Individual Details

John Magruder

(1694 - 14 Sep 1750)

John Magruder, popularly known as John Magruder of "Dunblane," was the son of Samuel Magruder and Sarah Beall, and grandson of Alexander Magruder, Maryland immigrant, and, according to tradition, Margaret Braithwaite.
He was born in 1694 on his father's dwelling-plantation known as "Good Luck," Calvert County, Maryland, near the Long Old Fields of Revolutionary days, now Forestville, Prince George's County, Maryland.
His father, Samuel Magruder, was an early vestryman for St. Paul's parish, Commissioner, Member of the House of Burgesses, Captain of Militia and Gentleman Justice.
The first free schools in Maryland were authorized and fostered by an Act of the Assembly in 1723, following which a system of free academies sprang up in the several counties.
This date was too late to suppose that John availed himself of the opportunities thus offered. A more reasonable thought is he was either educated at home by private tutors, a plan yet followed in sparsely settled communities until the pupil has reached the college age, or that he was under the instruction of the rector at the nearest parish church.
These were educated gentlemen, frequently the cadet representatives of distinguished families in the mother country, who came to the colonies as recently ordained ministers, and it was their custom to instruct the youth of the parish.
By the terms of his father's will John succeeded to the ownership of "Dunblane" in 1711.
As he was then nearing seventeen years of age it is probable that he almost immediately entered upon his patrimony and out of its usufruct erected the manorhouse of " Dunblane" about 1715, for on December 15 of that year he was married in St. Barnabas' Church, Queen Anne Parish, to Savana, or Susanna Smith.
She was the daughter of Nathan Smith and Elizabeth Coale, who was the
son of Thomas Smith, immigrant, and his wife Alice . Her mother,
Elizabeth Coale, was the daughter of William Coale, immigrant, an eminent minister of the Society of Friends, and Elizabeth Thomas, daughter of Philip Thomas, immigrant, and Sarah Harrison.
Philip Thomas sprang from a noted Welch family of great antiquity. He was a Lieutenant of Provincial forces at the Battle of the Severn, a Member of the High Commission governing Maryland, and one of the Cromwellian representatives who effected the surrender of the Colony to Lord Baltimore.
The earliest appearance of John Magruder's name on the Land Records of Prince George's County, Maryland, although it is not a land transaction, is dated June 21, 1727, when he was given a receipt in full " from the beginning of the world to this day" by John Smith of Calvert County, acting as agent for William Hunt,

a London merchant, in settlement of several cargoes consigned to him amounting in value to over $8000.
These consignments evidence that at least as early as the date mentioned, 1727, it was the custom of the owners of large plantations to supply themselves with the contents of a well regulated store for the use of the master's family and slaves, a custom which prevailed throughout the South until the close of the Civil War.
The Land Grant Records of Maryland show that John Magruder received patents for land, with the dates of their several surveys, as follows: "Deer Pond," 129 acres, August 25,1719; "Tryall," 92j acres, July 2,1722; "Ketankin Bottoms," 25oacres,January4,173i;"Forrest,"3ooacres, April9,1733; "TurkeyThickett," 350 acres, March 10, 1733-4; "Knave's Dispute," 40 acres, March 23, 1741; Addition to "Turkey Thickett," 40 acres, July 8,1742; "The Ridge," ?8J acres,March 31,1747; "Black Oak Thicket," 25 acres, November 10,1747. The Prince George's County, Maryland, records evidence:
January 28, 1728, Thomas Gittings conveyed to John Magruder all that tract known as "Knave's Dispute," and part of a tract known as "The Ridges," containing 180 acres.
March 15, 1734, Charles Beall conveyed to John Magruder part of a tract known as "Charles and Benjamin," containing 50 acres.
November 29, 1738, Samuel Magruder, Sr., Ninian Magruder, James Magruder, William Magruder and Alexander Magruder conveyed to John Magruder all that tract known as "Good Luck" (metes and bounds given) "containing 200 acres, more or less, consideration 10,000 pounds of tobacco, together with all houses, outhouses, gardens, orchards, and all other buildings, improvements, profits and commodities whatsoever thereunto belonging."
The wives joining the several grantors in this deed were: Eleanor, wife of Samuel; Barbara, wife of James; Mary, wife of William; and Ann, wife of Alexander.
This conveyance with its citations of houses, outhouses, gardens, orchards and other improvements, shows that the birth-place of John Magruder, his father's dwelling-place known as " Good Luck," eventually became John's property, and it so remained until his death, when it was devised to his daughter Rebecca.
In 1732 tobacco was made a legal tender in Maryland at one penny per pound. As the English penny has twice the value of our penny the consideration named for " Good Luck " amounted to $200 or $i per acre.
August 27, 1746, Clement Hill conveyed to John Magruder part of a tract known as " Chance," containing 106 acres.
November 27, 1746, Thomas Linch conveyed to John Magruder land known as "Three Brothers," containing 200 acres.
December 18, 1746, William Lowe conveyed to John Magruder a "piece" of land known as "Beall's Benevolence," containing 12 acres.
July 16, 1747, David Williams conveyed to John Magruder the "Vail of Benjamin," containing 36 acres.
August 26, 1747, Benjamin Becraft conveyed to John Magruder a part of "Beall's Benevolence," containing i acre.
September 5, 1747, Robert Lyeth conveyed to John Magruder "Robert and Sarah," containing 100 acres.

