Individual Details

Hinrich Janssen "Henry" Jacobs

(30 Nov 1802 - 27 May 1879)

Early family members earn reputation as farmers

Hinrich Jansen Jacobs, born Nov. 30, 1802 at Hesel, Germany, was a "hausling-domestic worker" or farmer. He was married to Gesche Maria Heeren on June 6, 1828. She as born at Hesel, Germany. They came to America in 1856, and to Jones County, Iowa, in 1859. They had eight children.
One of them, Anke Margaretha, who married Harm Edzards, was born April 4, 1829, at Hesel Germany. She died at Dubuque from pneumonia when they came to the United States. She was buried at Dubuque.
The other members of the family were Gesche Maria, born Nov. 21, 1830; Anna Elizabeth,born July 5,1833; Hinrich Jansen, born Sept. 20, 1835; Johann, born April 7, 1838; Engle Margaretha born Aug. 22,1840; Margaretha, born Aug. 19, 1842; Heinrich, born July 28,1845.
The Jones County area has been home to descendants of the Heinrich Jacobs family since the years of the 1850s. John Jacobs, the son of Hinrich Jansen Jacobs, was a man of foresight, being a farmer and cattle buyer. According to the 1879 history of Jones County, he was listed as owning over 1,000 acres of land — 818 in Wayne Township, 90 acres in Scotch Grove Township, 50 acres in Richland Township; and 52 ½ acres in Monticello Township. John and his family were of the Lutheran faith. He was also a school director and a member of the Republican party.
John Jacobs married Matilda Miller Jacobs of Dixon, Ill . She became ill with pneumonia and died, leaving three small children: Henry Rudolph, born June 29, 1860; Anna B. Jacobs, born Dec. 10, 1862, and August Bernhard Jacobs, born June 9. 1863. Matilda was a reason for the building at St. John's Lutheran Church at Monticello. A pastor from Dubuque was there for the funeral as there were no Lutheran churches in the immediate area. In later years, John Jacobs lived in California. He remarried. His wife was Anna Grum.
Henry Rudolph Jacobs was a prominent farmer in Wayne Township. He attended the rural schools, as well as Lenox College in Hopkinton. He was a man who could be depended upon, as he was an assessor for both Wayne Township and the city of Monticello. He was also secretary of the Scotch Grove Creamery for 20 years. He married Katharine Stadtmueller, and they had a son, Arnold John, who married Eliza Catherine Lubben. They had three children. One was Lorraine Jacobs McAllister, baptized April 10, 1923. Her husband, Earl, died at an early age. They had three children: Dianne, Donn and David McAllister. Lorraine has been a teacher at the Cascade for a number of years.
The second child of Arnold and Catherine Jacobs was Mildred Jacobs Traugott, who was baptized Oct. 4, 1924. She married Richard Traugott on Aug. 25, 1946. Their children were Mark Traugott, Jan Traugott, Bruce Traugott and Steve Tragott. Mildred and Richard were later divorced. She lives in Sarasota, Fla., where her children have also lived.
Marvin Jacobs, the third child of Arnold and Catherine Jacobs, was baptized March 23, 1930. He married Joan Ireland Jan. 17, 1949. They have a number of farms in the Scotch Grove area. A son, Michael Marvin Jacobs, was baptized at St. John's Lutheran Church. He married Maria Doden. They have three daughters, Kerie, Jennifer and Michelle, and a son, Douglas. Douglas and his family live on a farm a short distance from Scotch Grove. They have a large hog raising unit at their farm. Doug married Jean Schoon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schoon. The children of Doug and Jean are Alan, Angie, Mark and Brett. They have taken an interest in horses which they have shown in the area. Douglas Jacobs was also baptized at St. John's church.
Brenda Jacobs, daughter of Marvin and Joan Jacobs, married Larry Callaher. Their children are Jeff, Jim and Amy. They live in the Cedar Rapids area.
Marvin and Joan Jacobs built a new home in the area of their farms several years ago. They are members of St. John's Lutheran church near Monticello.
Anna Jacobs, daughter of John and Matilda Jacobs, married John F. Moore. He born in Creux de Brevine, Canton de Neuchatel, Switzerland. He came to the United States in 1867. He was a farmer who lived on a farm between Monticello and Cascade, then lived at Kenwood Park in Cedar Rapids. The farm was later owned by the Burlage family. The children of Anna Jacobs and John F. Moore were:
John L. Moore, died at age 82 in Idaho on Nov. 10, 1964. He was born in 1882. He and his wife, Kate, lived at Kellogg, Idaho. Their children are Donna, Clifford, George and Robert. Donna Moore married Harold Drumond, son Robert Drummond, Clifford Moore did not marry. Dr. George Moore lives in Bellingham, Wash. Robert Moore lives in Kellogg, Idaho.
Charles Moore was married in February 1915 to Floy Moore. They lived at San Diego, Calif. He died on March 11,1985, while Floy Moore preceded him in death. Our cousin, Milton Jacobs of San Diego, became well acquainted with Charles.
Fred A. Moore married Alta Moore. They lived at San Pedro, Calif. They had one daughter, Virginia Moore, who married a Mr. Rhoads.
George E. Moore married Eileen Moore. They lived at Terminal Island, Calif. He was born April 1, 1899. They had a daughter, Margaret Ann Moore.
Matilda Moore was born Feb. 9,1884. She married Lester Blair, who died ed Dec.1,1961. They had no children. They lived in Omaha, Neb., and Florida. After Lester's death, Matilda and her sister, Anabel, lived together in Cedar Rapids.
Anabel J. Moore, born 1886, married Byard Kurtz, who died July 9, 1949. They lived in Cedar Rapids. They had no children.
Laura Moore married Lowell Hicks. She was born Jan. 21,1895 As of 1985, she was 87 years old, if living. They lived in Detroit, Mich., and Seattle, Wash. Their son James, married Maria Hicks. They have three children, one pair of twins and another daughter.
Freda Moore married George Kline, They lived in Aberdeen, S.D. She was born May 27, 1897. Their children are Donald, Dick and Marion. Donald Kline married Eva May. They lived in Portland, Ore., and have three boys and one girl. Dick Line is married to De Maris. They live in Bellingham, Wash. Marion Kline married Lawrence Odland. They live in Aberdeen, S.D., and have five children, Teresa, Nancy, Laura, and twins Victor and Vincent. This is the extent of information on these families.
The second son of John Jacobs Sr. and Matilda Miller Jacobs was August Jacobs. He was born June 9, 1863, in Jones County. They came from Dixon, Ill., where their mother lived. August Jacobs operated a farm in Wayne Township.
