ecclesfield of the yearly value of 20 li; there is to remain to him after the decease of Mrs. Mary SHIRCLIFFE his mother other lands in Ecclesfield of the value of 30 li; no personal estate.
2 Oct. 1646 - Jerom Alexander. D. Watkins.
Fine set is 100 li, 17 Oct. 1646 (G3, p. 263)
G 189, p. 553. Petition. That your petitioner was in arms against the Parliament but was along time in actual service and took arms for the Parliament till the beginning of may 1643; that he was taken prisoner by the lord of Newcastle's forces in the town of Rotheram and to regain his liberty accepted of a commission for raising a foot company; he never raised any but kept himself at home, howbeit he has been sequesteredd.
Juen 18, 1646 - I Robert GREENE undertake that the petitioner shall submit to such fine as shall be imposed on him.
G 189, p. 554. Particular of Estate (as in the Report)
This was responsible for process by which royalists paid ('compounded') with the new regime for the continued ownership of their estates.
("Yorkshire Royalist Composition Papers or the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents During the Commonwealth, Vol. III," Record Series Vol. XX, 1896, p. 83 )
Burial: 14 June 1661, England
iv. WILLIAM SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1606.
v. ANNE SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1609; m. THOMAS WRIGHT: Could she have been the wife of Lt. William Evans?
vi. MARY SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. 1612; m. WILLIAM SAVAGE, 13 October 1631; b. Abt. 1601. Marriage: 13 October 1631
vii. MARGARET SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. August 1614, England8; d. Dsp.
viii. JOHN SHIRCLIFFE, b. 05 August 1618, Shirecliff, Yorkshire, England; d. Bef. 26 March 1663, St. Mary's Co., MD. Baptism: St.Michael-le-Blafy, Ecclesfield, York, England

Land Patents index:
NAME Shercliffe, John 1649
TRACT Broad Neck; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber 3 Folio 438
Patent 100 " " 3 " 474
NAME Shercliff, John, 1650
TRACT:Fearney Hill; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 150 Acres Liber 3 Folio 3
Patent 150 " " 3 " 82
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 42
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 52
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 109
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1653
TRACT Horton Hays; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 366
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 404
NAME Shercliffe, John 1653
TRACT Shertcliffe; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 307
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 308
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1658
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary's
Certificate 300 Acres Liber Q Folio 175
Patent 300 " " Q " 175
NAME Shertcliffe, John; 1663
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary' 8
Certificate 200 Acres liber 4 Folio 610
Patent 200 " " 5 " 115

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

p. 29, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Horton Hays. 150. 0.6.0. Surveyed May 16, 1650 for John Shertcliff on the west side Britt.s Bay. This tract and one of the same that was surveyed Nov 4, 1650, whereby said Shertcliff on Aug 30, 1658 resurveyed into 1 tract and called Ferny Hill, containing, in the whole, 300 acres. Possessor: Francis Spink.
14. .:.:3 1/2. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahany & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
10. .:.:2 1/2. Francis Knott from William Shercliffe, Jun 4, 1723.

p. 31, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linstead. 100. .0.2.0. Surveyed Sep 2, 1653 for Henry Spink on the East side the main Fresh at the head of St Clements Bay. Possessor: Francis Spink.
20. 0.0.5. Walter Davis from Francis Spink, Dec 6, 1710.
16. 0.0.4. Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred from Francis Spink & wife Eliz, Mar 1, 1711.
36. 0.0.9. William Thomas & Peter Shercliffe [no grantor given], May 7, 1712.
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
20. 0.0.5. Cornelius Wildman from Walter Davis & wife Ann, May 6, 1712.
16. 0.0.4. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

p. 41, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linsteads Addition. 100. 0.4.0. Surveyed Mar 31, 1682 for Hen: Spinke, a bd tree of Linstead. Possessor: Francis Spink.
50. 0.2.0. Tecla Shercliffe from Francis Spink, May 7, 1712 .
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 85; Liber P. C. R. p. 50:
Gerard v. Mitchell, Vid. Mitchels Oath and order 29 December 1657: The Deposn of John Shirtcliffe aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne before Robert Slye Jan: 4th 1657/58. Jurat Corae Robt Slye. John $ Shirtcliffe

