Individual Details

JOHN Critcher

(3 Oct 1682 - Bef 25 Jul 1749)

Named in a guardianship order, 31 Mar 1697, Westmoreland Co VA. Selected his own guardian in June 1700.
23 Oct 1703 - sold land in Richmond Co, VA.

1707/8 Elizabeth Baggs, servant to John Critcher of Cople Parish, was presented for having a bastard child.
Westmoreland County, Virginia: Marriage References and Family Relationships, 1653-1800 by F. Edward Wright, Colonial Roots; Millsboro, DE; 2014; p.11; from Westmoreland Order Book, 1705-1721, John Frederick Dorman, p.11.

Named in several actions concerning his father's estate in Westmoreland. Sold land there 10 Oct 1711.

1715. Alice Maylee bound out her son John, b. 1709, to John Critcher. On 25 Oct 1704, Alice had been convicted of fornication and ordered to be punished by law.
Westmoreland County, Virginia: Marriage References and Family Relationships, 1653-1800 by F. Edward Wright, Colonial Roots; Millsboro, DE; 2014; p.139; from Westmoreland Order Book, 1698-1705, John Frederick Dorman; Westmoreland Deeds & Wills, Book 5, p.509-10

Richmond Co, VA DB 7, p.458-459
1 Dec 1719. John Crutcher of Westmoreland County, Planter, to Thomas Taylor of Richmond County, Planter. For 60#'s sells all tha tract in North Farnham Parish in Richmond Co. Bounded by ...line of Capt George Hale; Thomas Tylor's land, his line; back line of Williamson's Patent. 358 acres. Deed granted John Crutcher, 17 Jun 1719 by Edmund Jennings, Esqr, agent and attorney of the right honourable Catherine Lady Fairfax, sole proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia which lnad escheated to the Proprietor by the death of Samll. Coghill who without heirs was possessed of a patent granted to him 20 Feb 1662. John (his I mark) Crutcher
Wit: Samll. Pound, John Conger, John Pearce
Court, Richmond County 2 Dec 1719. John Crutcher acknowledged.

Westmoreland County, VA: Court Orders 1726-1729, Amanda Gonzalez, Colonial Roots, 2013.
29 Mar 1727. Westmoreland County Court.
Will of Sarah Carr presented by Ann Carr, her daughter and Executor; proved by oath of William Lane. Admitted to record, probate granted. John Crutcher, Thomas Buttler, Richard Coleman, William Tyney, or any three to value & aprraise the estate of Sarah Carr, dec'd and report at next court.
27 Mar 1729
John Crutcher on jury. Daniel Hornby vs. Henry Asbury for debt. Asbury found guilty and ordered to pay debt and costs.
John Crutcher on jury. Geo. White vs. Jos. Sanford, trespass. Found for Sanford - the suit to be dismissed and the defendant to recover his costs.
John Crutcher on jury. Daniel Hornby vs. Henry Lee for debt. Plaintiff to recover his debt; Lee charged with costs.
Archbl'd Johnston vs. John Crutcher. Trespass, damages of 2000£ tobacco - agreed dismissed.

Westmoreland County, VA: Court Orders 1729-1731, Amanda Gonzalez, Colonial Roots, 2013.
p. 6
27 Aug 1729
John Crutcher on jury. Abraham Blagg and wife Elizabeth vs. Wiliam White for assaulting the body of Elizabeth and beating and wounding her to the amount of 50£ damages. The jury found for the plaintiff 20£ damages. Edward Barradell, attorney for Deft moved for stay of judgment and the cause continued till next Court.
26 Nov 1729
Named to Grand Jury: John Crutcher
27 Nov 1729
John Crutcher on jury. George Turbervile, Gent. vs. Joseph Woodward, trespass. Jury found for Turberville, 10£ damages with cost of the suit & attorney's fee.
John Crutcher on jury. John Taylor, merchant vs. John Jewell for debt. Jury found for Taylor plus costs.
27 Oct 1731
Ordered that the County Sheriff summon John Critcher of Cople Parish to appear at the next Court to answer an information exhibited to this Court against him, on behalf of the King, for his the sd. John's toping (topping - removal of flowers), weeding, tending, & cutting down divers seconds and slips of tobacco, contrary to law. Note - this is just one of several suits against men of the County.

6 May 1733. Purchased land in Prince William Co and named as a neighbor in a deed, 17 Dec 1740 in Prince William.

27 Mar 1749 Will written, Westmoreland.
CRITCHER, JOHN 27 March 1749; 25 July 1749
Son John, land and 2 slaves; son Richard £30; dau Anne McClave, 1 negro; dau. Mary Critcher, 1 negro; son Thomas 3 negroes and land in Fairfax Co; dau Jean Critcher, 3 slaves; dau Eleanor Coleman, 2 negroes.
Wills of Westmoreland County, Virginia, 1654-1800, by Augusta B. Fothergill, GPC, 1973, p.126


Birth3 Oct 1682North Farmham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia
MarriageAft 1711Westmoreland County Virginia - ANNE Benger
DeathBef 25 Jul 1749Westmoreland County Virginia


SpouseANNE Benger (1690 - 1749)
ChildEleanor Critcher (1714 - 1749)
ChildJadwin Critcher (1715 - 1749)
ChildJohn Critcher (1716 - 1768)
ChildAnne Critcher (1717 - 1757)
ChildRichard Critcher (1720 - 1758)
ChildMary Critcher (1729 - 1749)
ChildJean Critcher (1731 - )
ChildTHOMAS Critcher (1734 - 1778)
FatherJOHN Critcher (1656 - 1693)
MotherJane Jadwin (1662 - 1693)
SiblingJane Critcher (1686 - 1705)
SiblingCicely Critcher (1692 - )