Individual Details

William A. (or H. or M.) Irwin

(July, 1779 - February 28, 1865)

1830 White County, Tennessee census.

1840 White County, Tennessee census: William IRVIN, 60 to 70 years old, two sons - 15 to 20, and 20 to 30; one daughter, 15 to 20; and wife, 50 to 60. (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: I do not know if the wife is Margaret (who is said to have died about 1839 or Susanah, who he married about this time. I feel that Susannah probably died soon after the birth of their daughter in 1841.)

1850 Ellis County, Texas census, Navarro: Wm. IRVING, 65, farmer, Tennessee, is shown in the household of his son-in-law and daughter, Jonathan E. and Vienna M. PRINCE. William's wife, Susannah, is not shown, so she was deceased by 1850.

1860 Ellis County, Texas census. W. IRWIN, 80, Virginia, farmer, real estate - $3500, personal estate - $3500, is shown living in the household of James B. APPERSON, 31, born in Tennessee and his familiy.

(NOTE FROM JUDIA TERRY: White County, Court records show that William Irwin, brother of Alexander Irwin, married Margaret Taylor, a sister of Jane Taylor, who married Alexander Irwin. This information was given to me by Charles Leonard of White County Tennessee. Nanon Moore Elrod (deceased), stated in her records that William Irwin's middle initial was "M." In a letter from him it appears as "A." or possably "H.")

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: The birthdate of William Irwin has been given as August 1784, but after seeing his tombstone at the Waxahachie, Texas City Cemetery, which reads "Wm. Irwin Esq. - died Feb 28, 1865 - Aged 85 YRS, 7 Mo's" and noted that the 1860 census lists his age as 80, it is our belief that he was born in July 1779.)

A list of Captain Townsend's Company was drawn up by William Irwin in White County, TN for The 1812 tax list.


Letter from William H. Irwin to his father William M. Irwin.

(Back of page)
Napolion Ark Jan. 8th. paid 25
To William Irwin Esqr
White Cty

Napolin Osana (?) Cty Arkansis January The 4th 1845 at The mouth of Arkensas River Dear Father I imbrace this opportunity to let you know that I have got this far on my way to Missouria I have had some defieenaly's (difficulties?) in getting on I got on The Boat Florance at The mouth of The Tennessee River and The River was veary low and She run on The rocks at The Grand Chain in The Ohio River and hung sum two or three hours and got off. She was veary heavy ladened and got along slow. Close at The Point of The Island No. 63 She run against a snag or planter and sunk in about ten minnets though The pilet had The good luck to gane The first at Mid way it was abot 7 or 8 feet watter at Bend next The Shore and about 50 yards to dry land, The passengers all had The good luck to get a shore safe in The yawl those wase 5 or 6 moverin Fammalys on Board in a Sum wharz about one hundred passengers on Board and a greate deal of freight of a bought 100 Hoggsheads of Tobaco & a bout 300 Bales of Cotten and quantity of Sack Corn. The Tobacco & corn will be lost but The Captain thinks he will save all The cotten above The hoal. thare wase a grate may women & childring on board. it was distresing time to heare The Captain telling all hands to get on The Haricane deck, with thame little childering hanin a round them. The most of The men they thought could of got out by getting on cotten bales if she had sunk in deep watter. It was about 75 milds above The mouth of Arkensas river. I got on a nother boat an went down to The Mouth. I expect to get on a nother boat as soon as I can to go to Little Rock. The River is veary low. I expect it will be a near bad chance to get up. I have had but little chance to look at The country yet but from what I have seen I think it is a grate deal better chance for a pore man than Tennessee. I saw a young man recently from Texas and he sade he live in Brasses County in about 6 milds of Lockhart. J. Irwin and knew him well. He says he is doing well. He says he married a very respectful old man's daughter and he says that Lockhart made a bout 4 or 5 bales of Cotten for market last yeare. I enquired for J. O. Taylor but could not heart of him. If I had money to travel on I would go and see that Country but I have not. I had 2 or 3 portions on The Steam Boat that made me a part of my expences. My expences on The two boats was 7.50 cabban fare. It is a veary easy way of traveling if those wase not so much danger. The Bell of Clarksvill was sunk by running against The boat Lusianna about 3 or 4 weaks a go. They sade she sunk in 2 minnets out of sight & drowded a bout 40 persons. I am as well as common at this time. Hope that these few lines may find you enjoying The same blessing.

W. H. Irwin

I shall all ways respect The officers of a boat Florance for those kindness to words The passengers in getting them and those bagage to Shore. Thare names is Falloz Pilet Stevens of Paduca Kcy Cleark Mr Grey of Florance Alabamma Matterson Irvin of Florance Alabamma Captain and clever Feller

To William Irwin

W. H. Irwin


Mr. Wm. Irwin
Sparta, Tenn.
May 23, 1856

Dear Brother, I received your kind and interesting letter of April 25th came to hand by due course of mail. And I am much gratified to hear from you as it brings the intelligence of your health and news of our friends. You wish to know all relative to our .... I am living at my old place near zion campground and enjoying good health, with the exception of some pain ... ... ... which the wagon run over. I have many of my grandchildren living with me (Jo Nolan's girls, Mary Jane, & Elizabeth. My boys are all near me except James who lives in Lebanon and Thomas in Missouri. My girls are all married and Jane and Mary are both widows now each of their husbands having died several years ago but both are doing better than in the lives of their husbands. Isaac Taylor died in June/54. His widow still lives at the old place. Her youngest son Isaac is living with her and are getting along very well, next youngest lives... Thomas lives where John Taylor did. John and his two youngest girls and two youngest sons all live with Tom. Louisa married Al Davis. Ami... Elizabeth married B. S. Rheah. Mary R.. married F. O. Hurt. All live in Nashville, Tenn.

