Individual Details

Sarah Beall

(1669 - 9 May 1734)

Sarah Magruder 16 Jan. 1731-1 May 1734
In the name of God, Amen.

I Sarah Magruder of Prince Georges County in the Province of Maryland,Widow, being well and in health of body and of sound disposing mind andMemory, praised be allmighty God therefore Considering the Certainty ofDeath and the Uncertainty of the time thereof, do make and declare thesepresent for and in my last Will and testament in manner and formfollowing.

That is to say, first & principally my Soul I recommend into the hands ofallmighty God my Creator who gave it trusting & aassuredly believing thatin and through the alone merits and mediation of my blessed Saviour andredeemer Jesus Christ, to obtain free pardon and forgiveness of all mysins and life Everlasting in the World to Come. my Body I comit to theEarth from whence it came to be Decently interred at the Discretion of myExecutors hereafter named. And to the disposingof my Worldly Estatewherewith God of his Goodness hath blessed me in this World after my JustDebts and funeral Expenses being thereout first paid and Satisfied I giveand dispose thereof
in manner and form following:

Imprimis: my land called Head Ake lying in the Eastern Branch ofPotowmack Containing three hundred Acres I will and bequeath to beequally Divided between my Daughter Eleanor Wade, wife of Nehemiah Wade,and Sarah Claggett, Daughter of George Claggett and my daughter MaryClaggett descd and the Heirs of their Bodies lawfully begotten and to be(held) by them forever. My Said Daughter Eleanor Wade to havenew Quarteron the Said land Woodland Ground thereunto Conveniently adjoining thewholeto Contain one hundred and fifty acres and the said Sarah Clagett tohave the Plantation lately in possession of the said George Clagett andthe remainder of the said Land but if either of them shall Deceasewithout Heirs Lawfully begotten then the said Land to go to the Survivourand the Heirs of Her Bodylawfully begotten forever.
Item: I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Beall, wife ofWilliam Bell, one Silver Tankard to her own use benefit and disposal.
Item: I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Verlinda Bell one SilverTankard to her own use benefitt and Disposal
Item: I Will and bequeathn unto myDaughter Eleanor Wade two SilverTumblers, two Silver Salt and Six Silver Spoons to her own use Benefittand disposal.
Item: I Will and bequeath unto Mary Edmonson Six Silver Spoons
Item: I Will and bequeath unto William Selby, son ofWilliam Selby, SixSilver Spoons and one negro Girl
Item: I Will and bequeathunto Sarah Magruder, Daughter of NinianMagruder, my Son, one negro Man calledWill.
Item: I Will and bequeath unto John Magruder, Son of my said sonNinianMagruder, one Mulatto by name of Bailey
Item: I Will and bequeath unto SamuelBell, Son of Ninian Bell, desc, onenegro boy named Batchelor now in Possession of the said Samuel Bell
Item: I Will and bequeath unto the said Sarah Claggett one negro Girl
Item: I Will and bequeath unto my Sons and Daughters John, James,Verlinda, Alexander and Eleanor each one working negro
all the rest andresidue of my Personall estate not before bequeathed IWill and bequeath to beequally Divided between my Sons and DaughtersSamuel, Ninian, Elizabeth, John,James, Verlinda, William, Alexander andEleanor and my said Granddaughter Sarah Clagett.
Lastly I do hereby revoke make Null and Void all former Wills by meat anytime heretofore made Ratifying and Confirming these presents for and asmyLast Will and Testament and do hereby nominate ordain Constitute andappoint my Son John Magruder and John Bell Executors of this my Last Willand Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixedmy Seal this Sixteenth Day of January in the year of our Lord God oneThousand seven Hundred thirty and one.
Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared In the presence of
Jas Baldwin, Adamson, Ann Adamson Rupert Butler
On 1


Birth1669Prince George's, Maryland, United States
Marriage1685Prince George's, Maryland, United States - Samuel Magruder
Death9 May 1734Will probated Prince Georges, Maryland


SpouseSamuel Magruder (1654 - 1711)
ChildSamuel Magruder (1686 - 1779)
ChildNinian Magruder (1687 - 1751)
ChildElizabeth Magruder (1689 - 1764)
ChildMary Magruder (1693 - 1731)
ChildJohn Magruder (1694 - 1750)
ChildJames Magruder (1696 - 1755)
ChildVerlinda Magruder (1698 - 1745)
ChildWilliam Magruder (1701 - 1765)
ChildAlexander Magruder (1703 - 1751)
ChildEleanor Magruder (1705 - )
FatherNinian Beall (1625 - 1717)
MotherElizabeth Gordon ( - 1717)
SiblingRachel Beall (1667 - 1740)
SiblingJane Beall (1678 - 1745)
SiblingHester Beall (1687 - 1726)
SiblingMary Beall (1676 - 1716)
SiblingThomas Beall , Sr (1647 - 1730)
SiblingAlexander Beall (1649 - )
SiblingJames Beall (1651 - )
SiblingThomas Beall ( - 1708)
SiblingJohn Beall ( - 1710)