Individual Details

Vinson Greer

(Bet 1750 and 1754 - Bef 1805)

"Vincent Greer, son of Aquilla and Elizabeth Greer, very probably got the name "Vincent (Vinson)" because his mother evidently was a Lowe and was related in some way to Vincent Lowe and Ann Cavendish of Denby Park, Derbyshire, England." (My Lowe Family" from MY GREER AND RELATED FAMILIES, Vol. II, page 162, by Clayton Alvis Greer, about 1975.)

"Vinson Greer, who was a possible son of John Greer (1714 - 1782) and Nancy Ann Walker, married Susannah Sales between 1800 and 1807 in Wilkes County, North Carolina." (OUR GREER FAMILY HERITAGE, 1983, by Thomas H. Greer, 335 Minamontes Avenue, Half Moon Bay, California 94019, page 62.) (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: Bea O'Quin believes the Vinson Greer who married Susannah Sales in Wilkes County, North Carolina is not the Vinson Greer, son of Aquilla Greer and Elizabeth Lowe. Did John Greer have a son named Vinson?)

"Vincent Greer, son of Aquilla and Elizabeth Lowe Greer, is first found as a tax-payer in Bedford County, Virginia, 1782-1787. He owned land near his parents, brothers, sisters and their families.

"From VIRGINIA REVOLUTIONARY PUBLICK CLAIMS, VOL 1, compiled by Janice L. Abercrombie and Richard Slatten, Iberian Publishing Co, Athens, Ga., page 116, Bedford County List II 1780-1781, a certificate was given Vinsin Greer for "3 beeves" on 16 December 1780.

"He also filed a claim for furnishing "900 pounds weight of beef" on 24 February 1783, to John Ward, commissary, for the Army of Bedford County, Virginia.

"Why Vincent was not a soldier in the Revolutionary War, is unknown since his brothers, Lt. James and William, both fought. He certainly was of age.

"On September 22, 1784, Vinson Greer, along with Richard Radford, Henry Woodcock and Henry Harper, witnessed the sale of 280 acres in Bedford County on the north side of the Stanton River by James and Ann Greer to Thomas Farrar and Julius Sanders.

"Also Vincent Greer, Henry Haynes, Henry Woodcock and Joseph Payne were witnesses to the sale by James and Ann Greer to John Moody of 290 acres in Bedford County, Virginia on September 23 and 27, 1784.

"On August 22, 1785, in County Court, Bedford County, Virginia, there is a case "Vinson Greer vs Thomas Marcum, security for Abner Marcum; this action is unclear and with little information entered; but is used to show timing of his whereabouts." (Bertie Greer O'Quin, 2555 Holiday Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 70131.)

"Vinson Greer was in Georgia when he purchased 150 acres of land from George Lumpkin and his wife, Ann, on the Buffaloe Creek adjacent to Moses Young and Daniel Bankston. Vincent paid Twenty Pounds Sterling to George Lumpkin in Wilkes County, Georgia ." Information from Deed Book (Deed Book C-C, page 7, dated 1787 (EARLY RECORDS OF GEORGIA, Volume One, Wilkes County, by Grace Gillam Davidson, 1932); Greene County, Georgia, Inventory and Appraisals, Book E, page 359, 1806.) (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: The part of Wilkes County where the land bought from George Lumpkin was at, later became Oglethorpe County.)

"From INDEX TO THE HEADRIGHT AND BOUNDY GRANTS OF GEORGIA 1756 - 1909, Revised Edition, edited by the Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.: "Greer, Vincent, Oglethrope County grant Book CCCCC, page 78, 150 acres granted, Year of 1799".

"In October 1790, Vinson is mentioned in the will of his father, Aquilla Greer in Greene County, Georgia.

"In 1793 he bought land from Walton Harris in Greene County, Georgia.

"Vincent Greer paid taxes in Oglethrope County, Georgia in 1795.

"In 1797 Vinson Greer is listed in the Georgia Tax Digest as Vinson "Green" in Greene County in the same district as Asel Greer (his brother).

"We find Vincent Greer for "Self and 3" receiving a headright in Oglethrope County, Georgia, "for one hundred and fifty acres, one his family Headright". This was signed 3 April 1797, by (?) Bledsoe, J. P., Wm Strother, J. P., Philip Wray, J. P. (Copy of record from RG 3-4-5 UNBOUND HEADRIGHT AND BOUNTY GRANTS DOCUMENTS, Loc 8055-12-a, box 95,

"There is a deed in Greene County, Georgia between Vinson Greer and Henry Haynes, husband of Sarah Greer, sister of Vinson Greer, dated 15 March 1804, and recorded 4 May 1810, after the death of Vincent Greer. (GREENE COUNTY DEED BOOK 5, 1808 - 1810, page 407.) The land was located in Greene County on Fishing Creek. He was paid one hundred and fifty dollars by Henry Haynes. Witnesses were Henry English, J.P., Shelton Standefer, and William Greer.