(page 2)

and are making money very fast. Altamira married T. G. Ginley and lives in Arkansas. Douglas also married a Miss Jane Price and lives in Nashville and have been making a fortune but is now sick of ... of hte head all of whom I have spoken are doing very well, James, & John Taylor are doing about as they were when you were here. James Taylor's wife died several years ago balance are living in the neighborhood that were when you were here. John Sullivan still lives with his daughter Lucy at his old place. ....... I delivered your message to Margaret Taylor. She is very glad to hear from Frances Johnson and wishes to tell him to write to her soon at... Your wish to know something relating to the Estate in Ireland. I gained my information from a smart young man who came from there. He says the property ... held by the government will hold A ... ... of the heirs till the 14th generation runs out, and that he knows of the land and it is held as the Irwin heirs land. You can tell the occupation of the Ancestors, the old man traded beerees and the old lady a bleecher of clothas this young man tells me there is a castle built on the land worth over $50,000.00 and the cloth factory is still kept up there and is known in that country as the property of the Irwin heirs The Castle was built by the Government

page 3

and will be til the 14th generation runs out and if not seen to then it will be ... out as be .... to the use of the Government. I must make a request of you now that .... .... know or can ..... Bruster ..... married ..... Volin. I want .... write to me ....... I will now conclude by offering up my best ..... your future health, happiness and prosperity, hoping we ..... when the lamp of life shall be blown out that we may meet in that ...... land where the supreme ...... and earth presides. Remember me affectionately to our relatives and friends and .... me

ever your affectionate brother

(Isaac Taylor is written here and scratched out)

Alexander Irwin

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: This original letter is in the possession of my wife, and was transcribed by her sister. Jo Nolan was Alexander and William Irwin's brother-in-law, who wife had died. Margaret (Irwin) Taylor was married to Isaac Taylor.


The Last Will & Testament of William M. Irwin, Esq.

In The Name of God amen I. William Irwin of The County of Ellis State of Texas being advanced in years but of sound mind and disposing memory - and knowing The uncertainty of life and The certainty of death do make and publish this my last will and testament as follows. I will and desire that all my just debts be paid I will and bequeath to my Grand Son William Irwin son of Washington H. Irwin - The sum of one hundred Dollars - I will and desire that all The land I may be seized and possed (possessed) of be sold by my Executors after The payment of The above bequest and The proceeds of The sale thereof be divided equally between The felowing named heirs to wit My daughter Valery M. Stewart wife of L. W. Stewart My daughter Vetura M. Prince wife of J. E. Prince My Son Lockhart J. Irwin. My daughter Rebecca Grissom The children of my daughter Margaret Marchbanks - wife of Jasper Marchbank The said Margaret being Decd. and Susanah Helen McCory my daughter of my last wife - as I have made advancements to The following named heirs towit: To Rebecca Grissom I have advanced $300 Three Hundred Dollars & To Margarett Marchbanks $125 One hundred Dollars said advancements I wish my Executor to take into The account so that The division may be made equal-- I desire that my two Sons in law Larkin W. Stewart and Jonathan E. Prince act as The executors of this my last will and testament and I hereby appoint them my Executors --

In testimony whereof I hereunto ascribe my name at Waxahachie this The 21st day of June A D 1862 in The presence of Benj. F. Hawkins and Wilson Fulton who sign their names herto as witness at my request Witness. Interlineation made before signing -- Benj. F. Hawkins Wilson Fulton William Irwin

The State of Texas I Benj. F. Hawkins do solemnly swear County of Ellis that I saw William Irwin sign his name to The foregoing instrument of writing and heard him declare that he executed The same as his last will and testament that I ascribe my name thereto as a witness at his request in his presence and in The presence of Wilson Fulton The documenting witness and that I swear that The said William Irwin was then and there of sound mind and disposing memory so help me God ---- Subscribed and sworn to before me in this Court this The 28th day March Benj. F. Hawkins A D 1864

Subscribed and sworn to and before me this The 28 day of March 1864 Ellis Brock ?Chief Gastig ??


BirthJuly, 1779Virginia
MarriageAbt, 1813White County, Tennessee - Margaret "Peggy" Taylor
MarriageApril 10, 1840White County, Tennessee - Susanah Pinegar
DeathFebruary 28, 1865Waxahachie, Ellis County, Texas
BurialWaxahachie City Cemetery, Ellis County, Texas


SpouseMargaret "Peggy" Taylor (1785 - 1839)
ChildDr. Washington H. Irwin (1813 - 1849)
ChildVentura "Vitura" Minna Irwin (1815 - 1889)
ChildVelera McDonald Irwin (1815 - 1885)
ChildLockhart Jefferson Irwin (1817 - 1872)
ChildRebecca Taylor Irwin (1818 - 1881)
ChildAlexander Irwin (1820 - 1844)
ChildMargaret Irwin (1821 - 1855)
SpouseSusanah Pinegar (1788 - 1850)
ChildSusanah Hellen Irwin (1841 - )
FatherRichard Edward Irwin (1740 - 1796)
MotherEleanor "Ellen" Henderson (1741 - 1835)
SiblingDavid Irwin (1765 - 1785)
SiblingMargaret H. Irwin (1766 - 1845)
SiblingJohn Irwin (1767 - 1785)
SiblingJames Irwin (1769 - 1854)
SiblingElizabeth Irwin (1771 - )
SiblingAlexander Irwin (1776 - 1865)