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661-62. Page 590; Liber P. C. R. p. 1121; At a Cort held att New Towne for the County of St Marys the 5th of August 1662, John Sheirtcliff aged 44 yeares sworne and Exam.. . . Cort. . & further sayth not John Sheirtcliffe

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 24
Shirtcliffe, John, St Mary's Co, 2d Dec,1661; 26th Mar., 1663.
To wife Anne, execx, plantation on Bretton's Bay.
" eld. son John, land on n. w. side Bretton's Bay.
" young. son William, land on St Clement's Bay.
"eld. dau. Mary, land.
"dau. Anne, land.
"cous. Thomas Spalding, land.
In event of death of all child. without issue, estate to pass to Roman Catholic Church.
Overseers: Brother-in-law Henry Spinke and friend Peter Mills.
Test: Edward Clarke, Edmond Smith, Leonard Green.1. 172.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1648. Page 462;
Decembr 19th [1648]; John Shirtliffe enterd his mark of his cattle & hogs. Viz the Right eare Crop'd, & a square peice taken out from under the eare. The left eare Slitt.
Mary the Daughter of John Shirtliffs mark. Viz The Left eare Crop'd & a hole therein, the Right eare overkeeld & slitt.
Henry Spinke entred his mark. Viz the Right eare crop'd, & a hole therein the left care overkeeld & slitt.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649. Page 483;
These prsents witnesseth that I John Nunne for lawfull consideracon have given and delivered a Cowe Calfe unto Mary Sheircliffe, which is for the paynes and care that her mother tooke with mee when I was Sicke and could not help myself, the couler of it is blacke and white As witnes my hand this 19th day of Aprill 1649 And doe warrant this against any just Cause in lawe. John Nunne. Witnessed by us David Prichard. Edmond Smith.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50. Page 122; Liber B. p. 251:
8th January 1651/52: John Shertcliff this day entreth upon Record, one black Cow Calfe about eight Months old Crop't upon the left Ear and a piece Cut away Square underneath, and the right Ear over keel'd and Slitt, And is for the use of Anne the Daughter of the Said John Shertcliff by the Gift of Ann the now wife of Lieut Wm Evans.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1650-53. Page 265; Liber B. p. 446:
Memorandum that I Richard Spanne doe by these prsence acknowledge to have Given unto John Shurtcliffs youngest Child one Cowe calfe Cropt on both Eares and Slitt in the Right being Coloured black pyede with a Starr in the forehead, but if the Said Child doe Chance to dye before it Come to age then John Shurtcliffe his wife is to have the Said Calfe and his increase for Ever as Wittness my hand the two and twenty day of January Anno Dni 1651 Wittness the Marke of Richard x Spanne Willm Evans Charles Maynard [recorded about Aprill 16th 1653.]

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 6
Cadle, Joseph, 11th Dec., 1651; 9th March, 1652.
To Anne, youngest dau. of John Shercliffe, and to son (unnamed) of said John, personalty.
Lieut. Richard Banks, ex. and residuary legatee of estate.
Test: Thomas Allen, John Wade. 1. 36.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 11
Thimbellby, Thimbellbee, John, 2nd Dec, 1659; 19th Dec, 1659.
To the Roman Catholic Church, to John Brown, Margaret Brown, wife of William Brown, John Bryan's child. John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne and sons John and William Shertcliffe, and godson Robert Call, personalty.
To goddau. Mary Brown, all land in MD.
Exs.: Wm. Brown, John Shertcliffe.
Test: Jennet Frissell, Jean Giraugh. 1. 80.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-4. Page 160; Liber B B [p. 215]:
Anne Shirtcliffe Admistiix to the Estate of John Shirtcliffe Deceased, Having brought into the Secretaries office a True Inventory of the sd Estate, & hath aliso payd the Debts as far forth as the Estate did amount unto, shee doth desyre a quiett discharge, & If any body hath any thing to alleage to the Contrary Lett them under write. ffeb. 9th 1663-4. Underwritt as followeth.
I am not payd my Debt of Phisition to the sd John Shirtcliffe alithough due by Order of Court. L Barbier.
ffor a hundd & odde being due to mee Tho: Bennett