27 Aug 1730; Samuel Magruder, Sr., Gent., and John Magruder, Gent., sold William Beckwith 100 acres called Magruder's Hazard; ack by Samuel Magruder and Eleanor his wife and John Magruder and Susanna his wife (PGLR Q.90)

Marriage 1 Dec 1715 as Recorded in the Parish Register of St Barnabus Protestant Episcopal Church, Queen Anne's Parish, Prince George's County, Maryland, from 1705 to 1773. (American Clan Gregor, 8th Annual Gathering, p. 86-87)

MAGRUDER, JOHN, Prince George's Co. 15 Aug, 1750; 14 Sep, 1750
To wife Susanna, 200 A. called "Dealsfast"; dwelling plantation which I now live on with all land on the south of the road that leads to Marlborough, during her life; and at her decease: to son Nathaniel, as also to him the remaining pt. of tract where I now lived called "Alexander," containing 250 A. , and also 126 A. being pt. of tract called "Beals Benevolence," and 100 A., pt. of tract called"'Greenwood," 52 A. of land "Beals Purchase," which I bought of Col. Edward Sprigg, and 25 A. called "The Saplin Thickett."
To son Nathan, the land he now lives on being pt. of tract of land "Dispute"; pt. of tract called "The Ridges" of 180 A.; "Charles and Benjamin" 50 A. and "Knaves Dispute," 40 A.; "Turkey Thickett" 40 A.
To son Zadock, tract called "Turkey Thicket," 350 A; tract called "The Ridges" 70 A.; "Robert and Sarah" 100 A.; slaves.
To dau. Elizabeth Burgis, tract that I bought of David Williams, 30 A.
To dau. Cassandra, 106 A. called "Chance"; also John Harbin's bond for 5 thousand pounds tobacco, which he was to give me for 200 A. called "3 Brothers."
To dau. Rebeckah, land that Burgis Mitchell now lives on being pt. of tract called "Goodluck," containing 200 A.; all the goods I may have in the store.
Remaining pt. of estate, at wife's decease, to be equally divided bet. 6 child.: Nathan, Nathaniel, Zadock, Elizabeth, Cassandra and Rebeckah.
Son Nathaniel Magruder, ex.
Wit: Ninian Magruder, Sr., James Willett, James and William Magruder. 27. 353

Mr. John Magruder 47.103 PG £1073.4.9 Jan 29 1750 Aug 1 1751
Appraisers: Thomas Waring, John Lamar, Jr.
Creditors: Richard Brooke, ------ Andrew.
Next of kin: Nathan Magruder, Zadock Magruder.
Executor: Nathaniel Magruder.

Mr. John Magruder 51.119
List of debts.
Executor: Nathaniel Magruder.

Mr. John Magruder 51.120 PG £1.2.1 Dec 13 1752
Appraisers: Thomas Waring, John Lamar, Jr.

