Individual Details

Henry Greer

(1771 - Abt, 1833)

Henry and Benjamin Greer were twins.

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: There has been some disagreement as to whether this Henry Greer, son of Benjamin Greer, who was the son of John Greer; or Henry Greer, son of Lt. James Greer, who was the son of Aquilla Greer, son of John Greer; was the Henry Greer who married Susannah Hatcher. From previous researchers, who were closer in kin to these Henry's, feel the other Henry (son of Lt. James Greer) married Susannah Hatcher. In 1999, I was contacted by Ann Huntsman, who gave me the following information.)

"My 3-gr-grandfather, Henry Greer, who married Susannah Hatcher in 1792 in Bedford Co., VA, and moved around 1818 to Breckinridge Co., KY where he died ca. 1833. Susannah was the daughter of Benjamin Hatcher and Mary (DuPuy).

"In 1814 or thereabouts they moved to Breckinridge County, Kentucky with at least some of their nine (known) children. Henry died in 1833 in Breckinridge County, Susannah (when?); both are buried there, but the graves are long lost, or at least I have never been able to find them, in spite of considerable searching in the area where they lived--I am a native of Breckinridge County, and have covered every avenue I can think of in 25 years of research.

"Everyone keeps telling me that Henry was the son of Lt. John and Ann (Somebody) Greer and moved to Mississippi. Not THIS Henry! The Henry who married Susannah was definitely my ancestor, and they definitely lived in Breckinridge County, of which I am a native, and they both died there. Their daughter Julia, born in Franklin County, Virginia in 1801, was my ancestor.

"Because of certain circumstances which are too long and involved to go into at the moment, I knew, as my mother did and my grandmother before her, when we were small children, that we were descended from the DuPuys, and from Susannah and Henry Greer. I really would like to know more about Henry's ancestry, and if you have any clues, I would appreciate hearing them. I have absolutely no idea at all of his birth date, because the cemetery where they were buried has long since been destroyed, and is probably now under the backwaters of Rough River Lake. All I can tell you is that he was probably born either in Bedford or Franklin Counties, probably in the late 1760s or early '70s, which is purely guesswork based on the marriage date. Their children, not necessarily in order, were: (1) John: oversaw the division of his father's property, married Mary ? . (2) Henry, Jr.: m.(1) Minerva Beckwith (Ann gives the first wife as Maria Fitzgerald in another email), m. (2) Ellen Stith. (3) Benjamin: no further info. (4) Julia: b. October 1801 in Franklin County, VA. Married 1827 to Abraham Skillman; they were my gr-gr-grandparents. (5) Phoebe: m. (as his second wife) Thomas Vawter Newman between 1838-1840, thereby becoming, in addition to being my 3-gr-aunt, my step-gr-gr-gr-grandmother. (6) Susan: m. David Smith. No further information. Think she died young. (7) Patsy: (Martha?) m. Joel Haynes. Lived in Missouri. No further info. (8) Catherine: m. William Marks. Lived Meade Co., KY??? (9) Jabez: a minor when his father died in 1833 (and the only one listed as such, so the males were all over 21; since most of the girls at least were already married, their ages could have been under 21, but I think not.) No further information.

"I do have the proof that Henry Greer's wife was Susannah Hatcher. In addition to the marriage bond in Bedford County, there is also the dispersal of property of Mary (DuPuy) Hatcher, widow of Benjamin Hatcher (and this marriage has been well documented), in Bedford County, listing Henry Greer as one of her heirs, in fact, I think he was her executor. I have a copy of this document.

"Family records and family tradition: my great-grandmother, Nancy Jane "Jenny" (Skillman) Miller, listed her mother as Julia Greer, and after her, Jenny's, death, my grandmother and her sister were reared by their aunt, Phoebe Ann (Warfield) Skillman--this involves a rather longish story which I will relate if you are interested--who was herself the daughter of Martha Jane (Haynes) Warfield, in turn the daughter of Phoebe (Hatcher) Haynes, Susannah (Hatcher) Greer's sister (this Phoebe's husband was "Big Henry" Haynes of Bedford Co., VA/Breckinridge County, KY.) "Aunt Phoebe" (Warfield) Skillman, then, was herself steeped in Hatcher-Greer history, and raised Grandmother, her sister, and Phoebe's own four children on family legend....I was fed ancestors with my pablum.

"As you can probably tell, this is being rather hurriedly written, omitting the actual dates, and just scraping the rest off the top of my head. If you are interested in the concrete data, e-mail me and I will eventually get it to you, but not until after (and possibly some time after) the first week of February, when I return from a trip to England. I have most of the descendants of Julia and Abraham Skillman, but none of the others. For some reason they have been difficult to research; we are hampered somewhat by the fact that many of the Breckinridge County records were lost in a courthouse fire in 1958, notably the marriage bonds from 1798-1852, which were stored in the attic. There remain quite a number of ministers' returns, however, and among them, fortunately, was the marriage of Julia Greer and Abraham Skillman and a couple of other Greer marriages, but that's all.

"I spent years trying to prove, though I knew it, Susannah Hatcher Greer's descent from Bartholomew DuPuy, the old Huguenot, and had all the links except proof that she was Mary's daughter. However, during most of this time I had young children and other family obligations that prevented my traveling and had no success. Eventually, though, I went to Salt Lake City and while researching my sister-in-law's Shrewsbury connections, accidentally ran across this division-of-property record on microfilm, which not only proved Susannah's descent, but Henry Greer's marriage to her....or at least, this, combined with the marriage bond, is proof enough even for me.

"My real problem here is that I have never learned Henry's parents. Mary seems to think that for some reason Henry's marriage to Susannah disproves the fact that he was the son of James and Ann Greer, though I don't really see why it should do so." (Ann Huntsman, email:>, 1999.)

"The Henry Greer that Susanna Hatcher married was the son of Benjamin Greer and his second wife Mary Haynes; born about 1771 in Bedford County, Va." (Bea O'Quin.)

"Henry Greer moved to Hickman County, Tennessee." (Richard L. Greer, Marion County, Virginia, 1985.) (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: This information does not appear to be of this Henry Greer.)


MarriageSeptember 24, 1792Bedford County, Virginia - Susanna Hatcher
DeathAbt, 1833Breckinridge County, Kentucky


SpouseSusanna Hatcher (1769 - 1833)
ChildJohn Greer ( - )
ChildHenry Greer Jr. ( - )
ChildBenjamin Greer ( - )
ChildJulia Greer (1801 - )
ChildPhoebe Greer ( - )
ChildSusan Greer ( - )
ChildMartha "Patsy" Greer ( - )
ChildCatherine Greer ( - )
ChildJabez Greer (1812 - )
FatherBenjamin Greer (1725 - 1788)
MotherMary Haynes (1739 - 1822)
SiblingBenjamin Greer Jr. (1771 - 1815)
SiblingDinah Greer (1774 - )
SiblingSarah Davis Greer (1784 - 1844)