Individual Details

Mary Frampton

(22 Aug 1749 - 10 Feb 1809)

Winborn Lawton, planter, & Mary Mathewes of Colleton County, widow of Anthony Mathewes late of Johns Island, St. Johns Parish, Colleton County, February 28, 1771. Robert Randal, Daniel Holmes, trustees: Thomas Farr, Stephen Evans, Wit. Misc. Records 00523-525 (SC Marriages 1688-1799)
Marriage Agreement - THIS INDENTURE tripartite made the twenty eighth day of February in the eleventh year of the reign of our sovereign Lord, George the Third by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith and so(?) and in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand and Seven hundred and seventy -one between Mary Mathewes of Colleton County in the Province of South Carolina, widow and relict of Anthony Mathewes, late of Johns Island in St. Johns Parish, in Colleton County aforesaid in the Province aforesaid Planter, deceased of the first part Robert Randal and Daniel Holmes, both of the same place planters of second part and Winborn Lawton of the said county and province planter of the Third part.
Whereas a marriage is intended by God's grace shortly to be had and solemnized by and between the said Winborn Lawton and the said Mary Mathewes and, WHEREAS in consequence of the said intended marriage she, the said Mary will be intitled absolutely by the last will and testament of [her said last husband] the said Anthony Mathewes, to the one third part of whole of the negroes which were of the testator to be hereinafter divided as directed thereby, and WHEREAS it is mutually agreed upon by and between the said Winborn Lawton and Mary Mathewes in consideration of the said marriage taking effect that all and singular the said Mary Mathewes her undivided one third part of all and singular the negroes or slaves, which were of the estate of the said Anthony Mathewes deceased and of the issue and increase of the females of them, shall be settled and conveyed to trustees for such several uses and behooves from time to time as are herein after respectively mentioned limited and expressed HOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the said intended marriage and for the better affecting and carrying into execution the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of five shillings lawful money of Great Britain to the said Mary Mathewes by the said Robert Randal and Daniel Holmes, in hand, well and truly paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof she doth hereby acknowledge and for divers other good causes and considerations her therunto moving. She the said Mary Mathewes, by and with the knowledge, consent and express agreement of the said Winborn Lawton, testified by his being made a party to and signing and sealing of the presents, HATH GRANTED, bargained, sole and delivered assigned, transferred and set over and by these presents for herself, his executors and administrators doth grant bargain, sell and deliver assign transfer and set over unto the said Robert Randal and Daniel Holmes and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor, all that her the said Mary Mathewes' undivided one third part of the whole of all and singular the said negroes or slaves which were of the estate of the said Anthony Mathewes deceased and of the issue and increase of the females of them for ever, UPON the special trust and confidence nevertheless and to and for the several uses intents and purposes hereinafter respectively mentioned limited and expressed of, for and concerning the same and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever, that is to say to the use benefit and behoof of the said Mary Mathewes, until the said intended marriage shall take effect and be solemnized and from and after the solemnization of the said intended marriage to the joint use and behoof of the said Winborn Lawton and Mary his intended wife, during his and her joint natural lives and nolonger and from and after the decease of either of them, then to and for such uses hehoofs and purposes as she the said Mary shall by her last will and testament in writing or by any other writing[to take effect only at her death] under her hand and sealsubscribed in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses notwithstanding her coverture or whether she shall be sole or married think fit to give, limit, direct or appoint the same, AND the said Winborn Lawton, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, TO THE grant covenant and agree to and with the said Robert Randal and Daniel Holmes and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor in manner and for following, THAT IS TO SAY that it shall and may be lawful for the said Mary, from time to time and all times, during her covertured with the said Winborn Lawton and not withstanding the same, to make and execute her last will and testament in writing as aforesaid and thereof, to nominate constitute and appoint one or more executrixes or executors and therein and thereby to give and dispose of all the said premises or any part or parcel therof, to such person or persons to such use and uses and for such estate and estates as she the said Mary shalll think fit and that all and every such bequests, gifts, grants and assignments and all and every the said deeds, will and writings shall have the same force and effect and be of the same strength and validity to intents constructions and purposes whatsoever more especially against the said Winborn Lawton, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns as if the said Mary at the time of making the same, had been sole, provided always that if the said Winborn Lawton shall happen to depart this life in the life time of the said Mary.(It is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed by and between all parties to these presents] shall be absolutely restored and reinstated to and in her former estate and interest in to herein beforeto the contrary contained in any wise notwithstanding IN WITNESS whereof the said parties to these present indentures have interchangeably set heir hands and seals, the day and year first above written, Robert Randal, Daniel Holmes, Mary Mathewes, Winborn Lawton.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Thomas Freer, Stephen Evans - received this day and year first above written of the above named Robert Randal and Daniel Holmes the consideration sum of five shillings lawful money of Great Britain, above mentioned - received by me Mary Mathewes.
Witness, Thomas Freer, Thomas Evans - Personally appeared before me Stephen Evans who being duly sworn maketh oath and saith that he was present and did see Mary Mathewes, Winborn Lawton, Robert Randal, and Daniel Holmes sign, seal, and as their act and deed deliver the within instrument of writing for the purposes therein mentioned and that Thomas Freer and himself did sign their names as witnesses. Sworn before me this 1st March 1771 - Stephen Evans
Recorded 5th March 1771 - William Boone


Birth22 Aug 1749Edisto Island, Charleston, South Carolina, British America
MarriageAbt 1767Anthony Mathewes III
Marriage28 Feb 1771Colleton, South Carolina, United States - Winborn Lawton Sr.
Census (family)1790Charleston District, Charleston, South Carolina, United States - Winborn Lawton Sr.
Death10 Feb 1809


SpouseWinborn Lawton Sr. (1745 - 1809)
ChildBeulah Lawton (1773 - )
ChildWilliam R. G. Lawton (1786 - )
ChildWinborn Wallace Lawton II (1782 - 1861)
SpouseAnthony Mathewes III (1723 - 1768)
ChildWilliam Mathewes (1768 - )