He had a large steam engine that was used to thresh the grain that had been sown with grass seed in early April. Hay was also sown for the following year. Oats ripened in July. Four horses were hitched to a binder that made bundles with twine. Nine bundles made one shock, one of which was used to put on top to protect from rain. A threshing machine was used, pulled by a steam engine. A long belt transferred power from it to the machine.
Wagons, driven by the men and pulled by two horses, went to the machine which separated the straw from the oats. Oats were shoveled into the grain bin. Men sometimes made a straw stack in a semicircle, with the base wider than the top. Some farmers blew straw into a pile. Oats that yielded 50 to 60 per acre was considered a good crop. The best part of threshing was the group of women who prepared the meal. It was the bright spot of the day!
August and Katharina Jacobs were married Jan. 6,1885. Katharina was born in Hesel, Germany, on Sept. 9,1865. She came alone to the United States. Her parents were John and Maria Finkenstadt Brokens. When she came to New York, she was out of money. She worked at a restaurant to get money to go to Iowa. She was told if someone tried to rob her that she should not resist. On a street close to her work, someone seized her hat. Eventually, she came to Iowa, where she met August Jacobs. They lived in Wayne Township, where all their children were born. The children of August and Katharine Jacobs were Matilda, John, Henry and Charles.
Matilda Jacobs married Lou Oltman of Scotch Grove. They farmed both in Wayne Township and Scotch Grove Township before they later moved to Monticello in 1940. Lou was born March 8, 1882, and died in November 1951. Matilda was born April 10,1886, and died Feb. 9,1977. They had two daughters, both nurses.
Luella Katherine was born Jan. 15, 1914, and married Howard Schraffenberger of Chicago, Ill . He died July 5, 1969. They became the parents of Lou Ann Schraffenberger. She has her master's degree in medical records, and is employed as a medical records consultant. Luella has worked as a supervisor in several different hospitals, but has spent over 40 years of service at the South Shore Hospital in Chicago, Ill. Pauline Marie was a registered nurse- anesthetist in several different hospitals. She was born July 4, 1916, and married Marvin Lacock, born Jan. 17, 1914, on Dec. 9, 1945. His parents were John and Ethel Lacock of Mount Vernon. Children of Marvin and Pauline are: Ruth Ann Lacock, born Feb. 4, 1948, and John Louis Lacock, born May 22, 1950. Marvin and Pauline and family lived on a farm on Highway 64, 5 miles west of Wyoming. Ruth married Charles Randall Kuenzi. They have two children, Charles Matthew, born Nov. 23, 1975, and Michael Shawn, born April 9, 1978. John Lacock married Debra Doughty. They have two children, Thomas Michael born July 16, 1977, and Keith Alan, born Feb. 7, 1981. Ruth and Randy were married June 6, 1970. John and Debra were married June 6, 1973. They live on the home farm, while Ruth and Randy live in Sioux City, where she teaches and Randy is with Prudential Insurance.
John Jacobs, son of August and Katharina Jacobs, married Emma Pauline Behrends. her mother was a Heeren, while her father was John Behrends. Emma's father's mother was an Edzards. John and Emma had no children. They farmed the August Jacobs farm for a number of years, and later moved to Monticello. Emma Behrends and John Jacobs were married Oct. 9,1919. Emma died Sept. 30,1971. John Jacobs, born Nov. 28, 1887, died June 11, 1973. He served overseas in the U.S. Army during World War I.
Henry William Jacobs, son of August and Katharina Jacobs, married Sophia Maria Behrends on March 3, 1914. They lived in Monticello. Henry drove a truck at one time, and also had a coal business in Monticello. Their son, Armin Behrends Jacobs, married Betty Fass, whose parents were the Albert Fasses. Armin and Betty have a daughter, Arminda Eileen, who married Elton Townsend. They have a son, Dylan, and live in Kersey, Colo. Henry Jacobs died in 1950 at Monticello. He was baptized Sept. 17, 1891. His wife, Sophia, is living at the Senior Home in Monticello. She celebrated her 95th birthday last Oct. 20. Armin Jacobs has been the owner-operator of Jake's Standard Service for many years.
Charles Lewis Jacobs, son of August and Katharine Jacobs, was born Oct. 17,1918. He married Agnes Powlishta, who was born Nov. 23, 1899. They lived in Edgewood and had two children, Bernice, born Oct. 8,1921, and Milton, born March 6,1925. Charles and Agnes were married Dec. 17, 1919. Charles was in the produce business for 15 years, then with the Shell Oil Company for 27 years. The last 10 years of his life, before selling the Shell Oil station, was spent farming and in the fertilizer business.
Their daughter, Bernice, graduated from the University of Iowa, and later taught school. She was married on June 5, 1943, to Donald Richard Carlson, born March 5, 1919. He has been a controller with Sanitary Dairies at St. Paul, Minn., Cedar Rapids and Clinton. They retired to Boston, Mass., where their daughter, Desiree, was living. Desiree was born June 10, 1950. She is an M.D. at the University of Boston, where she is in charge of the blood bank. She married Dr. Helmut Rennke in 1983. They have two daughters, Christiane and Stephanie. Dr. Helmut Rennke is a specialist in kidney disorders, and lectures in foreign lands.
Milton Jacobs is retired and lives in San Diego, Calif. She was a good host to us when we visited California in 1985.
John Jacobs' second marriage was on March 26, 1868, at St. John's Lutheran church to Anna Grum, Their children were:
Matilda Jacobs, who lived in Santa Anna, Calif.
William Jacobs.
Mary Jacobs Will had a son, Robert and a husband, Will.
Louise Jacobs, born in 1882, married William Batterman. They lived in Orange, Calif. She died March 22,1965, at Anaheim, Calif. Their children were Lorenz, Herbert, Elsa and Esther.
Emma Jacobs (Weber, McCullough) married twice. She lived in Long Beach and Tustin, Calif.
Pauline Jacobs, who married a Collins. lived in Orange, Calif.
Julia Jacobs did not marry and lived in Tustin, Calif.
Margaret Jacobs married a Hackett. They lived Waterloo and Cedar Falls.
Sophia Jacobs lived in Santa Anna, Calif.
John Jacobs Jr. married and lived in a Tustin, Calif. His wife's name was not known.
Fred (Fritz) Jacobs lived in Capitola, Calif.
Otto A. Jacobs was an attorney, a criminal lawyer who won all but four out of 84 cases. He was quite prominent in California.