In 1657 Mary and Anne were transported into the Province of Maryland (Patents 4:29). Thomas Spalding was transported into the Province of Maryland in 1657 by John Shircliffe. The father of Thomas Spalding was given as Thomas Spalding [Unpatented Certificate #459]. Most sources give the birth of Thomas Spalding, the emigrant, as around 1640 in Suffolk, England. On his arrival in Maryland, Thomas Spalding was an indentured servant and a relative of John Shircliffe. He completed his agreed term of servitude under Ann Shircliffe, the widow of John Shircliffe (Patents 4:29). ['Colonial Settlers St Clement's Bay, 1634 - 1780 St Mary's County, Maryland', by Mary Louise Donnelly.]

John Shircliffe born abt 1618 in Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, died bef March 26, 1663 in St Mary's Co. MD.
22 Nov 1638 Immigrated from England, sailed from Isle of Wight, sailed on ship "Unity", transported by the widow Mary Throughton.
John Shircliffe was transported in 1638, but was also listed as an immigrant in 1646 and demanded 100 acres for immigrating into the Province (Patents AB&H:8)
He married first Ann Spinke, sister of Henry Spinke, by 1647; and second, Ann Goldsborough by 1651.
Anne & Mary Shercliffe, his daughters, were transported in 1651.
Thomas Spalding was a servant of John Shircliff. John's will called Thomas his "cusin". Thomas Spalding of McIntosh Chree, 1657 was the progenitor of the Spaldings in America.

John was the youngest of four sons of the Shercliffe family of Whitly Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, b. c1618. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship "Unity", bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651, John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger. It is believed, but not certain that John & Ann, his first wife, married in England.

John first came to VA ca. 1638 on the ship "Unity" from the Isle of Wight, transported by Mrs. Mary Throughton. No land patent for his transportation was found in VA for either John or Mary Throughton. Two entries, however, in "The Early Settlers of Maryland, Gust Skordas, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968" reveal Mrs. Mary Throughton, widow, immigrated to St Mary's Co, MD. in 1638, the same year John Shercllifee was transported.
On Oct 14, 1651, John Lewger demanded land for transporting various persons including Ann Goldsborough, Shercliffe's wife.
In 1657, John demanded land for transporting a servant which Robert Cole had assigned to Shircliffe's daughters.
John witnessed will of John Greenwell of New Town Hundred on March 27, 1658.
Deposition dated 1658 stated he was 40 years old.
In 1659, John Thimbelby named John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne, and sons John & William Shercliffe as legatees of his estate.
Four children were listed in John's will: John Jr, William, Mary and Ann Shercliffe.

John was the youngest of 4 sons of a Yorkshire family. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship Unity, bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651 John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger.

John Shircliffe was transported to MD 22 November 1638 by Mrs. Mary Throughton. He was a Tailor by trade. From Peter Mills & Mary Shirtcliffe of St Mary's County, MD. Also demanded land for transporting Thomas Spalding, his servant, referred to as "cusin" in John's Will.

