Individual Details

Junius I. Holderness

(24 Sep 1860 - 26 Dec 1896)

The Taylor County News. (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 16, Ed. 1 Friday, June 13, 1890
J. I. Holderness of Anson, was in Abilene Monday. He is one of the suffers by the recent fire, there, but will go into business again soon.

Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 16, No. 304, Ed. 1, Tuesday, September 6, 1892
From the Jones County Democrats, Special to the Gazette
Anson, Tex. Sept 4. The Democratic primary for Jones county was held yesterday at the different precincts over the county with the following result: ....J. I. Holderness for county treasurer
...There was a large vote polled and the Democratic party is sure of success now since such a large vote was polled in the primary.

1900 Census re his children shows his place of birth as Arkansas.

Probably married in Anson, Texas

Buried Mount Hope Cemetery, 2 miles east of Anson, Jones Co TX on Hwy 180.

J.I. Holderness
J.I. Holderness of Anson died Saturday night. [J.I. Holderness was born 24 September 1860 and died 24 December 1896. He is buried in the Mount Hope cemetery, Anson, Jones County, Texas]
Taylor County News, Abilene, Taylor County, Texas Friday, 1 January 1897


Birth24 Sep 1860Arkansas
Marriage4 Mar 1886Jones County, Texas - Ina Humphrey
Death26 Dec 1896


SpouseIna Humphrey (1872 - 1948)
ChildRobert D. Holderness (1887 - 1887)
ChildKate Holderness (1888 - 1942)
ChildRoy Holderness (1890 - 1923)
ChildElizabeth "Beth" Holderness (1894 - 1910)
SiblingRebecca Sarah Holderness (1856 - 1929)
SiblingRobert N. Holderness (1858 - 1905)
SiblingELIZABETH ECHOLS "Bettie" HOLDERNESS (1863 - 1950)
SiblingGeorge Washington Holderness MD (1867 - 1945)
SiblingThomas Brooks Holderness (1869 - 1952)
SiblingVirginia Ann "Jennie" Holderness (1872 - 1954)
SiblingCharles Sidney Holderness (1874 - 1966)
SiblingWillie Richmond Holderness (1877 - 1963)
SiblingMary Katherine Holderness (1879 - 1908)