Written and submitted by
Pauline Olttnan Lacock


Birth30 Nov 1802Germany, Ostfriesland, Hesel
OccupationBet 1820 and 1856Soldat (Mercenary soldier) and Häusling (Cottage or day laborer) - Germany, Ostfriesland, Hesel
Marriage7 Jun 1828Germany, Ostfriesland, Reepsholt - Gesche Maria "Mary" Heeren
Census (family)6 Jul 1860Monticello, Jones, Iowa, United States - Gesche Maria "Mary" Heeren
Census (family)24 Jun 1870Jones, Iowa, United States - Gesche Maria "Mary" Heeren
Death27 May 1879Jones, Iowa, United States
BurialAft 27 May 1879Zimmerman/Evergreen Cemetery (near Scotch Grove), Jones, Iowa, United States


SpouseGesche Maria "Mary" Heeren (1807 - 1885)
ChildAnke Margarethe Jacobs (1829 - 1868)
ChildGesche Marie Jacobs (1830 - 1895)
ChildAnna Elisabeth "Anita" Jacobs (1833 - 1899)
ChildHinrich Janssen "Henry" Jacobs (1835 - 1892)
ChildJohann Jansen "John" Jacobs (1838 - 1929)
ChildEngile Margaretha "Engel" Jacobs (1840 - 1925)
ChildMargaretha (Margaret) Jacobs (1842 - 1905)
ChildHeinrich "Henry" Jacobs (1845 - 1895)
FatherHinrich Rudolph Jacobs (1763 - 1846)
MotherAncke Janßen De Groth (1766 - 1806)
SiblingJacob Jacobs (1795 - )
SiblingMargarethe H. Jacobs (1799 - 1825)