"Estate records exist for Vinson Greer in Greene County, Georgia, October 19, 1805 in which a James Greer applied for letters of administration on the estate of Vinson Greer, deceased. The appraisement of the estate of Vinson Greer was made by Henry English, William Greer, Henry Haynes and was recorded 1 April 1806. The granting of the letters of administration was not on the page given. No wife or any children were given." (MY GREER LINEAGE, 1992, by Mary Lee Barnes, page 28, as per Mrs. Morgan Roby Redwine of Athens, Georgia, November 1942 as quoted in THE GREER FAMILIES by Torrence from Mayland Historical Society; Austin, GEORGIA BIBLE RECORDS, 1985; J. B. Bell, GREER KINSMAN, Hernando, Mississippi, 1986; letter from Mrs. George O. Marshall of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia; Greene County, Georgia Inventories of Appraisements of Estates 1798 - 1806.)

"The appraisal of his estate was made by Henry English, William Greer and Henry Haynes in Greene County, Georgia and recorded on April 1, 1806. The slaves totaled: 4 women named Anna(?), Cloe, Nanie, Luck; 2 men named Dick and Jacko; l small girl belonging to Anna; and 3 boys: Toney, Sam and Peter. They totaled $2160. The 6 head of horses, 13 head of cattle and 42 hogs totaled $558. Four head of geese totaled $25.75. There were numerous barrels of grains, salt, household items, 1 stage wagon and plantation tools." (Book E GREENE COUNTY APPRAISEMENTS: ANNUAL RETURNS, Book E, 1798 - 1806, page 444.)

"Vinson Greer died about 1827, in Green County, Georgia, where his estate was administered January 1828." (Robert M. Torrence.) (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: There is confusion between whether the father, Vinson, or the son, Vinson, died about 1827.)

"No marriage records for Vincent Greer have been located in Bedford County, Virginia or Oglethrope or Greene counties, Georgia; he is believed to have fathered the following children: James Greer. Some have reported a William Greer, married to Ann with children James M, John L, Evaline and Emily as a son of Vincent; but this William is a GEER and not GREER, taken from a copy of WILLIAM GEER WILL, Greene County Will Book G, 1840 - 1877, page 21, filed 24 Nov 1843, in which he names wife Ann, still living at the time he filed his will and all four of the above mentioned. One interesting item was land left his grandson, Frederick, "son of James GEER, a lot of land in Cobb County containing forty acres drawn by H H Greer".

"James Greer, son of Vincent, died circa 1810. only four years after the father. His estate was appraised by John Peters, Asel Greer (brother of Vincent Greer), A. Greer and Henry McCoy in 1810.

"On November 4, 1811, Henry Greer and William H. Greer were listed as
administrators of James Greer's estate. The estate was divided and distributed on November 25, 1812. The sum of $200 was allowed for the schooling of Sarah, Henry H. and Nancy J. Greer, children of James Greer. There are five known children for James Greer: Elizabeth, Vincent, Sarah, Henry H. and Nancy J.(Who are Henry Greer and William H Greer? Since the year is 1811, I find it impossible to believe that this Henry Greer is one of the orphaned children of James Greer, and it might be Henry, son of James Greer and William H Greer, unknown to me at this time).

"Vincent Greer, son of James Greer and grandson of Vincent Greer died 19 November 1827, according to the Letters of Administration by Joseph Bledsoe on 25 November. (See reference under notes for Vincent Greer, son of James Greer)

"His estate was administered by David Greer (this should be GEER) and William Greer (Geer) as surety.

"The name Greer and Geer is so alike, that even back in that day, in the early 1800's, the name was written in error in many instances." (Bertie Greer O'Quin, 2555 Holiday Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana 70131.)

ROYAL HERITAGE OF THE GREERS, by Carolyn Beal, page 182, gives Vinson's place of birth as Pittsylvania County, Virginia. She also states that he had "no children." (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: Early records of Bea O'Quin, New Orleans, Louisiana, shows Vinson had children: James, William, Henry and David, but in 2002, Bea had revised her data to show only one child, James.)


BirthBet 1750 and 1754Henry County, Virginia
MarriageAbt, 1770Wilkes County, North Carolina - Unknown
DeathBef 1805Greene County, Georgia


SpouseUnknown ( - )
ChildJames Greer (1773 - 1813)
FatherAquilla Greer (1716 - 1790)
MotherElizabeth Lowe (1721 - 1790)
SiblingMary Sarah Greer (1740 - 1830)
SiblingLt. James Greer (1742 - 1825)
SiblingAquilla Greer Jr. (1744 - 1783)
SiblingElizabeth Greer (1747 - 1790)
SiblingWilliam Greer (1748 - 1812)
SiblingDelia (or Delila) Greer (1756 - 1838)
SiblingAsa "Asabel" "Asel" "Yel" Greer (1756 - 1828)