Individual Details

Persis Earle

(20 Oct 1792 - 30 Dec 1866)

Transcribed from the Norwalk Weekly Reflector, dated 12 February 1867, page 3 column 4.
Mrs. PERSIS WELLS departed this life Sunday, Dec. 30, 1866. She was born Oct. 18, 1792, in the State of Vermont, and at the time of her decease was 74 years of age. After a life of severe trial and many afflictions, she has gone at last to ‘the land of rest, the saints delight.” With the exception of a few weeks at a time Mrs. WELLS spent the last nine years of her life in Sundusky, Ohio. She was eminently a child of Providence and God took care of his elect. Her little rooms were a perpetual Bethel, and she was loth to leave them when Providence seemed to require it. She left a few weeks since to make her clesing [??] earthly sojourn with her daughter, Mrs. Richard Jeffrey, in Norwalk, Ohio. Here she remained but few weeks, and at length quietly, on a Sabbath morning, just as she had often desired, she resigned her soul to God, and closed her eyes on earth.
Sister WELLS was an earnest, sincere Christian; she was not content with form. She desired her religion should tell for her eternal welfare. She longed for more and more perfect acquaintance with God. She was simple and childlike in her relations to the Heavenly Father. She appreciated church privileges as only the faithful child of God does. Her soul longed for the conris [??] of the Lord’s House “When shall I appear before God?” was the habitual language of her heart. Infirmities kept her much from public worship. How delighted she always was to see her pastor, and to hear him read and expound the Scripture in her quiet little tabernacle! Once a violent thunder storm passed, and the nerve of her eyes was paralyzed; she became blind, and never afterward fully recovered her sight. When the pastor called next day, he was saluted with these words: “Oh! I’m blind! What shall I do now? – What will the Lord do with me?” We sat down and read the twenty-third Psalm – “The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want; He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He Leadeth me beside the still waters; He restoreth my soul. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” As we rose from our knees, sister W., with tearful eyes, said: “I know that the Lord will take care of me; He has never forsaken me; He will never forget me; I’ve all I want – all the friends I desire – everything, everything.” Said I, “Sister W., won’t you be glad when you open your eyes on the sunny plains of the heavenly land, and behold “the King in his beauty?” –“Won’t I! won’t I!” – she said, and her soul was at ease. -- She loved to sing:
Who would live away? Away from his God –
Away from your heaven, that blissful abode,
Where rivers of pleasure flow bright o’er the plains
And the noontide of glory eternally reigns.”
Her funeral sermon was preached from the text – Ps 116:15, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”
Clarissa M. Wells b. 20 Sept 1811 in New York
Francis James Wells b. 16 Sept 1813 in Vermont
Fones Wells b. 12 Mar 1816 in New York
Eunice K. Wells b. 2 Jul 1818 in New York
Martha T. Wells b. 17 Sept 1821 in New York
Justice O. Wells b. 18 Dec 1823 in New York d. 23 Apr 1883 in Ohio
Charles K. Wells b. 2 Jan 1826 in New York d. Jan 1905 in Ohio
James Fones Wells b. 7 Feb 1828 in New York
William Washington Wells b. 15 Aug 1830 in Ohio

Many of us have wondered on the middle name of James Fones Wells, so it was interesting to know there was an earlier son, named Fones Wells. I would like to find James' parents and see if Fones is possibly his mother's maiden name? or some kind of family/friend name. Fones and Charles K. were previously unknown to us.
I will also need to relook at the 1830 Florence, Huron County, Ohio US Federal Census. . . That is looking better, I had blanks and had William under 5 and he was not born yet. James and Persis were born in the same year, 1792 but she is showing as 20 thru 29? I have to learn to read and evaluate better what I transcribe.
1830 Census:
James Wells Home in 1830: Florence, Huron, Ohio
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2 [James Fones and Charles K.]
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1 [Justice O.]
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1 [Fones]
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1 [Francis]
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1 [James]
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1 [Martha T.]
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1 [Eunice K.]
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1 [Clarissa]
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1 [Persis]
Free White Persons - Under 20: 8
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 10
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 10
I have not located this family in the 1840 US Census yet. I have not found James Wells [father] in the 1850 or 1860 US Census. His wife, Persis aged 56 was living with daughter, Clarissa and husband Erastus Ivory and son William Whitney in Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, born in Vermont, no occupation stated. Persis aged 67, is living alone in the 1860 Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio US Census; She is working in a Tailor Shop and has Personal Estate valued at $10.00, born in Vermont. More on Persis in the next post with her Obituary.
+Persis EARLE [460]
born: 20 Oct 1792, Vermont, United States
marr: 21 Dec 1810, Chester, Windsor County, Vermont, United States
died: 20 Dec 1866, Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, United States
buried: 23 Dec 1866, Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio, United States
parents: John EARLE [1731] and Abigail CHASE [1732]

Find-a-Grave note:
Persis (Earle) Wells was born 20 Oct 1792 in Chester, Windsor Co., Vermont to John Earle and Abigail Chase. She married James Wells on 21 Dec 1810 in Chester. James and Persis children include:
Clarissa Maria Wells b: 20 Sep 1812 in Windsor Co., Vermont.
Francis James Wells b: 16 Sep 1813 in Windsor Co., Vermont
James Fones Wells b: 11 Mar 1814 in New York
Eunice K Wells b: 2 Jul 1818 in New York
Martha T Wells b: 17 Sep 1821 in New York
Justus O Wells b: 18 Dec 1823 in Vermont
Charles K Wells b: 2 Jan 1826 in New York
James Wells b: 7 Feb 1828 in New York
William Washington Wells b: 15 Aug 1830 in Erie Co., Ohio

Persis is listed as a widow on the 1850 and 1860 census, suggesting James deserted her. She died 20 Dec 1866 in Norwalk at the home of her daughter, Clarissa Marie (Wells) Ivory. However, James is buried next to her.


Birth20 Oct 1792Chester, Windsor County, Vermont
Marriage21 Dec 1810Chester, Windsor County, Vermont - James Wells
Census (family)1830Florence, Huron County, Ohio - James Wells
Census (family)-shared18 Jul 1850(Erastus Ivory and Clarissa Maria Wells) Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Death30 Dec 1866Norwalk Township, Huron County, Ohio
BurialWoodlawn Cemetery, Norwalk Township, Huron County, Ohio


SpouseJames Wells (1792 - 1870)
ChildClarissa Maria Wells (1812 - 1885)
ChildFrancis James Wells (1813 - 1910)
ChildJames Fones Wells (1816 - 1898)
ChildEunice K. Wells (1818 - 1886)
ChildMartha T. Wells (1821 - )
ChildJustus O. Wells (1823 - 1883)
ChildCharles Kibbse Wells (1826 - 1905)
ChildJames Wells (1827 - 1887)
ChildWilliam Washington Wells (1830 - 1903)
FatherJohn Earle (1771 - 1845)
MotherAbigail Chase (1776 - )
SiblingArvin Earle (1794 - 1885)
SiblingClarissa Earle (1797 - 1853)

