Individual Details

John Felts

(By 1802 - )

There are records of two men named John Felts in Logan Co. Archibald did name a son as John in his will. I doubt that this first John I describe was his son; it seems more probable, based on the tax rolls, that Archibald's John was some younger.

A John Felts first appeared in Logan Co on the 1816 tax rolls. He had property on the Muddy River. He started with 50 acres but by 1823 is listed with 323 acres. In 1822 when the county tax collector also counted children between the ages of 4 and 14, John stated he had 5 children between those ages. In 1828, he was listed as John Felts, Sr and in the following year, two men named John Felts were listed - this one on Muddy River and also a John Felts on the Gasper with 200 acres [this John's land was entered by Isaac Meeks and appears to be a parcel originally taxed to Archibald Felts who by now was deceased.] John does not seem to appear after the 1837 tax rolls and was not on the 1840 Census. In 1839, a James H. and George W. Felts were both listed with 100 acres each on the Muddy River. It is quite possible these men were sons of this John.

1820 Census. Logan Co, KY
John Felts: 3m -10, 1m 10-16, no males 16-18, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45, 1m +45
1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f +45

1 Mar 1824 A John Felts, along with Morgan L. Barnett, were Executors of the estate of Simmons Greenberry. The Appraisal and sale was held on this date. WB C, p.52-54

28 Mar 1827 John Felts was one of the Commissioners to settle the estate of Elisha Collins with his Administrator, Edward Ely. WB C, p.350

2 Nov 1827 John Felts was one of the Commissioners to settle the estate of John Edwards with his Administrator Laurance Ely. WB D, p.35

1830 Census.
John Felts in Logan Co: 2m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 40-50 [b. 1780-1790]
1f 15-20, 1f 20-30, 1f 40-50

In 1839 after John Felts no longer appears on the Logan Co tax rolls, there is a James H. Felts and a George W. Felts, each with 100 acres on the Muddy River. I suspect they are sons of this older John Felts. They both appear in the 1850 census - George as age 40, born TN and James H. as age 43, born North Carolina. There was also a Joshua Felts living in Logan Co - in 1850, he was age 35, born Kentucky [which is about the time, this older John showed up in the Logan Co records]. Joshua married Nancy Wood - one of the tax entries for John Felts states that part of his land was entered by a man named Wood.

I think it likely that the John Felts who was the son named In Archibald Felts' will is John Felts who first appears on the tax rolls in 1823. He had only a horse to declare. In 1826, a John K. Felts declared the 800 acres in Logan Co and 200 acres in Butler Co that had previously been declared by the widow of Archibald, Mary Felts - she didn't declare any tax that year although she did in the years previously and afterwards. In 1829, John Felts had 200 acres on the Gasper River and in 1830 and 1831, the tax list shows this land was entered by I. Meek and it appears this was a tract that had belonged to Archibald Felts. He is listed once as John K. Felts, and once simply as John Felts. In 1833, John K. Felts did not declare any land. In 1834, John K. Felts declared 120 acres in Butler Co on Muddy Creek - Archibald had owned a tract in Butler Co but it's watercourse was given as Motes Creek. This is the last year he is found on the tax rolls, so perhaps he moved to Butler Co - but I did not find him in the census there in 1840.

There is a marriage record in Logan Co for a John Felts to Jane Barker, 31 Nov 1839.

One of the Felts was a Baptist minister. Unfortunately the following states no members of his family. I did find a database online that had a JAMES Henry Felts, born in 1806, as a son of John Felts, son of Archibald but the database contained many errors. The same database suggested that John, son of Archibald, was much older and had married Elizabeth Lewis, 23 Jul 1796 in Logan Co - but the Logan Co Marriage book does not have such a marriage. This John who married Elizabeth Lewis had a son John N. Felts, b. 1818.
A History of Kentucky Baptists, From 1769 to 1885, by J. H. Spencer, 1886,
Reprinted by Church History and Archives, 1976, Lafayette, TN. Gasper
River Association. Logan County.
J. H. FELTS was one of the best pastors in Gasper River Association. He
was born in Logan Co., Dec. 1, 1806. At about the age of 24, he united
with the Center church, and was set apart to the ministry, some two or
three years later. In 1837, he accepted a call to the care of Antioch
church, in Todd county, where he continued to serve till 1853. During
this period, the church increased from 40 to 76 members. With the
exception of the year 1857, he was pastor of Rock Spring church, from
1845, till 1871. This body was also prosperous, and grew up, under his
ministry, from 42 to 108 members. He was pastor of Center church, in
1842, and in 1862, but how much of the intervening period he served that
congregation, does not appear. He also served Sandy Creek, Stony Point,
and, perhaps, other churches, for longer or shorter periods. He was not
what is denominated a brilliant preacher; but he possessed a clear
knowledge of Bible doctrine, was steadfast in the faith, and was a good,
practical religious teacher. In addition to these qualities, and more
valuable than they all, he lived a godly life, and bequeathed to his
survivors a spotless christian character. He died of pneumonia, April 1,


BirthBy 1802


FatherArchibald Felts (1758 - 1825)
MotherMary Weldon Baugh ( - )
SiblingSarah W. "Sally" Felts (1785 - )
SiblingMary "Polly" Felts ( - )
SiblingMartha A. Elizabeth "Betsy" Felts ( - )
SiblingWilliam Felts (1792 - 1834)
SiblingSamuel Felts (1796 - )
SiblingCharles Felts ( - )
SiblingNathaniel W. Felts (1804 - )
SiblingJames A. Felts (1808 - 1840)
SiblingArchibald Felts (1810 - 1840)