Book-Early Settlers-Page 414

Thomas SHIRCLIFFE of Whitley, York, England; Gentleman,
G 189, p. 550 Report. His delinquency that he was in arms against the Parliament and petitioned here June 18, 1646; he took the Covenant and Oath before the Country Committee Sept. 24, 1646; he was seized in lands in Ecclesfield of the yearly value of 20 li; there is to remain to him after the decease of Mrs. Mary SHIRCLIFFE his mother other lands in Ecclesfield of the value of 30 li; no personal estate.
2 Oct. 1646 - Jerom Alexander. D. Watkins.
Fine set is 100 li, 17 Oct. 1646 (G3, p. 263)
G 189, p. 553. Petition. That your petitioner was in arms against the Parliament but was along time in actual service and took arms for the Parliament till the beginning of may 1643; that he was taken prisoner by the lord of Newcastle's forces in the town of Rotheram and to regain his liberty accepted of a commission for raising a foot company; he never raised any but kept himself at home, howbeit he has been sequesteredd.
Juen 18, 1646 - I Robert GREENE undertake that the petitioner shall submit to such fine as shall be imposed on him.
G 189, p. 554. Particular of Estate (as in the Report)
This was responsible for process by which royalists paid ('compounded') with the new regime for the continued ownership of their estates.
("Yorkshire Royalist Composition Papers or the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents During the Commonwealth, Vol. III," Record Series Vol. XX, 1896, p. 83 )
Burial: 14 June 1661, England
iv. WILLIAM SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1606.
v. ANNE SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1609; m. THOMAS WRIGHT: Could she have been the wife of Lt. William Evans?
vi. MARY SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. 1612; m. WILLIAM SAVAGE, 13 October 1631; b. Abt. 1601. Marriage: 13 October 1631
vii. MARGARET SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. August 1614, England8; d. Dsp.
viii. JOHN SHIRCLIFFE, b. 05 August 1618, Shirecliff, Yorkshire, England; d. Bef. 26 March 1663, St. Mary's Co., MD. Baptism: St.Michael-le-Blafy, Ecclesfield, York, England

Land Patents index:
NAME Shercliffe, John 1649
TRACT Broad Neck; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber 3 Folio 438
Patent 100 " " 3 " 474
NAME Shercliff, John, 1650
TRACT:Fearney Hill; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 150 Acres Liber 3 Folio 3
Patent 150 " " 3 " 82
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 42
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 52
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 109
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1653
TRACT Horton Hays; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 366
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 404
NAME Shercliffe, John 1653
TRACT Shertcliffe; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 307
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 308
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1658
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary's
Certificate 300 Acres Liber Q Folio 175
Patent 300 " " Q " 175
NAME Shertcliffe, John; 1663
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary' 8
Certificate 200 Acres liber 4 Folio 610
Patent 200 " " 5 " 115

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

p. 29, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Horton Hays. 150. 0.6.0. Surveyed May 16, 1650 for John Shertcliff on the west side Britt.s Bay. This tract and one of the same that was surveyed Nov 4, 1650, whereby said Shertcliff on Aug 30, 1658 resurveyed into 1 tract and called Ferny Hill, containing, in the whole, 300 acres. Possessor: Francis Spink.
14. .:.:3 1/2. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahany & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
10. .:.:2 1/2. Francis Knott from William Shercliffe, Jun 4, 1723.

p. 31, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linstead. 100. .0.2.0. Surveyed Sep 2, 1653 for Henry Spink on the East side the main Fresh at the head of St Clements Bay. Possessor: Francis Spink.
20. 0.0.5. Walter Davis from Francis Spink, Dec 6, 1710.
16. 0.0.4. Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred from Francis Spink & wife Eliz, Mar 1, 1711.
36. 0.0.9. William Thomas & Peter Shercliffe [no grantor given], May 7, 1712.
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
20. 0.0.5. Cornelius Wildman from Walter Davis & wife Ann, May 6, 1712.
16. 0.0.4. Thomas Shercliffe from Dennis Mahauny & wife Mildred, Jul 18, 1717.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

p. 41, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Linsteads Addition. 100. 0.4.0. Surveyed Mar 31, 1682 for Hen: Spinke, a bd tree of Linstead. Possessor: Francis Spink.
50. 0.2.0. Tecla Shercliffe from Francis Spink, May 7, 1712 .
Richard Melton from Francis Spink, Mar 5, 1711.
Henry Miles from Francis Spink, May 3, 1712.
Thomas Shercliffe from Thomas Green & wife, Nov 6, 1730.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 85; Liber P. C. R. p. 50:
Gerard v. Mitchell, Vid. Mitchels Oath and order 29 December 1657: The Deposn of John Shirtcliffe aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne before Robert Slye Jan: 4th 1657/58. Jurat Corae Robt Slye. John $ Shirtcliffe

