Individual Details

Meredith Anderson Fox

(3 Sep 1847 - 10 Jun 1932)

1880, Merrideth Fox was living next to his uncle Henry Fox. Age 33, Lethy was 32. Bartlett , 12, Pollie, 11, Thomas 10, John 8, Merideth 7, Peggie 5, Myron 3 and Bransford 1.

1900, Jackson Co TN
Meridath Fox, born Sep 1847, age 52. Married 33 years. Letha, wife, born Apr 1848, age 52. She had 16 children, 11 are living. Polly A., born Jan 1869, age 41. Thomas F., born Apr 1870, age 30. Obed N., born Oct 1881, age 18. Jefferson S. born Feb. 1883, age 17. Dudley M. born Sep 1884, age 15. Oliva P. born Jan 1889, age 11. Oliver D. born Jul 1891, age 8.

At the time Meredith died, Aletha had already passed on. His death certificate gives his name as Merida A. Fox. He died from aortic regurgitation. His father was given as B. A. Fox, his mother as Miriam Basham. He is buried Fox Cemetery. John K. Fox, his son, was the informant.


Birth3 Sep 1847Jackson County, Tennessee
MarriageAbt 1867Aletha Mary Catherine "Pollie" Fox
Death10 Jun 1932Jackson County, Tennessee


SpouseAletha Mary Catherine "Pollie" Fox (1848 - 1911)
ChildBartlett N. Fox (1868 - )
ChildPollie A. Fox (1869 - 1938)
ChildThomas Franklin Fox (1870 - 1924)
ChildJohn Kendrick Fox (1891 - 1944)
ChildMerideth Anderson Fox (1873 - 1941)
ChildPeggie Jane Fox (1875 - )
ChildMiram Fox (1877 - 1914)
ChildBransford Fox (1879 - )
ChildObed Nathan Fox (1881 - 1956)
ChildJefferson Stone Fox (1883 - 1914)
ChildDudley W. Fox (1884 - 1917)
FatherBartlett Anderson FOX (1806 - 1878)
MotherMiriam Payne Bassham (1807 - 1875)
SiblingMillie Ann FOX (1827 - )
SiblingParilee Frances FOX (1828 - )
SiblingElizabeth Miriam FOX (1830 - )
SiblingRhoda Simmons FOX (1832 - )
SiblingUriah Henry Washington Fox (1834 - 1915)
SiblingMiriam FOX (1836 - )
SiblingDelilah Simpson FOX (1838 - )
SiblingBenjamin Bartlett FOX (1840 - 1924)
SiblingJulia Ann FOX (1843 - )
