Individual Details

Elizabeth Dalton

(April 20, 1766 - August, 1838)

Death information for Elizabeth Dalton is from Barbara Chidester, email:>.

(Note: source for John F. Carr/Elizabeth Dalton information - Marshall County, TN, Historical Quarterly, XIX, Winter 1988-89)

Another brother of Elizabeth's, Charles Dalton, was born in 1777 and died 16 Dec. 1823. He is buried in Henry Co., TN. He married Sarah (Sallie) Winston 1 Nov. 1795. She was the daughter of Col. Joseph Winston and Minerva Elizabeth Lanier. According to the book OBION COUNTY, TN, HISTORY, Vol. 2, 1985, p. 82, they were early settlers of that county. Fom: Sandra Baither Fort Worth, TX __________ Elizabeth Dalton's brother Isaac in his 1824 will in Stokes County, NC, gave his sister Elizabeth '1/3 of the proceeds of the sale of his livestock, 1/2 of his land not mentioned, 1/2 of all his bank stock, and 1/2 of everything else.' John Fendall Carr also mentioned the inheritance in his own will that Elizabeth's children had received from their uncle Isaac Dalton (Marshall Co., TN, Will Book, Nov. 1835-Oct. 1855, Vol. A, p. 25.) ---------------- From: (John F. Parker) on 1-16-1998 from a posting from Sandra Baither, she talked about a brother of Elizabeth Dalton that married John Fendall Carr. One of Elizabeth's brothers, Charles Dalton, who was born in 1777 and died in 1823 married a Sarah Winston in 1795. She was the daughter of Col. Joseph Winston and Minerva Lanier and were early settlers of Obion County, Tennessee. ---------------- DALTONS IN 1850 NC CENSUS contributed to Teresa V Helton,

Dalton Elizabeth Rutherford Co. Page 282 Sauratow Dist, Marriage Bond Dalton-Carr 1783, Albemarle Co., Va folder # 13.: Fendal & Dalton 1783 [Jacket of bond & bond itself separated in file]: David Dalton who gives consent but does not mention daughter's name. Wit. Isaac Davis Sr & Thomas Davis

[B/C papers 178087] John Fendall & Elizabeth Dalton 1Jan 1783; spinster - bond: John Allen d. David Dalton [Rec of Marr Bonds 17801806] [B/C Papers 17801787] Hudson's Register gives bride's surname as Dolton. Minister Matthew Maury (rector Frederickville Parish) ---------------- 2 Jan 1783 (Hudson's Register), J. L. Lu, "unknown article title," The Daltons : J. L. Lu, The Daltons, Vol. II p. 29, 60, Isaac Dalton division of estate in part 1824 Stokes Co., North Carolina.

Isaac Dalton Will 1824, Stokes Co., NC. David Dalton, Exer. Brother David Dalton, sister Elizabeth Carr. Elizabeth married John F. Carr and are parents of William Carr; David Carr; Charles Carr; and Alice Carr (intermarried with William Hughes); Nancy Martin, widow of Thomas Martin, dec'd.; Polly (intermarried with Alexander Martin); Matilda (intermarried with Benjamin M. Jones); Sarah (intermarried with Thomas N. Barham); Susan Carr. They all reside in Maury Co., TN except Alexander Martin & his wife Elizabeth who reside in Missouri that your orator David is deaf and dumb and incapable of transacting his business that your orator Charles is greatly afflicted and not sound of mind and your orator Susan is afflicted and incapable of doing any kind of business and that your orator John T. Carr has been appointed guardian by the proper court of Maury Co. to David, Charles & Susan. Show that your orator Elizabeth is now between the age of 60-70 years, and all her children over the age of 21 years.


BirthApril 20, 1766Albemarle County, Virginia
MarriageJanuary 2, 1783John Fendall Carr
DeathAugust, 1838Maury County, Tennessee


SpouseJohn Fendall Carr (1764 - 1838)
ChildWilliam Carr (1790 - )
ChildAilsey "Alice" Carr (1791 - )
ChildMary Carr (1792 - )
ChildNancy Carr (1794 - )
ChildCharles Carr (1798 - )
ChildElizabeth "Polly" Carr (1800 - )
ChildMatilda Carr (1805 - )
ChildDavid Carr (1808 - )
ChildSarah Carr (1810 - )
ChildSusannah Carr (1812 - )
FatherDavid R. S. Dalton (1740 - 1820)
MotherSusanna Davis (1742 - 1810)
SiblingNathan Isham Dalton (1765 - 1820)
SiblingIsaac Dalton (1770 - )
SiblingEliza Dalton (1773 - )
SiblingJonathan Dalton (1774 - 1820)
SiblingCharles W. Dalton (1777 - 1823)
SiblingMary "Polly" Dalton (1778 - )
SiblingNancy Dalton (1779 - )
SiblingSusannah Dalton (1780 - )
SiblingDavid Nicholas Dalton (1781 - )