Individual Details

John Paul Froman

(16 Oct 1734 - )

There is letter in the library of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, written from Paul Froman to Benjamin Franklin, 15 Jul 1786, in which the younger Paul states that his grandfather Solomon Froman was a native of France.
Frey Family Association Journal, Fall 2011, "A Brief Survey of the Froman Family" by Jon Frye, p.9f

Sponsor at his baptism: Ludtwig Stephan.

Frederick Co VA Road Orders, 1743-1772 by Virginia Geneological Society; online at Google Books
2 April 1754, p.348 .....marked a road from Sandy ford to Fromans mille. Ordered that ... [names included: Nathaniel Cartmill, Nathan Cartmill, John Thomas, Jacob Frey, Joseph Frey, Benjamin Frey, Abrahm Frey, Paul Froman, clear and keep the same in Repair ....further ordered that Paul Froman, Junr be oversee of the sd Road.
7 May 1760. Grand Jury Presentments
"We of the Grand Jury do present Paul Froman Junr Overseer of the road leading from his Mill to the Sandy Ford on Opeckon Creek for not keeping the same in Repair according to the Law within two months Past by the knowledge of two of us."
7 Jun 1763 (Frederick Co VA DB8:428-30) Lease. Darby MCCARTY to Job COMBES, both of Frederick. 5 shillings. 400 acres, land situate in Frederick … at the foot of a Hill on the west side of Pasage Creek… Rent of one Ear of Indian Corn at the feast of St. Michael the Arch Angel… s/Darby (O) MCCARTY, Hannah (H) MCCARTY. Wits: Paul FROMAN junr., Jacob FROMAN. Release. Consideration L150. . Rec: 7 Jun 1763. (Frederick Co, VA Deed Book Series Volume 2, Deed Books 5, 6, 7, 8, 1757-1763, Abstracted, Amelia C. Gilreath, 1990) SW: Passa
Historical Marker: McGee's Stone Castle and Froman's Road and Station
Quick Description: Double sided marker noting one of the first stone houses in the area and the wagon road and supporting stations.
Side 1
"Froman's road and station - one mile to the morthwest, Paul Froman, grandson of pioneer Joist Hite, cut his wagon road in 1781 from the Salt River stations near Bullitt's Lick to his new station (1782) on the east side of Froman's Creek. First improved road south of Towne branch of Salt. New fort sped settlement of central Nelson County. 2005 Kentucky Historical Society Kentucky Department of Highways 2168"
Side 2
"McGee's Stone Castle ~ Paul Froman's in-laws, Thomas, John, and Patrick McGee, jointly acquired the 1000 - acre Froman claim. Patrick McGee, mason, hunter, land-locator, salt-maker, ferry and tavern operator, built Stone Castle beside Froman's Station before 1790. One of first stone houses built after settlement of central Kentucky. given by McGee families & Cox's Station DAR. 2005 Kentucky Historical Society Kentucky Department of Highways 2168"
Group(s) Responsible for placing Marker:
McGee families & Cox's Station DAR
Kentucky Historical Society
Kentucky Department of Highways

[Dhis could be his father's record....]
Ohio County Record, Entry Book, Yohogania County 1779-1785
Began Nov 17 1779. Containing Entrys In Right of Settlement
18 Feb 1780
#152 Paul Froman, produced a Certif. from the Comr. for adjusting Claims of settling Titles to Lands in the Counties Yohogania, Mona. & Ohio for four hundred acres Land in this County on the Waters of Shirlee Creek, to includ his settlemt made in the year 1772, which entry if have certd.

Ancestry Message Board for Froman, posted by Gary E. Young, 28 Jan 2009
It was Paul Froman Jr who built both the Station later called Brashear's on the Salt River and the Froman's Station in Nelson County in the Cox's Creek neighborhood on Froman's Creek. The Isaac Froman who gave the deposition before the Bullitt Co Circuit Court in 1807 was the son of PAUL despite the fact that McDowell and other good Kentucky historians confused him with the son of Jacob by the same name. Jacob's son was not even born when the 1779 expedition took place that Isaac Froman described. Isaac says in his deposition that he remained at the Station on the Salt River until the Spring of 1781 when he moved with "my father" 17 miles away. Of course, this was the second Froman's Station built in the Spring of 1781 in the Cox's Creek neighborhood (later Nelson County). McDowell was a superb historian working in original records, but not such a good genealogist. A Nelson County deposition by Stephen Vittitow further clarified all when he mentions a wagon road between Paul Froman's Station on the Salt River to Paul's Station on Cox's Creek--clearly showing one Paul Froman built both Stations. Paul's brother Jacob was particularly involved at Fort Nonsense--Froman's Folly. He was nearly 15 years younger than his older brother. Jacob's son Isaac lived almost his whole life in Bullitt's County dying there in 1867 probably explaining the confusion of the historians, but he was not even alive in the Spring of 1779 when Paul's son, Isaac, was involved in the expedition from the Falls of the Ohio to the place that became Froman's Station/Brashear's Station/Salt River Garrison.

FindAGrave #191025914
Buried at Froman's Station which was founded by Paul Froman in the 1780s on Froman Creek and Cox's Creek.
John Paul Froman was born to Paul Froman and Elizabeth Hite in Frederick County, Virginia in 1734, he was Baptist by Rev John Jasper Stoever 16 May 1735 in Opequon, Frederick, VA. In the 1770s he lived in Yohogania County, VA which became Washington County, PA. There he ran a mill on Chartiers Creek and served as a Captain the Militia. In 1780 he moved to Kentucky, were he purchased several Virginia Treasury Land Warrants. He appears in the 1785 to 1795 tax rolls of Nelson County, Kentucky. The last document that has been found that he signed was a property deed in 14 April 1798. On the 28 May 1799 marriage bond for daughter Mary, her father is listed as deceased. There were several cased on the Nelson Court Docket in 1799, the cases were dismissed due Paul "having departed this life" One of the cases was against a John Clark, after the cases was dismissed against Paul Froman, Mr. Clark as for the case to be "revived" - reopen again the heirs of Paul From. In a 1800 Nelson Court Minutes, case Clark vs Froman, the listed of the heirs of Paul Froman are listed.

Paul and Mary had the following children:
Solomon married Mary Munn
Isaac married Sarah Anne Harrison
Elizabeth married John McGee
Jacob married to Margaret Dawson
Sarah married Robert Anderson
Rachel married Patrick H. McGee
Paul married Keziah Pickett
Christena married to William Cotton
John married to Catherine McKay
Mary married to James Bruce

Froman Genealogy


Birth16 Oct 1734Frederick County, Virginia
Christen16 May 1735Opequon, Pennsylvania
MarriageMary McCarty


SpouseMary McCarty (1738 - )
ChildRachel Froman (1757 - 1845)
ChildIsaac Froman (1760 - 1810)
ChildMary Froman ( - )
ChildJohn Froman ( - )
ChildPaul Froman ( - )
ChildJacob Froman ( - 1827)
ChildSolomon Froman ( - 1779)
ChildElizabeth Froman ( - )
ChildSarah Froman ( - )
ChildChristiana Froman ( - )
FatherPaul Froman (1708 - 1783)
MotherElizabeth Hite ( - 1783)
SiblingREGINA FROMAN (1729 - 1805)
SiblingMagdalene Froman (1730 - )
SiblingMary Froman (1731 - )
SiblingSarah Jane Froman (1732 - 1815)
SiblingMaria Christina "Mary" Froman (1735 - 1768)
SiblingElizabetha Froman (1738 - )
SiblingJacob Froman (1749 - 1820)
