Individual Details

Charles Petty

(January 29, 1775 - February 8, 1844)


Will: In the name of God Amen, I Charles Petty of the State of SC and District of Spartan Burgh being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind thanks be to God for his mercies, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say
1st commit my body to the earth to be buried in a decent christian like manner & my soul to Almight God who give it
2nd I will that all my just debts or demands against me shall be paid out of debts due me when collected.
3rd. I give and bequeath unto my well and beloved wife Elizabeth Petty five negroes to wit Ephriam Sam Lucy & Lee two children John & Julia together with one half of the tract of land where I now live that is all the land lying on the north side of Beaver Dam Creek supposed to contain one hundred and fifty acres together with the horses cattle and hogs with the sheep and house hold and kitchen furniture or such portion thereof as she may wish to keep that is after my son Charles P Petty is made equal with my older children in stock that is a horse & some cattle and hogs, the balance or so much of it as my wife Elizabeth may to hold. She is to keep for her own use and benefit during her natural life or wifowhood and for the maintenance of my Mother mary Rickman, but should my wife see proper to give up any portion of the property left to her my executors, shall receive the same and dispose of the proceeds equally amoung all the legatees here after named, my wife is also to have and enjoy the use of my road waggon with my interest in my blacksmith tools and crofs cut saw.
4th. I will that the ballance of my negroes consisting of seven in number namely Jack, Mary, Joseph, henry, Noah, Green & Pollace, together with their increase, shall be valued by disinterested men and equally divided amoung my children, Stephen C Petty, George Petty James C. P. Petty, Lovicy Moore or James Petty for her & the heirs of her bodys, benefit & lovina Turner that is after each of the above children shall be made equal to each other in what they have had of me her to fore.
5th I give and bequeath unto James Petty my son all the distributive share of my daughter Lovicy Moore in my Sd estate that may be coming to her both in the first devide and the devide of my property after my wife Elizabeth death or marriage interest for my said daughter Lovicy Moore for the sole use and benefit of her and the heirs of her body.
6th. I will that my son Patrick have one half of the tract of land whereon I now live lying on the south side of beaver dam creek supposed to contain one hundred and fifteen acres which land he is to enjoy as his own right and property after my death for ever and at the death of my wife Elizabeth Petty, at which time he is to have the before named half of the land whereon I now live supposed to be one hundred and fifteen acres as before mentioned also my interest in the shop tools which half of land he is to pay two hundred dollars to the other legatees out of his legacy of said estate the said interest in said tools is also to be valued by disinterested men and he is to pay the valuation there of to the other legatees provided it amounts to more than his distribative share.
7th I will that after the death of my wife that the heirs of my daughter Jane Austill of the State of Tennessee deceased shall previous to the division amoung my heirs before named have my said daughter janes distribution share equal to the rest of my heirs out of said personal estate, out of the personal property left to my said wife and that the said heirs of my said daughter Jane shall have devided amoung them all her equal distributive share equally divided amoung them with interest on said Janes distribution share from the proceeds of said sale or valuation of said personal property left to my said wife elizabeth Petty.
8th I will that after the children of my said Jane Austill decd have said Janes equal share with interest as above made up to them with the rest of my legatees, that the balance of my estate both real and personal with its increase shall be lawfully disposed of by valuation otherwise and be equally divided among all my sons and daughters named in this will.
9th,. I do hereby appoint my two sons Stephen C Petty & George Petty my executors to this my last will and testament hereby revoking all wills heretofore made by me and do declare this to be my said last will and testament in witness february in the year of our lord 1842. signed sealed & delivered in presents of Charles Petty (seal), R. C Poole, Wm. thomas, S. C. Cooper
Recorded in Book D, p 65, box 35 package 33, 15th feb 1842, R. C. Poole, O.S.D.


BirthJanuary 29, 1775
Marriage1822South Carolina - Mary Leak
MarriageAft 1834South Carolina - Elizabeth Moore
DeathFebruary 8, 1844South Carolina
BurialPetty Cemetery, Gaffney, Cherokee County, South Carolina


SpouseMary Leak ( - )
SpouseElizabeth Moore ( - )
ChildJane Petty ( - )
ChildStephen Clanton Petty (1799 - 1844)
ChildLovicy Petty (1802 - 1881)
ChildGeorge Petty (1805 - 1887)
ChildJames C. P. Petty (1808 - 1887)
ChildLevina Petty (1810 - 1894)
ChildCharles Patrick Petty (1822 - 1862)
FatherAbsolum Petty (1750 - 1802)
MotherMary Clanton (1753 - 1847)
SiblingIsabel Petty ( - )
SiblingNancy Petty ( - )
SiblingSarah Petty (1777 - )
SiblingJohn Petty (1779 - )
SiblingJames Petty (1781 - 1857)
SiblingWilliam Petty (1781 - )