Individual Details

James Smith

(Abt 1727 - Abt 1791)

SMITH, James, Jr, age 36, 6 Dec. 1763; CHLR M#3, 1762-1764 56:503.

p. 93, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1756-1761 Book G#3
Page 539. May 2, 1761 from Richard Smith Sr of CC, planter, to James Smith of CC, planter, son of the sd Richard Smith Sr, for the natural love that he has for sd James Smith and for the better maintenance of him, sd James Smith, and also for 5 £ sterling, all that tract of land whereon I now live and on which my dwelling house stands, situated in William and Mary Parish in CC called Smith, lying on the north side of Potomack River on Blote's Cr, Smiths Bight into the woods, Rennets Branch, containing and now laid out for about 100 acres. Excepted is 60 feet square, which is the graveyard now on sd land, and sd Richard Smith Sr reserves to himself the use of the afd tract of land for and during the term of his natural life. Signed - Richard Smith Sr. Wit - John Winter, Geo Dent, Richard Smith Jr. Recorded May 4, 1761.

p. 93, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1756-1761 Book G#3
Page 542. Mar 7, 1761 from Richard Smith Sr of CC, to William Shaw of CC, for 30 £ sterling and 2000 lbs of tobacco, part of a tract of land called Smith, lying in CC, now in the possession and occupation of James Smith Sr, the bounds whereof is laid down and located by sd Richard Smith in presence of Richard Smith Jr, William Brown, and Joseph Shaw. To have and to hold, for the term of 7 years, during which term sd William may get rail, timber, & firewood from a piece of land now in sd Richard's possession, called Second Thought. Signed - Richard Smith Sr. Wit - Wm Brown, Richard Smith Jr, Joseph Shaw. [No recording date stated].

p. 3, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 1. Mortgage. May 4, 1761 from James Smith of CC, planter, to John Fendall of CC, Gentleman, for 232 £ 10 shillings & 6 pence, a tract of land commonly called Smith, situated in William and Mary Parish in CC and on the north side of Potomack River on Petetes Cr, and bounded on the south with sd Cr, on the east by Smithes Bight thence into the woods, on the north with Bennetts Branch, on the west with sd branch, containing and now laid out for about 100 acres. If, however, sd Smith pays sd Fendall, the afd sum with legal interest, on May 4, 1764, then these presents shall be void. Signed - James Smith Sr. Wit - Jno Winter*, Robt Horner*. Recorded May 5, 1761.

p. 18, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 135. May 13, 1762 from James Smith Jr of CC, planter, to Edward Smoot of CC, for 15,000 lbs of crop tobacco and 5 £ and for divers other good causes, part of a tract of land in CC called Hawtons Improvement, containing and laid out for about 70 acres, and also a tract of land in CC called Smiths Goar. Smiths Goar is bounded by John Maddoxes land, containing, by patent, and laid out for about 12 acres. Signed - James (I his mark) Smith Jr. Wit - Jno Winter*, Robt Horner*, John Smoot Jr. Ann, the wife of the sd James Smith Jr, released her right of dower to the within mentioned lands. Recorded May 23, 1762.

p. 54, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 423. Mar 8, 1764 from James Smith of CC, to Thomas James of CC, for 12 £, a parcel of land and appurtenances (such as houses), lying in CC, bounded by a locust post standing near Bennetts _ Smith Branch at the head of Petites Cr, a parcel of land called Longest _, containing about 13 acres. Signed - James Smith Sr. Wit - Jno Winter*, Robt Horner*, Geo Dent*. Sarah Smith, the wife of the within named James Smith, released her right of dower to the within mentioned lands. Recorded Mar 12, 1764.

p. 54, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1761-1765; Book L#3
Page 425. _ 12, 176_ from James Smith of CC, planter, to Richard Lee of CC, for 324 £ 19 shillings & _ pence sterling, a tract of land called _ Smith, situated in William and Mary Parish in CC and on the north side of Potomack River on _tetet Cr, bounded by Smiths Bite, Bennets Branch, containing by patent and laid out for about 100 acres. James Smith reserves for himself and his heirs forever, 12 square perches of land, part of the afd tract, it being a graveyard. James Smith also reserves for himself and his heirs forever, all that part of the afd tract of land that was formerly condemned by a writ of ad quod damnum to build a mill on, and on which a mill now stands, commonly called Hungerfords Mi[ll]. Signed - James Smith (Sr). Wit -Jno Winter*, Geo Dent*. Acknowledged on Mar 12, 1764 by James Smith. S_, the wife of James Smith, released her right of dower to the within mentioned lands. Recorded Mar _, 1764.

p. 17, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1782-1786; Book Z#3
Page 36. Sep 13, 1783 from James Smith of Halifax County, Virginia, to John Bateman of CC, planter, for 110 £, two parts of tracts of land in William and Mary Parish, called Wakefield and Ratsdale, bounded by Esq Lee's 2nd purchase, a beech tree marked RL 1767, the land of Warnal, containing about 73 acres. Signed - James Smith. Wit - J. Parnham, Bent Dyson (CC JPs). Recorded Nov 22, 1783.


BirthAbt 1727Charles County, Maryland, United States
DeathAbt 1791Richmond County, Nc


FatherRichard Smith (1688 - 1765)
MotherMary ( - 1761)
SiblingRichard Smith (1726 - )
SiblingArthur Smith (1723 - )