Individual Details

James Ernest Judia

(November 8, 1891 - )

"Report made by S. D. Bennett. Beaumont, Texas, June 15, 1918. In Re: James E. Judia, Alias Jimmie DeNell, Alleged Deserter. Agent calls attention to report of Agent Panster, page one, at Orange, Texas for March 27, 1918, listed under caption "In Re: Jimmie DeNall (Mexican), Suspicious Character." Agent advises that subject was taken into custody by the Immigration Officials and was being investigated with view to deportation to Mexico. Subject, apparently realizing that if he continued to claim citizenship with the Mexican Government he would be deported for having illegally entered the United States, changed his previous story told agent and other agents of this department, and asserted he was born at Solomonville, Ariz., had registered under the Draft with Local Board for Graham County, Ariz., and had never reported to said local board for service or classification. Upon receiving this information agent sent the following telegram: Beaumont, Texas, May 29, 1918. Local Exemption Board Graham County, Solomonville, Arizona. Advise status of James Earnest Judia, Claims registered with your board. Any additional information. Swift, Department Justice. No reply having been received, the following telegram was sent: Beaumont, Texas, June 7, 1918. Local Exemption Board, Solomonville, Arizona. My wire of 29 regarding James Earnest Judia unanswered. Kindly answer at once government rates collect his serial number and order number and his present status. Also any other information. Swift, Department of Justice. To which the following reply was received: Department of Justice, Beaumont, Texas. Your telegram date. James E. Judia is Deserter. Please handle accordingly. Local Board. To which the following reply was sent: Beaumont, Texas, June 10, 1918. Local Exemption Board, Solomonville, Arizona. Kindly forward induction papers of James Earnest Judia to Local Board number one Jefferson County, Beaumont. Send specific instructioins. Swift, Department of Justice. To the above telegram the following reply was received. Phoenix, Ariz., June 10, 1918. Department of Justice, Beaumont, Tex. Retel James E. Judia Order Four Sixty Nine Graham County. Handle Section One Thirty Seven and if physically fit ask this office for entrainment papers. If not physically fit furnish this office form ten ten so that we can get him discharged. Desertion was automatically inducted February 26, 1918. Harris, Adjutant General. Agent advises that delay was caused by Immigration Officials having to obtain official release of subject before he could be turned over to Local Board No. 1 for Jefferson County for induction. But that on 14th, inst, subject was physically examined and found qualified for general military duty and was delivered to custody of Local Board No. 1 for Jefferson County for delivery to the Military authorities. Investigation complete. ABB. CEB, Adjutant Gen. Ariz. Local Board Graham Co. Bat. File. 220663" (Bureau of Investigation Files.)


BirthNovember 8, 1891Solomonville, Graham County, Arizona


FatherJohn Franklin Judia (1850 - 1910)
MotherTheodocia A. Pollard (1857 - 1912)
SiblingAlbert T. "Bert" Judia (1884 - 1966)
SiblingLilian "Lillie" Evaline Judia (1887 - )
SiblingEarl Lewis Judia Sr. (1896 - 1943)