Individual Details

Mace Pickett Jr.

(Abt, 1743 - Abt, 1833)

Notes for Mace Pickett, Jr.:

"15 May 1786, Orange Co., Va., Deed Book 22, pages 199-202 [FHL film #030,018]: Thomas Strashley and Pattey, his wife, of Westmoreland Co., Va., sell to Mace Pickett of Orange ... 1027 acres on west side of Rapidan River... Wits: John Beadles, Charles Walker, John Pickett."

Mace and Sarah Pickett probably had more children but their names are not known at this time.

"1796 Mace Pickett, of Orange Co. made a conveyance to Ben. James Powell, and Esther, his wife, daughter of the said Mace Pickett." (Deed Book 21, page 72.)

"Mace Pickett to Ben. James Powell and Easter his Wife, 27 Jun 1796, Orange County." (Deed Book 21, 1795-1800; p. 72-73.)

"Margin note: Pickett to Powell. Exd. & Deld. sd Powell April 1800 --- This indenture made this twenty seventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six and in the twentieth year of the United States of America; Between Mace Pickett of one part of County of Orange and Ben. James Powell and easter his Wife of the other part; Witnesseth that Mace Pickett in consideration fo the sum of Fifty pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by Ben. James Powell, the receipt whereof Mace Pickett doth hereby acknowledge and confess himself fully satisfied and paid according to bargain that therefore do discharge Ben. James Powell and easter his Wife during her natural life and after her death to be sold and to give two years credit and the money to be equally divided amongst all her Children or Child, and if my Daughter, Easter, shall die without Child or Children then the land also to be sold as above, and Ben. James Powell to have fifty pounds of the money the land sells for to dispose of as he pleases agreeable to his own will and pleasure and the balance to return to me and my disposall as I think proper as I am fully satisfied agreeable to bargain of Ben. James Powell and Easter his Wife have and by these presence do bargain and sell unto Ben. James Powell and Easter his Wife agreeable to the above written bargain, one certain parcel of land containing One hundred acres lying in County of Orange and Colony of Virginia and bounded, Beginning at a red Oak and Chesnut in a line of said Picketts, thence No. nine degrees East thirty two poles to three Chesnut Oaks, one white Oak on a Stony Ridge, thence East twenty poles to two white Oaks on a Hill side, thence NO. eighty five degrees East sixty one poles to two Locusts on a Run, thence No. twenty nine degrees East fifty six poles to a white Oak and Chesnut Oak in another line of said Picketts on the Ridge thence with said Ridge East eighty poles to a Spanish Oak on the said (omitted) thence South sixty seven degrees East eighty poles two two white oaks, corner to ben. Winslow and Jacob Anderson, thence South forty eight degrees West one hundred and fifty six poles to a red and white Oak in Winslows line thence North forty nine degrees West to the beginning. . .In witness whereof Mace Pickett hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year within written. Mace Pickett. Signed Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us [blank]. At a Court held for Orange County on Monday the 27th day of June 1796. . . ordered to be recorded."

1796, Madison County, Virginia, Deed 105A, Benjamin & Esther sell to John Rucker.

1810, Orange County, Virginia, Census.


BirthAbt, 1743
MarriageBef 1775Elizabeth
MarriageBef 1787Sarah "Sally" O'Neal ?
DeathAbt, 1833


ChildJeremiah Pickett ( - )
ChildJohn Pickett ( - )
ChildMace Pickett III ( - )
ChildEster Pickett (1775 - )
SpouseSarah "Sally" O'Neal ? ( - )
ChildGeorge Pickett ( - )
ChildCharles Lewis Pickett (1786 - 1871)
ChildWilliam Pickett ( - )
ChildSarah "Sally" Pickett (1789 - 1855)
ChildElizabeth Pickett (1800 - 1856)
FatherMace Pickett (1709 - 1783)
MotherElizabeth "Nannie" Powell ( - 1793)
SiblingPickett ( - )
SiblingPickett ( - )
SiblingFrancis Pickett ( - )
SiblingGeorge Pickett ( - )
SiblingJeremiah Pickett ( - )
SiblingJohn Pickett (1744 - )
SiblingWilliam Pickett (1745 - )