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661-62. Page 590; Liber P. C. R. p. 1121; At a Cort held att New Towne for the County of St Marys the 5th of August 1662, John Sheirtcliff aged 44 yeares sworne and Exam.. . . Cort. . & further sayth not John Sheirtcliffe

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 24
Shirtcliffe, John, St Mary's Co, 2d Dec,1661; 26th Mar., 1663.
To wife Anne, execx, plantation on Bretton's Bay.
" eld. son John, land on n. w. side Bretton's Bay.
" young. son William, land on St Clement's Bay.
"eld. dau. Mary, land.
"dau. Anne, land.
"cous. Thomas Spalding, land.
In event of death of all child. without issue, estate to pass to Roman Catholic Church.
Overseers: Brother-in-law Henry Spinke and friend Peter Mills.
Test: Edward Clarke, Edmond Smith, Leonard Green.1. 172.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1648. Page 462;
Decembr 19th [1648]; John Shirtliffe enterd his mark of his cattle & hogs. Viz the Right eare Crop'd, & a square peice taken out from under the eare. The left eare Slitt.
Mary the Daughter of John Shirtliffs mark. Viz The Left eare Crop'd & a hole therein, the Right eare overkeeld & slitt.
Henry Spinke entred his mark. Viz the Right eare crop'd, & a hole therein the left care overkeeld & slitt.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649. Page 483;
These prsents witnesseth that I John Nunne for lawfull consideracon have given and delivered a Cowe Calfe unto Mary Sheircliffe, which is for the paynes and care that her mother tooke with mee when I was Sicke and could not help myself, the couler of it is blacke and white As witnes my hand this 19th day of Aprill 1649 And doe warrant this against any just Cause in lawe. John Nunne. Witnessed by us David Prichard. Edmond Smith.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50. Page 122; Liber B. p. 251:
8th January 1651/52: John Shertcliff this day entreth upon Record, one black Cow Calfe about eight Months old Crop't upon the left Ear and a piece Cut away Square underneath, and the right Ear over keel'd and Slitt, And is for the use of Anne the Daughter of the Said John Shertcliff by the Gift of Ann the now wife of Lieut Wm Evans.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1650-53. Page 265; Liber B. p. 446:
Memorandum that I Richard Spanne doe by these prsence acknowledge to have Given unto John Shurtcliffs youngest Child one Cowe calfe Cropt on both Eares and Slitt in the Right being Coloured black pyede with a Starr in the forehead, but if the Said Child doe Chance to dye before it Come to age then John Shurtcliffe his wife is to have the Said Calfe and his increase for Ever as Wittness my hand the two and twenty day of January Anno Dni 1651 Wittness the Marke of Richard x Spanne Willm Evans Charles Maynard [recorded about Aprill 16th 1653.]

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 6
Cadle, Joseph, 11th Dec., 1651; 9th March, 1652.
To Anne, youngest dau. of John Shercliffe, and to son (unnamed) of said John, personalty.
Lieut. Richard Banks, ex. and residuary legatee of estate.
Test: Thomas Allen, John Wade. 1. 36.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1635 (Earliest probated) To 1685 Volume I; Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988, p. 11
Thimbellby, Thimbellbee, John, 2nd Dec, 1659; 19th Dec, 1659.
To the Roman Catholic Church, to John Brown, Margaret Brown, wife of William Brown, John Bryan's child. John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne and sons John and William Shertcliffe, and godson Robert Call, personalty.
To goddau. Mary Brown, all land in MD.
Exs.: Wm. Brown, John Shertcliffe.
Test: Jennet Frissell, Jean Giraugh. 1. 80.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-4. Page 160; Liber B B [p. 215]:
Anne Shirtcliffe Admistiix to the Estate of John Shirtcliffe Deceased, Having brought into the Secretaries office a True Inventory of the sd Estate, & hath aliso payd the Debts as far forth as the Estate did amount unto, shee doth desyre a quiett discharge, & If any body hath any thing to alleage to the Contrary Lett them under write. ffeb. 9th 1663-4. Underwritt as followeth.
I am not payd my Debt of Phisition to the sd John Shirtcliffe alithough due by Order of Court. L Barbier.
ffor a hundd & odde being due to mee Tho: Bennett

