Individual Details

Thomas Lovejoy

(1490 - 1573)

"Thomas appears as a "copyholder of the manor after his father, Johannes Lovejoy, had died, seized of 18 acres as of fee, all of which descended to his son and heir Thomas Lovejoy of Little Marlow," Thomas later deeded to his daughter;Elsabeth or Elizabeth, "six acres called out containing nine acres, a part of his land, near his dwelling bounded by his meadow east and north with a swamp between the house of said Elsabeth and the house of his son, William Lovejoy, the timber, etc., growing on said swamp on said land, also about four acres adjoining the above six acres, Aug 3, 1560... and for 4s 8d received from a certain pasture of the demesne land and bondsmen's land by Little Marlow, lately demised unto Thomas Lovejoy, so now demised unto William Lovejoy, Johanna his wife, and John, their son, for the term of life...1573"
Thomas Lovejoy was indicted for trespass by the straying of his cattle and "their eating his neighbors grass.""


Birth1490Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
MarriageAbt 1525Bucks, England, - Johanna
Burial29 Mar 1573Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
Death1573Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom


SpouseJohanna (1494 - )
ChildElsabeth (Elizabeth) Lovejoy (1525 - )
ChildWilliam Lovejoy (1530 - 1577)
ChildJohn Lovejoy (1525 - )
ChildThomas Lovejoy (1525 - )
FatherJohannes Lovejoy (1460 - )
MotherMargaret Brinkhurst (1460 - )