Mr. John Magruder 33.228 A PG £1073.4.9 £30.16.0 Dec 13 1752
A second inventory is cited in the amount of £1.2.1.
Received from: Ninian Townhill, Jr., Mary Wiggfeeld, Elisabeth Condle, William Addison, Michael Coats, William Tonley, Thomas Taylor, Philip Tonley, Thomas Willcoxen, Jr., Francis Jenkins, John Hagathy, Ignatious Hardey, Thomas Harvey, John Soper, Jr., Philip Mason, Richard Mason, Richard Burges, James Bonefant, John Riggs, David Williams, William Jenkins, Lidey Burners, James Conner, Benjamin Brooke, Henry Willson, John Lewcus, Sarah Harwell, Nathanil Magruder (son of Nicholas Magruder), Thomas Taylor p.Luxon (?), William Magruder, Richard King, Robert Boyde, Capt. Samuel Magruder, Robert Ridgway, Abram Jones, John Lowe, Sr., heirs (unnamed) of John Osbourn, Sr., Mauris Miles, Sussanna Prentice, John Pearce, Sr., Joseph Cole, James Wardrope, Jonathon Ridgway, Ann Newton, William Lowe, Sr., George Willson, James Magruder, Peter Parker, John Ridgway, Thomas Talbott, Samuel Smith, Georges Lowe, John Thompson, John Ball, John Lowe 3rd, Margerett Beach, Thomas Charter, Thomas Lock, Sr., Richard Ball, James Burges, John Lowe, Jr., Robert Dewit, Philip Sr. (no surname given), Benedict Calvert, Esq., James Wallace, William Jones, Lowe (no other name given), John Soper, Sr., James Hyde, Samuel Mason, George Dawson, Meredith Davis, Peter More, Prissila Bonfield, Robert Soper, James Townhill, Ignatious Diggs, Thomas Diggs, John Philips, John Ozbourn, Jr., widow Talbot, Benjamin Bery, Sr., Stephen Lanum, Ezekiel Gauelin, Joseph Ray, Mauris Morris, Garut Pitsjarrel, John Contee, John James, George Frazer, Thomas James, Jr., Alexander Jefferys, Merean Duvall, Jr., Thomas James, Sr., Josiah Marshwell, Daniel Thomas, Dorythy Lucas, James Sinkler, John Goodmon, Thomas Walker, William Thomas, Francis Hudson, William Murdock on account of Philpot (no other name given), Burges Mitchel, John Buchanan (merchant in London), Thomas Lynch, Nathaniel Offutt, Christopher Hytch, Lackland Duff, Thomas Willoxen, Joseph Johnson, William Harvey, Edward Diggs, Robert Robinson, Ninian Willet, Sr., John Risten, William Osburn, John Duckit, William Diggs, Jr., William Lowe, Jr., Thomas Case, Isabel Henry, Daniel Hurley, Edward Burch, John Hepburn, Esq., James Gibson, Joseph Wheat, Stephen Warman, Merean Duvall, Sr., Francis Piles, Edmond Riggs, John Ryon, William Eaglin, John Walker, Francis Wheat, Thomas Kindrick, Sr., executrix of Miles (no other name given), executrix of Dunkin Ferguson, Benjamin Duvall, Cye Leach, John Magruder, Jr., executrix of William Scott, executrix of Osbourn Sprigg, John Perry, Jr., Nehemiah Wade, Eleanor Adison, Robert Ridle, Thomas Maurice, John Dawson, Robert Hardey, John Lawrance, Capt. John Addison on account of Thomas Addison.
Payments to: Richard Dorsey, Dr. Ephraim Andrews, Dr. Richard Brooks, D. Dulany, Esq., Mary Coumphin, Benjamin Berry, Margrett Hilleary, executrix of Osbourn Sprigg, Daniel Dulany, Esq.
Executor: Nathaniel Magruder.

62) 13 Dec 1752 - Prince George's County
Nathaniel MAGRUDER, Exr of John HAGRUDER
Per Will
Reps not known to this office

Mr. John Magruder 35.50 A PG £1108.3.0 Aug 23 1753
Received from: James Willel, Thomas Henry, William Searce (or William Scarce).
Payments to: Susannah Magruder (widow, 1/3).
Payments to (in equal amounts): Nathan Magruder (son), Zadock Magruder (son), Elisabeth Burgess wife of Richard Burgess, Cassandra Hillary wife of Henry Hillary, accountant.
Executor: Nathaniel Magruder.

87) 23 Aug 1753 - Prince George's County
Nathaniel MAGRUDER, Exr of John MAGRUDER
Per Will


Birth1694Drumlane, Montgomery, Maryland
Marriage1 Dec 1715Queen Anne's Parish, Prince George's, Md - Susanna Smith
Death14 Sep 1750Prince George's, Maryland, United States


SpouseSusanna Smith (1690 - 1762)
ChildNathan Magruder (1718 - 1786)
ChildElizabeth Magruder (1717 - 1794)
ChildZadok Magruder (1730 - 1811)
ChildCassandra Magruder (1731 - 1808)
ChildNathaniel Magruder ( - 1785)
ChildRebecca Magruder ( - )
FatherSamuel Magruder (1654 - 1711)
MotherSarah Beall (1669 - 1734)
SiblingSamuel Magruder (1686 - 1779)
SiblingNinian Magruder (1687 - 1751)
SiblingElizabeth Magruder (1689 - 1764)
SiblingMary Magruder (1693 - 1731)
SiblingJames Magruder (1696 - 1755)
SiblingVerlinda Magruder (1698 - 1745)
SiblingWilliam Magruder (1701 - 1765)
SiblingAlexander Magruder (1703 - 1751)
SiblingEleanor Magruder (1705 - )