Individual Details

Bobbie Jean Delzell

(Abt 1930 - )

Northwest Arkansas Times, 2 Jun 1951
"Miss Delzell to Be Bride of Cpl. Wasson"
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Delzell announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Bobbie Jean, to Cpl. Marion K. Wasson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wasson. the wedding will be an event of fall.
The bride-elect attended Fayetteville High School and graduated from Clarksville High School. She now attends the University where she is a member of Delta Delta Delta soroity and Kappa Delta Pi, honorary education sorority.
corporal Wasson is a graduate of Fayetteville High School and Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa. He is now stationed at Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyette, Wyo.
1 Sep 1951
"Mrs. Ferguson and Miss Lane Give Tea"
Mrs. Oliver Ferguson and Miss Nancy Lane entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edwin O'Kelly with a tea honoring Miss Bobbie Jean Delzell, bride-elect of Marion K. Wasson, Mrs. Ernest Stanberry, and Mrs. Dwight Dodson.
Receiving with the honorees and the hostessses were Mrs. Herman Tuck and Mrs. F. D. Delzell. Mrs. Olive Lane and Miss Pat Smith assisted.
On 17 Sep 1951
"Miss Delzell Honored at Afternoon Teas"
[teas were at the homes of Miss Elizabeth Morris and Miss Pat Smith]
...about 40 friends and sorority sisters were present.
24 Sep 1951 [Monday]
"Miss Bobbie Jean Delzell Weds Marion K. Wasson"
[The wedding was at 3 pm on Sunday afternoon. Sister Betty Ann was a junior bridesmaid. Among the out of town guests - Mrs. Lester Delzell and L. C. Delzell attended from Miami, OK - that would be Aunt Edna and her son.]

16 Aug 1952
Mrs. Marion Wasson Jr. of Cheyenne, Wyo. is here for the wedding of Miss Pat Smith and is visiting with the Marion Wasson Srs and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Delzell. She plans to return Monday to Cheyeen, where her husband is stationed at the Francis Warren Air Force Base.

The Wassons may have lost a child. Fred Delzell's obituary says he has five granchildren, but they were not named. When Mabel Delzell died in 2000, her four grandchildren were named, only one of which was a Wasson. I believe that Bobbie's sister Betty had only three children.


BirthAbt 1930
Marriage23 Sep 1951Washington County, Arkansas - Marion Wasson


SpouseMarion Wasson ( - )
FatherFred E. Delzell (1901 - 1982)
MotherMabel J. Long (1902 - 2000)
SiblingBetty Ann Delzell (1938 - )