Individual Details

Samuel Magruder

(1654 - 16 Apr 1711)

Name Prefix: Col
Will of Samuel Magruder PrinceGeorges Co., Md. Liber T, fol. 46
23 Nov 1710-16 April 1711
In the name of God, Amen. I, Samuel Magruder of Prince Georges County inthe
Province of Maryland ---
Impremus, it is my will and pleasure in this my last Will and Testamentthat
all my funeral charges and also all other just Debts due to and from meto
any person or persons by Bill or otherwise howsoever be fully andhonestley
paid without Suit or Settler of Law by my well beloved wife Sary Magruder
whom I do ... and appoint and ordaine to be my sole Executor over my whole
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sary Magruder my nowDwelling
plantation and the Land belonging unto it during her whole life to ...have
... and make use of to the best of her advantage and after her decease Igive
and bequeath unto my son Samuel Magruder the said plantation with twohundred
acres of Land belonging to it being the uppermost part of a tract of land
called "Good Luck" to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Magruder one hundred acres of
Land it being called by the name of "Magruders Delight" and the plantation
belonging to it unto him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Ninian Magruder a plantation thatwas
my Brother John Magruder's and three hundred acres of Land belonging untoit
being the uppermost part of a tract of land called "Alexandria" unto himand
his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son John Magruder the tract of landcalled
"Dumblane" with the plantation and two hundred and fifty acres of land
belonging unto it unto him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son James Magruder the plantation thatJohn
Colle lives on and three hundred acres of land belonging unto it unto himand
his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son William Magruder all that tract ofLand
called "Turkey Cock Branch" with one hundred and ninety-three acresof Land
belonging unto it unto him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Alexander Magruder one hundredacres of
land it being partof a track of Land called "Good Luck" unto him and his
heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Alexander Magruder the eighth partof
the Pertuxson Merchant Ship unto him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Alexander Magruder tenn (hhds) of
Tobacco for to be shipped home this yeare and with the produce for to buya
piece of land for him.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Magruder one hundredacres of
land it being part of a track of Land called "Good Luck" unto him and his
heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Magruder the eighth partof
the Purtuxson Merchant Ship unto him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Magruder tenn (hhds) of
Tobacco for to be shipped home this yeare and with the produce for to buya
piece of land for him.
Item: My will is that if one other of my sons Samuel, Ninian, John, James,
William, Alexander or Nathaniel Magruder shall dye without issue that then
the deceased his land to be equallly devided between the other sixbrothers.
Item: my will is that my five sons John, James, William, Alexander and
Nathaniel Magruder shall work for themselves at the age of sixteen years.
Item: I will and bequeath one third part of my personal estate unto my
loveing wife Sary Magruder.
Item: I will and bequeath unto my two darters Elizabeth Magruder and Sary
Magruder ten pound for to buy them a gowne and petty cotte.
Item: I will and bequeath unto my five sons John, James, William,Alexander
and Nathaniel Magruderand my three darturs Verlinder, Mary and Eliner
Magruder the two thirds of myPersonale Estate unto them and theirheirsforever.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my sons Samuel, Ninian and John Magruderone

Magruder, Samuell,Prince George's Co.,23rd Nov., 1710;
16th Apr., 1711.
To wife Sarah, dwelling plantation and land –– during life, and 1/3personalty.
To son Samuell and hrs., land afsd. at decease of wife, and 200 A., partof “Good Luck,” also 100 A., “Magruder's Delight.”
To son Ninian and hrs., plantation formerly belonging to brother JohnMagruder, also 300 A., part of “Alexandria.”
To son John and hrs., 250 A., part of “Dunblean.”
To son James and hrs., plantation ––, 300 A. that John Cole lives on.
To son William and hrs., 190 A., “Turkey Cock” branch.
To son Alexander and hrs., 100 A., part of “Good Luck,” and tobacco withwhich to purchase more land.
To son Nathaniell and hrs., 100 A., part of “Good Luck,” and tobacco withwhich to purchase more land. In event of death of any sons afsd. withoutissue, survivors to inherit deceased's portion.
To sons afsd., Samuel, Ninian and John, and hrs., lot 1 acre No. 48 inMarlborough Town.
To sons James, William and Alexander and hrs., lot 1 acre No. 3. Sons tobe free at 16 yrs.
To daus. Eliza: and Sarah (Magruder), personalty.
To sons John, James, William, Alexander and Nathaniell, and 3 daus.,Verlinda, Mary and Eliza:, residue of personalty.
Overseers: Brothers Alexander and Nathaniell (Magruder) and JohnPottinger.
Test: Edward Willet, Tabitha Willet, Ann. Smith. 13. 210.


Birth1654"Good Luck", Upper Marlboro, Prince George's, Maryland
Marriage1685Prince George's, Maryland, United States - Sarah Beall
Death16 Apr 1711Upper Marlboro Prince George Maryland


SpouseSarah Beall (1669 - 1734)
ChildSamuel Magruder (1686 - 1779)
ChildNinian Magruder (1687 - 1751)
ChildElizabeth Magruder (1689 - 1764)
ChildMary Magruder (1693 - 1731)
ChildJohn Magruder (1694 - 1750)
ChildJames Magruder (1696 - 1755)
ChildVerlinda Magruder (1698 - 1745)
ChildWilliam Magruder (1701 - 1765)
ChildAlexander Magruder (1703 - 1751)
ChildEleanor Magruder (1705 - )
FatherAlexander Magruder (1610 - 1677)
MotherMargaret Braithwaite (1638 - 1671)