Individual Details

Henry Boteler

(Abt 1658 - 5 Sep 1713)

[boteler gedcom file.ged]

Inherited Land From Father-in-law George Lingan
Information From Ruth Steffan Letter
Information From William R Davis Letter
Information From John Harris Watts Correspondence
Information From Charles M Boteler Files

In the Name of God Amen I Henry Boteler of Prince George's in theProvidence of Maryland being sick and weak in body but of sound andperfect mind and memory praised by God, and calling to mind thecertainty of death, but the uncertainty of the time when and beingwilling to settle and dispose of my temporall estate wherewith it hathpleased God to bless me; Do make and ordain this my last will andtestament in manner and form following: I give unto my dear son,Charles Boteler and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that tractor parcel of land lying in Prince George's County called RanchorsAdventure containing 50 acres; as also that tract of land calledLondon Dorsey containing 250 acres, as also that tract of land calledHarry's Lott after the "Death" of my dear and loving wife; I give tomy son Charles Boteler his heirs and assigns forever; I give to mydear son Henry Boteler and to his heirs forever all that tract of landcalled Buttington giving me with my wife by her father Mr GeorgeLingan deceased by estimation two hundred acres; I give to my dear sonThomas Boteler and to his heirs and assigns forever all that part of atract of land called "Apledore" which I purchased of John Middletoncontaining 200 and forty and two acres; I give unto my dear and lovingSon Edward Boteler and to his heirs forever all that part of a tractof land lying in Baltimore County willed to me by Mr George Lingandeceased called Lingans Adventure containing by estimation 500 acres;I give unto my dear and loving daughter Alice Boteler one negro girlcalled Dinah and her "increase", one feather bed and furniture to bedelivered to her when she shall arrive at the age of sixteen years; Igive unto my dear daughter Catherine Boteler one negro girl calledJoyce and her "increase" as also one feather bed and furniture to bedelivered to my dear child after she arrives at the age of sixteenyears, But provided and in case of my sons should dye before they cometo the age of twenty one years his or their parts of the estate shallbe equally divided amongst the survivors of my sons to them and theirforever both real and personal, but if all my sons should dye beforethey arrive at the age of aforesaid that then their parts shall beequally divided between my two daughters both real and personal tothem and their heirs forever and in case either of my daughters shoulddye before they shall arrive at the age of sixteen, she that survivesshall have the deceased's part; but in case both my daughters shoulddye before they shall arrive at the age of aforesaid that then my willis that my dear wife have their parts wholly to herself; I give untomy dear and loving wife Catherine Boteler one negro man called Dick asalso my loft bed and furniture. And after my debts and legacy's beforementioned be paid, I give unto my dear and loving wife one third partof all the remains of my substances both real and personal "which maybe in any kind or place" whatsoever; as also the tract of land calledHarry's Lott with the appurtenances thereunto belonging; I give to myloving wife during her natural life and the other two thirds of myestate after my debts and legacys as aforesaid "be price" my will is,it shall equally be divided amongst my six dear children beforementioned; my dear and loving wife to keep the whole estate in herhand both real and personal to bring my dear children up in thenurture and fear of the Lord, and give them as good learning as inreasonable to be had; for which consideration my will is what my dearand loving wife have all the profitt and advantages that is to begained by rents increase "inhere" or any other way or means lawfulwhatsoever, during the time that she shall remain in the state ofwidowhood, but if my dear wife should either marry or dye before mydear child comes to age to receive their parts of the estate, thatthen my will is that my loving brother Edward Boteler, Josiah Wilson,and Thomas Lingan, and either or any of them (all being equallyconcerned) does take into their care and charge (at their discretion)all my children with what is their due both real and personal, and Ihope and desire that my friends aforesaid, will take care to give mydear babes all necessary education and bring them up in the nurtureand fear of the Lord; and I do hereby appoint my dear and loving wifeCatherine Boteler sole executrix of my last will and testament herebyrevoking all former wills by me heretofore mentioned. In witness,whereof I have hereunto in my hand and "afore" this twenty seven dayof August one thousand seven hundred and thirteen. (his mark) HenryBoteler (SEAL) Signed, sealed and acknowledged before us to be hisLast Will and Testament, _____ ______, Roger Brooks, William Boarses,on the back of w___gsers going will was thus ______; September thefifth day Anno Domino 1713 Then came Ann Head, and William Beanos, twoof the evidences to the within Will and did make oath upon the HolyEvangelist of Almighty God that they were personally did for thedeceased Mr Henry Boteler, signed, sealed and acknowledged the withinwill to be his Last Will and Testament and that the same time he wasin his perfect senses to the best of their knowledge, also that theydid see other evidences Roger Brooks signs as an Evidence, swornbefore me. Benj Barry Dep Com Prince Georges County On the same day asabove on the fifth day of September 1713 came Mr Roger Brooks and madeoath upon the Holy Evangelist that he was present & did see thedeceased Mr Henry Boteler sign & read and acknowledge the within willto be his Last Will and Testament & that at the same time the saidRoger Brooks did declare that the questions that the said HenryBoteler if he was in his perfect senses & that Mr Boteler did answerthat he was at that time sworn before me. Benj Barry DeputyCommissioner Prince Georges County


BirthAbt 1658Calvert County, Maryland
Marriage1690Calvert County, Maryland - Catherine Lingan
Death5 Sep 1713Prince George's County, Maryland


SpouseCatherine Lingan (1689 - 1725)
FatherCharles Boteler (1640 - 1685)
MotherAlice Ann Phillips (1626 - )
SiblingEdward Boteler (1669 - 1718)