In 1657 Mary and Anne were transported into the Province of Maryland (Patents 4:29). Thomas Spalding was transported into the Province of Maryland in 1657 by John Shircliffe. The father of Thomas Spalding was given as Thomas Spalding [Unpatented Certificate #459]. Most sources give the birth of Thomas Spalding, the emigrant, as around 1640 in Suffolk, England. On his arrival in Maryland, Thomas Spalding was an indentured servant and a relative of John Shircliffe. He completed his agreed term of servitude under Ann Shircliffe, the widow of John Shircliffe (Patents 4:29). ['Colonial Settlers St Clement's Bay, 1634 - 1780 St Mary's County, Maryland', by Mary Louise Donnelly.]

John Shircliffe born abt 1618 in Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, died bef March 26, 1663 in St Mary's Co. MD.
22 Nov 1638 Immigrated from England, sailed from Isle of Wight, sailed on ship "Unity", transported by the widow Mary Throughton.
John Shircliffe was transported in 1638, but was also listed as an immigrant in 1646 and demanded 100 acres for immigrating into the Province (Patents AB&H:8)
He married first Ann Spinke, sister of Henry Spinke, by 1647; and second, Ann Goldsborough by 1651.
Anne & Mary Shercliffe, his daughters, were transported in 1651.
Thomas Spalding was a servant of John Shircliff. John's will called Thomas his "cusin". Thomas Spalding of McIntosh Chree, 1657 was the progenitor of the Spaldings in America.

John was the youngest of four sons of the Shercliffe family of Whitly Hall, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, b. c1618. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship "Unity", bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651, John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger. It is believed, but not certain that John & Ann, his first wife, married in England.

John first came to VA ca. 1638 on the ship "Unity" from the Isle of Wight, transported by Mrs. Mary Throughton. No land patent for his transportation was found in VA for either John or Mary Throughton. Two entries, however, in "The Early Settlers of Maryland, Gust Skordas, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968" reveal Mrs. Mary Throughton, widow, immigrated to St Mary's Co, MD. in 1638, the same year John Shercllifee was transported.
On Oct 14, 1651, John Lewger demanded land for transporting various persons including Ann Goldsborough, Shercliffe's wife.
In 1657, John demanded land for transporting a servant which Robert Cole had assigned to Shircliffe's daughters.
John witnessed will of John Greenwell of New Town Hundred on March 27, 1658.
Deposition dated 1658 stated he was 40 years old.
In 1659, John Thimbelby named John Shertcliffe, his wife Anne, and sons John & William Shercliffe as legatees of his estate.
Four children were listed in John's will: John Jr, William, Mary and Ann Shercliffe.

John was the youngest of 4 sons of a Yorkshire family. He sailed c. 1638 from the Isle of Wight aboard the ship Unity, bound for Maryland. Records show that Mrs. Mary Throughton, a widow, transported him. By 1651 John's second wife, Ann Goldsborough, had been transported to MD by John Lewger.

John Shircliffe was transported to MD 22 November 1638 by Mrs. Mary Throughton. He was a Tailor by trade. From Peter Mills & Mary Shirtcliffe of St Mary's County, MD. Also demanded land for transporting Thomas Spalding, his servant, referred to as "cusin" in John's Will.

