Individual Details

Edward Boteler

(1669 - Abt 1718)

[boteler gedcom file.ged]

Inherited Land From Father-in-law George Lingan
Information From Ruth Steffan Letter
Information From William R Davis Letter
Calvert County Wills Book 14, Page 615
Copy Of Will Provided By Mike Boteler Correspondence

In the name of God Amen I Edw Boteler of Calvert County Gentlemanbeing of sound mind & memory & being sensible of my own frailmortality I recommend my Soule into the hands of God hoping forredemption through the blood & merit of my Saviour Jesus Christ. Mybody to be decently and Christianly Interred at the Discretion of myExec. hereafter named. I do ordain & appoynt my last Will & Testamentin manner and form following-- My will and desire is that my two lotts& houses with the improvements thereon in Lower Marlborough be equallydivided in profit between my two Daughters Martha and Elizabeth tothem and their heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my daughterMartha one Horse named Fouchum, Ftm. I give & bequeath unto mydaughter Elizabeth one mare named Tervell. My will and desire is thatafter all my just debts are fully satisfied that the remainder of mypersonal Estate be equally shared among my three children, Edw.,Martha, & Elizabeth Boteler. I constitute, Ordain, and Appoynt Mybeloved Brother in Law Mr Thomas Lingan to be Exec. of this my lastWill & Testament hereby revoking all other will or wills by meheretofore made-- In witnesse whereof I Subscribe my name this Ninthday of Marche in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundredseventeen. E Boteler (SEAL) Signed, sealed & delivered in thepresence of Richard Stallinger, Alice Boteler, John Dorrumple Theaforegoing will was thus endorsed and because I tho within named Edw.Boteler in my within will & Testament have not declared Mr ThomasLingan whom by my Will I have appointed my Exec should have fullLiberty to Clear & Farm any of my land with my Negroes for the betterSupport maintenance of my children within named. Therefore I dohereby declare that my will is that Hon Int Thomas Lingan may clearand farm any part of my land at his discretion and my Negroes for thebetter support and maintenance of my children & desire this may bereceived and deemed my will and desire for witnesse whereof I havehereunto subscribed my names the day and year within written. EBoteler Subscribed and Declared to be his will in the presence of RichStallings - James I (his partner) Parker - John Dorrumple Theaforegoing will was thus endowed May 9th 1718 Then cam RichardStallinger, James Parker & John Dorrumple Subscribing Evidence to thewithin and above will, and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist ofAlmighty God that they saw the Testator Sign Seal & Declare the aboveInstrument of Writing as his Last Will and Testament and at the timeof his doing thereof he was to the best of their apprehension of sound& perfect mind & memory. Before me Addisson Skinner Deputy Com. byCalvert County


Birth1669Calvert County, Maryland
Marriage1697Maryland - Anne Lingan
DeathAbt 1718Calvert County, Maryland


SpouseAnne Lingan (1683 - 1717)
ChildMartha Boteler (1708 - 1775)
ChildEdward Boteler III (1710 - 1730)
ChildElizabeth Boteler (1712 - )
FatherCharles Boteler (1640 - 1685)
MotherAlice Ann Phillips (1626 - )
SiblingHenry Boteler (1658 - 1713)