Book-Early Settlers-Page 414

Thomas SHIRCLIFFE of Whitley, York, England; Gentleman,
G 189, p. 550 Report. His delinquency that he was in arms against the Parliament and petitioned here June 18, 1646; he took the Covenant and Oath before the Country Committee Sept. 24, 1646; he was seized in lands in Ecclesfield of the yearly value of 20 li; there is to remain to him after the decease of Mrs. Mary SHIRCLIFFE his mother other lands in Ecclesfield of the value of 30 li; no personal estate.
2 Oct. 1646 - Jerom Alexander. D. Watkins.
Fine set is 100 li, 17 Oct. 1646 (G3, p. 263)
G 189, p. 553. Petition. That your petitioner was in arms against the Parliament but was along time in actual service and took arms for the Parliament till the beginning of may 1643; that he was taken prisoner by the lord of Newcastle's forces in the town of Rotheram and to regain his liberty accepted of a commission for raising a foot company; he never raised any but kept himself at home, howbeit he has been sequesteredd.
Juen 18, 1646 - I Robert GREENE undertake that the petitioner shall submit to such fine as shall be imposed on him.
G 189, p. 554. Particular of Estate (as in the Report)
This was responsible for process by which royalists paid ('compounded') with the new regime for the continued ownership of their estates.
("Yorkshire Royalist Composition Papers or the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents During the Commonwealth, Vol. III," Record Series Vol. XX, 1896, p. 83 )
Burial: 14 June 1661, England
iv. WILLIAM SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1606.
v. ANNE SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. July 1609; m. THOMAS WRIGHT: Could she have been the wife of Lt. William Evans?
vi. MARY SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. 1612; m. WILLIAM SAVAGE, 13 October 1631; b. Abt. 1601. Marriage: 13 October 1631
vii. MARGARET SHIRCLIFFE, b. Abt. August 1614, England8; d. Dsp.
viii. JOHN SHIRCLIFFE, b. 05 August 1618, Shirecliff, Yorkshire, England; d. Bef. 26 March 1663, St. Mary's Co., MD. Baptism: St.Michael-le-Blafy, Ecclesfield, York, England

Land Patents index:
NAME Shercliffe, John 1649
TRACT Broad Neck; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber 3 Folio 438
Patent 100 " " 3 " 474
NAME Shercliff, John, 1650
TRACT:Fearney Hill; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 150 Acres Liber 3 Folio 3
Patent 150 " " 3 " 82
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 42
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 52
NAME Shircliffe, John; 1650
Certificate 150 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 109
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1653
TRACT Horton Hays; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 366
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 404
NAME Shercliffe, John 1653
TRACT Shertcliffe; COUNTY St. Mary's
Certificate 100 Acres Liber AB&H Folio 307
Patent 100 " " AB&H " 308
NAME: Shircliffe, John; 1658
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary's
Certificate 300 Acres Liber Q Folio 175
Patent 300 " " Q " 175
NAME Shertcliffe, John; 1663
TRACT: COUNTY st. Mary' 8
Certificate 200 Acres liber 4 Folio 610
Patent 200 " " 5 " 115


Birth5 Aug 1618Whitley Hall, Ecclesfield, York, England
MarriageAbt 1645St Mary's County, Md - Anne Spinke
Event18 Dec 1648Maryland
MarriageBef 1651St Mary's County, Md - Anne Goldsborough
DeathBef 26 Mar 1663St Mary's County, Md
Alt nameJohn Shirtcliffe
PropertyHorton Hays, other land near Bretton's Bay and St Clement Bay
ReligionCatholic, baptized St.Michael le Blafy,


SpouseAnne Spinke (1620 - 1651)
ChildMary Shircliffe (1647 - 1726)
ChildWilliam Shircliffe (1648 - 1707)
ChildAnne Shircliffe (1650 - 1706)
ChildJohn Shircliffe (1651 - 1677)
SpouseAnne Goldsborough ( - 1677)
FatherJames Shircliffe (1575 - )
MotherAlice Martin (1577 - )
SiblingMary Shircliffe (1612 - )
SiblingMargaret Shircliffe (1600 - 1695)
SiblingGirl Shircliffe ( - 1695)

